HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-16, Page 8y-. T Soh' mid dungannen news Dungtnnon UW hear about schools in New Gurnee ! Arltnd* Sentinel, Wednesday, Novembet 16, 1983—page 8 fly Mole Pali Mt. and Mts. pied Stifling and family of thatnesville visited betty's tnatltet, tlsie ltvin alt the weekend. Mt. and Mts. Jim tttingtan attended the foetal at Mt. bavid Mattin at l ifthettet art pada . the late Mt. Martin, tathet at §het min Matiin; tatmetly at M. Helots, nm* of Sttattatd, *mild have tearhed his Oth t itthday an hlavemh►et there rete mite tat+les at told§ at the settiats @Witte patty held last Wednesday everting: sti h men *as Mtrtgatet s✓tttngtah (�vltita tat, law man *as fled Bharat§. thele *as' thtee *gy tie tat ladies high state itet*eeh 11a Pollock, bk# Pea tSeth aid Wendy §lithoid *slit 11a *inning the dhow. Low lady *a§ §happy t'ore11. Dungannon Untied t tttrsth Mt. hobetts §edict on a question at .iesu§ that snake§ tis feel uhtotnfattablt; bo You suppose that 1 have rause to give oeitt min tatthl No. 1 have omit to give &Asio :. the thou sang the anther, Men of slattern, *filth i§ a Welsh national hymn. buhgannah's halt Supper lets! Sunday evening rats a surras§ with ail tirktt§ said. `thanks to lite geneto§10 and pattana at the§e *tit/tame, a grind §tins *ass leaked tot the *otk at the rhutth. Dungtuntoti fl:tlW ftuhgannah OEt.W. held tit*it Noveibet meeting in the thutrh basement alt guhday evening at y bedotk.. the pte§idaht, Nara Sattndets opened the toeeting and tend pati. Maty !fate told about het lti i to Attsttalia and Papua, New btithea his snthttiet and showed slides of vatiatts pouts at the rattntty Witt at the §that *heft fret sort -its -law teethes. sutra the ladies seat sthoot supplies with Maty tat the §tial, they *eta interested to heart haw they rete tereived and to see the slides of the school and the young people *ha attend. Sr oil is heithet ttee hat ratttphisaty. genre the srhaal budget is vett' small and most patents ate stilisistente fatmet§, with yeti/ little rat§h, the genal has to make da with vety little equipment,.. samething like out; §tidal§ eighty yeah§ agar 'they were delighted to gat the supplies Maty htaught aid anything site is given she sends bad to Papua, Nor buinea to pay tot tutth& eduratiah tat aha at the students, voila studying to ptepate tat agtituttutal college. Aftet the slides the ladies had an earhange of gifts and found alit who theit genet V trend fot Md had been. Whey dtew names tot sextet friends fat i984. Lunch was setved and a social tithe was enjoyed. "he 1.i.t.W. members had a short business meeting. the Wilting Watkets and all ladies will be invited to the beoentbet itettng. tImrgamren W.I. the Navetttbet meeting of the bungatittati *hetes institute vva§ field tuesday eveh- itt , Novembet g at the flame at Aima s1lark. President W inhifted wetrothed 14 membats and two visitots. hessie MoN*e tit a tandia aid oandurt*d air impressive setvira ih mamoty at tto§sie 'filth to page fga Lucknow senkngs support Wingham day centre program... ihrum dt the htme, iitiwing vvilit people *hate they tato elleitange Oen, tdffent tal mtit4eels mid keep !it`ll minds itert she says: And site teams if uigs 16019: Matry of tet Mends have fat asked an the emits she hits made at the tentfe: he flaked€* Miff many settidt§ *mild time tit than the .pfagtwth it they *miaid omit' aortia !o the tetitfe !a see tar' thetrtseiaes: It'tie illy ant helps yotr tdtge1 want fit&tdet,as, she soya: it keep you ite ae tend Met And slatyinng, active has *eft tier grog ati the yew* si<ttee fief an,#itttian.1Yoitrg things tat time*: And she doesn't idle to ask tat w tide: Often peal* *let say, Okihtc net and it pick you tip., They oath 18 cow NM gel you hint then *trE'w the time cam thew '! phone trntl say they arse tarrririg td dude yea: Woo *wit fat yaw tN prfranr wnd NA. W§ past different odor OW have td p dw& gnd aft swys. Mattis+ MatMillarh and Miidted ltvvtrt hoot bath attended meetings at tett -town trod tartnity tit/6 *frirtt is Luttana*'§ *Melt titi,<ens tidh: fib*y have Mend§ *ho art* m&tnhets and they d m"t *tent td say anything to disttedil ohne atgattratian. thee! the senior titilen ttdh iw any torvh caritttat mire! alt ter* needs at its §thiols. §hath think it is tgtrta§tir lirgt the day tallow varus tame and drive §email§ to *Ingham. Pedpie ate ttiendty at tate tetra* gird ffi slwtt etrtahtgges people td ntiilie. 1vety- h&dy tmednre§ Mends. Tttre &nit lel on sit err g carnet by ybtrttelt. 'V&n get t dse to tie,* and ydw moss ttr&ii rathpatfra�rt§ helvveen sessions gt the bay tetttte: they Datil arggttee (Ito raw't get bird aE§ ninth ars !trey vvadld litre gird they don't kite 18 *aft*, est riatity art logit. Swine. at the village yaringsrtets ante ndt very rawsidetarte dl sooiw+g walking atdhe art ttrgirt. hath believe the pnagtath i§ ratttilvhiie and rant Litton&* tauhoii to snppott the �ay tattoo. t arhtty Mttattane i§ g vdidnl&et duvet fat the Bary tehlte and sire pattiripates itr the ptagtaar bot the days she drives. aha sees *slit the atagtatth has dame feet eople. fib* that awe day ode g reek oath thattied rdtipte§ onset tdgelhet. ti Vieget bw each &diet§ #tows *hen they ate lrathehatind. etre has §e&n *Oram ar dittetenre the ptagtatth hats made itr people § divas. it she didn't tithe a cat, tatitty daesw't Ora* wifia1 it *adid rte lure hat td he aide td gef gird gee *hen yid *arirt. §he hotels i tiete§tiwg people at the lanae and aft shame something ter rdrrtinoti. t'idtente Viriret§ ha* peen tivrnrg IAA/tow far sis year!§ since het finshand's dearth. Living afore ran he ldnely. She errydy§ fire ptagtgm art the tidy terrlte heed tse if gives flet something to da. She tikes the etetti§es and north§ ghee i$ isititetesttittg to sea wham dthet people rami da. She a000000nsa ttre tiaoh meal, bttarrsa cooking tot one pet§ah mitt the Littre doesn't make mealtime tad intetestmg, awd marry time§ she Rost doesn't feel tike rddking. the dde *'t drive and she agtees theta is a big ditfetente in askitrg tot a tide and irdavvtng sdmedhe i§ rafting 18 pporrk yotttrp Sire teats the toss et itidepehdanre should sire have to ga td a htitsiirg tratrr¢. llamas *faith lives with fret dadghtet's tatirrily. heel she enjoys the rompaiinatiship at the Baty tetrtte. 'Metes lets of company al flame, §ere says, heel it isn't the same as getting art volar treoirlt }Wilt dwtr age. A hdtsing home isn't tire tight plate tot at ydha vvhd rarer he hp and artonod. Nee you raw t get blot of hid at gee bYrf, tnaryhe tlratr.. . Sine Ad *dike§ fhart evetyhody nri§r§e§ yid at the tray terrtte it ydd tato'/ edit* tar the da'y. the bars Mends a1 the terrtre. Does your d rve a Gourmet d.light? 1611" dbiy .s 5,,t'E,' love rt rg'cr t/ anti hl6at'y fiaVn10' y6v scirva its .n avert' 101w10) is tSt W r1 1 ,1, eree6d Cirn.rms f co'ty ty.nndr i,+rg r,.r�Uc�t T / sryfr r,rr , r ; hvti'r1',6rtaty bataNCA i• rA g+va irre y ararytK,nq r narMK ?Cr' 4664 V6vti0', aNry 511156,rt1 ✓rtattty V" i"eryr,e tir»na++v dittavoteo ,Kb t~+,rrtlar ryar,git' Moat Atl St3N1 Vt gathttatrrN'+ .S r1+„ tt ^0^ •Ka cirrx9!,r•,n6 ptihhtV hhry,ryy', n A iwAs • ea 2" u IS VOUR DOG EATING A HOLE IN YOUR POCKET? you like fo A,rn � your mahout hamming your ef (>0s,(fi'14 l f't) w• nv oikv srsvet rrcrG wrv;cita Kennedy Puppy Power ra R6. litteknow ele v n s lueki