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Approve drainage applications
The November session of West Wawanosh
Township Council took place in the Office of
the municipal building on Tuesday morning,
November 1, 1983, MI members were in
attendance - Reeve Aitchison presided,
The minutes were adopted as printed on
motion of Councillors Todd and Brindley,
Councillor Todd indicated she would
attend the Huron County Board of Education
inaugural meeting on December 5,
Motion by Councillors Hickey. and Todd,
That the Township of West Wawanosh
hereby authorizes the building inspector to
Josue a building permit to flay Hanna for an
additon to the house,
Motion by Councillor* Hickey and Todd,
That the Township of West Wawanosh
hereby agrees that all owners assessed in
the Young's Creek Drain will be notified
prior to approval of any proposed repair on
the drain in future,
Motion by Councillors Brindley and Todd,
That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby
authorized to apply to the Ministry of
Transportation and Communications for
payment of the interim subsidy on 1983 road
expenditures in the amount of $274,132,09,
The road accounts in the amount of
568,076,55 were ordered paid on motion of
Councillors Hickey and Todd,
Motion by Councillors Brindley and May-
nard, That applications for loans for file
drainage submitted by M, Sproul and A,
Delbergue are hereby approved by West
Wawanosh Township Council,
By-law #18,83, Rating Bydlaw for a tile
drain loan on part of lot 13, concession 5 for
$10,000,MO, was given first, second and third
reading and passed on motion of Councillors
Hickey and Brindley,
By-law #19,83, a byalaw to dedicate a road
as a highway within the Township road
system, was given first, second and third
reading and finally passed on motion of
Councillors Hickey and Todd,
Motion by Councillors Maynard and
Brindley, That the Township of West
Wawanosh strongly request the Minister of
Municipal Affair* and Housing to declare a
moratorium on the implementation of any
new method of calculating unconditional
grants until 19850 in light of the predictions
that the Township of West Wawanosh
stands to be adversely affected by the
proposal of the Hoard of Directors of the
Assoeiation of Municipalities of Ontario, and
that the said Association of Municipalities of
Ontario be requested to endorse a morator-
hin>I, and further that the Minister be
advised that this moratorium would also
provide the Province with the opportunity to
review the impact of its proposal on this
Township and many mote municipalities in
the Province which are similarly affected,
The general accounts in the amount of
5354160,15, were passed for payment on
motion of Councillors Hickey and Todd,
Kinloss township council holds
court of revision for drain
14inln** Township Council met for the
regular meeting on November 7 with Heave
Barry Johnston and all council members
The minutes of the meetings of October 3
and November 1 were adopted on motion of
councillors Gibb and McBride.
Court of revision was opened on the
Stirling Municipal train and an appeal by
Cordon Shantz, k4 1, range, 1, NW was
read and rejected on the grounds that the
appeal concerned engineer's atlawances for
land and crop damages and could not be
dealt with by the court, There being no other
appeals, court of revision was closed on the
Stetting drain,
The engineer's report on Branch °'d" of
the J. W Henderson Mdnie4pal Drain as
presented by Paragon Engineering Limited
1024 accepted and by-law 34-1 ;3 was given
1st and 2nd readings to provide for work an
the drain, Court of revision for the drain is
set for December 56,
Council passed a motion to the effect that
the TOwansfip of kintoss strongly requests
the Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing to declare a moratorium arc the
implementation of any new method of
calculating unconditional grants until 1985
as this Township is concerned about the
negative impact of the adopted proposal of
the Board of Directors of the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario and the Province of
Ontario which would result in trio much of a
decrease for one year and that any change in
the negative of present grants be phased in
at no more than 5% per year,
General mounts lot 151,219',51 and
highways accounts for 156,911,13 were
ordered paid,
On November 1 motions were passed to
accept the application for a building permit
for lot lb, concession 1 to construct an
addition to a livesuck building; to instruct
the clerk that the Township has no abjeriian
too the proposed repair to the Y aake
Municipal foram; that the application of
Albert Colwell for a the drain loan be
accepted for 111,14:00.09 for lot .8 and 9' Mange
1 5N1; that the agency c orcalation lost for the
application by keg, Powell to amend by-law
7-1981 for lots 37-40 and 9'-12 req. plan 231
be adopted, and anally that the road
superintendent he onstr1cted to advertise for
snow/Mowing at the 'township haste site and
at Washington streets east of LdckiNow.
Lucknow council briefs
Dietitos 1984 hexed ?mom
Council discussed the t0g4 too& program
with the village'4 engineer at their d4exeenov-
Dyer raveeting,
Village engineer Buns Revg4s , , ed
e5timaate5 for the construction e1 roods
requiring work in the village. Among the
roads Gusted for reconstruction, Gough from
( ram to Havel tk; Rose from bomtraovv tov
9larveloc k ; Canning from Mace to Clyde and
forth Delhi were corvsidereet1 as the top
priorities; for the 19M program.
CouriciN will deetde which roads, arum he
consirr, ted 19M and sbvhmit their
eVecvaic*vry to the engineer so the the prepara-
tory woeli can he dome during the wiVi,t'er
MOVirgE14 and tenden can he let in the early
Owns told couned eve from the 4tandl-
o'8 the preset/0 p ►ogaa m according to
arse mud Me facet 01mt paw e1 the work i4
Ores* finished, Goaoagiso and Canning areae
tip p>,acdaict're4.
IlfhtEntry Appirosnall
Paul Ross of the Ministry of Housing
notified 1.ucknoow. Village Conned that
a P , owil) 0112i4 lyeen granted to the village's
efforts to estalitisly a special ply area oro
!Eve ofteciaD 4ecevetidaMy ON*.
Ohms* Iffeenletwaftil Csr t
lean Whhttvy, esodervt of the 11.06know
l ostrrct HmrtkatooraD ,ocittst rn et cavtha
tatekevcvarr Village Cocvnocvl aat Mt.* roe verOree
meeting to ch4cu45 the hiceiotei rn 't gratnatss
whic lo are heirvg scvarded to or voryinorion4 for
the purpose of funding a proj ct mI
valrite of the prowiwcey's nom m sitettrtida,y i>n
D M.
M>9s. Whithy said the 506ety Mid eh?scrry-
Sed1 a,everaD peojecis and c veKe t1/4V erect Al
ptWeVe td ekaoo>i+ the llti4tory of thae wafter
xvOrts pm?* ono Caaret0ell 54freet.
Mrs. W hiethiv vavifil (> tai 1' i 11c'1rniat'ioln as to
Prow to arpiOyi $evr dile graasvt and hoov rr ehha
- 4 avairl)o& . Cooriacill so/pperted Ore
plans 00 the iet}r thhi?4 projlect.
L.ekuew Sondes', Wednesday, November 16, 1981 ..Page 4
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