HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-16, Page 2news Lne1c go' v Seintinel, Wednesday, November 16, 190—Page 2 Day Collie wogitsin itteltitieg teen of tgl ottleise etatk Lucknow seniors enjoy The Luetneivce rre§kfelvt§ attend the gofooratti t the Wiityglotto AM Ate* e i the oo i iwrid ve the prow smi MO to) t aefve sand ailtsrA., the tervtfe gorremife§ transpoifttiort far tther& to) -e Wt f as day sal 1 y do) > *Ave to) afA so R, d• :.. t d `4e til of este *env C6ntntall to) shirt thtehr s! 'cabins'' f►rogfrrar Inst atmtlff tta#,tr col as of &miaYwv' swoon' provrams. far Ali other. age grows int thou 'The Ceti 'e i irriporttarnt to senior dikiizereS ifo litteoxi Stearn'se ti 'se people acre ea sti* &1 living eti) their awiv ihnf their Does WO dory' feetdrike tfar petrtaafaar„tif tta get owe fit a day.. There 444 even a hK coming in& tiocAkh o* anymore. And there is a Si* ditiferettee tietweeni lkriaowing the bay Centre 14 vhf coming tta pielk yaw rip) and phoning t'a aslk someone to dlrive yaw fa an, activity. I"f If time ff phbriae• anidi ask someone fa drive me to a naffing of the Tow* acid Country C166), li wo,k4d rather say at homer. mtany of they* sr y. Thaere is a reliiacfatire std phone and ask for a rite event if if has, i een Offered. Id's just dittliefettr when yaw hnve to aislk. oitbWtiiig a rriletitig of tniclknoo, v ill ge ContiritV, arllere a delegafion ffroinJ the Centre received a coon reception, froth otlkriow Cawatiii.. when they requested tL trrlknow support the program., hecause arise -quarter of tore orretitivosnft five itv Ii nolo tis a Setiinaell reporter interviewed sew- erAl off the. l , krio+to fesitkri is vvliu) attend the bay Centre prowara and the veltirrineer &Iv- an kerb CiticlinatO Wfto drive our resideiitr4 tO the bay Centre each, geek. *arty liarir9, a voinviteer driver far the bay Centre, is f yearn old and drives LI utitriow fesidents in, the. If.My Centre each week. tkery chinks tit ttrlknow (otiiiril could supporta worse things than the ray Centre for the fillartiehourid. Iffe looks forward tib coining cath week. Ile sentries, he dries to the Centore just need L.9 transportation.. he says. They are e.. l viftiig ark I. Tlia>s� pfowtivni gets them ant with peoplle. their ch'V at age.. says 14tafey. ft's at twonderf l afikarrge fear wa t king tellevision Alli day. This staff its creel and the. pragraM is a gteat mit foftitVe. The. pirog srni is infotitad- 6*6 and interesting 144trsi ig Manses ate pyres for pe a e Who can't iyititers an t iae1r awry. sat s Woufid Wart* while flea tae &leathers Delegation receives cool reception tion •frori page 1 In the middle of the discussion Reeve George .loyttt interrupted to ask otre member of the delegation, Pat Rachis, deputy -reeve of Winghatn, about "the trouble she has been having with councillors Crump and Currie' ` who sit on Winghanr Towtt Council. lbepttty-reeve l oldie politely told Reeve .foynt that the people supported het in'i'tiatives on behalf of patents who want day care for their children and the senior citizens who ate entitled to have programs for their needs and that she had no problems dealing With etthet Currie or Chimp. #ail1i'e iittpiied that the cuttent conflict Ott Wingham Town Council to which peeve .loynf vvas tefetting had no bearing on the bay Centre delegation s presentation to Luck now coun- cil. 1n the middle of the d'elegation's discus- si'an With council. Reeve J'oynf stood up and thanked the delegation for appearing before cou'1ncii, bringing their presentation to an ahrupl end. dfrtet the del'egati'on left the council rl'rarnbets, Corrntitlor Russel Whitby held Up the ftriaencial statement of the fray Centre wl'tich the delegation had presented to coirtt+cit for their perusal. 14e painted to the salary paid to the two ditectbrs and the part time staff member at the Centre and remarked that as soon as he had seen the sum paid to the staff ''that Was enough for me indi'cat'ing he had rto itttentioi of Supporting a motif tt to gram money to the Centre. Cot tacit did not make a derision regarding the gtant because they are plafinirtg to convert the basement of the Town Call for a senior ci'tizen's drop in centre. They plan td talk With seniors in tucknbw who used the bay Centre and learn whether they would be interested in a seniors drop in centre in i! oelinova. y centre pro of f.ti"tknow coufriaciii to come to the bay Centre and see what fakes place and talk *ittr the people Woho use the bay Centre, ill they Wanad cariiae- and that s a lig 1t, adds ft r+ry. Seniors i'n, l? tieknt>iw are the largest proportion of the Mao poptiF1 ton &ad their programs deserve support too," ficarry points aut. There Wai�1 rti k of a tart time f acknabsw if their seniat' cif,terts at is a Day Centre fog the Home ift has an) unusual name. The Wirigliate and ikrea tosv Centre Am) the ffi`fanietioniid. , well as heft unusual) the name is also lengtliy. lay Came Centres acre Coulton Peoffessiformi care for pre-school' and sensual age• childeen, is pooviadledi for childi+etii in a program) whiachf provides stirnul ng learn- ing and social' eeperiences of at day care cent're'. Rt a day Centre providing a program) for setiiOr ciftfrens i'S not a faF'rtiiliaa pr grain ea many people. Tors Wiii*a n and iQrea lay Centre is more than a seniors* soCI cllrb. The purpose oft the program is not' provide a social!. recreational centre for se'nior's in, the distriact? covered by W'iiigliam and bistriet hospital including seniors its both Doti and lucre counties. The program enables the iiidividiraai tib remain, living independ- ently ion their own horde or guest home. The purpose oft the program is tib provide this sripport setwiee as aril ait6rriative to institutional care. The trend iri health rare th day is to provide support services to allow setiirrt{s tb remain in rlieir homes rattier than entering institutions where they roust give up their independence_ The cost to the tvrpayer rs cotssiderably red'ured ie a senior cititeen cars remain in his or her hone rather than entering an insti- tution such as a hospitii or nursing home. The bay Centre is a lion profit charitahle organivation, paettally funded by the province oft O4itatir). The Centre's board of directors is responsible for raising 56 per rens of the Centre's budget and the seniors attending the program pay a daily user fee. Trhe Town of VV'"ingtiam provides free use of the iacilitres iri rice V9'irigyarii Armouries for the Centre. Grants have been received from gluten County Council. T4ew Pliorivons. 3,4 well as conirt1trviit'y and private donations and local fund raising stxach ars the bay Centre s annual craft sale. The major difference between this program and a senior citizens' club. stih as the Town and Country Club is that the maje'it r o4 people who conte to the Centre are hotiiebound by reason of age. no access NO transportation. disability or need assi^st'atiee of another person to leave their homes. A veru efficient volunteer driving system operates. driving patticipa°tits tb avid frern the Centire. 1wrogram activities inctude exercise sessions. sing songs. recreational grates. crafts. horticulture. short day trips. films. guest speakers. foot clinics. community services. current news discussions. coun- selling assistance with housing, pensions. ,government dealings and a full course noon meal is served each day. ram withdrew their tax nmdney from the village coffers. Olive Make of )5 utksiow is partially handl- e . s n - shire a stroke several years ago. gut wi the assistaatttre of hoose care she has bee* atm fo Manage au her awry in her apaFrtrirettt. She attends the bay Centre and looks foto-wed fa the program carat week. She thinks if is wonderful than the volunteer dt wets vvi44 Corrie to elle dams fa assist her td the carr and drive hen to the Centre. She can't attend many everit4 tieearise arcess to public buildings is riot allays easy because of the steps. She enjoys the variety of activifres at the Centre. While sortie people enjoy playing cards all afternoon. she prefers to da a variety of things. She believes the seniors who attend the program are fortunate in the leaders who are trained counseilors. The leaders help them regain their confidence and encourage them to participate. Olive doesn't get out very often arid relies on friends to caul or visit The lay Centre provides her with a day fa meet interesting people and renew acquaintances with people she met while in hospital following her fitness. She wonders if members of Lucknow council are confused about ail the various programs available for senior's- home care. chronic care. homebound care. and can't distinguish among them. Edythe MacKenzie's ieg was amputated 1 years ago. Spry on crutches. she was indignant *hen she was told that some members of Locknow Village Council believe senior citizens who can't manage on their own should be in nursing homes. 1 dvthe really enjoys the Day Centre for the homebound. She likes the people. the Vidal aspect of getting together with others. the surprise meal for lunch. the exercises. bus trips and the crafts. The day out at the Centre gets seniors out T to page g�