HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-11-02, Page 17Ladino* Sentinel, Wednesday, November 2, 19$3—Page 17
NOTICE OF APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal
Board by the Corporation of the Township of
Kinloss for approval of a By -Law to regulate
land use passed pursuant to Section 39 of The
Planning Act.
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township
of Kinloss, intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board
pursuant to the provigione of Section 39 of 't1O Planning Act
for approval of By -Law 14o. 6-1982 passed on the 19th day of
April, 1902. A copy of the by -Law is furnished herewith and a
note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the
By -Law and stating the lands affected thereby ig $100 1irniahed
ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within twenty-one (21) days 'after the
data of thig notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the
Clark of the Township of Kinloss notice of objection to approval
of the said by -Law or part thereof giving details of all or the
portion of the by-Law,to which you object and reasons therefor,
and shall indicate that if a hearing is held the objector or agent
will attend at the hearing to support the abjection.
ANY PERSON, wishing to Support the application for approval of
this By -Law may within twenty-one (21) days after the date of
this notice eland by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of
the Township of Kinloss notice of his support of approval of
the said By -Law together with a request'for notice of any heating
that may be held giving the name and address to which such notice
should be given.
TUE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOAR may approve of the said By -Law but
before doing eo it may appoint a time and place when any
objection to the by -Law will bee.conaidered. notice of any
hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have
filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with
or delivered to the Cleric, undersigned, the address to which notice
of hearing is to be gent and, similarly, to any person who has
filed • request for a change in the provisions of the by -Law.
THE LAST DAY ?OR ?1L1Hb ofultC'T10'difi WILL HE NdNeYY dr 21 L., 983
CATER AT THE TOWNSHIP or K10.005 TH1S October 26j 1943
Prank Hawthorne
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MitSTP1CTED AMA 0Y -LAW 00. 6-1982 of TUI
CditPoRAT1 Oil 0i' TIM 1040411M1P 0'i' ktl fil.A'95
bye -Law No. 6-1982 was passed by the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the Tranship of 1Gin1o9s on April 19, 1962. It
amends the Township's Comprehensive Restricted Area By -Law
Ho. 7-1981 which wase passed by Council on February 16, 1681 and
circulated to affected landowiers during April and May of 1961,
effect of By -Law no, 6-1982 is as follows:
(a) those lands identified of Schedule "A", "R" aid
"C" of By -Loa dao. 6-1962 would be re -zoning from,
'A2' Restricted Agricultural to 'Al' General
Agricultural, The 'Al' Zone would permit the
range of agricultural a e9 permitted by the 'AZ'
Zone, in addition to intensive agricultural uses
and liquid manure storage facilities,
tb) those lands ide+nt i f ieed on Schedule "D" would be
re -zoned from, 'EP' Environmental 146te0lon, 1T
Planned Development end 'MI' General Open Space
to 'C5' 1raveel Trailer Park and Commercial Campground,
?roiis>iohs redacting to the 'C4' Zones at sonttasined
within the text of Ry -Law Wo, 6-1962,
te) those hands identified on Schedule *V"' w old be
res -zoned from '1' Institutional and 'RI' Detached
R4sidentiaal to 'CP Hamlet Commercial, The 'C2'
Zone would permit certain commercial uses,
td) the provisions flet, govern biw lding heights within
the '0S1' General Open Bracer areal 'Ek' Environmental
Protection Zones would be amended to reefer to
*maximum height",
tee) the refefenWe to 'Municipal Arterial Road" would be
deleted from the provisions that govearh Polo_ PlOt-
Of-Way( Setbacks and Sights Nisibitlity Triangles,
91hie lamas subject Co re -zoning are located i>Z the Township of
Kinloss and are shown in more detai ll• on, the attached Schedules
"A", "D" and "I'", The textual a amee!Yndrtte?trts contained
within By -Law 0o, 6-14'82 fie, items (d) and(c*) of the Lxplarnatory
gate) apply to the whole of the Township- of only to ceirtain Zones.
Corporation of the Township of Zinloss
�y-law rte, -12
A Vy- law to aa11ertol - l aur Nei . 7-1(341, as amended, the i n.7 the
R'eestric'ted hetear 8y -1a%# 8ov the Township of Kinloss.
Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Mown.: -hip n4
ginloss deems it advisable to amend its said Restricted AIPA
Ry -law in order to restrict the use of land and "he use and
erection- of bulldirgs and structures on lands within the
Township of aintoss.
And whereas authority is /ranted ,ender Section 34 of The
Planning Act, R':5,6: 1)15, Chapter 174 as amended to the
Cownicii1 at! the Township of Kinloss to exercise such powers
Oew therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township
of t' 1 n• 1 os s eteetettM it adv i s•aar 1 e to amend its lee s t r i c t ed Arta,
Ry -law as hereinafter previa:
That Schedule ''P4' be amender in accordance wit", Schedules
k., g, C, t), and S, attached hereto anon' forming part of this
AY -hair,
2, That section 22.3 (a) be amended by adding the word
"Maximum" before the word "Height" so that subsection
reads as follows:
(a) Maximum Height - 4 metres (13 feet)
3. That section 24,3 (a) be amended by adding the word
"Maximum" before the word "Height" so that the subsection
reads as follows:
(a) Maximum Height - 3 metres (10 feet)
4. That sections 6,18,3 and 6.18,3 (a) be amended by deleting
the reference to "Municipal Arterial Road" so that the
section reads as follows$
6,18.3 At Street intersections with County or Provincial
(a), In all zones, on a corner lot having frontage
an a County at Provincial Road, no building
or structure shall be erected and no vehicle
shall be parked in such a manner as to Materi-
ally impede vision above a height of 0.5 metres
(20 inches) above the centre line grade of the
intersecting streets' in the triangular area
bounded by the street lines of the cornet lot
and a line from the points along said street
lines distant 30 metres (100 feet) from the
point of intersection of the said street lines.
(b) The provisions of this Section shall not apply
to built-up areas as defined herein, 'fauns,
Villages or Cities as defined in the Highway
traffic Act) however, the ptavisions of 5ectian
6.18.1 shall apply in these areas, For the
purposes of this Section a "built-up area" means
the terrritory contiguous to a highway ane') not
within a city, town or village where:
i) not less than 50% of the frontage on one
side of the highway, for a distance of not
less than 200 metres (660 feet) contains
separate lots and such lots ate occupied
by non-agricultural uses including non-farm
residential uses, businesses, schools or
churches) or
ii) not less than 90t of the frontage on both
sides of the highway for a distance of hot
fess than 100 Metres (130 feet) contains
separate lots and such lots are occupied
by nark -agricultural uses including non-
fatm residential uses, businesses, schools
at churches,
S, That Section 6.75 be amended by deleting the refetence to
"Municipal Arterial Road' so that the section reads as
6,25 County or Provincial Road Right -Of -way Setbacks
6,25,1 Motwithstandinq any other provisions of this
Boy -law, no persons shall hereafter, in any
(aY erect any permanent residential building
or structure closer than 30 metres (100
feet) to the centre line of any County or
Provincial Road with the exception of a
private garage built ni skids in an
Agricultural Zone, or
(b) erect any permanent non-residential
building or structure including a mill,
grain elevator or canning factory closer
than 45 metres (150 feet) to the centre
line of any County or Provincial Road, or
(c) erect any permanent building or structure
of use any land for purposes of a gravel
pit of salvage yard closer than 45 metres
(150 feet) to the limit of any County 01
Provincial Road,
6,25,2 Subsection 6.75.1 shall not apply to prevent
the erection of a building or structure
between two existing buildings not More than
100 metres (330 feet) apart closer to any
County or Provincial Road than the average
setback from such Road of the existing building,
plus en additional 2 metres f6.6 feet), but it no
case closer then 23 metres (75 feet).
6, That Section 7.2.1 be amended by adding a Cottmercial Zone 5
(Ment and ?railer Petk and Commercial Campground) immediately
following the Commercial Zone 3 (a'tkghway Commercial) and
adding the symbol 'C5' immediately after the symbol 'C3'.
7. That the following sections be renumbered in the following
Section 17 renumbered to Section 18
Section 18 renumbered to Section 14
Section 14 renumbered ".., Section 20
Section 20 retired to Section 21
Section 21 ren snared t Serf ion 22
Sect roe 22 renumbered to Section 23
Section 23 renumbered to Section 24
Section 24 renumbered to Section 25
Se, tion 2S renumbered to Section 26
Sect ion 2t renumt,ere.J to Sect Aon 27
That the t'o11;,wiO'7 Section 17 be incorporated into the 'Ry -13w
immediately following Section 16.
Section 1 - Pr>v1 :)r for 'r Pie r, .a1 Zone 5
(Trivet :ra,ler Part and C')mmercial Cam23roundl Ci
y Perm:rte;
'Oo Oerso" s"..al 4i".t1n a -S 7or,e use any 1'>t or erect,
alter )e .ise any b'.ill1;nn or structure for any p',ir nse
except one ;r more of the °o; 1 ",win,7 ,sPs:
(e) Res lderltia1 ; se.;
- .an. ac'Psti.,ry-At.;,)
(".i) W,-:Rei14,nt:31 ')Sr
fr,ave; tr+l1 rti
.a' :?wag{•' 1 .' .i1 5•;�S`en,
t'i , 1 . 1 , . , ".1res ind ,SP
111',.,1 A Sw;mm n,..1 ,,,. ir-t?"
; � ''1 r �' ,. •' C•+ ; - i r a'. 4-,1 3 . 3,11r . '. t S ' r 1 n .. . , , 1.
red 9we11:r.a