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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-10-26, Page 22
31, Cards of thanks GUNTEK The family of the late Douglas Gunter wish to express their most sincere appreciation to their many friends, neighbours and relatives for the expressions of sympathy, cards and flowers at the time of our bereavement, Special thanks to Rev, Bauman, The Tasker Funeral Home and the Blyth United Church ladies for the lovely lunch, Special thanks to the pallbearers, -43 ARNOLD Sincere thanks for all kindnesses shown to me while a patient in hospital and since coming home, Lorraine Arnold -43x MOWBRAY Sincere thanks to every one who so kindly remembered me with prayers, visits, cards, letters, gifts and flowers during my stay in hospital, Your concern was appreciated, Special thanks to the Doctors at Lucknow Medical Centre and 2nd floor nurses at Wingham Hospital for their care, Margaret Mowbray -43* VERcfEYE We would like to express our sincerest thanks and appreciation to everyone who helped and participated with our wed ding, Also thanks for the lovely gifts, donations and best wishes which are added to make it the special day it was, Your thoughtfulness will long be remembered, Irene and mien 'erheye (nee Hasty) -431 HOIKiKINSON We would like to sincerely thank everyone who shared in the joy of the beginning of our life together. A special thanks to our Parents, members of the wedding party, Ken Wilbee's band and anyone who helped to make the day very speeial for us, Your thoughtfulness is very much lip preeiated and will never be forgotten, Keith and Barbara Hodgkinson -43x H.ANEY f fifeOI j We wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to our friends and neighbours for their many favours and expressions at sympathy in the passing of our mother and grandmother , Mrs, Elsie Haney, who passed away at Pineere*1 October 220, 19$i Thanks to those who visited with her, the Doctors at the Medical Centre and a very speeiait thanks to the staff at Pmeerest for their fine care and consideration while she was there, Doreen and Jack McGee, Dorothy and Harold Errington, Helen MacLeod -43* 32. Coming events C1SANBPRNY SOCLAL Friday, October 24, 1943, Opens at 11 a,m, Locatiam; Math Street, Latino* - Baitty McDortagh's Building, Hat cranberry Mot, turkey on a bun, ntttttit s, tarts and coffee fm $3,00, Sponsored by Lucknow Presbyterian Church, --42,43 GEM GRAND PLANO GALA Friday, Novemt t 4, 8;30 pito. Blyth Memorial Hall, Celebrate the piano's arrival and listen to jazz pianist John Roby, . Orchestra London musician , Myth Festival Singets mod move. Adults 115, children, Sit, Phone 523.034B. -42A3 AMOS BRASS Wednesday, November 2, 8 p, m+. Hlgth Memorial Hall, This acclaimed quintet mites Newfornodlated folia songs, Renals~ sane dates and PORGY AND BESS selections ov3t1 stories acrd a good dote oil humour, Tickets 98+. Ptivme 523-0360, 42,43 uoe - AL/ON GENEALOG11 A &splary of the Afton) Family 'f tee books, Brookside Public SAW. Sraatarday, October nowt 20, 10at. rev. - 5 p, rw. , roovday, Olsten er 23 and so, 1 5 p.m. Cam browse arowr►d sod tf toterested yoro curt preetearse as ---42.4t BAZAAR, TKA, AND FAKE SALE By 5. C. W. of 5t. Artdrevvs Chorocfo, 1fip1eyy, Sotovday, ©rett,8 t 2q', 2 - 4 p. . Pvery ria ooeV e. -42,43 ararrYaaaaaYMOM rasaYYraraaYaflararaaraararYararr 32. Coming events arraaYaaaYarrarYaarraarYaaYaaaaYraarrarYaaraaar HALLOWE'EN DANCE At Dungannon Agricultural Hall., Saturday, October 29, 9 - 1 a,m, Music by The Star Spinners, $3,00 person at door, Prizes, lunch, Held under authority of a spedal occasion permit, Proceeds to Agricultural Society to support Dungannon Fair, No minors, -46 ATTENTiON CURLERS Anyone interested in curling in Ripley, please call Helen Irwin, 395,5370 or Joe Klunder, 3955119 or 395-5309, Membership for 83.84, men' $70,0; women's $40,0, -43 OKAY HAG SALE By Salvation Army, October 29, 1 - 4, at Orange Hall, Edward Street, Wingham, -43 BASEMENT SALE November 4 and 5, 10- 5, Mrs, Rues button, IL # 3, Lueknow, Children's clothes, toys, men's medium site clothes, miscellaneous. -43,44 ROYAL WINTER PAIN Hy Motor Coach, Friday, November 11, Contact Holiday World, 3614701, lar FOOT CAR CLINIC A foot acre clinic will be held in Lueknow the fourth Thursday of each month, beginning October 27, 'Appointment twee', teary, Call the Bruce Public Health Unit office, 5284436, Seniors, handicapped and ° diabetics welcome, Next clinic November 24, -43 UNICEF Students from Lueknow and Kinloss Central Public Schools will be ealltng for UNICEF on Hallowe'en, --=�43x DUNGANNON SUNDAY BEEP DINNER Sunday, November 6, sittings at 5 and 4 p, m, Tickets, adults $5,00, publie shoot $2,50, presehoal free, Family 1 ekets $15,60, Por tickets contact Penny Hodge, 529,19'32 or Mrs, Bessie MeNee 529,19x66, --4344 HOL1H00D W.I.7OTH ANNIVERSARY YOU are invited by tiotyrood Women's institute to help celebrate its 70th anniver- sary on Thursday, 111 ember L at the Township Hall, 8 pito, The guest speaker will be Miss June Alton of Lueknow, --43 BLUE WATER ANGUS SALE Annaoncing Moe Waiter Amus 2gth annexal sale, 5attrrday, Octabef 29, Walkerton Agrictttturat Arena, 45 lots, breeding stock suitable far commercial or prebred herds, Catalogues avedtbte, Wm, Lee, ft # 3, Conn, NOG 1 NO, (519x1 323.454$ -043 FRANK MILLS Appearing at the Centre in the Square, Kitchener, Wednesday eyeshot, N wenrbet 2, Pot tickets, cantaet tfehday World, Winghanr, 351=2101, Tkldeting agent for the Centre, -43at OM CANVASS Money can't boy sight, but your dollars help,'. Carnvassets wi11 be calling in Ashfield a and West W aovanosh doting the nvontto of November. Ilene help! -43 L11C r 10W OUSINEWii ASSOCIATION MATING Thotsdaay, October 21, 2' p.m, all Etre' S41xgfa°rr. to discuss Ctrrislooraas trto^toroliovr acrid hoyvrs etc. Meaa make art effort to amend. -43aat LUCKNOW JAMSONEEWINDUP MGM ' 3 Saturday, deco met 20, 1 p,m. childteto and family 41.40 succi ilK.61Y family; 9 vow, gestalt showing prwrtst bac over 19 yearrsy, 0610 coo*, dame to Boyd's Orchestra. See ate poodle, Legion bbnrrr1 a d Setvice ova sided tow mod scvrsnd.----4243arr CMASs BAZAAR AND TEA Teo bvr i'vel'1 to Wftteeef orreto Camvo+vlovaty Hag Sototestsy, Novero cr 5„ 10 - 4. f issistcrvas aconites Nod dotyr ittvi4es. l roeeed9 td Wisitechiyects Co yskiwi y -4143,44 BArtAA6d The Eames ifiertaivey a the f 0A/woo and Vosreicr chltimialv Scbooli spkviwor as Kavararr ill/ she Lckekr-ioto tegiory H fl1, etcroft r P. Tear va ail be served from 2 - 4 a. cry. a-nd as hor Kam, solver Bial' 4 - 7 p.m. -42,43 Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 26, 19&3 -Page 22 raarraraaraYYraaYaaraatWYrrarrrrra.eYWrWraraYrr®r 32. Coming events Naga aaraarralaaraaarYaraYrrrYrmrrrYYWWWaWaarYrW CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALE 400 Head LUCKNOW COMMUNITY SALE Monday, October 31 1130 p,m, PHONE 32864/912 or 39543230 -38-43 Attention Farmers aromas masaraaammaas amaYrammammammaaass amassammar A. For solo YYarmrYmaaaamraaaawasaaaarawaYaaaawamasmwmmama43 MIST AND SECOND CUT HAY appro*- imately 600 bales, Call Brian Holloway after 5:3d p,m,, 395-3448, -43 EIGHT HOLSTEIN HEWERS, dose to due date, choice out of 15, Gerry Ciulehelaar, II, 11, 3, Lucknow, Phone 395-5868, -43* MANURE SPREADER, 60 bushell, p,t,o, Phone 519-395.3597, ---42,43 maammamaaaammeammammammammaimmasassammasamamama A, Custom work mmmamaamadiaammamass imammaawmammmameme iswwaaamwaw CUSTOM CORN COMBINING, Terry Dal- ton, 5294165, --42,43 CUSTOM COMBINING of corn, 30" Vows, S2S,00 per acre, Phone 524f-7469, 40.43 CUSTOM PLOUGHING, $10,011 per acre plus fuel, Phone Addie bawteon, 528-5242, -41 44* CUSTOM COMBINING, Langside Area, Phone 528,2294, --Oat CUSTOM PLOVOH1NO, Plicae Paul Blake, 529-1126, -43-41 ?b COIII IMG Fairer* er Wide hours �IYIII�IAA NELSON -41-43 S2 444q 6 p.rei. aiiidiataailiiiiihilailfea.1143WitaaiI012410.6410.04019.114MMUIMPAIMMILUMUM C. Wanted 1143114343a43a01111a.0043434343®a43ar43ao43a0a011043434343430vo43434343111111 WANTED 2 - 150 bashel gravity bo*es, 8 ton wagons, Phone 3105-5656. -431 114311114343.43434343®43434311.OOOOOOOO®4343.43434311.431143OO434311114343O.4343. D, livestock 434311®®43a43a11a.1943a4343aaaa430043434311a0434304311114311430®®43111143011 SIMMtNTAL SALE - Satrttday, October 20, 1 p, m, Wattan's Sailer Arena, i nthaatrr, Ontario. 11/4 miles west of May, 4. Sponsoted by: Ore"' Woke Sitrrmentai Curb. Selling 53 selected females, fullbloods, pure- breds, percentage, $ted and open, Preview: Friday, October 2$, 6 - 10 p,to, Four caataalogaes writes P, Hnmstead, f1. # 2, Holland centre, MOH 1110, 510.96-2467. -42,43 NEGISftf1E1Y POLLED HEBEFOkf . hick of herd. kedoteing doe to ill heatth; eoiws, w/wittrotmt calves, Bred, open heifers. Calves, three hetd sires. Aurndale Polled tfereford5, ffrinknran, Aroold, Olen Huron, (YntaaMIoa, WM 1170. (105y 466-55.11, 30 l' lfft 11Y CHANOTA15 heifers bred polled. Also Chaatolais, Clriaarrina, Rorttark, tlClcrtt.i"', Grey, 5itnrreen}ta1 acrd Limtsin bo1Ds. 1L ishetleaa Faa411v9, Harrtrstort, 1Yntati*a, Phone 519-338.2'J 2. ---40-43 GOOD StttCT10N 434 gerviceabie age ROP felted '044We, Harry, Mom ansa! erosr4- &ted bests. ADsa York * LittkilfNeel guts. Priced accordiorrg to market colisefil itows. Vista Vino Pastas Ltd., 114 l obiesson, R. li'. 4, Waaltoro, 145-2.01 -41 44 F, Far rent d..B43.f.o43vea®.�ag43.er.11a43.a X11: FAltl4 l'0 WM AWN Moitechnaotctr crtiv Highway 86. Phone 518,-10r ' 1 steer py. m. cur 5.16.66215 after 6 P'. w. ---42.43.44;45 GRAN 5101tA&P svaifaMe toclintouv. Mime 52S-3506 6 - 3. 9n' The classifieds are wall-to-wall values! aamaard,maaarraaaaarar®Yrmaammrra,araasaaararamsar E. Farm services r®WaaaaaaaairaarasWmemaeaaY.Baa,aalmmamrY„aarraaaYYY BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Narrowing Crates, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling, Contact Lloyd Johnston, 11, 3, Holyrood, phone 39§44390, Wo have all the requirements far saying Drying Storing Corn AmberIey Grain Elevators f\,ILNO. 3GOD tf LOCATED ON CORNEA OP HIGHWAY 21 AND fla 395x3300 Itivirdott of Parrish & Heltaheelier BUTLER - Bing Drive Silo Unloaders, big Jim Silo Unloaders, Volume Dell Feeders, Canvey -n -Peed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Conveyors, barn Cleaners, Oswalt tnsil= misers PAIIMATIC - Hmm lender Homer Mills, Mender Rollet ' Mi11s, Mender Mills for Oroand 111-Moistore earn, Augers, Leg Elevators . M ACORN - Cable Hatn Cleaners W ESTEEL-11tySCt; - Chain Bins - 1350 to 250,000 Inc, Balk Peed Tanks ACME - Pan -Jet Ventilation Systems HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners, !Heel Trusses B & L - Complete Hog Confinement gystems SLU1111Y- SL1f4OE11- Liquid Manure gpread- ers CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment ALSO - Eleatic Feed Carts, Straw Chop - pets, Fibre-Fannels, Ritchie Heated H44rovals, Hartel E We am Eterytkag Akno§t LOWRY Y PAMSf S LTD, MAmliettley # Id, IL 1,, Kilfca, Phone 36954286 Solvation Army Garage Sok SATURDAY, 0070 111 1Oi.S.-3FA, 292 . MANY Mae 11011LP? Put the Classifieds 1 to work for you u.ee for fast results 52I.2822