The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-08-31, Page 200. A/ community news Learn from each other with Mothercare The July meeting of Moth. ercare was held at the home of Joke Scott, R, 3 Tees. water, is the former Nursing Mothers' group. The women attending Nurs- ing Mothers decided to change the groups direction, They felt that although guide ance and support regarding breastfeeding is essential, it should extend beyond that and encompass more disco. Mon of birth, mothering and family life. As a result Mothercare was formed, The meetings are held on a monthly basis, Subjects cov- ered include pregnancy, birth, advantages of breast. feeding and overcoming dif• faculties, family life. Each evening, there is a particular topic for discussion, The meetings are led by JoAnne Kirkland who is a registered nurse and a child- birth educator, At times films are viewed and guest speakers are present but most of the support and learning comes from mothers sharing with each other, Everyone is invited to at. tend the meetings . whether you are planning your first pregnancy or have a large family, The topic for discussion of the July meeting was preg. nancy. Nutrition during pregnancy was emphasized. The importance of reading labels on purchased foods was discussed as mothers examined the contents of various breakfast cereals, Eating proper food during pregnancy, especially foods with good protein sources, is one of the best ways to ensure a healthy pregnancy with the birth of a healthy infant, At the end of the meeting Doreen Mali explained to the group how a new hand breast pump works, It is called the Kaneson pump and is quite easy to use and allows mothers to leave breast milk for their babies when they are going to be away, The August meeting . was also held at the home of Joke Scott, The topic for the even• ing was childbirth, Child. birth procedures of local hospitals was discussed, It is interesting to note how each hospital differs in its hand- ling of birth, postnatal and infant care, Early discharge from the hospital was also discussed with added service of the Home Care Program, One of the mothers attending the meeting is planning to Come home from the hospital with- in 48 hours after delivery, She will then qualify for the Home Care Program and have a nurse to visit and a homemaker to help with household duties and child care, After the meeting the mothers took the opportunity to borrow books from the library. trinity news Couple in Algonquin while visiting friend By Hefty Ritchie Dora and Stuart Alton at- tended the Ballagh and Mc- Michael wedding in Wrox- eter on Saturday. A reception was held later in Belniore, Elva and Bert Wylie of Iordwich spent Sunday with her sister Betty and Harvey Ritchie, Congratulations to Jim and Annette Ritchie who were married Friday evening in Dungannon United Church, Relatives and friends at- tended their reception later in Saltford Hall. Mr, and Mrs, Henry Lang of Waterloo spent the week- end at their summer home, John and Shirley Hunter, Jeff and Nancy, attended the wedding of Jane Phillips to Eric Ross in the Presbyterian Church in Wingham last r Now Is The Time fOq Fall Fertilizer ANO Seed Wheat 154 Le/HO' Wheat Varieties Available *Gordon•Frodrick *Favour •iranlcenmuth 'Augusta •Houser WINTER BARLEY, F'ALI. AVE AND TRITICALE ALSO AVAILABLE ON REQUEST ORDER EARLY DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED Lucknow District Co-op lockisow Photo 529-7953 weekend. Herb and Marie Wilkins visited Sunday with her sister, Nancy and George Harris of Cedar Springs, They also spent some time camping in Algonquin Park with Bob and Hefty Mole, Birth SCAMMELL - Mr. and Mrs, Terry Scammell of R. 2 Wingham, are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their son, Andrew James, weighing 6 lbs. 10 oz, He was born Thursday, August 25, 1983, at Wingham and District Hospital, Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Wes Rutter, and Mr, and Mrs, Steve Scammell of Wingham, A111tulli mat4Alt MA16414 u CAM #44 STORES Luelmow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 31, 19113—Page 20 We Carry in Stock Lead Crystal Stem & Holioware ft ArrnNtrong'N Horne Bakery will be closing MONDAY'S starting Labour Day, September 5th Hours of Business will be Tuesday to Saturday, 906p.m. We take this upportunto thank you for your patronage, and will conttn1ie to serve you with quality homemade products, Special orders Phone 528.2211 DUNCAN HINE9 T CHOCOLATE, DEVILS F000, WHITE, 020 d. Rio WHOLE MUSHROOMS 10 Dz. WEBTON dRAHAM sOUARE COOKIES 4tl0 CORY LIOUID DETERGENT 1 MTBE `ANG ORANOE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 4/02 MoCORMICK CHOC. AHIP, ZINGER SNAP, OATMEAL, 000AR A SPACE, 700 0, d. GRANNY COOKIES MEALTYME WIENER A HAMdURd tl'0 BUNS OLD EAVARIA APPLE STRUDEL HOSTESS CHIOUITA CHIPS 200 0. BANANAS SUNK °ST ORANGES 131% CAULIFLOWER OPEN SIX LAYS A WEEK I4S0 18,1 1.09 .89 1.69 2.69 1.69 1.39 .69 1.69 1.09 .99.a. .99� .79 WE DELIVER Bain's Groceteria Lurk now 528-3420