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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-08-31, Page 18
45, Atlantic nt Farmers MIN Oa* NOME Balm eszelr. ettlr. az.= 1.4Man 61M945 WARMS A. For Bale BARN FOR WRECKING, approximately 40' x 80'. Good steel roof, straight beams. $500.00 or best offer. Phone 395-5874. —33,34 C. Wanted MUM NNW WANTED TO BUY straw in the row, Mark Rohrer, 357- 2668, No Sunday calls. —35,36s D. Livestock pia NMI SERVICEABLE Yorkshire boars, R, O, P, tested and health approved, Ren Van Diepenbeek, R. 3, Goderich, 529.1830, 34,34,36 TWO REGISTERED yearling Suffolk lambs sheared, dewormed, deloused, and ready to breed. Also grade ""` and purebred ewes. Phone 395.2832. 35,36,37 E. Farm services SEED WHEAT Cleaned and Treated CLOVER a GRASS SEED Bought and Sold ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL AND TRACKING Lucknnw 528.3500 —33eowar BERG STABLE EQUWMENT gleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo tinloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bows, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling, Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Holyrosd, phone 3955390. E. Farm services BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers FARMATIC - Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture corn, Augers, Leg Elevators ACORN - Cable Barn Clean- ers 'WESTEEL•ROSCO - Grain Bins a 1350 to 250,000 bus, Bulk Peed Tanks ACME = Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners, Steel Trus- ses B & L Complete Hog Con- finement Systems SLURRY -SLINGER a Liquid Manure Spreaders CLAY Parts and Service for Clay Equipment ALSO = Electric Peed Carts, Straw Choppers, Fibre -Fun- nels, Ritchie heated Bowls, Hurst Equipment, We Handle Everything Almost LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. At Amberley R. R. # i, t(leeardhne Phone 398.8286 F. For rartt GRAIN STORAGE available in Lucknow, Phone 528-3500. —33,34nx 60 ACRES CASH CROP land in Amberley area, Call 529- '7420, —35,36 NO NEED TO CHECK! WE SELL THE BEST! The Mon To See Is ROYAL BANK building, ideal offko or business opportunity, vault, air conditioning and paved panting. ; PACE© RIGHT, Inspect This moonily refurllshed 2 bedroom bungalow, located 1 block from post offke and stores, Ideally faulted as retlremsnl horttte... PORT ALBERT, 4 bedroom custom built home, 2 fire- places, family room, 2 cat garaqe, on large lot, over 2000 sq. ft, of living area. Ask to view this home, reduced in price. ASHFIELD TWP., d year old 3 bedroom home, 10 acres of land, fruit tress, reforested area, excellent work- shop, This property must be assn fo be appreciated. Could not be duplicated for the asking pries. LUCK NOW, 6 full sized lots, Delhi Street, available in a block or separately. Prlcsd to sell. COUNTRY HOME, highway location, Kinlough area, 5 bedrooms, well maintained, has 2 baths, driflsd wail, wlfh approsimafely 2 scroll of land. Excsllsnf value at reduced price. LUCKNOW DUPLEX, both aparimenfs have 2 hod - rooms, close to downtown, DUNGANNON, 2 excellent, 3 bedroom homers priced fo soli. ASHFIELD TWP., decry farm, 315 acres highway location, pipe line, sscmfient hovvvs, cows, quota negotiable. LUCKNOW, structurally solid bvllding, suitable as auto body shop or truck roping?, pricer! to soli, KINLOSS TWP., 100 acres, 3 bedroom home, exesllsnt barn, suitable for farrowing and boat. Appro drnafsfy 20 acres workabfa, SO acres hardwood bush, balance rsforsstsd, rsflremerat or vacation property. Enccsifent fishing. Asking S64,1100. ASHFIELD TWP., 240 acres, 225 workable, Llafowef loam soli, Immaculate home. KINLOSS TWP., 150 acres, 145 workable, 4 bedroom home, beet barn, 2 upright silos. For further lMormafior+ on (hose properties please call Warren & Terry Zinn PHONE 52-7360 It. P. 02, LUCKNOW Blueprint for waste The Ministry of the Envir- onment is asking for public participation to help it draft a waste management policy for Ontario. A Blueprint for Waste Management was introduced in the provincial legislature on June 13, 1983. The minis- try's aims are to '`develop an effective, comprehensive plan for the handling of ,waste in Ontario''. The proposal outlines the issues and points to solutions to be developed and, incorp- orated in an overall, province wide waste management pro- gram, Four major areas of con- cern are: 1) as many recov- erable and usable material and energy resources as pos- sible must be reclaimed from the garbage we produce, 2) those who are responsible for producing, handling and dis- posing of wastes must be accountable for the way they execute their responsibilit- ies; 3) as responsible parties, we must be informed on the issues and take part in the decisions which must be made to resolve them, 4) our disposal practices must en- sure that no waste ever becomes a threat to either our environment or well being. Public participation is an integral part of the blueprint process leading to the final drafting of policies and legis- lation. The ministry wants the involvement of the pub- lic, municipalities, other ag- encies and industry. To this end, ministry staff are meeting with interested groups and organizations to explain the details of the proposals and to discuss the issues. in addition, informa- tion meetings are being ad- vertised on a community basis. A series of public meetings begins in September at which interested associa- tions, groups and individuals are invited to make written or verbal submissions on the blueprint and the issues in- volved. The meetings are held all across Ontario, including September 15 in Hamilton, September 19 in Owen Sound, October 6 in London, October 18 and 19 in Toron- to, and October 26 in Kit- chener -Waterloo. In addition, written sub- missions may be mailed to the Ministry of the Environ- ment, IVIanagement tip for cow -calf operators Beef producers with a cow -calf operation can take a five evening management course this fall offered jointly by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the University of Guelph's Ont- ario Agricultural College. The sessions will be held in the board room of the Ontario Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food in Wellington Place, between Fergus and Elora beginning Tuesday, Dctober 4. The sessions will ;tart at 7,00 p.m. and will take place each Tuesday until November 1. The speakers will include University faculty, OMAF Staff, farmers and other specialists. The first session oft Oct- ober 4 will deal with criteria for making management de- cisions, and the second ses- sion, October 11, will focus on feeding for reproduction. The Octobct 18 session will deal ',with management at breeding, while the following one, October 25, with man- agement at calving. The final session on November 1 will look at expanding cow -calf in Ontario, and will include a compatisant of buying and growing your own. The cost of registration for the five sessions is 525. Producers may obtain addi- tional information from Dr. W. S. Young, Coordinator of Agricultural Extension, Ont- ario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, telephone (519) 824-4120, ext. 3933. Classified Ratee DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 5 P.M. MONDAYS • WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LONG WEEK ENDS, WHEN THE DEADLINE WILL BE 5 P.5/I. FRIDAYS Charges ate based on the number of words, 22 words • 5100, 14e per word thereafter ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of 56.00, 510.00 with picture IN MEMORIAM - 5100 plus 30c per line of vet CARII OF THANKS • 25 word* 93,010, each addi- tional word 5 Sac DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR PAYMENT BEFORE THURSDAY MORNING OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION., BOA NUM RVIS TO THIS OVP10E - $3.00 for first week, 51.00 each week thereafter. 528 2822 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 31, 1983—Page 18 528-2031 Lucknow KINLOSS, 100 acres, 60 workable, horse set up with track and good buildings. Price reduced to sell. KINLOSS, 100 acres, 60 acres workable with excellent stone house, all refurbished with a barn and double garage. Very scenic. KINLOSS, 178 acres, 140 workable, 10 acres good hard wood bush, good house, 2 barns and an implement sheat 30 eow tie up with milking equipment. Financing at 7% to approved purchaser. CULROSS TWP., 53 acres, 45 acres workable. ASH1IELt TWP., 100 acres, 65 workable with good buildings. ASHFIELD TWP., 2 acres well landscaped property, 4 bedroom home, drilled well and 14 fruit trees. Priced to sea. HURON TWP., 27 acres with 20 workable, 2 barns set rip mainly for horse, , 3 bedroom hon e and drilled well, on highway 86. LUCKNOW, one rey, 2 bedroom home, 2 blocks from main street, _ awed drive, asking 529,500. LUCKNOW, must sell, 7 year old, 4 bedroom home, electric heat, sun deck, with paved drive, good location. 547,900. LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage, large living room with fireplace and large kitchen with built In cupboards. Priced ' to sell. CONVERTED SCHOOL HOUSE, 1 acre with large mature maples, near St. Helens. ST. HELENS, ;bedroom home, with large living room with fireplace on good lot. Make us an offer. LUCKNOW, double house itt good repair, hot water heating, 2 bedroom, kitchen living room combined with 4 pc. bath and 4 bedroom, kitchen and living room combined with 4 pc. and 2 pc. bath. 527,900. WHITECHUI1CH, brick building, could be 3 apart, menta, 2 baths, new combination oli=wood furnace. Price reduced to 515,000. For further information on these and other properties please call ERASER MacKINNON DAVID MacKINNON • 395,2880 39512483 HAIHIY McIJONAGH 528-3821 Jarnboree '83 Souvenir Editions Availabk at the Lucknow Sentinel & Johnstone Furniture TNI WINOINAM SALES ARENA The Wingham Sales Areno BRING'S YOV MORE HIG SAVINGS ON Clothing and Footwear For "Back to School" Rugby pants, blue Jeatis, Jogging sults and shoes, sport socks, lone* and girls tops, cords, rompers, shorts, Jean Jackets, also work clothing • pants, shirts, coveralls, work socks, rubber boots, safety work shoes. New and Used Furniture Priced very reasonable - chests of drawers, dressers, single box and mattresses (for the college students), Also table and chaff sets in chrome or solid woods, living room suites, dining room and bedroom suites. From Our Bulk Display Balk soaps and cleaners, shampoo, hand soap, disinfectant, floor degreaser, dish soap, multi purpose cleaner, fabric softener, window cleaner and more. Hulk cookies, candy, baking goods, pie fillings, spices, etc. Carpet and No Wax Flooring itenrnants, roti ends or complete roils. Bring in your room sires, we will do the rutting! Guns, New and Used, Fishing Rods and Reels Hy leading rnanulaeturers, ammunition of all sorts, etc. PERMS CASH. CHEQUE. VISA & MASTER CARD WING HAMA SALES ARENA 3571730 Just north of Wlrtgham on Nfghway s 4 OPEN MON-SAT. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. FRI. TIL[, 9 P.M. THE WINGNAM SALES ARENA