The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-08-31, Page 1723. Miscellaneous CAREER IN TRUCKING. Contact Mery Orr's School offices in Toronto (416) 251- 9073; Ottawa (613) 523-3489; London (519) 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-2910; Thunder Bay; (807) 623- 8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 648-2519. P.C.E.C. member. ARE YOU WILLING to work? Do you have working space in your basement or garage -- become part of a multi-million dollar industry. Potential earnings of $20,000.00 plus per year, .We offer complete equipment package, all training, on- going assistance opportun- ity. Absolutely no selling or public contact work required. Investment of $6,550. For information call Delite Horti- cultural Inc. 6533 Missis- sauga Rd., Mississauga, Ontario L5N 1A6 or tele- phone 416-821-2151. —035 NOMINATIONS are being received now, for Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year awards. Contact this news- paper to nominate an out- standing young person aged 6 to 18, who deserves more than a pat on the back. —035 LEISURE VACATIONS - See the fall colours or catch that trophy fish while cruising the 30 Thousand Islands in our 30 ft, Housecruiser, reduced hill rates, call 705-366-2511. FREE 120 page career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute 265A Adelaide Street, West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. -030 15. Tenders KINLOSS TOWNSHIP RETENDER Sealed tenders clearly marked will he received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. Tuesday, September 6, 1983 for: 1. The removal of the chopping mill on lot 4, plan 226, in the Village of Whitechurch. The exist- ing structure and founda- tion is to be removed by October 15, 1983. Tenderers to have their own liability insurance. 2. The sale of the said lot 4, plan 226, Village of Whitechurch. A clear deed to be transferred upon removal of the chop- ping mill. Any tender not necessar- ily accepted. W. F. Hawthorrne Clerk Treasurer, Twp. of Kinloss, HOLYROOD, Ontario. NOG 280 28. Engagements MATHESON - KEMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kempton, R. # 1, Ripley are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Sandra to Allan Charles. son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Matheson, R. H 5, Kincar- dine. The marriage will take place on September 11'), 1983. at 4 o'clock p.m. at the Pine River 1'nited Church. Recep- tion in Ripley, —35.36 4Z� ti id/2.13, 09.7i4171 1009201 C=1:21, =Ss. itt13.0 169321119 15. Tenders 15. Tenders Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 31, 1983—Page 17 30. In memoriam 32. Coming events * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * County of Huron TENDERS FOR VEHICLE FOR WINTER CONTROL MAINTENANCE * SEALED TENDERS on forms available from the * *undersigned will be accepted until 4100 o'clock local * *time on * * THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 * For all or any of the following pieces of equipment for winter control commencing on or about November 14, *1983: *ill HC•83503 - one 'heavy duty' tandem truck with * * driver and snow plow equipment for snow plow * * duties hi the Wroxeter area *[21 2 ,000 G.V.W. Installation of * salt and sand * HC -83.505 - 1 * trucks without operator or box for county's sand spreaders to spread in various areas of the county - truek required for Wroxeter area HC -83.506 • 1 truck required for Auburn area *Tender forms may be picked up at the office of the *undersigned. *The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. * R. A. DEMPSEY, P. ENG., *, County Engineer, Court House, Goderleh, Ontario. *' Telephone 524.7412 * ***************** *** * * i" tib County of Huron Quotation FOR WINTER SAND SEALED QUOTATIONS on forms and hi envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accepted until 4100 p.m. local time ons THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 or the fallowing contracts: (11 Supply of 2,000 tonnes of winter sand at Auburn Patron Yard 121 Supply of 1,800 tonnes of winter sand at Wroxet- er Patrol Yard All material shall comply to M.T.C. gradation for winter sand. The lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. R. A. DEMPSEY, P. ENG. Huron County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M2 rxc===.t==ttc•-`—)4rs 28. Engagements ettlat 28. Engagements SCOTT - MATTHEWS Mr. Bill Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Scott, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children, Bonnie Susan to William Allan. The wed- ding will take place in Trinity United Church. Ashfield. on September 3. 1983, with reception to follow in Ripley. ERIIINGTON - THOMPSON Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thomp- son. Wingham, are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter, Ellen Louise to David John Errington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Er- rington. R. R. il 2, Auburn. The wedding will take place on September 24 at 3.30 p.m. in the Donnybrook United Church. BONNETT In loving memory of a dear mother who passed away August 26, 1971. All we have left is a picture. To cherish our whole life through, To us she was someone spec- ial God must have thought so too. Lovingly remembered by Jean and Richard Winter. —35 GARDNER In loving memory of James E. Gardner, who passed away, August 28, 1981. Nothing can every take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. Always remembered by Tena and family. —35 MCCRACKEN In loving memory of a belov- ed son and brother, James W. McCracken, his brief life ended suddenly on August 31, 1979 in his 24th year. Things we feel most deeply Are the hardest things to say, Dearest Jim we loved you In a very special way, If we could have one lifetime wish, One dream that could come true, We'd pray to God with all our hearts For yesterday, and you. Sadly missed and loved by Mom and Dad, Barbara and Alvin; brother John and sisters, Linda, Karen, Kor- een and Heather. —35 31. Cards o1 thanks WEBSTER 1 wish to thank the friends in the Sepoy Apartments for the very enjoyable birthday party they held for me on Friday evening; and also for all their good wishes and gifts, 1 would also like to thank other friends and relatives for their gifts and good wishes on my 88th birthday. Ada Webster —35 MURRAY • BEASLEY We would like to thank everyone who came out and joined us at our stag and doe. Special thanks to all those who helped with the organ- ization. Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated. Allan and Jacky —35 32. Coming events LADIES 6:30 BOWLING Begins soon. Limited num- ber of openings. Call im- mediately, 529-7248 or 529- 74;; after 6 p.m. —34,35 DAVID BOWIE CONCERT September 4, 1983. included is bus, admission to CNE, Ontario Place; top price grandstand ticket. Call Wingham Travel, 357-1020. —33,34.35 KINTAIL CEMETERY MEETING A meeting of the plot owners and other interested persons will be held at the Kintaii Cemetery on Saturday. Sept- ember 3, 7 p.m. Bob Simpson. Secretary —35 EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes beginning the week of September 5, 1983. The cost is $5.00. The next series of classes will begin the week of January 9, 1984. For further information and pre- registration, please call the Health Unit office in your area at 357-2264.—34,35ar ARTHRITIS CANVASS The Lucknow and District Branch of the Arthritis Soc- iety is conducting a canvass during the week of Sept- ember 6 - 17. Please welcome these canvassers. —35 MOORE • MacDONALD CLAN REUNION Friday evening, September 2, Reid's Corners Hall. Lad- ies please bring lunch, —35 POLLED HEREFORD SALE Gold -Bar livestock, Satur- day, September 17, 1 p.m, Near Guelph, County Road 86, two miles north highway 7. Selling 70 lots, David Hasson, 519.824-1408. —035 BREASTFEEDING CLINIC Breastfeeding or thinking of it? Come, discuss with other mothers at the Breastfeeding Clinic, Wednesday, Septem- ber 7 at 2 p.m, at the Wingham United Church Parlour. Babys will be weigh- ed if desired. Bring your baby and a friend, —38 EK-TOGGERY The Teeswater Ex-Toggery opens for the fall season on Thursday, September 8th at l0a,m. tol2noonand2to5 p.m. We are also open on Fridays and Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.nt. All clothing must be in season and freshly laundered or dry cleaned; all clothing must be securely priced; all clothing must be accompanied by a list; no article valued at less than 50c should be brought in; the lodge's share of the consign- ment is 30%. Teeswater Ex-Toggery is sponsored and operated by Coronation Rebekah Lodge and all pro- ceeds go to community bet- terment and other charities. —'1S i(, RECEPTION A reception will be held for Mr. and Mrs, Kevin Howey, nee Cathy Hedley, on Satur- day, September 3, in Luck - now. Everyone welcome. —35 Jamboree '83 Souvenir Editions Available 65,217. ®®C.=t.==— ems= whom.=.. 32. Coming events PROJECTIONIST COURSE At Lucknow Branch Library, Wednesday, September 14, 1983, 7:30 p.m. Cost $3.00. Please register in advance at the library. —35x MEETING A meeting for all parents of boys ages 5 - 14 interested in joining Beavers, Cubs or Scouts will be held in the Town Hail, Wednesday, September 7, 8 p.m. —35,36 TOWN AND COUNTRY SENIOR CITIZENS Meetings resume September 6, 8 p.m. Lucknow Legion. —35 Fall Clauses starting September 1/83 at Bea's Ceramics also Sale of Greenware And Custom Firing PHONE 395.5841 UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL Will begin September 11, with a pancake breakfast from 9:15 until 10;00. At- tendance awards will be presented . after the break- fast. Everyone welcome, —35,36 THE MOVERS No longer 'Irish'; but super fun entertainers, See them at the Centre in the Square, Kitchener, Sunday, Septem- ber 25, Individual tickets for this and all performances at the Centre are available through Holiday World, 357- 2701. --35ar REGISTRATION For those who haven't reg- istered their children for the 1983=84 school term at Wing - ham Nursery School, regis- tration will be held on Sept- ember 7 and 8 from 9 a,m, to 3 p.m, Drop in or phone 357-2362, First day of school is September 13. —35 AUCTION SALE Watch for our Auction Sale September 10, 1983 at the Lucknow District Co-opera- tive, items for the sale are being consigned by four local co-operatives. Other con- signments welcome,----35ar l l ot.ssttteds ars a drama cams true K GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK G 4 ]t: 0 0 0 0 0 OPEN HOUSE 7 ACRE HOBBY FARM R.R. No. 1, Dungannon (1 mile & 1/� North of Dungannon, turn west 2nd mile & 1/4 on North Side) SATURDAY SEPT. 3, 1983 FROM 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Q 74 7C 03KOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOK-OK J