HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-08-31, Page 14t
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Huge puff ball found in Huron Twp
Out for bicycle ride and
hike last Sunday afternoon
Rick Martin, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Austin Martin now of
Lucknow and formerly of the
Fourth Concession east in
Huron township, found a
rather large puff ball in a
woodlot north west of the
town. Later Rick and Austin
with the car ,took the "find"
home. In talking with Ab
Wylds Austin said that the
puff ball weighed 0/ pounds
and measured 50 inches in
For his two questions we
did not have any certain
answers - How big do they
grow? And how does one get
them ready to eat? Only
once have we eaten them.
Then the ball was sliced and
fried in butter,
We remember that War-
ren Lever would come each
fall to this area from Detroit
to look for puff balls and at
the game time visit their
daughter Pat Lever who
resided with her wide and
atmt Albert and Alice Harr-
ington on the 4th concession
and took her high school
work at Ripley Continuation
School rather than in
The members of the
Ripley Women's Institute
are reminded that their
meetings start again for the
season with a ten o'clock one
this Friday, Sept, 2 at the
home of Margaret Gemmell
on Tain Street in Ripley.
More rape seed
More farmers in this area
are going to be growing rape
seed or Canola as a crop next
summer. Last Wednesday
Aug. 24 Jerry Huber had the
fifty acre Jack Rhyver farm
at the corner of sideroad 20
and concession 8 west in
Huron Township planted
with the fall type canola. Do-
ing the seeding job in six
hours with his special seeder
from Germany was Hans
Peter Prehn of Reids Cor-
Summer school over
Summer play school for
the young children ended
last Friday. The leaders for
the Point Clark School were
011ie Liddle, Denise Watson,
Debbie Van Kooten and L db-
bie Mair and for the Ripley
School they were Cathy
Fludder, Michelle Williams,
and Kathy Boyd,
While roller skating
Thursday evening Ron Kock
had the misfortune to sprain
an ankle, Still he would like
folks to know that he will be
visiting homes in the area as
the sales representative of a
family product company
well known since 1868,
On the weekend Don Mac-
Tavish, secretary of the
Ripley Agricultural Society,
has placed extra Riley fall
fair prize lists at four dif-
ferent places. They are the
George and Jay McLean
store, the Cecil Sutton Store,
and the Bob and Judy
Thompson Feed and Supply,
all in Ripley and with Nina
Wyld at the Pine River
Cheese Factory Store.
Married 47 years
Percy and Olive Schacht
recently reached their 47th
wedding anniversary. Their
two sons Brian and Carta -rile
and their families visited
with them for a couple of
days coming from Cam-
bridge and London respec-
tively. The fact that Percy
who suffered an attack of the
rare Guillian Barret syn-
drome some four years ago
leaving him a wheel chair
person did not deter them
from going to their favourite
local trout pond for a few
hours of fishing. Coming up
with a catch of fine lovely
rainbow trout, Olive excelled
with a catch of three for the
Married in their home
town (Berlin) Kitchener
they recall rent for the
apartment was $35M0 per
month, also Percy bicycling
three miles to work each
day, Olive was somewhat
more fortunate, riding the
street car, Kitchener to
Waterloo for the price of five
cents, Percy, still taking
weekly therapy at the Kin-
cardine hospital, has still his
optimistic outlook that some
day he will walk again and
hopingthat Olive and he will
be abe to do their favourite
polka dance on their 50th
wedding anniversary
celebration, The Schachts
live on the lith concession,
exactly two blocks east of
Judy Hawrylyshyn
librarian at the Ripley
library reports that all bran -
ches of the Bruce County
Public Library system in-
cluding Ripley will be having
an amnesty walk from Sept.
1 to 9. Amnesty means a par-
don of offenders hence
please return all overdue
books without paying any
On Tuesday morning last
week August 23 secretary
Don MacTavish had the first
distribution of the new
Ripleyfall fair prize lists.
The air is on riday and
Saturday, Sept. 23 and 24 -
three weeks from this
Car fire here
Just at the end of the noon
hour, one fifteen to be exact,
last Friday, August 26the
fire whistle sounded in
Ripley. The call was to the
home of Jim and Isabelle
Brook just east of the Ripley
Huron Central School in the
west end of town,
Here Jim had started their
brown sedan and headed it
down the driveway when he
noticed smoke coming from
the front end, Reacting to the
situation Jim stopped the car
and got the hood up. Seeing
the fire at the distributor,
doused it with water from
the garden hose while the
fire hall was called.
The following firemen
responded to the call - Doug
Martyn, Ivan Cook Harvey
Pollock, Ray Fuller, Bob
Johnston, Bernie Twolen,
Brian Pollock, Ted Rouse,
Clarence Pollock, Dan Mac-
Donald, and Don Peter -
ba ugh.
The Brooks - Jim and
Isabelle express their thanks
to the Ripley firemen both
for their prompt action and
for their offers of help for
transportation. Both say that
It was fortunate that it did
not happen out on the road
somewhere with no help
Working late as he often
does in his busy schedule
mechanic Brian Pollock had
the car back running by Fri-
day midnight.
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J.
MacKenzie of Listowel,
visited with his mother Mrs.
Violet V. MacKenzie in
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wigle
of Kitchener visited on Sun-
day evening with Leslie and
Dorothy Wardell an the 4th
con. west. Also with Les and
Dorothy Wardell for
holidays now are their
grandchildren Tina and Vin-
cent Wardell of Preston and
Christen and Kathleen Kelly
of Ripley.
On Monday morning Mrs.
Nina Wyld of the Sixth Con-
cession West left the follow-
ing note -
Last week, August 22, a
pony horse camp was held
for members of the Huron
Bruce Pony Club at the 13111
and Nina Wyld farm on the
Sixth Concession, The camp
consisted of skills for prepar-
ing your horse and self and
equipment for show. A cross
country jump trail was en-
joyed along with riding
lessons, trail rides and
swimming. On the final day
a horse show was enjoyed by
Anyone interested in join-
ing the club, please call Nina
Wyld 395-2721 Ripley or
Marion Nesbitt 390-3277 Kin-
On Tuesday last week the
Ripley Seniors took a bus
trip to Whitby to visit the
Cullen Gardens there and
A very close game with no
scoring in the first half
developed between the two
teams last Thursday even-
ing. Shortly after half time
Ralph Grass scored to put
Ripley ahead. After a few
anxious moments, in which
Kincardine was awarded a
penalty shot, but missed,
Darryl Bolton scored an in-
surance goal. Steady on
defence were Susy Paquette
and Chris Hodgins, Troy
Snobelen had the ghut-out,
As this was the last game
for the Squirts for this
season coaches Marlene
Wolfe and Tom Stevenson
would like to thank the
coaches and players of the
Kincardine Minor Soccer for
some fine games and good
The Squirts close out the
season with a game against
the parents on Thursday at
WOO p,m. at the public
Thanks goes to Debbie
Stevenson for making a
special trip into Ripley with
the above report.
Must Be Sold
General Merchandise
Hours. Monday - Saturday 9':44 a. m. - 9:40
1Reed's Dep't S
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