The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-08-31, Page 4Jamboree '83 Visitors galore register for Jamboree '83 The following is a partial list of the names of those who registered for Jamboree '83. Names without addresses are local, Lucknow and area residents. The excutive of Jamboree '83 were: R. Alvin Hamilton, president; George Anderson, vice-president; Mary Mcln- tosh, secretary; Lloyd Hall, treasurer; Diane Hackett, director; Bob McIntosh, dir- ector; Joe Agnew, director; Barry McDonagh, director; Lorne Cook, bar chairman; Stuart Reavie, property chairman; Bill Andrew, gates and admission chairman; D. K. Black, entertainment chairman; Joan Black, youth entertainment chairwoman; Delores Cross, decorating chairwoman; Shirley Mont- gomery, registration chair- woman; Don Thompson, historical book chairman; Bev Thompson, historical book assistant chairwoman; Maudie M. Fisher, invitation chairwoman; Beth John- stone, souvenirs. Elmer, Marianne, Dan, Jean Anne and Elizabeth Smeltzer, 14. 1 Ripley; Ross McPherson; Clara Crowston; Leonard "Pat" Irwin; Aleda Wightman; Harvey Wight - man; Harry and Mary Lavis; Tom and Diane Ewer; Mae (Irwin) Hunter; David, Betty Anne (Hunter) Stapleton, R. 3 Wingham; Kathy (Walker) Skinn, Wingham; Lloyd Hall; George Anderson; Grant Helm; Don, Marion and Cathy Gillespie, R. 1 Holy - rood; Ron and Sue Gillespie, R. 1 Holyrood; Robert and Margaret Martin; Margaret (Graham) Keith; Elaine (Cook), Tracy and Heather Steer; Sharon Struthers; Brenda Henderson; Anne Austin; Gary, Sharon, Amy and Jonathan Austin; Ed Blackwell; Wayne and Mary Cranston; Etta D. Smith; Lloyd and Anna Mae Mac- Dougall; Al and Gladys Ham- ilton; Ted and Margaret Collyer; Mrs. Graydon Rit- chie; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie; Bert and Donalda Moffat; Leslie and Vera Purves; Cora MacDonald; Tom, Hilda, Mark and Mich- elle Andrew; Warren Zinn; Jessie (Noble) Johnston; Austin and Mildred Loree; Robert and Nellie Reid; Ada Webster; Irene Haldenby; Vernon and Anna Mae Hunt- er; Clarence, Marie, Bob and Donna Greer; Fran Excl. Hanover; Dr. Judy Fergus- on, Toronto; Harvey and Elsie Houston; Jay Houston, Mississauga; Lynne Hous- ton, Calgary, Alberta: Pam- ela Eves, Burlington; Hugh Houston, Millarville, Alber- ta; Kenneth, Joy, Amy and Angela Houston, Harriston; Wallace and Kerry Houston. Ripley and Frederiction. N.B. ; Don and Beverley Thompson; Dorothy McKen- zie; Margaret Gordon; Wil- liam and Nellie Davidson. Glasgow, Scotland; Bob and Mary McIntosh: Dr. Mark and Zoie Raithby, Goderich Dr. Alex, Johanna, Ruth Ann and Josee Maclntyre, Alliston; Jim and Audrey (Henry ) Currie. Wingham; Shirley Harris, Kincardine; Linda Peppier, Kincardine. Sheila Hall. Detroit Eileen (Hall) Cummings. Wiarton; Roy and Audrey (Stanley) Wickey, Tavistock; Leonard (Punch) and Fern MacDon- ald; Ron, Diane (Zinn), Kim- berley and Jeffrey Ferguson, Woodstock; Marian (Gra- ham), Paul and Terry Zinn; Dorothy Anderson; Donald and Jean Ross; Anne And- erson; Stuart E. and Kath- leen Collyer; Liella Finlay- son; Tom, Joan, Janine and Doug Helm; Harvey, Pat and Kirk Livingston ; Khem, Lil and ' Paul Kuipers, George- town; Reg and Blanche Cain- es, Brampton; Dorothy Beamish, Brampton; Harvey and Edith Webster; Flora Webster and Marjorie Web- ster, Kitchener; Roy and Eli- zabeth (Webster) Hunt, Lis- towel; Rod, Joanne and Conor McDonagh) Murray and Shirley McDonagh, Sault Ste. Marie; Ross and Audrey McDonagh, Ottawa; Bob, Isobel and Alan Shepherd; Lynn Shepherd, Edmonton, Alberta; David Shepherd, R. 2 Sarnia; Bob and Karen Shepherd, R. 6, Goderich; Patrick, Jean and Tina Page, Montreal P.Q.; Michelle Mc- donagh, Vancouver, B.C.; Charles and Ruby McDon- ald; Gerry and Lorna Hud- son, London; Brenda Clip- perton, London; Tracey Buckingham; Brad Aitchi- son; Jane Hamilton; Arnie, Darla and Sean Allan; Gor- don and Muriel Montgom- ery, Toronto; Susan Cook, Ripley; John McIntosh; Pal ela McIntosh; Bob, Chad and Brent Black, Kincardine; Cliff and Maimie Roulston; Gordon and Bernice John- stone; Judy Datema; Bill and Shirley Bolt; Arman and De- borah (Bolt) Rais Firouz, Toronto; Kevin Bolt; Mur- ray, Patricia (Thompson), Jennifer and Matthew Hunt- er, Wingham; Doug, Char- lene, Shawn, Steven and Michael McEwan, Holyrood; Ralph and Euphemia Camer- on; Joan Garratt, Toronto;; George and Lillian Garrat; Peter and Wendy Gerster; Doug Corrin, Calgary, Alber- ta; Suzanne Corrin; Jack, Nancy, Brent and Adam Cameron; Joe and Dean Agnew; Robert, Lynda, Lisa and Charlotte Hunter, Oak- ville; Gregory, Sandy, Erica and Tyler Hunter, St. Cath- arines; Forbes, Joanne (Hun- ter), Chris, Melissa McLel- lan, Sarnia; Lorne Reid; Jessie Stevenson; Barry. Betty and Tracey McDonagh; Pam Agnew. Spirit River, Alberta; Jim, Judy, Michele. Kevin Lukas, Walled Lake. Michigan; Neil and Candy Reuj. Detroit, Michigan; Pe- ggy McCullough, Kincard- ine; Bob, Marg and Paul Finlay; Marion Johnstone, Scarborough; Ken and Beryl Mowbray; Leonard and Wil- ma Clarke; John and Helen Nicholson; Jim Lavis; Gor- don and Noreen Montgomery; Nancy, Heath- er, Helen and Paul Mac- lntyre; Olive Needham; Don- ald. Marilyn, Margaret, Nor- ma, Marilynne and Sandy Maclntyre; Dave Mckenna, Hanover; Jim, Dorothy and Tim Bain; Harold, Lloya. Julie and Debbie Nicholson; Sandra Irwin; Michael Whit - croft; Jack Van Osch; Lynn Taylor; Mike McDonagh; Wayne McDonagh; Joe and Janet Van Boven; Gerry. Mary Lou. Bradley. Heather and Dale Priestap; Henry L., Ethel, Arthur and Lawrence Clark; James, Shirley, Chris and Greg Montgomery; Jim and Lorraine Clark, Glencoe; Les Petter; Bud and Arnetta Thompson; John, Susan and Starr Lynn Dadson, London; Maudie M. Fisher; Virden and Margaret Mowbray; Robert and Marlene Struth- ers; Betsy Henderson, Lon- don; Susan Thompson; D. K. and Joan Black; Bill, Mary, Jonathan and Sarah Nelson; Cyril and Dorothy Brown; Joanne Weber, White- church; Doris Culbert, Dun- gannon; Grace Taylor; Pharis G. Mathers; Andrew and Donalda Ritchie; Cliff Craw- ford; Ken and Elleda Laid- law; Anne Hamilton; Roydon Conley, Elliott Lake; Jeff and Dayle Taylor; Ena Hender- son; Norman B. Taylor; Charles and Hazel Webster; Craig Brooks, Cambridge; Stew Stanley, St. Williams; Margaret (Thom) Thompson; Russell Stanley, Bramalea; Helen (Thom) Rothwell, Nor- wood; Barry, Rosemary, Erin and Chris Neilson, Thornhill; Jean (Thom) Martin, Califor- nia; Rod and Joanne (Thompson) McFarlane, Brampton; Reid and Joy McKim, Ottawa. Melapie Conley, Elliot Lake; Jean Conley; Alan E. McKim, Richmond Hill; Ber- yl Hunter; J. E. Whitby, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; Rose Knight, London; Rus- sell and Mabel Whitby; Murray Moffat; Donalda Sla- ter, Amberley; Isabel Gaunt; Ron and Barbara Machan; Howard and Mildred Reed, Windsor; Luba Strutton; Turn to page 5• THE HURON CENTRE FOR CHILDREN itt YOUTH is pleased to invite you to Mx Dr. Edward M. Waring PSYCHIATRIST AT VICTORIA HOSPITAL LONDON, ONTARIO speaking on MARITAL INTIMACY FAMILY FUNCTIONING At the Annual Meeting of the Centre WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 1983 7:30 p.m., at the Huron Centre 160 Huron Street, Clinton, Ontario The Huron Centre for Children & Youth has provided counselling service for hundreds of families since its In- corporation as a Children's Mental Health Centre in 1177, The Centre Is governed by a `board of Directors elected et the Annrual Meeting of the Corporation, Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 31, 1983—Page 4 Conley Contracting • HOUSE, BARN AND COTTAGE FRAMING AND RENOVATIONS • CONCRETE FLOORS Competitive Prices - Free Estimates BRAD 528.6743 RICK 528.3324 LUCKNOW BUSHES WANTED Buying Bush lots or Soloctod TrNs. Fro, lstintatos. Top Cash Pric•s. CRAIG HARDWOODS LTD. - AUBURN Bili Craig 526-7220 Al Craig 526-7312 4 1.111r1A",..,•0-1.-Wil►1. ^►'4 b,11,-1. 7^1►144,11A.ti111r 11W►-^► ELEEKEEZi, 1982 CHEVETTE, 4 door 1981 DODGE DIPLOMAT, 4 door 1981 PONTIAC GRAND Le Mans, 4 door 1981 OLDS REGENCY, 4 door 1981 FORD FAIRMONT wagon, 4 door 1980 CHEVY VAN, 20 series 1980 AMC CHEROKEE, 4 dr., 4 wheel drive 1980 ASPEN, 2 door [Special Edition] with air 1977 BUICK Le SABRE, 4 door 1976 CHEV SUBURBAN TRUCKS 1979 DODGE TRADESMAN van HAMM'S BLYTH PHONE 523-4342 ♦ AO. 'lb 11 -111.1 ...Ai. -.-41..,,.."111.4111,,S �arkr D Ladies "Jeanius" Cords IMens Cords & Jeans Penman Fleece 18.00 20%FF 20%FF "I"' Rugger Pants sralPF g9 18.00 Ladies "Freedom" Blouses 20%fH Youths Jeans & Cords LUCK NOW 20%OFF SPECIALS Selected Mens Shirts 15.00 Ladies "Scratch" Cords Mens Polo Shirts aec,Li.aa Ladies Jeans PRICED HI%OOFF 20%fF, MEIMMINVOMMINNIMMIN Selected Ladies Jeans '10'3/ (7FF /18.00 Mens Rugger Shirts 1 0 % OFF S211- 2526