HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-08-24, Page 20J ems =maze m.ran.c20.61.melet. MOM effiStro===CZ= 23. Miscellaneous 1.,:sass1=09 ...ea =.32,== LEARN THE SECRETS of chording on guitar. New home study course. Fast, easy method. GUARAN- TEED. For FREE informa- tion, write: Russell & Assoc- iates, Studio C0822, 10060 102nd Ave., Fort St. John, 13.C. V1J 2E2. —034 MOOSE HUNT Accommoda- tion and adult licences avail- able areas 19 and 2113, $100.00 per week. CaII oper- ator and ask for Radio Phone (705) Calstock 5500. —034 ...�. -Wr Mat* _ Maui* . MM .....11ai... 24. Business oppor. ....dm...man ...- EARN MONEY. Save mon- ey. Learn Income Tax pre- paration at home. For free brochure, no obligation, write: U & R Tax Schools, 1148 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2W 3S6. —034 BUSYBODIES is pleased to tell you about an excellent income opportunity....with flexible hours. As one of Canada's leading retailers of Active -Wear we are now bringing our Fashion, Value and Quality Story into the home with Busybodies Home Parties. Our enthusiastic Sales Reps with Fashion and Colour sense are earning impressive part time incomes with 2 to 3 parties per week. You supply the desire, the time and a car. We supply our great Busybodies mer- chandise and a complete training program. For more information call or write to: Jane Grahek, Busybodies, 2600 John Street, Unit 220, Markham, Ontario L3R 3W3. (416) 475-8592. —032 f PEE 120 page career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute 265A Adelaide Street, West, Toronto. Call 416 ) 977-3929 today. -- 030 MINIM dia.., &dill" ---MOM* ONION - 25. To give away 411611101 MEM .1161111 TO GIVE AWAY - Do you have a good home for a cute German Shepherd. Collie, Beagle cross puppie? Only 5 left! The mother of these pups also requires a new home, Call 529-7995, ask for Gord. —34 askimi. .guar :.rag.:.. .., ,i.iad 28. Engagements �....rr .ram -..ad radii Alma.a.d. Made INN*. amazes MURRAY - BEASLEY Mr. and Mrs. Pete Grazier, Lucknow are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Jacky Beasley to Allan Don- ald Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murray of Luck - now. The wedding will take place Saturday, Seplembet 10, 1983, at 4:30 p.m. in Lucknow Presbyterian Church. Reception in Luck - now. MURRAY - AiTCHiSON Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitch- ison are pleased to announce the ,forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Barbara to Kevin Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray. The wedding will take place Fri- day. September 2, 1983 at St. Marys Church, Lucknow. To SALES he WANT ADS 31. Cards of thanks exem ..== =aro drAxan co.:. C.O. sm. gler.re c.a.) dCes211 IRWIN 1 would like to thank my neighbours for helping to cut the grass while I was in the hospital and special thanks to Laura and Ross for supplying transportation to and from Wingham for their mother; thanks to the Doctors of the Medical Centre and to the Nurses in the Intensive Care at Wingham Hospital. All was very much appreciated and thanks to all who called to see me. Spence Irwin —34x CURRAN I would like to thank .ail the friends and neighbours for the lovely shower gifts 1 received at the community shower. A special thanks to the ladies who organized it. Annette — 34x HODGES Words alone cannot express our thanks to everyone who organized our Stag and Doe and to everyone who attend- ed. To the girls for all my showers given, and all the beautiful and useful gifts received. Special thanks to my wonderful and under- standing parents, Bill and Marie Park who have done so much for us. Last but riot least thanks to all our friends and relatives who came and helped make our clay so beautiful. We hope you en- joyed yourselves as much as we did. Wanda and Tim — 34nx HACK.ETT For the many acts of kind- ness to us at the time of the death of a dear sister and aunt, Florence MacKenzie, we say "thank you". Special thanks to Edith Schmid, the Lyons, the Gaunts, MacKen- zie and McCreath Funeral Home and Rev. Hugh Nug- ent. Adeline Hackett and nieces and nephews —34x MawMILLAN We would like to thank everyone who shared in cele- brating our wedding and reception on August 12, 1983. Many thanks also for the community shower, stag and doe and wedding gifts we received. These are all very much appreciated. Robert and Barbara MacMillan —34x 32. Coming events dant*,dialog - mad" - soft& AMMO emu. row PRE-REGISTRATTeN To be held at Ripley -Huron Central School for grades K-4 and Ripley District School for grades 5-8 on August 31, 1983 from 1 - 4 p.m. for students of families who have moved into this area during the summer. For mote information please call the schools. 395-2651 or 395- 2695. —34 CHARLEY PRIDE At the Centre in the Square. Kitchener. Thursday, Sept- ember 29. Evening show. Come with us by motorcoach. Book early. Holiday World. Wingham. .357-2701. —34 LADIES 6:30 BOWLING Begins soon. Limited num her of openings. ('all im- mediately. 529-7248 or 529- '488 after 6 p.m —34,.35 =Mk 111.19111 =wan dOMEon ca:22ern 32. Coming events 32. Coming events ��m ®-ism =Ma = Gelaretes Ocunaommn COME TO Vacation Bible School AUGUST 29th to SEPTEMBER 2nd 9:15 A.M. — 11:45A,M. at Christian Reformed Church LUCKNOW ,te==4/..===41.C=.:)4KitC=41.==4 COMMUNITY SHOWER in honour of the forthcoming marriage of Pauline Burke to Harvey Wylie, Point Clark. Everyone is welcome to at- tend on Friday, August 26, 1983 at 7:30 p.m, at the Reid's Corner Hall. Further information contact Kim, 395-2885 or Phyllis, 395- 5445, —33,34x DAVID BOWIE CONCERT September 4, 1983, included is bus, admission to CNE, Ontario Place; top price grandstand ticket. Call Wingham Travel, 357-1020. —33,34,35 BEEP INFORMATION NIGHT Thursday, August 25, Cent- ral Huron Secondary School Cafeteria, Clinton, 8 p.m. East and West transportation - Charlie Gracey, beef infor- mation advertising - Mary Eadie, expression of opinion on the poll re OCA checkoff - Graham Hedley. —34 EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes beginning the week of September 5, 1983. The cost is 35.00. The next series of classes will begin the week of January 9, 1984. For further information and pre- registration, please call the Health Unit office in your area at 357-2264.—34,35ar Attention Farmers A. For sale r.vd, ..�. - .. Md. eaddiiit Abakiks ... -... BARN FOR WRECKING. approximately 40' x 80' Good steel roof, straight beams. 3500.00 or best offer. Phone 395-5874. —33,34 D. Livestock GOOD SELECTION of ser- viceable age Yorkshire, Hampshire, Ouroc and crossbred boars. Test figures available as 1ovv as 10.2 in 144 days to 200 lbs. Also open and bred York x l ,andrace gilts. Vista Villa F'arrns Ltd., Hob Robinson, R.R. 4 Walton, 345-V17. 31 - SERVICEABLE Yorkshire boars, R .0.P. tested and health approved. Ben Van Diepenbeek. R. 3, Goderich, 529-7830, —34.34,36 .-.....1.. .11•111., ..11.110..1111011..-..w..r.411161111 F. For rent moo A.. --- AMP *-ann..- GRAIN STORAGE available m Lucknow Phone 528-3500. -.3.3..34nx CHILD BIRTH EDUCATION CLASSES Will begin soon. Taught by a certified childbirth educator. Topics include alternatives in childbirth, fetal develop- ment, relaxation exercises, nutrition, labour and deliv- ery, circumcision, breast feeding, new born develop- ment, parenting, etc. For further information contact JoAnne Kirkland, 357-3408. —34 STEAM=RICA STEAM AND ANTIQUE REUNION Milton Fair Grounds, Sept- ember 2 - 5, features parades and demonstrations of an- tique agricultural imple- ments, family entertainment. Admission 33 adults, kids free. —034 LEGION MEETING All members of Lucknow Legion Branch 309, are re- quested to attend the regular meeting on Tuesday, August 30, 8 p.m. —34ar THURSDAY NIGHT BOWLING Any ladies interested in bowling Thursday nights at 8 p.m. please call 528-3945 or 528-3916. —34 E. Farm services BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, harrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalis and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, 14, R. 3, Holyrood, phone 39S-5390. BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -heed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers FARMAT1C - Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills. Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture corn, Augers, Leg Elevators ACORN - Cable Barn Clean- ers WESTEEL-ROSCO - Grain bins - 1350 to 250,000 bu.. Bulk heed Tanks ACME - Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps. Cleaners, Steel Trus- ses B & L Complete Hog Con- finement Systems SLURRY-S11NGER Liquid Manure Spreaders CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment ALSO - Electric Feed Carts. Straw Choppers. 1''ibre- Fun- nels, Ritchie Heated Bowls. Hurst Equipment. We Handle Everything - Alnmst LOWRY tr ARM SYSTEMS LTD. At Arrrlrertey 1R. R. is 1, Kincardine Plume 39S-5256 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 24, 1983—Page 21 114 A ONAGH • REAL FST A11:: IN URANCL LID' 528-2031 Lucknow KINLOSS, 100 acres, 60 workable, horse set up with track and good buildings. Price reduced to sell. KINLOSS, 100 acres, 60 acres workable with excellent stone house,, all refurbished wlth n barn and double garage. Very seetlIC. KINLOSS, 178 acres, 140 workable, 10 acres good hard wood bush, good house, 2 barns and an implement sheds 30 Cow tie up with milking equipment. Ptnanc(ng at 7% to approved purchaser. CULROSS TWP., 53 acres, 45 acres workable. ASHFIELD TWP., 100 acres, 65 workable with good buildings. ASHFIELD TWP,, 2 acres well landscaped property, 4 bedroom home, drilled well and 14 fruit trees. Priced to sell. HURON TWP., 27 acres with 20 workable, 2 barns set up mainly for harsea, 3 bedroom home and drilled well, on highway 86. LUCKNOW, one urey, 2 bedroom home, 2 blocks from main street, k•aved drive, asking $29,500. LUCKNOW, must sell, 7 year old, 4 bedroom home, electric heat, sun deck, with paved drive, good location. $47,900. LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage, large living room with ffreplaee and large kitchen with built In cupboards. Priced to sell. CONVERTED SCHOOL HOUSE, 1 acre with large mature maples, near St. Helens. ST. HELENS, 3 bedroom home, with large living room with fireplace on good lot. Make us an offer. LUCKNOW, double house In good repair, hot water heating, 2 bedroom, kitchen living room combined with 4 pc. bath and 4 bedroom, Idtchen and living room combined with 4 pc. and 2 pc. bath. $27,900. WHITECHURCH, brick building, could be 3 apart. menta, 2 baths, new combination of i wood furnace. Price reduced to 515,000. For further information on these and other properties please call LASER MacKINNON DAVID MacKINNON 395-2880 395.2483 BARRY McDONAGII 5283821 Jamboree '83 Souvenir Editions .Available at the Lucknow Sentinel & John Atone Furniture The Man To See Is PRICED RIGHT, Inspect this rscsnlly rsfut6lshed 2 bedroom bungalow, located 1 block from poet offles and stores. Ideally •ut ed as retirement hoops.,. PORT ALBERT, 4 bedroom custom built home, 2 firs places, family room, 2 ear garage, on largo lot, over 2000 sq. ft. of living area, Ask to vlsw this home, reduced In price, ASHFiELD TWP,, 6 year old 3 bedroom home, 10 acres of land, fruit trees, reforested area, excellent work- shop. This property must bo soon to be appreciated. Could not be duplicated for the asking price. LUCKNOW, 6 full sized lots, Deihl Strait, available In a block or separately. Priced to soil. COUNTRY HOMllr, highway location, klnlough area, b bedrooms, well maintained, has 2 baths, drilled well, with approximatsty 2 acres of land. Excellent value al roducad pica, LUCKNOW DUPLEX, both apartments have 2 Mid - rooms, close to downtown. DUNGANNON, 2'xcstlont, 3 bedroom homes prlcsd to „Ii. ASHFIELD TWP., dairy farm, 315 acres highway location, pipe line, axccllant home, cows, quota negotiable. LUCK NOW, structurally solid building, suitable as auto body shop Of truck repair, priced to sail. KINLOSS TWP., 1tS►!i acres 3 bedroom home, **tenant barn, suitable for farrowing and bast. Approximately 20 acres workable, 50 acres hardwood bush, balance rcforsstsd, idssl rsttrcrosnt or vacation 'property. Excallsnt fishing. Asking $64,300. ASHFIELD TWP., 240 acres, 225 vforkable, Listowel loam soil, Immaculate home. K BROSS TWP., 150 act's, 145 workable, 4 bedroom hard, b..f barn, 2 upright Naos. HUI4(N TWP., 140 scrss, 133 werksbls, excellsM financing available. HURON TWP., 111 nth, 910 workable, cash crop FCC financing at 0 3/9% to approved purchaser. For further Ir*forrnatton on these properties pleas call Warren & Terry Zinn PHONE 529-1350 fl. R. It 2, LUCK NOW 1 i 1 1 11