HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-08-24, Page 19• Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 24, 1983—Page 20 PLAY IT SMART... GET INTO 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale 5 H.P. riding lawn mower, asking price $140.00. Call aftr 6 p.m., 529-7598. —34 POOL SALE. Manufagturer's clearance of above and in - ground pools many models at fantastic savings. SHOP DiRECT (416) 522-1414, —034 USED RAILWAY TILS, Pressure treated, uniform quality sort to grade (prem- ium post and economy), Delivered semiload lots only, (450 minimum). Reasonably priced, Phone (204) 7252627 ► office hours, —034 FIREWOOD. Large quantity of good quality seasoned hardwood, $29,00 for 32 cu. ft, picked up in yard, Phone 528,5102, —34 ELECTRIC STOVE, suitable for cottage, Asking $10,00, Phone 528.2043. —34x COUCH AND CHAIR set, Pall tones. Like new, $300,00 or best offer, Phone 528- 2043. —34 28-2043.----34 x CARMOR ' tyndrafter wood stosS gsEd one season; 2 hip rest chairs, refinished, Phone 528.3837, —34 SWEET CORN, 75c a dozen, $4,00 a bushel; new potatoes and carrots, $1,50 - 5 quart basket, Phone after 6 p,m., 529.7615, —34 UTILITY TRAILER, tandem flat beds, custom built, Phone 528-2900.-34,35x QUANT1TY of steel beams, various sizes, Phone 528- 2900, —34,35x ELECTRIC PENCE SALES AND SERVICE Repairs to any make. Phone 345-2306. —24-40 C.O.S.T. Plus 10% will get you brand name appliances, electronics, video recorders, hi.fi equipment, t.v.s. etc., at a saving of up to 45% on your next purchase. Call your Computer Order Saving Terminus Inc. Certified sales agent or write C.O.S,T, for a catalogue viewing, Box 1925, Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4R4, Phone 1-744-0822, —32-35x AIR TIGHT STEEL and cast iron wood stoves, fireplace inserts, from $399.00 with ten year guarantee. The Woodburner Shop, 529-7949, 32.35 RUBBER STAMPS, business cards, stag tickets, magnetic signs, personal address lab- els. All your printing require- ments. Cowan Printing & Advertising Service, Luck. now, 528.2730. --21 tf SPRING LAME Cut and wrapped to your specifications ORDER NOW Bernadotte Scoff 395.3563 SICK R00M SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241,—8tfeow THIS & THAT STORE now open from Monday to Satur- day, 9 to 8, Lenore Glenn, 528-3721—14eow REDUCED PRICES On Jamboree '83 souvenirs - beer mugs, T shirts, caps, flags, Available at Johnstone Furniture. —33tf Classified Rates DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 5 P.M. MONDAYS • WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LONG WEEK ENDS, WHEN THE DEADLINE WILL BE 5 P.M. FRIDAYS Charge. are based on the number of words. 22 words • 513,00, 14c per word thereafter ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of $6.00, $10.00 with picture IN MEMORIAMS - S3.00 plus 30e per line of verge CARD OF TJIANKS • 25 word* $3.00, estch addi- tional word 5r 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR PAYMENT BEFORE THURSDAY MORNING OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BON NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00 for first week, 511.110 eelrh week thereafter, 528-2822 FACTORY CLEARANCE steel buildings. Example 40' x 58' Arch building including 21'W double slide doors $6600. Similar savings on widths20' to 100' wide clear span. Also available straight - wall all steel buildings 20' to 60' clear span. Priced to clear. For guaranteed sav- ings call toll free 1-800-268- 0802, —032 NELSON MEMORIALS - Superb Monuments and Markers in everlasting gran- ite at direct from factory prices, Call your Nelson rep- resentative 1-744.0822 or write for free catalogue to Ho* 1925, Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4R4. —32 -39x TRY C & E Furniture, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. —40tf INVITATIONS - Four differ- ent catalogues of personaliz- ed wedding and anniversary invitations and accessories, available for overnight view- ing. For appointment call Marilyn Murray, 528-3635. —24tfar CEDAR POSTS for sale. Call after 6 p.m., 395-5773, —11tf GRAIN FED BEEF Hinds Fronts Sides 1.65 La, 1.00 Le, 1.28► LB, Gross weight plus 146 per pound for tutting, wrapping and quick freezing, praeessing increases road pNee per pound PHONE RIPLEY 395-2905 RIPLEY ABATTOIR AMY.11m11 MIAMI MUM BMW 4. Articles wanted OLD POST CARDS wanted. Pre 1950, used or unused. Top prices paid. Ship your post cards for my cash offer or write Neil Hayne, Bath, Ontario, KOH 100. —034 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1979 GRANADA ESS 4 dr., auto.. A-1 condition, deluxe model, 42.000 miles. certi- fied, 55,288. Cali 395-5907. —.44 1. Real estate for sale ......imam a._ M..4. 40.110 ...m1 rim. Amax - DUNGANNOxN - wedding shop and 1''7 floor home on acre lot. Several good country homes on small acreage in f-;ast WawanoSh. Mortis and HO - tett township. Call Mason Bailey Real Instate Limrteci. 482 93-1 l,tf Looking ng for a busts?7 1t's ciasatlftod to the rosette! arktilm! WNW 9. Accom, to rent TWO BEDROOM House for rent in Lucknow. Apply to Box S c/o Lucknow Sentinel, Pox 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0.-31tf TWO BEDROOM apartment downtown Lucknow. Phone 528-3009 days or 395-2470 after 6 p.m. —34,35ar SMALL FURNISHED apart ment for rent. Phone 528- 2174 or 395-3362. —24tf ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments in Lucknow, Glenhaven Apartments, 529- 7030, after six p.m. —9tf STUDENT WISHES some- one to share 2 bedroom apartment in London begin- ning September 1. Apply in writing to Box R, c/a The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow, Ontario NO0 2H0. —32tf ONE BEDROOM, heated apartment, frig and stove. Phone 528-2113. —33tf MEM AMMO MOW MOM MEM MOM *WWII 12. Help wanted R.N. PART TIME required immediate) recent exper- ience pre. erred. Apply to Mr. W. Woodley, R.N., Director of Nursing, Wing - ham and District Hospital, 270 Carling Terrace, Wing - ham, Ontario NO0 2W0. —33,34 BABYSITTER needed three days a week for a two and four year old. Call 529-7754. —33tf BABYSITTER required for two pre-schoolers in my home near Holyrood, Mon- day to Friday, 7:45 a,m, to 5:15 p.m. starting in Sept- ember. Please apply to Bax "C", c/o Lucknow Sentinel, Bax 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0, stating experience, ref- erences and wage expecta- tions. —33,34 PERSON to da housework once a month. Phone 529- 7963. —34 13. Wanted (general] OLD BRICK BUILDINGS wanted for wrecking salvage. Contact R. Lumley Demoli- tian Inc., Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick (5191 542-4088 Sarnia err (416) 283-2311 Toronto. —034 15. Tenders ammo aiNks AKE. dab., AM. Maws TAXI BUSINESS FOR SALE BY TENDER ('ars - 1980 Grand Fur,. P.S.. P.B.. 318 auto; 1977 Volara P. 5.. 6 CO. auto. Both cars in good condition and being sold as is, taxi bnsines' operating 7 days a week. Subject to reserve bid. (7w n et selling (hie to other interests. For further infor- mation contact James Stef- fler. Lucknow•, 528-3116 • 32-35ar 1 4 0 0. 4. 0 0 4 9 9 0 9 0. f n . a r o .. n' 4 0, A 0 11. Auction Sales .1._ ...W .11.1 Wain __m _mm .m.. _ c.1.. - GIGANTIC FARM EQUIP- MENT monthly consignment auction Friday, August 26, 1983 10 a.m. sharp. Sales held 4th Friday of each month, New and used equip- ment including approximate- ly 75 - 100 tractors, some industrial equipment, skid steer loaders, trucks, pull - type and self propelled com- bines and over 300 pieces of all types of farm equipment plus lawn and garden equip- ment. SPECIAL NOTE: This sale features a mystery row of tractors and farm equip- ment that will be sold totally unreserved and absolutely to the highest bidder, Don't miss this auction, See you there, Trucking available to anywhere in Canada. Terms: Cash or good cheque day of sale, Not responsible for accidents on property. Lunch booth on grounds. Tractors sell 1.30 p.m. Auctioneers Cliff Gilbert and Alex Parr. One of Ontario's fastest growing monthly farm equip- ment consignment auctions. Wayne Ward Farm Equip- ment, Hwy. # 6, Wiarton, Ontario. Phone (519) 534- 1638 it 534-2980. —033 Consignment Auction Sale Lengcide School and Church, on September 10,1983 ANYONE WISHING TO CONSIGN ARTICLES CALL 528-2299 392-8240 395.5482 18. Services available STEP DANCING LESSONS starting mid-September. For mare information phone 529- 7148. —33,34x BARN WHITEWASHING Custom washing, disinfect- ing, etc. Try us. That's all we do! John Miller, e/a J,Shei. ler, Lumber, 11. tl 2, Luck - now. -34,35 PIANO TUNING and repairs. used pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki (Wing - ham) 357-1049. —14 BARN BUILDING and cem- ent work. Phone 357-1676. —23-39 NEED A CARPENTER?? Experienced in carpentry and home renovations in- cluding roofing. plumbing. cabinet making and electric- al. Gall 528-38,34 after 6 p. m. Magi. MOM tern tertlal ehiftia MINE Max. 18. Services available .»' die . 4x(_4 N.m..xil.. eel. a... - - n DON THOMPSON T.V. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- tion service, 395-3466, Rip- ley. —9tfar LUCKNOW TAXI Owner/Operator James Sterner Delivery Service; reasonable rates; local and long distance trips; fully insured. 528.3116 —S0tfa r CUSTOM WELDING, port- able and in -shop. Fabrication and repairs. Free estimates, reasonable rates. St. Helens Mfg., 528-6945. —17tf AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 195-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 BACKHOEING/ BULLDOZING Gravel and Topsoil Call Wayne Bushell 395.3320 —29-36 .ice. .WYW .�..i NINO .Wei. .iia Mit....W. 21. Personal -MOMS OMNI *Ma- -o—� PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432-9179 collect. IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an Al -Anon ryttmher.—45tfnx HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. —40tfa r WimY flyMM...moi AMEN ,111.1 del. MOM, !WON _1111 22. Lost and found LOST - if anybody knows the whereabouts of a blue bike with Mickey Mouse Bell, black handles and seat and string on seat, please contact Delores Crass, 528-2914. —34 �w.W®tome .18.E AWNS .m Arnim MUNI* 41.11.0 23. Miscellaneous CAREER IN TRUCKING, Contact Mery Orr's School offices in Toronto (416) 251- 9073; Ottawa (613) 523-3489; London (519) 432-1726; North Bay (70.5) 472-2910: Thunder Bay: (807) 623- 8686: Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177: Cambridge (519) 648-2519, P.C. F.C. member. ■r■CAll 528-2822 NMI En' own COMM ca, BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd. 9. IN E C..'.ntr,x( Hrsr (-)Or C' 111 Ogen 6 (lays a wopk 357-2440