HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-08-24, Page 11south klnloss
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 24, 1983—Page 11
Winter driving Kairshea W. I. topic
Kinloss Kairshea Wom-
en's Institute held their
Resolutions meeting on Aug-
ust 18 with guests from
Lucknow Senior and Junior
Institute, Holyrood and
Whitechurch Institutes,
Mrs, Parish Moffat, Reso-
lutions Convener, introduced
the guest speaker, Constable
Oaeler of Hanover. Mr, Gael.
er Is co-ordinator of District
6, which takes in 15 detach-
ments, His Job is public
relations oriented and he is
closely involved with teach-
ing traffic safety in schools,
He Informed the members
that as of September all
school buses must be equip-
ped with a stop arm, He said
that statistics say accidents
are up from three years ago
and that problems on high-
ways can only be corrected
by those using them, He
showed two excellent films,
"Emergencies in the Mak-
ing" and "Make Winter
Driving Safer".
He answered many ques-
tions from the ladles. One
question about three wheel-
ed bikes brought the answer
that they are not to be driven
on highways because they
cannot be licensed, Pamph-
lets on different safety laws
were left for the ladies to pick
Mrs, Leonard Machines
thanked Constable Oaeler for
his very informative talk and
Mrs, Cliff Roulston gave
out kits for the Arthritic
Society canvass, Mrs, Don
MacKinnon gave a full report
of the Craft Festival and
Mrs, Evan Keith reported on
the display for the Lucknow
Fall Fair, Mrs, Don Mat-
Florence Floral MacKenzie
There passed away at
Wingham and District Hos-
pital, Florence (Flora) Mac-
Kenzie of Lucknow and form•
erly of Lochalsh, on Thurs-
day, August 11, 198L She
was in her 71st year,
Florence MacKenzie was
born in Huron Township an
October 7, 1912, daughter of
Angus Edward McLeod and
Jessie Anne McLeod,
She married Donald P,
(Bain) MacKenzie on Janu-
ary 14, 1939 in Ashfield
Township, Rev, ft Ester
conducted the ceremony,
Her husband predeceased
her in 1970,
Mrs, MacKenzie took her
nursing training in Wingham
(eneral Hospital and gradu-
ated in 1934, She performed
private duty nursing un-
til her marriage, She wotlt-
ed in General and Marine
Hospital, Goderlch, from
1952 to 1958, and in Wing -
ham and District Hospital
from 1958 till her retirement
in 1976,
While at Wingham and
District Hospital she return-
ed to her studies and in 1969
she received her registration,
In June of 1982 she re-
ceived a Life Membership for
her contribution to Wingham
and District Hospital. She
was a member of Ashfield
Presbyterian Church.
Besides her husband, Mrs.
MacKenzie was predeceased
by her brother, Edward irr
1953 and a sister, Mrs. Roy
(Isabelle) MacKay in Aug-
ust, 1982.
She is survived by one
sister, Mrs, Jae (Adeline)
Hackett of Ripley and -several
nieces and nephews,
Pullers! services were held
August 13, 1983 at the Mat •
Kenzie and McCreath Fun-
eral Home in Luei tmw with
Rev. Hugh Nugent officiat-
ing, Mrs, Donald Moffat
was organist,
Pallbearers were nephews,
Stuart MacLennan, Bain
MacLennan, Dkirtcarn Par-
rish, Murray MacLeod, Ken-
neth MacLeod, and Jack
Interment was in Lochalsh
J. Lennon (rtoughflrr
The dearth of .1. Lennon
O'Loughlin of Rochester,
Michigan, occurred July 30,
1983 at the Hospice South-
field, Michigan, The eldest
son of the late Joseph and
Mary O'Loughlin, he was
born in Kingsbridge, August
30, 1904 and attended the 9th
On December 19, 1923, the
late Mr, O'Loughlin went to
Detroit for an apprenticeshk)
in the plumbing trade. In
February 1930 the J, L,
O'Loughlin Plumbing and
Heating Cotnpany was foun-
The late Mr, O'Loughlin
was a former National Direc-
tor of the Mechanical Con-
tractors Association, a mem-
ber and former director of
the Detroit Association, past
president and director of
Mechanical Contractors As-
sociation of Detroit, In busi-
ness the J, L, O'Laughlin
Company was noted for its
quality installations and
square dealings with its cus-
tomers. Mr, O'Loughiin re-
tired in 1971,
The late Mr, O'Laughlin is
survived by his wife Mena
(Reagan) O'Loughlin, daugh-
ters, Mary Anne Cueney of
Birmingham Hills, Merin
Szydlowski of Rochester,
Lynne De Grande of Grasse
Point, Peggy Campbell,
Flint, Michigan and Patti
°calla of Plarida; sons, Jam-
es L., Troy, Daniel J. of
Danas, Texas, John 11, of
Detroit and William P. of
He is survived by his
sisters, Mrs. John Kinney
(Bernardine) of Kingsbridge,
Mrs, Harry P, Schmidt (Nor-
een), Blue Belt, Pennsyl-
vania, Mrs, Ed Shea (Marg-
aret), Berkley, Michigan and
his brother, Pathe Ralph
O'Loughlin CO of Missouri
City, Texas.
Predeceased by his broth-
ers, Norman O'Loughlin of
Sun City, Arizona and Albert
O'Laughlin of Troy, Michi-
Funeral service was held
from the Desmond Funeral
Home. requiem Mass was
concelebrated at his 'owner
parish 5t. Micheals of S;outh-
fieid by Father Ralph
Olotighlin CSB as celeb-
ranrt. Wednesday. August 3,
083 with burial in Holy
Sepulchre Cemetery. South-
field, "Michigan
thews is the delegate to the
Grey Bruce Convention to be
held in Owen Sound in Oct-
ober. Mrs. Jim Burt and
Mrs. Harvey Houston are
alternates, Members are re-
minded that the September
meeting will be a week later
and will start with a tour of
the Pine River Cheese Fac-
The 4-H leaders for the
next club "Looking Great,
Peeling Great" are Mrs.
Jack Mali and Mrs, William
Mrs. Ted Rice of Lucknow
favoured the ladies with two
piano seiections and Mrs,
John MacDonald gave a
humorous reading "Locks"
from the book "Clod still
loves my kitchen",
Mrs, Verna Schmidt gave
the courtesies, The meeting
was closed with 0 Canada
and the W,1, Oraee after
which a delicious lunch was
served by the hostess, Mrs,
()cordon Wall and directors,
Mrs, Clarence Ritchie, Mrs.
Harry Lavis and Mrs. Jim
Huron plowing match organizers
hope for dry weather this year
The Huron County Plowing
Match is taking shape for the
weekend of Sept. 16 and 17 at
the farm of Clare beichert of
The match starts on
Friday morning with
coaching and in the af-
ternoon the Junior match will
take place, On Saturday
the main part of the program
gets underway with antique
tractors, horse-drawn plows
and regular tractors all
plowing furrows,
A highlight of the match is
the Queen of the Furrow
competition which starts at 9
a,tti, on Saturday, The
contestants demonstrate
their plowing ability, plows
are available and are in-
terviewed around 10:30 a.m,
At noon the girls are taken
for lunch compliments of
MPP Jack Riddell (Lib.
Huron -Middlesex).
Following lunch, the
potential Queens return to
the match site where they
deliver their speeches. The
winner is crowned that day
and will go on to compete at
the 1904 International
Plowing Match to be held in
Wellington County.
Any young woman in-
terested in entering the
competition should contact
Huth Townsend of R.R. 3,
Seaforth at 027-1029.
The Huron County
Plowmen's Association also
offers plowing class for
women in two categories,
those under the age of 24 and
those 'rver the age of 24.
For the non-plowers there
are other competitions to
enter. The match offers log
sawing, horseshoe pitching
and nail driving.
A concession booth will be
on the site to feed the hungry
piowers and spectators.
trinity news
Hacketts visit Toronto CNE
By Betty Ritchie
Larry and Katy Hackett
visited relatives in Toronto
over the weekend and at-
tended the C.N,E,
Jack and Nancy Cameron
and boys spent the weekend
camping at Family Paradise
at Walton with her sister and
family of New Hamburg.
Neighbour ladies of the
12th attended a community
shower in Dungannon on
Tuesday evening for Annette
Curran, this month's bride to
Jim Ritchie.
Get well wishes are sent
out to George Alton who is a
patient in University Hospit-
al, London, following a farm
An expression of opinion poll
will be held on September 14, 15 and 16, 1983 on whether the Ontario
Cattlemen's Association check -off' should be made non-refundable.
The question will be
"Are you in favor of making licence fees (check -off) under the Beef Cattle
Marketing Act non-refundable?"
You are eligible to vote if
you owned cattle between June 15, 1981 and June 15, 1983. Before receiving
a ballot, voters will be required to complete a Cer'qicate of Qualification
(available at polling stations) attesting to eligibility.
Polling stations will be located
at all OMAF County and district Agricultural Representative offices"
Polling hours will be
Wednesday, September 14, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Thursday, September 15, 9 a.m. -9 p.m.
Friday, September 16, 9 a. m. - 4 p m.
one -Mfr of one per cent of the vaf ie of cattle solid to a
s6aughterfng pliant or soles for beef productron purposes at
fin establfshed puhfrc auction sale
" And also in the following communities
Bruce Stator) (Algoma Cochrane (Cochrane
Lqanvilfe ( enfrP J F nglehart F3r,nr ,,
;,hPr.W( your Irl( rl ')Mr14 ',ff r P fn, ;1F fa Is
MinIstry of Agncul!;,re
and F o oct
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