The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-06-08, Page 11community news
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 8, 1983—Page 12
St. Joseph's School in Kingsbridge held public speaking
competitions on Friday, May 20. Students from Kin-
dergarten to grade 3 competed by reciting poems. The
winners are (back row, left to right): Jennifer Tigert, first,
and Peter Thoeny, second, in grade 2; Rachel Brophy,
second, Jennifer Redmond, first, and Tommy Hogan, third
in grade 3; and Dawn Marie Wilson, third in grade 2. In the
front row are: Nicole Sherratt, second, and, Robin Paolin,
first in grade 1; Connie Nicholson, first, Erin Hickey, third,
and Jodie Boily, second in Kindergarten; and Joe Dalton,
third in grade 2. (photo by Darrell Kloeze )
Open house honours octogenarian
Relatives, friends and
neighbours paid tribute to
Bernardine Kinney of Kings-
bridge on the occasion of her
80th birthday, May 24 at an
open house held in St. Jos-
eph's Parish Hall, Kings-
bridge on Sunday, May 29
from 2 - 5 p.m.
Father Ed Dentinger cele-
brated a Sunday 10.30 Mass
of Thanksgiving, requested
by the St. Joseph's Catholic
Womea's League.
Vivian Hogan who initiat-
ed the plans for the open
house greeted guests assist-
ed by Fran Riegling, Mary
Clare, Betty Lou Dalton,
CWL president, and her
Vassella sisters, Yvonne Sin -
nett, Eileen Wilson and
Linda Bowler, and Teresa
Courtney and others who
served refreshments.
Betty Lou acted as master
of ceremonies, welcomed all
and spoke briefly of the cele-
brant. She called on Father
Dentinger, the gracious host,
then Vivian Hogan, Bill
Partridge, Joan Van den
Broech and Irene Clark rep-
resenting various organiza-
tions Bernardine belongs to.
John Austin, Ashfield reeve,
extended best wishes and
gave a humorous review of
the late 1940s forward and of
the restoration of her 99 -
year -old home and the area.
He then presented a congra-
tulatory scroll sent by Prime
Minister Pierre Trudeau and
messages of congratulations
from Murray Elston MPP
and David Peterson, leader
of the provincial opposition.
Bernardine's sister, Marg-
aret Shea of Berkley, Mich-
igan spoke a few words of
congratulations and Bernard-
ine's nephew, Jim O'Lough-
lin, his wife, Joyce and their
children, Mollie and Casey
were acknowledged.
Entertainment followed
provided by Elmer Umbach,
Father Dentinger, Ray Dal-
ton, Joyce and Bob Courtney
and Bert McDonald. It was
indeed a day to remember.
Ripley columnist enjoys bird watching...
•from page 9
their identity can be
established by their songs or
calls. Outside this morning
the following birds were
noted by their calls - mourn-
ing doves, Baltimore orioles,
goldfinches, song sparrows,
bobolinks, chipping spar-
rows, flickers, bronze
grackles, crows, and robins
along with the Starlings and
English sparrows. One mor-
ning a week ago a mag pie
was observed in some shrub-
Last Saturday Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Wilson of
Dungannon visited with
Leslie and Dorothy Wardell
and son Henry at their home
in concession 4 west in Huron
On Sunday Leslie,
Dorothy and Henry Wardell
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Greenley at Lakelet and with
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace at Clif-
Recently the senior
citizens in the Huron Villa
home in Ripley were enter-
tained by the: Ripley Junior
Farmers. Fifteen members
sang several old favourites.
Mary Farrell played a solo
number on her saxophone
accompanied by a member
on the piano. Also last week
Mrs. Bev Hanson of Point
Clark visited the Villa to
entertain the residents with
playing her violin. Residents
say thanks to her and to the
Ripley Junior Farmers.
Jean MacDonald of the
staff at the Pinecrest Manor
Nursing Home in Lucknow
visited with her sister
Noreen MacDonald at their
home on Malcolm street in
Ripley. Visiting with Mrs.
Bette MacLeod were her son
Noel and his wife Diane
MacLeod; Mr. and Mrs.
William Crowther Sr.
parents of Diane, Mr. and
Mrs. William Crowther Jr.
and daughters Katherine
and Victoria all of Toronto.
On Tuesday of last week,
Harry Ramsay of Brucelea
Haven Home in Walkerton
and former resident of the
fourth concession east in
Huron township visited with
Mrs. Bette MacLeod.
Californians attend Mildmay wedding
•from page 8
so visited their uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William
Haldenby of Kinlough.
Marion Harris of Gateway
Haven, Wia: ton spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs.
Ellwood Elliott, Bruce and
David. Marion enjoyed get-
ting back to concession 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mac-
Donald and Jeffery of Sam
Luis Obispo, California, Mr.
and Mrs. Glen (Elma Mae)
Kaufman of Calgary, and
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom McDonald v~ ere guests
at the Thompson -Klein wed-
ding at the United Evan-
gelical Church at Mildmay on
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ol-
son of Santa Barbara, Cali-
fornia, Margaret Melick of
Mount Hope, and Mary
Stewart of Kincardine spent
Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Tom McDonald here.
The McDonald annual
family picnic was held on
Sunday at Kinloss Commun-
ity Centre. Everyone enjoyed
a really happy get together
while Elma Mae and Glen
and Mac, Annette and Jef-
frey were here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott of
Ripley were dinner guests
with Vera Hodgins at her
farm home.
Stephen Doerr of London
spent the weekend at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Kinlough W.I.
The June meeting of the
Holyrood Women's institute
was held on Thursday even-
ing at the home of Mrs. John
The president Mrs. Char-
les Murray welcomed the
ladies. Mrs. William Mac-
Pherson read the minutes,
the financial statement and
the correspondence includ-
ing an invitation to Mr. and
Mrs. Lyman Sutton's 50th
wedding anniversary party at
Teeswater. Ladies volunteer-
ed to help at the booth at the
Lucknow Jamboree on July
1. The institute will take
their annual bus trip to Blvth
to see the play, My Wild
Irish Rose, on July 27.
Mrs. Charlie Murray gave
a most interesting report on
the Bruce South District
meeting which was held in
Lucknow, with Silver Lake
the hostess branch. There
were around 100 present.
Readings were given by
Mrs. Bessie Maulden and
Mrs. Gerald Murray. Mrs.
Harold Smith gave a splen-
did motto. Homes Are
Greenhouses where Citizens
are Started.
Mrs. Charles Murray gave
the topic. Don't Convert -
.lust Cook Metrically. The
roll call, Resolutions 1 would
make to save money. was
answered. Members worked
on a quiz and a recipe in
Mrs. Ellwood Elliott gave
the courtesies and refresh-
ments were served by the
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