HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-06-08, Page 9fr ipley news Lucknow Sentinel,_ Wednesday, June 8, 1983—Page 9 Agriculture minister opens new Pine River Cheese Factory By Ab Wylds This past weekend, June 3 and 4, 1983, the big event in Huron township was the opening and tour of the new Pine River Cheese and But- ter Co-operative Factory on Highway 21 near the in- tersection of the Sixth Con- cession west. It is a brand new building in a brand new site out on the Highway. The former factory was destroyed by fire breaking out during the afternoon of Monday October 26, 1981. Then again fire on Tuesday September 7, 1982 did exten- sive damage to the new building setting back the completion by months. Much planning and many decisions had to be made. In charge was the board of directors - president Gordon Patterson of the Tenth Con- cession east in Huron township, vice president Lynn Farrell and director Alex Stewart of Millarton, and directors Jim Farrell and Dave Coiling of Reids Corners along with the Co-op managers Glen Martin of Ripley and son Don Martin of Reids Corners. At work in the factory now are the following people - three cer- tified cheesemakers namely Don Martin, John Kelly of Pine River, and Ken Neabel of Lucknow. also workmen Burton McLeod and Wayne McLean of Ripley, Brian Simpson, Hap Hall of Lucknow, Dave Finnegan, Murray MacKinnon, and Gordon Grenville, secretary treasurer Joyce Courtney, laboratory technican Ida Roth, and tour co-ordinator Barb Farrell of Reids Cor- ners also three ladies in the retail store in the factory -Liz Large and Grace Carruthers of Ripley and Nina Wyld of the 6th concession west Huron township and also Allan MacTavish of conces- sion 2 in Huron who is the plant maintenance man. The opening ceremony was held on Friday evening with president Gordon Pat- terson the master of ceremonies. Ontario Minister of Agriculture Den- nis Timbrell from Toronto delivered the main address and declared the . factory open. Also present were M.P. Murray Cardiff of Brussels, and M.P.P. Mur- ray Elston of Wingham. Mrs. M. Gurbin of Kincardine represented her husband M.P. Dr. Gary Gurbin and from Port Elgin for the On- tario Milk Marketing Board was Ken MacKinnon. On Saturday the factory was open to inspection by the public. Manager Don Martin said that several thousand people must have attended as there was a steady line of Visit with Lochalsh couple By Kae Webster Visiting on the weekend with Finlay and Margie Mac- Donald were Kathy, Ryan and Phoebia Robson and Myria McCarrol of Grosse Point, Michigan and Jane Mclnnan and girl friend of Paris, Ontario. Ross and Jean MacKenzie have returned home from Calgary, Alberta where they were vacationing for a week. They had a real nice visit with three of their sons, Brad, Scott and Danny. On the Sunday they were there, they had a barbeque and they saw most of the local boys of Ashfield, who are in Calgary. Charles and Mayme Wilk- ins will attend the wedding of Charles nephew on Saturday in Chesley. On the weekend Charles and Mayme had their two daughters, Barbara Shep- pard and Janet Wilkins, of Paris, Ontario and Allen Peck, a friend of Janet. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb had Edwin and Janice McCutcheon and family of Lion's Head with them on the weekend. Doug Matthewman of Van- couver and Whistler Moun- tain, British Columbia, is holidaying for a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Matthewman. When he returns home, he will have six weeks of skiing on the ice plateaus. Murray Cardiff speaks to Dungannon institute The June meeting of the Dungannon Women's Insti- tute was held on Thursday evening, June 2 at the home of Olive Chisholm. President, Winnifred Gir- vin, introduced guest Jean Black. Seventeen members and visitors answered the roll call with ideas for Dungan - non's W.I. 70th anniversary February. 1984. Marian Zinn was thanked for prepar- ing the 1983-84 institute booklets. Lucknow W.I. extends an invitation to their special meeting June 14. A request for a donation to the Lady Diane Nursery School, Van- astra as tabled. The Dun- gannon and Area Kinettes are sponsoring as blood donor clinic Thursday. June 30 at Brookside School 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Jean Errington, District Director, gave a report of the District Annual held Mon- day. May30, at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Wing - ham. Those who attended were Winnifred Girvin. Bes- sie McNee. Jean Errington, Willetta McWhinney. Peggy Purdon, Olive Chisholm and Norma Martin. Huron West officers elected from Dun- gannon branch for 1983-84 were Alma Black as second vice president and Winnifred Girvin as federation repres- entative. Home Economists are now called Rural Organization Specialists. Members were informed of the June 14 food preservation workshop day at Londesboro 7.30 p.m. on pickling and canning. Winnifred Girvin gave a report on the afternoon ses- sion of the district meeting. Murray Cardiff M.P. was guest speaker telling of his trip as Canada's representa- tive to the United Nations. New York, and his more recent trade mission to South East Asia, giving viewpoints on culture. Hostess for the 1984 District Annual will he the Dungannon W.I. Myrtle Kerr introduced guest, .lean Black. who gave an interesting d .monstration on flower arranging and corsages. Ila Crozier pres- ented her with a gift. Bessie McNee conducted a contest on Flowers. won by Marian Zinn. runners up Willetta McWhinnev and Melba Park. Pennies for friendship was double your hose size. Lunch was served by hostesses Alma Black and Myrtle Kerr. Wellington and Kae Web- ster visited on the weekend with Norma Young in God- erich. Plans are underway to cel- ebrate the 135th anniversary of the Ashfield Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 19. The Rev. Douglas Wilson of Collingwood will preach at both services. Rev. Wilson is one of the more forceful minister of our time and preaches to overflow congre- gations every Sunday. He is a former student of the late Dr. Scott MacKenzie of Pres- byterian College in Montreal and a former Ashfield native. Kathleen Calvert of Sarnia visited recently with her sister and brother-in-law, Ewan and Marj MacLean. The nicest 'thing about an egotist is that he never goes around talking about other people. Dates Available Lucknow 8 District Community Centre FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY JUNE 17, 18, 19 Kinsmen Sumn:erfest SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Jeff Thomson and Cathy Van Diepen SATURDAY, JULY 9 Joan Hamilton and Steve Chamney OPEN DATES AVAILABLE JUNE Friday 10 Friday 24 JULY Friday 8 AUGUST Frlay 12 Friday 19 CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00a.m. AND 6:00 p.m. ONLY 528-3532 visitors from nine thirty in the morning to six in the evening. He concluded that it had been a very successful weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Peebles of Kitchener were recent guests with- Adeline Martyn in Ripley. Spring flower show The Ripley and District Horticultural Society held their annual spring flower show on Tuesday afternoon May 24. Over a hundred ladies attended the show with its plant sale and after- noon tea m the Ripley Legion hall. Top scoring exhibitors in the show were Marie Farrell with 40 points and Connie van der Hoek .with 29 points. Points gained at the spring show will be added to those made at the fall show in August to determine trophy and prize winners. The judge was Mrs. A, Purves of Lucknow. Wild flower show On Monday afternoon of last week, May 30, at 1:30 n.m. guest speaker Lyn Lawrence of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton finally was able to present her slide show and talk on "Wild Flowers of On - i -6,71;8111111 n - r 6,7LICE11li THS' TU, tario". First it was schedul- ed for Ripley on Tuesday May 17 at 7:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium. However she arrived here that afternoon with an even- ing appointment elsewhere. On Monday last week it was held in the Ripley Legion hall. Ripley librarian . Judy Hawrylyshyn reports a good attendance of adults and also teacher Marg. McGonegal and her class of 25 students from the R.D.S. With June here - it is the time to observe all the dif- ferent kinds of birds. Once a person gets to know birds Turn to page 12• 1)1Q : Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour movie information PLAYING FROM FRIDAY TO THURSDAY, JUNE LAST TWO DAYS FOR THIS ACTION FILLED MOVIE 10111 to 16t1. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JUNE 8th i 9th SHOWTIMES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 7 and 9 p.m. SUNDAY TO THURSDAY ata p.m. ONLY SHOWTIME a p.m. EACH EVENING OHM( NORRI. STARTS FRIDAY, JUNE 17111 SOmctihtnc ItSIll'',' i1`,ii rl t i 1 r I'C R,:IFI (E. WARNING: COARSE LANGUAGE tA.•••••••••••••••••••••.•••....i....•••.••••••....•.•..., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • .• • • 1 1 • 1 • ma OMC[ MORE • ANO LAUOII • AGAIN • • • • • • • • ••••s•s•••••••••••I► • • • • • • • • • • • 1 WED. -THURS. RICHARD GERE IN BREATHLESS STARTING FRIDAY FRI.-SAT. 7 iII SUN.-THURS. 7:311 DAN AYKROYD EDDIE MURPHY They're not just getting rich...They're getting even. Sornt' ver ) funm huusine's. flp%ADULT ACCOMPANIMENT ii1111111111111/11111 Mu = R Drive -In Mwy 11 OoderIch At Con Rd 4 24 99111 111111111111111111111 • FRI.-SAT.-SUN. • • BOX OPENS 8:00 FIRST StIDW AT DUSK • CHILDREN UNDER 14 FREE • • 2ND FEATURE • FALL IN LOVE • • • • • THE BLUE ALL OVER AGAIN LAGOON • ® 0 s 00/0,04110410004119066000 DUSTIN xo/TIIIex TOCtSie' 1t4M1ER TLIEATIIES Can you keep a secret? PARENTAL I� 6UIDAMCE