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Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 8, 1983—Page 6
landworee SS
"The Sepoy Town" Established 1873
THOMAS A. THOMPSON - Advertising Manager
PAT LIVINGSTON • Office Manager
JOAN HELM • Compositor
MERLE ELLIOTT - Typesetter
Business and Editorial Office telephone 528.2822
Mailing Address P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0
Second ('I::ss Mail Registration Number 0847
Subscription rate, 515.25 per year in adeance
Senior Citizen rate, 512.75 per year In adeance
U.S.A. and Foreign, 538.00 per year In advance
Sr. Cit. U.S.A. and Foreign, $36.00 per year in advance
Improve fire safety
The deaths of 23 people in the fire aboard an Air Canada
jet Thursday night last week, raises disturbing questions
about the safety of air travel.
The jet did not have smoke detectors or fire extinguishers
in its lavatory, because they're not required by the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA), Air Canada's spokesman,
Brock Stewart said. Spokesmen for Transport Canada and
Air Canada said their aircraft adhere to U.S. Standards and
do not go beyond them.
A recommendation that airline washrooms be . equipped
with the safety devices was made in 1980 by a blue-ribbon
committee of the FAA. Crew members of the Air Canada jet
had played two extinguishers on the washroom flames but to
no avail.
Why is it that Air Canada does not see it necessary to
comply with the recommendations of the FAA committee?
Because until such recommendations are mandatory,
Canadian airlines will not comply. If they do take the
necessary costly measures, and American airline do not,
Canadian airline tickets will increase in price persuading
people to purchase cheaper American tickets.
Following this investigation, the U.S. National Transpor-
tation Safety Board will make further recommendations
regarding fire prevention on aircraft.
Included in their report should be the following
recommendations, which should become mandatory stand-
ards: aircraft should be equipped with fire detectors and fire
extinguishers in the lavatory; smoking should be banned on
all flights and all planes should be designed using fire
retardant materials, materials which do not give off deadly
gases when they burn.
All of the passengers who escaped the blaze were
breathing through something, a wet facecloth provided by
the flight attendants or a piece of clothing.
If the aircraft complied with many of the recommenda-
tions already made by the FAA, including those which are
not mandatory, it is possible there would have been time for
all the passengers to escape.
Can you identify this Lucknow business man? If you know his
cute face, please call the Sentinel 528-2822.
Can you identify these students? The picture is believed to
be of students at Paramount School taken in about 1914. The
Sentinel wishes to use the picture In our Jamboree edition
and would appreciate your assistance in naming the
children. Call the Sentinel 528-2822.
letters to the editor
To the Editor:
On behalf of The Salvation Army,
we say thank you to the Lions Club for
their tremendous assistance in helping
us reach our goal of 59,500 in our
recent Red Shield Campaign. Also to
the people of the Lucknow Community
who gave so generously.
May God Bless You All.
Captain Fred Marshall.
To the Editor:
An interest has been shown for
quite some time to have a reunion of
all former employees of the old
nursing home, from Baker's Nursing
Home up to and including the old
Pinecrest Manor.
What better time than during Jam-
boree '83? Arrangements have been
made to have lunch and a social time,
11.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., Sunday, July
3 in the Heritage Room of the Mayfair
Restaurant. Please contact the owners
at 528-3932 for reservations soon, so
they will know how many to expect.
Hoping to see all our old friends
We are,
Jean Conley
Betty O'Donnell.
To the Editor:
The Lucknow Branch of the Canad-
ian Cancer Society reports another
very successful campaign this year.
The total contributions came to
53,329.25, an increase over last year.
A sincere thank you is extended to
all the team captains, canvassers and
everyone that contributed.
A special thank you is extended to
the ladies of the Women's Institutes,
Reid's Corners, Holyrood and Kair-
shea for their part in helping out with
the campaign.
Town Canvassers: Team captains,
Ruth Thompson, Beatty Irwin, Jane
Treleaven, Marg Stanley, Lloya Nich-
olson, Mildred Loree, Arnetta Thomp-
son, Shirley Bolt, the late Wm. G.
Hunter, Anna Kreutzweiser. Canvas-
sers, Bertha Whitcroft, Lynne Mann,
Margaret Hamilton, Olive Warren,
Sandra Irwin, Joanna Searle, Kay
Collyer, Dorothy Hamilton, Joni Dal-
ton, Austin Martin, Alene Clark,
Bonnie Taylor, Mary Henderson, San-
dra Henry, Barb Cranston, Julie
Nicholson, Lorna Guay, Barb Ross,
Jim McNaughton, Lloyd Moffat, Ross
Cumming, Marguerite Sanderson,
Norma Klages, Alex Andrew, Anna
Johnstone, Allene Bradley, Kathleen
MacDonald, Gerta de Jong, Roy and
Betty Finlayson, Margaret Martin,
Bill Ross, Freda Button, highway
west, Shirley Brooks, highway east,
Belle Mole, senior citizen apartment.
Kairshea W.1. team captain, Mary
Lavis; Hanna Hartemink, Debbie
Moran, Marilyn Maclntyre, Helen
Hayes, Wilma Clark, Muriel Mac-
Kenzie, Elizabeth Dickie, Sharon
Holyrood W.1. team captain, Doris
Eadie; Wilma Elliott, Mrs. Frank
Maulden, Myrtle Percy, Joan Murray,
Mrs. W. MacPherson.
Reid's Corners W.I. team captain,
Mrs. Cecil Humphrey; Nancy Camp-
bell, Tess Haines, Betty Hooey, Mary
Black, Rovie Elmes. Evelyene Mac-
Tavish, Barbara Liddle, Pat Lowry,
Shirley Lowry, Margaret Funston,
Evelyn Elliott, Margaret MacCharies,
Nadine Danforth, Sandra Liddle,
Myrtle Ferguson, Ruth McArthur,
Elaine Shantz.
Anna Kreutzweiser
Mildred Loree.
Campaign Chairmen.
Dear Madam,
As part of our study of photograph-
ers in Western Ontario from 1840-
1920, we are interested in finding out
more about photographers in Lucknow
during that period.
We have a record of two to date.
These are Dan Patterson (1882), W..1.
Stringer (1888-89). Could you supply
any further information about these
photographers, or any others in Luck -
now from your local records.
We hope to include any available
information as well as examples of the
photographer's work and, where
possible, a photograph of them.
If you are aware of other individuals
or organizations in your area we could
contact or know of collections of
photographs and local material we
might consult we would appreciate
your suggestions.
Your help is much appreciated.
Barb Gale
The Photographic
Conservancy of Canada.
To the Editor:
Summer 83! Yes, the ninth season
of the Blyth Summer Festival is
quickly approaching and we are
looking forward to it with great excite-
The Blyth Festival has grown stead-
ily since 1975. building its reputation
on the ability to produce popular new
Canadian plays with a particular
appeal to the audience in this area.
Last year we enjoyed a ninety (90%)
attendance. expansion of the child-
ren's workshops with several children
going on to TV roles for CBC, as well
as the pleasure of seeing one of our
plays. Quiet In The Land by Anne
Chislett, win the the 1982 Chalmer's
Quiet was produced at Centaur
Theatre in Montreal this spring and is
being published for use in Toronto
schools next fall. Theatres across the
country are beginning to look to Blyth
for their plays.
I'll Be Back Before Midnight, was
enjoyed over thirty different produc-
tions since its premier in Blyth in
1979. By continuing its policy of
commissioning new plays and work -
shopping new scripts. Blyth is leading
the way in providing a forum for our
Canadian playwrights. And what a
Turn to page 7.