HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-05-18, Page 15)w: A., • b • slv fAY 1., 1 l v.. `A. A. a PLAY IT BIV1AR'I" . a.. 6x, , :x UP.n...w>w» sa ov 46. J.t •••••• •••4 A a , . ak' Ya.) 1E♦..•.: "k4 l ;.,0.•34`,1 `V•7^41. it '% .. a •33 4t`, .• O f e"• �' q•) .•. Se lair •.'1•.f' 0 :1 .�y 4:.4 44"•' . e)•` torr t ..te,lt „y.., ('KC vn•^ 1 •�1a.. r.. h, ., '1.4'1 CtS WC: G W x\N s.. 6 Wt.. we 146\.41dr •,,..e '14 M a h.1tt 4.4"•N OM: .<•4 e., A uya, V \4' v ,tie, .< r.1. ( Mt:wu,' eM ,•04 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 18, 1983—Pane 16 r ■ 'GET INTD nT: ' •tl 4h.t r•e h' H_4• t , W R b • 5\A A SCIO k tat,,'., , 411. -Ys W. e' ?a .•n1 tt 40, PP, .M4 >:k YR?. 'tT 0 `!', !.Lies: a• :e.1 `• •• y. •r v • .• • .ww xa,, rao 4444 6'114 t4 .: •. 1.• . z rM: 5 w „fk. • ),., ..,,, v 14 .4. 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale 17 FT, HOUSE TRAILER, very reasonable. Phone 529- 7598. —20 69 RAMBLER 1.7' travel trailer, gas or electric fridge, gas stove, toilet, sleeps 6, 9 x 12 canopy, $1700.00; 75 Chrysler Cordoba, as is, $800.00. Phone 529-7619. —20,21 BOY'S MOTO-CROSS bicyc- le, 19 inch wheel, excellent condition, asking $75. Phone 528.3547 after 5 p.m. SPRING LAMB, Cut and wrapped to your specifica- tions, order now for summer barbeques, inquiries wel- come. Bernadette Scott, 395- 3563. —20eow COMPLETELY Recondition- ed girl's bicycle, 15” frame, 20" wheels. Phone Greer's T.V. 528.3112. —20 SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderirh, 524-7241. —8tfeow THIS & THAT STORE now open from Monday to Satur- day, 9 to 6, Lenore Glenn, 528-3723.-14eow MID IN00011 FLEA MARKET 10 atm -S pin Every Sunday BOOTH RENTALS 110.00 Contact Pete Watson 1.2211456$ Doug Dalrymple Proceeds to Kinsmen Service Community Work COME FiSHING! All year round. Speckled and Rain- bow trout ponds. Three con- cessions north of Lucknow off Bruce County Road # 1. Follow sign.—20-23x 1980 Suzuki DS 100 Enduro, excellent condition. Best of- fer. Phone 529-7541. —19 1976 W INNEBAGO Brave, 21' motor home, less than 28,000 miles, fully equipped, tilt steering wheel, 2 gas tanks, like new condition, certified. Phone 357-3648. —19,20x USED DESKS, file cabinets, i,00kcases, tables, room div- iders, stacking chairs, office chairs, storage cabinets, steel adjustable shelving. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide Street South, Lon- don, 681-2254, Mon. -Fri., 9-5, Sat. 9-12. —020 MUST SELL all steel Perms Arch buildings 19 x 24 do-it-yourself kit, complete with 8 it 10 sliding doors, instructions and guarantee. F.O.B. factory, Mississauga, Ontario. Retail price 53,475, while they last, 52,395. Call collect. 1-416-678-1585. —020 PAY T.V. Decoders - Build your own. Instructions, dia- grams and parts list, Write for information to J.J,S, Electronics, 305 Dovercourt Road, Suite 2, Toronto, Ont- ario M6J 3E2, —020 TWO WHEEL utility trailer, 18 inch barn fan, heated water bowl, 16 foot sheep feeder, 60 bushel manure spreader, 250 bushel gravity box. Phone 395.3597, —20,21 TRY C & E Furniture, new and used. Dial Goderirh, 524-7231. 40tf INVITATIONS - Four differ- ent catalogues of personaliz- ed wedding and anniversary invitations, available for ov- ernight viewing, Compli- mentary wedding prepack (value $25) with each wed- ding order, For appointment call Marilyn Murray, Mon- day to Friday, after 4 p.m. at 528.3635.--15tfar POOL SALE, Manufacturer's clearance on above and in - ground pools, many models at fantastic savings. SHOP DIRECT. 416-522-1414. —016 CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, I3wy. 8 W. Stratford, 393- 5938, Your headquarters for hard -top tent trailers, travel trailers, from lightweights, right up to park models, truck -campers, and caps. Dealers for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Corsair, Lionel. Sales, rentals, parts, service. -14-28 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. Call after 6 p.m., 395-5773. --11 tf 4. Articles wanted BOOKS NEEDED for Huron County's largest used book sale June 4 and 5, Proceeds to Blyth Summer Festival. Drop donations off prior to May 30 at Lucknow Sentinel, —19, 20, 21 TOPSOIL WANTED, by the pile or the yard. Robert Symes Construction I,td., Lucknow, 528-3047. - -20 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1973 DODGE CHARGER SE. Call after 5 p.m., 529-7469. —20,21 7. Real estate for saie COUNTRY CORNER build- ing lot, '/, acre, well treed, 2 miles east of Lucknow on Hwy. 86. Price 512.000. Phone 357-3591 or 357-3712. DUNGANNON - welding shop and 1'/, floor home on V) acre lot. Several good country homes on small acreage in East Wawanosh, Morris and Hul- lett Townships. Call Mason Bailey Real Es- tate Limited, 482-9371. —17tf Classified Rates DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 5 P.M. MONDAYS sommummosma Charges are based on the number of words. 22 words - 53.00, 14e per word thereafter ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of S6.00, 510.00 with picture IN MEMORIAMS - $3.00 plus 30e per line of verge CARD OF THANKS - 25 words $3.00, each addi- tional word Se 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR PAYMENT BEFORE THURSDAY MORNING OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO 11115 OFFICE - S3.00 for first week, $1.00 each week thereafter. Phone 528-2822 7. Real estate for sale 12. Help wanted POINT CLARK 3 bedroom winterized cot- tage, single garage, on a large well landscaped lot. W. CLARKE FERGUSON Phone 395-5667 BUILDING LOT, 70 foot x 165 foot, excellent dry loca- tion in town, phone 528-2524. —20,21,22 moo nal 9. Accom. to rent DUNGANNON, two apart- ments for rent. Contact 529- 7888. —20,21,22 TWO BEDROOM, apart- ment for rent June 1, in Teeswater. Elora Street Apartments. Phone 364- 4327 after 5 p.m, or 367- 2391 after 6 p.m. —20,21 ONE AND TWObedroom apartments in Lucknow, Glenhaven Apartments, 529- 7030, after six p,m. —9tf SMALL FLRNiSHED apart- ment for rent. Phone 528- 2174. •--17 t f TWO BEDROOM apart- ment. four piece bath, elec- tric heating, completely' insu- lated, frig and stove includ- ed, on the main street, apply in writing to Box G, c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Rog 400, LUCKNOW, NOG 2H0. —19,20 ONE BEDROOM, heated apartment, frig and stove. Available June 1, 528-2113. —18tf -- 11. Room and board ROOM AND BOARD avail- able for two elderly gentle- men. Phone 395-2765. —20-24 HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LAIW, HEAD? BECOME a professional transport driver. Call us now, Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School, 'Thunder Bay, 807-623-8686; Ottawa, 613-523-3489; Toronto, 416- 621-8579; London, 519-432- 1726; Cambridge, 519-648- 2519. —018 V01.u••••tr.111•.•►r►••,►••.1•.u7.•••auri PART-TIME PERSON To load feed, and other odd Jobs. Saturdays and some after school hours, Must be responsible, re- liable and willing to work. Bring in a written applies. tion to LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO.OP Huron County Road 1 Lucknow, Ontario —20 BABYSITTER WAN`IE1) for months of July, August and September. Phone 395-5342. —20 DISTRIBUTORS required to promote "Go Ontario" a discount travel and recrea- tion guide to a variety of attractions throughout Ont- ario. ideal for Fund Raising groups of mature students. Write Go Ontario, Box 3000, Bolton, Ontario LOP IAO. —020 14. Employment wanted WiLL BABYSIT in Lucknow for summer months, Phone 528-3931. —20x 16. Tenders 15. Tenders 1111111101 11111101 ISM. lib Huron County Board of Education QUOTATIONS FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS Quotations for various construction trades are invited for interior and ex- terior maintenance protects at Huron County schools. Quotation forms and lob descriptions are available at the Huron County Board of Education Of. fire, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, On- tario. Deadline for Quotation submis- sions is 12:00 noon, May 27, 1983. D. Wallace Chairman D.J. Cochrane Director Township of West Wawanosh TENDER TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the supply of a 1/2 ton Pick -Up Trues, until " 4:00 p.m. on TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1983 Tenders must be submitted on Township forms. Specification and tender forms are available at the Municipal Office in the Township Garage or from the Road Superintendent• Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEORGE HUMPHREY, Road Superintendent. JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk -Treasurer. R. R. 2, Lucknow, TENDERS Proposals and tender price for plumbing, electrical and heating requirements for a storage building to be erected by the Village of Ripley on Part of lot 232, plan 262 Park St. will be accepted by clerk William McCreath, Box 130, Ripley, until May 27, 1983. Further details available from the clerk. FOR SALE BY TENDER The former Pine River Cheese and Butter Co- operative building on lot 36, concession 6. Huron Township on approxi- mately 1 acre of land, subject to severance ap- proval. • Larger building approxi- mately 110' x 70' and other 49' x 25'. Reply in writing to Pine River Cheese and Butter Co-operative, R. 11 4, Ripley, Ontario, NOG 2110. Letters to be receiv• ed by June 30, 1983. Highest or any tender riot necesrarily accepted. —16 it pays to shop the Otassifted for the beat deal en wheels. ,:.,,• ..,t..1. W..,:' ,.•.1..t FOR SALE BY TENDER • 4 1974 DODGE, V8 pickup j 1976 Chevrolet Van 1977 GMC Van Can be seen at Huron Kinloss Telephone Work Centre, Christina Street, Ripley. a Closing time for tenders, 3 p.m. Thursday, May 26. Any or all tenders not #; necessarily accepted. —20,21 C „....,,,,,,i.,..„.....,..,,,,...„. '\. N 4 it pays to shop the Otassifted for the beat deal en wheels.