HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-05-11, Page 10community news 3c. The Lucknow Beavers held a Mother's Day party on ly`riday afternoon when they invited their mothers to come to their meeting for cookies and punch. Deaver Joel Mohan is shown serving cookies to Adrian Hehttt and his grandmother, Muth Helm. Deaver leaders are Warren and Lynne McDougall. [sentinel Std Photo) Humane Society plans fleamarket The Huronia Branch of the Ontario Humane Society held a board meeing on May 3 at Wingham Town Hall. Sheila Lancaster gave a report from the ftitnd raising committee regarding pos- sible activities for the fall. The date for the fleamarket was set for May 21 at the Suncoast Mall in Goderich. A deadline of June 30 was set for the amateur photo contest with a possible dis- play of the entries at the Goderich Arts festival. It was derided that there should be two categories, black and white snapshots and colour snapshots, with prices for first, second and third in each division. The min subject of the snapshots should be an an- imal and the entre fee will be S1 per snapshot. A booth will be maintained at the Clinton Fair on June 3, 4, and 5 to provide infor- mation to the public on the aims and objectives of the Branch. Applications are still being received in reply to the advertisements placed in the local newspapers. The agent committee will try to set up interviews for the following meeting. Treasurer Laurie Jeffrey reported that the shelter fund is at approximately $1900. Enquiries are still being made for a suitable location for a shelter. Lueknow (JCWunits hold May meetings Unit 1 Mrs, Victor Johnston was hostess for the May meeting cif Lueknow U,C.W, unit 1. Prior to the meeting Mrs. Rlee played piano selections, Mrs, Hldon Bradley pres- ided and mentioned the beauty of the spring flowers after the winter, The pro- gram and devotional was taken by Mrs, James Arnold, Mrs, John Pritchard and Mrs, Eldon Henderson, the theme being, Compassion. Mrs, Arnold gave a reading, God be with you in the Spring. Mother's Day scrip- tures from proverbs 31 were read by Mrs. Henderson and Mrs, Pritchard. Mrs. Bradley read an ar- ticle on the two years that Margaret and Werner Suk- storf of Paisley had experien- ced in Papua, New Guinea. They had volunteered through CIAO, Werner wor- ked as a meat inspector and Margaret taught bookkeep- ing to the project managers. The poem, Mothers, was read by Mrs, Henderson. Mrs. [lice played for the group to sing. Mrs. Pritchard read the poem, Grandmoth- ers, and Mrs. Arnold read several articles on, Love and Compassion. Mrs. Bradley presided for the business and Mrs. Wil- '�ur Brown acted as secret - try. Sixteen ladies answered .he roll call with a verse on Compassion. Mrs. Cardis and Mrs. 11. Irwin had May birthdays, which added to the birthday jar. Convener reports were given and Mrs. R. Irwin arced as auctioneer for the hobby sale. The committee served lunch and a social time completed the meeting. Unit 2 Unit 2 of the Lucknow U.C.W. met in the church parlor May 3, with Mary MacGillivray opening with a few words, The ,Beauty of Spring. A minute's silence was observed in memory of Mrs. J. MacMurchy, a member who passed away recently, followed by prayer. Mrs. MacGiilibray conduc- ted the business. Mrs. Peter Cook had a paper on Stew- ardship, Jessie Kirkland re- ported for Friendship, Mrs, Russell Button arranged for members to look after the flowers in the church for the nionth of May. Mrs. Morri- son arranged for food and help for the Brownie and Girl Guide banquet coming up in June and family night May 15 was announced. Mrs. Stuart Reavie chaired the meeting for the program. Mrs. Harold Treleaven read the scripture and Mrs. Mar- shall Gibson a meditation, the theme being Mothers of the Bible, and the part Christian Family Sunday at Lucknow United Christian Family Sunday saw a large congregation at Lucknow United Church, when the Youth Group and the Junior Choir took part in the Worship Service. The .Junior Choir sang three songs, 1've Got the .Joy. Lord of the fiance, and What Clod Is Like, with solo verses by Eric McDougall, Angela Hoyd, Heather Priestap, and Ucckv Ackert. The Youth Group present ed a chane el drama entitled. You Are Witnesses to 1 hese Things. Participating in the drama were Chris ( lark, Darren McKini, Lynn Alton, Chris ( olivcr, Brad I'riestap• his Irwin. and Denise Helni. Reading scripture lessons acre (filen Gibson and .Jeff lckert. David ( avle% and Brian Reavie led in prayers. i he Youth (iroup also pros tinted a 12.volume set of Children's f 3ihles to the ( hutch I ihrarti . i hese were dedicated (luring the service A '1 HO1''(;H 1 .. What «r +r+ +s (rod's gift to us What we make of ourselves i , MIT g+ft to Hitt+' women play in molding the lives of people in their care. Mrs. Reavie closed devotions with prayer. Mrs. Kirkland had an appropriate reading. In the Mission Study Mrs. Reavie presented a paper, Stranger in Paradise, the story of Judith Ray who instructed student nurses in Papua, New Guinea. She en- countered many different diseases , life styles, and cli- mates. Mrs. Reavie read the creation story as told in the islands of the Pacific. A hobby sale and a social time followed. Uttlt 3 Unit 3 of the Lucknow U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Harvey Webster for their May meeting. A dessert lunch was served by the committe in charge of the program. Mrs. Ross Shiells wel- cottied everyone and intro- duced the theme, Mothers of the Bible. Fourteen members ;Ind one visitor answered the roll call with a lfihle quota- tion on the theme. Happy firthday was sung to Mrs. Clarence Irwin. Mrs. Harvey Webster took charge of the program with a poem on May. The scripture from Mark was given by Mrs. Chas. MacDonald, who also read a poem. When God Created Mothers. Mrs. Harvey Houston fav- oured us with a piano solo and played for the singing of several hymns. Mrs. C. Irwin read a timely article on Mothers' Greatest Gift, also a Mother's Prayer. Mrs. Webster gave the topic; Mothers of the Bible and a Parable of Mothers. She told of the lives of many mothers of the Bible, stres- sing the fact that women's strength lies in her willing- ness to let God do His work through her. The business was conduct- ed by Mrs. Shiells. May 15 is family fun night and pot luck supper. Grace Campbell reported on calls made to the hospital and by phone Annie Kilpatrick reported on cards sent. Mrs. Chas. MacDonald gave the proceeds from cat- ering to the Junior Women's Institute. She also discussed helpers and food required for the mother and daughter hartquet .lune I. Mrs. Law- rence MacLeod will he in charge of church 11ovver.s for 1i tic. Mrs, C. ,Irwin read an article on ('111icnshlp and Social Action. Mrs. Shiells read a closing thought on Mothers, The Homemakers, A successful plant and hake sale was held with Mrs. Harvey Houston, Mrs. Glen Walden and Mrs. L. Mac- Leod in charge. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 11, 1983—Page 10 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 15 Sunday Sehool 9t45 Worship 11t00 a.m. Rev. Warren McDougall D.A. M►Div. Nursery and Junior Congregation Provided Everyone Welcome LUCKNOW iPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1J SUNDAY, MAY 15 WORSHIP SERVICE 1Ut00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL IUt00 A.M. Rev. Allison J. Ramsay Minister I, Nursery Downstairs Por t j Any Little Ones Under j rour. Everyone Welcome •......._........._........_...._.•-•!-46 .iii..** -40A6.1* -41...6 Mon IS nod SIueI1 !1!T. Night 1'H. .. +'t ik Please help the Red Shield Appeal Give us this day ,' 'Jamboree '83 41 Tennis .,m,,, efY Tournament RtGISTRA TION AND PR8•E CLINIC tNo Pees Boy's Tuesday, May 17th under 16 8:30 - 8:00 Giri's under 18 Wednesday, May 18th 86:30 - 8:00 ViCTORIA PARK- LUCKNOW BRING YOUR RACQUBTlS 1982 2 - 1981 1981 1980 1980 1980 1980 1979 1976 1979 BL Mon IS nod SIueI1 !1!T. Night 1'H. .. +'t ik Please help the Red Shield Appeal Give us this day 1982 2 - 1981 1981 1980 1980 1980 1980 1979 1976 1979 BL dr. air BANNER 11111irS CHEVETTE, 4 door 1982 DODGE ARIES, 4 door CHEVELLE, 4 door with air MALIBU CLASSIC, 4 door with air FORD LTD, 4 door with air MERCURY MARQUIS Brougham 4 DODGE ST. REGIS, 4 door ASPEN, 2 door[Special Edition) with ASPEN, 2 door CHEV SUI3(,/RBAN TRUCKS DODGE TRADESMAN van HAmmis YTH PHONE 5234342 Mon IS nod SIueI1 !1!T. Night 1'H. .. +'t ik Please help the Red Shield Appeal Give us this day