HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-05-11, Page 9ripley news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 11, 1983—Page 9 Ripley family appreciates excellent care for daughter at Sick Kids By Ab Wylds Last fall John and Ghil- saine "Jessie" Meekins and their five daughters Wanita, Patricia, Joanna, Diana, and Genevieve moved into the Hamilton and Annie MacKinnon house which they had just purchased in the West end of Ripley and which is located across from Knox Presbyterian Church. Altera few weeks here they expressed their thanks for the friendly hospitality of their neighbours, A month ago in mid April their two year old daughter Genevieve entered the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto where surgery was performed at the base of her brain, For a couple of weeks Mrs, Meekins stayed in Toronto to be near her daughter while John went to work at the Bruce Nuclear Plant and the four girls went to school. It was here that neighbours like Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Nugent and fami- ly of Knox, Alex and Muriel McAuley, Marion Bolton and others helped out looking after the girls until John returned from work each day. John and Jess Meekins express their thanks. Also a special word goes to the members of the Tuesday Morning Bible Study Group. Last Friday they had to take their daughter back to Toronto for removal of the stitches and a post operative check, They report excellent care at the Sick Kids Hospital which • is nice to hear following all those adverse reports in the past two years, Wins $100 draw Congratulations go to Mrs. Annie Culbert of Ripley, Last Saturday afternoon her name was drawn as the win- ner of a hundred dollar cer- tificate at the Huron Land- scaping Limited Centre a half mile south of Lucknow. The result of the draw was announced on the Wingham radio C.K.N,K. around five in the afternoon just before the running of the Kentucky Derby race. Babies baptized at Trinity church By Bell Hackett Barbara Hackett, daughter of Barry and Diane Hackett, has just completed an Ad- vanced Apprentice Chef course at George Brown College, in Toronto. Bambara will be the chef on the cruise ship, "Canadian Empress" out of Kingston. Congratu- lations Barbara! Rev. Arthur Scott conduc- ted the Baptism Service on Sunday, May t3 at Trinity United Church. Adam Char- les, son of Larry and Janet Wilkins, and Robbyn Emme- line, daughter of Robert and Mary (Andrew) Rowswell of London were baptized. Wilson and Lena Woods of Guelph are visiting with her brother, Wilfred and Virginia Hackett for a few days this week. The Adult Fellowship Group met at the home of Jim and Isabel Hunter on Sunday evening. Elmer Um- bach of Lucknow was their guest speaker. Wanda and Jack Miller of Tottenham visited for Moth- er's Day with her parents, Jim and Isabel Hunter. Minister inducted at South Kinloss By Ruth Buchmeler The Service of Induction for Rev. Allison J, Ramsay into the Pastoral Charge of the Lucknow and South Kin- loss Presbyterian churches was held at South Kinloss Church on Wednesday even- ing. Rev, Hugh Nugent of Ripley presided and read the Narration of Steps and Dec- laration of Induction. Rev. Robert Shaw gave the serm- on and Rev. Frederick Neill introduced the charge to the minister and the congrega- tions. Margaret and Marilynne Maclntvre sang a duet dur- ing the service. Rev. Ramsay closed with the benediction. All were invited to a time of fellowship and lunch down stairs aft( r the service. The members are pleased to have Rey. Ramsay and Mrs. Ram- say and hope they enjoy the community. The community welcomes Murray and Wanda Keith and family hack to this area. They are living on the farm on the second concession. Many from this area at- tended the Lucknow School band concert on Friday even- ing held at the Lucknow community centre, It was an enjoyable evening. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarehce Allan and boys are Debbie Allan of Thornhill and Shirley's mother, Mrs. Whitney of Milton. Welcome to Don and Kar- en Ritchie, who have moved hack home to the farm on the second and Don's parents. Clarence and Alice Ritchie have moved into their newly built home in Lucknou.. A personal Bridal Shower was held in honour of Mary Helen MacDonald on Satur- day afternoon at the home of June Gilchrist, Relatives from Kitchener, Guelph. London, Paisley, Kincardine, Teeswater and Kinlough at- tended. Supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fravne of (,oder- ich, Mr. and Mrs. David MacKinnon and family and Mrs. Mildred Cameron. Word was received on Monday of the passing of W. F. MacDonald'. Mr. MacDon- ald was a former farmer on the fourth concession of Kinloss. Keep the school open Our thanks goes to Mrs. Merle E. Elliott of Lurknow for writing her letter to tho editor which was printed in this paper last ' week, Wednesday May 4, 1983. The last lines of the letter were - "Come on Bruce County Board of Education Members change your minds again, and make the right decision this time! Keep Ripley District School open ! " In this letter she sug- gests scanning the records. Ab Wylds remembers one year at the Ripley District High School, It was 1955 and to complete the course students had to write the On- tario Departmental Ex- aminations in June, Their answers were marked in July in Toronto and the results were mailed back to the different schools in August, Would that this system was still in use, The results graded the students, their teachers, and their school. Here in the 14 counties designated as Western On- tario three Carter Scholar- ships were awarded in each county on the highest average in nine subjects. So if a student was awarded a Carter Scholarship that stu- dent was tops in the county likewise the same honour to the school. Well the year 1955 belong- ed to this section of Bruce County as far aS Carter Scholarships The three were awarded to students who lived within Huron township and Ripley and the schools were Lucknow and Ripley District High Schools, Mac MacDonald of the Fourth Concession east in Huron Township and atten- ding high school in Lucknow won the Second Carter Scholarship, Shirley Marie Campbell of the 12th Conces- sion west in Huron Township, daughter of the late Mrs, Jean (Campbell) Farrell and Walter Farrell won the third Carter, She is now Mrs, Ron Harris of Rex - dale in Metro Toronto. 'AiTC1111 THEA? Phone 351-1630 for 24 hour movie' Information LAST TWO DAYS FOR TNM ACTION PACR=OMUNI. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. MAY Mad 13111 ONE SHOW AT 1 am. EACH EVENING tit )'11 sll.LECK ors AR st t)tit, HIGH ROAD CHi NA Fun and adventure at every tut -n. WApNtNO: Cure language ft.tl.O 0,471141,11 alert WINNER OF FOUR ACADEMY AWARDS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • � THE FIRST RAUNCHY • COMEDY FOR LOVERS OF � ALL AGES • • • • STUCK • • • OH • • YOU YOU'LL COME • • UNGLUED WITH � LAUGHTER • • „Doc" Donald John McDonald, son of the late Dr. John A. McDonald and Mary R. McDonald got the first Carter. Today he is one of the specialist doctors from round the world in the 1975 King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Cen- tre in the capital city of Ryadh (pronounced Re -add) in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia -you have heard of Saudi Arabia and all that oil. He is the chairman of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Kin Faisal Hospital Centre, Bac in June 1955 in the newly con- structed Ripley District High School, Don wrote eleven grade 13 subjects receiving first class honours 75 to 100 marks in ten and a credit in English Composi- tion between 50 and 58 marks, The ten firsts were English literature, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, physics, chemistry, zoology, botany, French composition and French authors, In 1954 he took and wrote the ex,. • PLAYING FROM FRIDAY TO THURSDAY , MAY 13.1lt1 SHOWTIMIS FRIDAYAND SATURDAY AT I ltd 9 p.m. SUNDAY TO THURSDAY at $ p.m. ONLY I k\vl Iti WHO 1 W'I't)I A[el I' II ,1 , f Outsiders.'the 1 ! ll►►lfh,►► c ( /resift nnf r1 about )aiee/h (1e •••••••••••••••••••••• Pfl TH TR 924 7811 THE taUARE nontaltM 11111111111111111111111111111111111 WED. •THURSI LAST 2 DAYS FOR 7:90 P,M. Outsiders They weren't looking for a fight_ just to belong. �:��'kL.Atltl►tl, STARTS FRIDAY FRIDAY -SAT. 7 a 9:00 SUN.-THURS, 7:90 amination in grade 13 history while he was in grade 12. In case you still are a disci- ple of the idea that big,ger enrolment means better education may it be pointed out that Mervyn Courtney, son of Mr. and Mrs, Art Courtney of Amberley and the late Allan McCharles , son of Marion and Oliver Mc- Charles made up the whole class at the Ripley District High School. They too went on - Mervyn as a high school teacher and Allan as a top business executive with Bell Telephone in Montreal, There were four teachers on the staff here - principal Margaret MacKenzie now retired at Inverhuron, Mrs, Turn to page 11 • Dates AvaiIabIe Lucknow a District Comrl► Cin FRIDAY, MAY 20 Sharon Haggltt and Bend Trnmmeehayser SATURDAY, MAY 21 Dennis Quinlan and Nellie Knopp JUNE 4 Brenda Arnold and Casey Cerannn OPEN DATES AVAILABLE MAY Friday 13 Friday Ri JUNE: Friday 3 Friday 10 Friday 24 CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9t00 a.m. AND 6100 per ONLY 528.3532 ••••••••••••••••••• • • • 1 •• FUNNY MOVIES • • • •• • • •• • •• 01u.11111•1111111.1111.1111 avA rive -In Hwy. • oodi►Leh At ton. RRd. 4 !24.4411 11111111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 it a Nobody does it like the teenagers.. and they do it all in menace FR1. •SAT. •SUN. BOX OFFICE OPENS MOO P,M. WITH 2 VERY COARUQ IANOUAti! thee !ret 'toroth Ow 1. 108i11' it • • • • • • •. • • • • • • "The last word... • • •• •• • •• about the first tune" ADULT ACCOMPANINENT' m/%UAL 1000.111400 rheeeret Rreroth °merle) •••••••••••••••••••