HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-05-04, Page 16t . er R r. • l a... •aM1 PLAY IT BMART. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 4, 1983 -Page 16 .. GET INTO ....;•••••• t a: >eo•,am • x:rt a.�,.,r.. x f-• . . ,,,•• A N <., .t ib .�•'^ •vok. , '(44) e. ,e • •x 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale 25 foot x 20 foot frame house, with 25 foot by 12 foot back kitche , to be moved from site, call, 357-2318. -18 MANUAL National cash reg- ister in good condition. Phone 528-2701. -18 USED STORE ISLAND and wall shelving, showcases, wall cases, glass shelving, brackets, counters. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide Street S., London, 681-2254 Mon. -Fri., 9 - 5, Sat. 9 - 12. -018 NEED A BUILDING this spring? We have the most complete line of metal build- ings available for agricultur- al, commercial, institutional or residential use. Special spring prices. Call collect any time, 705.474-1180. -018 CANADA'S lowest price Sat- ellite TV Systems. Complete packages, Weston Satellite Supply, Saskatoon, Phone 306-934.1701, Dealer inquir- ies invited. -018 MUST SELL all steel perma- arch buildings 19 x 24 Do-it-yourself kit complete with .8 x 10 sliding doors, instructions and guarantee. F.O.B. Factory, Missis- sauga, Ontario. Retail price S3475, while they last only S2395. Call collect 1-416-678- 1585. -018 BENMILLER PLANT Farm Greenhouse closed 1983 and until further notice. -18x SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-8tfeow THIS & THAT STORE now open from Monday to Satur- day, 9 to 6, Lenore Glenn, 528-3723.-14eow SPECIALS 24" Gibson electric range, $389.95, wt.; 30" Gibson range, 5475.00, wt. Greer T.V. & Electric, 528-3112. -18ar FIVE YEAR OLD quiet mare, good for beginner, price negotiable. Phone 395-3255. -18 POOL SALE, Manufacturer's learance on above and in - ground pools, many models at fantastic savings. SHOP DiRECT. 416-522-1414. -016 CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, Hwy. 8 W. Stratford, 393- 5938. Your headquarters for hard -top tent trailers, travel trailers, from lightweights, right up to park models, truck -campers, and caps. Dealers for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Corsair, Lionel• Sales, rentals, parts, service. -14-26 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. Call after 6 p.m., 395-5773. -11tf GEROVITAL 0113 Doctor Anna Asian original rejuven- ating vitamins now available. Write P.O. Box 713, Water- loo, Ontario N21 4138. -17,18x WATER SOFTENING SALT, 40 kg. $6.00 per bag delivered. Conditioner ser- vice also available. Call after 6 p m. 5284653.-14tf ' TRY C & E Furniture, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. -40tf INVITATIONS - Four differ- ent catalogues of personaliz- ed wedding and anniversary invitations, available for ov- ernight viewing. Compli- mentary wedding prepack (value $25) with each wed- ding order. For appointment call Marilyn Murray, Mon- day to Friday, after 4 p,m. at 528-3635.-15tfar SPRING LAME, cut and wrapped to your specifica- tions, order now for summer barbecues, inquiries welcome, Bernadette Scott, 395-3563.-14-18 3 PIECE BEIGE coloured man's suit, small size, shirt included, worn only a few times. Throw type cover for chesterfield and chair, foam backed, gold and green plaid. Phone 529-7915. -17,18 4. Articles wanted WANTED, colony house in movable condition. William Irvin, 529-7585. -17, I8x 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1980 TRANS -AM SPECIAL t:dition, T 'roof, AM/FM cassette stereo, veru low mileage. Excellent condition. Phone 529-7146 after 6 p.m, -16,17,18 1981 CHEV PICK-UP; like new. only 8000 miles (12900 km.), V-8, power steering and brakes, automatic, radio, step bumper, other extras. 395-2934. -I8x 1971, .150 HONDA. Call 529- 7408. -18x 6. Pets FOR SALE, Old Tvme long eared, black, tan Coonhound pups. great voice, with or without registration certifi- cate. Mervin Howe, R. # 5, Aylmer,, Ontario. N5H 2R4. Phone 1-519-77.1-9472. 7. Real estate for sale HOUSE FOR SALE POINT CLARK 3 bedroom house, 5 pc. and 3 pc. bath, country kitchen, living room, roc room, laundry -boot room, 1'/, garage, centrally located, 559,500.00, lass $3000.00 Federal grant - $56,500.00. W. Clarke Ferguson Ltd., 395-3454. • Classified Rates DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 6 P.M. MONDAYS Charges are based on the number of words. 22 words - $3.00, 14c per word thereafter ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of 56.00, 510.00 with picture IN MEMORIAMS - S3.00 plus 30c per line of verse CARD OF THANKS - 25 words $3.00, each addi- tional word 5c 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR PAYMENT BEFORE THURSDAY MORNING OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - S3.00 for first week, $1.00 each week thereafter. Phone 528-2822 7. Real estate for sale COUNTRY CORNER build- ing lot, '/: acre, well treed, 2 miles east of Lucknow on Hwy. 86, Price $12.000. Phone 357-3591 or 357-3712. -16tf FOUR BEDROOM, country home, small barn, workshop area, on 7 acres, $48,000.00. Terms available. Phone 357- 3408. -17 ,18 DUNGANNON - welding shop and 1'/: floor home on 1/2 acre lot. Several good country homes on small acreage in East Wawanosh, Morris and Hul- lett Townships. Call Mason Bailey Real Es- tate Limited, 482-9371. -17tf For Rent or Shares 100 ACRES KINLOSS Tiled Where Needed Phone 395-3320 10 Wanted to rent WORKING GIRL looking for room to rent in Lucknow or immediate area, parking space required. 528-3000 be- tween 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. -18,19,20 TWO OR THREE bedroom house or apartment prefer- ably in Lucknow or east of Lucknow. Must move first of ,lune. 528-2926. -18,191. 8. Real estate wanted BUSH OR ROUGH land wanted. Reply stating price and location to Box F, c o The ,Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, LUCKNOW. NOG 2H0. --17, 18ar 9. Accom. to rent ONE BEDROOM. heated apartment. frig and stove. Available June 1, 528-2113. -18tf COUNTRY HOME. 4 hed- roonis, 2 bathrooms. 1 mile south of Lucknow. Phone 528-2748. -17,18,19 SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment for rent. Phone 528- 2174. -17tf ONE AND TWObedroom apartments in Lucknow, Glenhaven Apartments. 529- 7030. after six p.m. -9tf FURNISHED, bed sitting room, cooking facilities, all utilities paid. Phone 528- 3723. - 14tf HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? 12. Help wanted OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST Required By Huron County Home Care Interested applicants please reply in writing to Mrs. C. Rutter, Acting Director, Home Care Program, Phone 482- 3411. EARN EXTRA money part time as a Regal Sales Rep- resentative. Our gift catalo- gue is all you need. Write Regal. 939 Eglinton Ave. E.. Dept. 445. Toronto. M4G 2L6. -018 BECOME a professional transport driver. Call us now. Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School. Thunder Bay. 807-623-8686: Ottawa. 613-523-3489: Toronto 416- 621.8579: London, 519-432- 1726: Cambridge. 519-648- 2519. -018 14. Employment wanted 17. Auction Sales LOOKING FOR WORK on a farm, full time or any other full time work. Contact Brian Taylor at Box 226, Lucknow, Ontari . -18x 17. Auction Sales ONTARIO'S largest Farm Machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario, Fri- day, May 13, 1983, 10 a,m. (Sales conducted second Fri- day each month). Approxim ately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome, For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K. S. Hamulecki & Sons. -018 HORSE AND TACK Auction Saturday, May .21, 1983, Maxville Fairgrounds, Max- ville, Ontario. Selling 75 U.S. and Canadian Registered horses (613) 678-3010. Con- signment deadline May 10. -018 18. Services available NEED A CARPENTER?? Experienced in carpentry and home renovations in- cluding roofing, plumbing, cabinet making and electri- cal. Call 528-3834 after 6 p.m. -12-21 HAS THE HiGH COST OF MACHINERY REPAIRS GOT YOU DOWN? Repairs to all makes, models of farm and industrial equipment, specializing in repairs to in- ternational Harvester equip- ment. Experienced, certified farm equipment mechanic. Reasonable rates. Contact .1. A. Culbert, 529-7469. --12-19 BARN PAINTING and sand- blasting. Only good quality paint used. Work guaran- teed. Free estimates. Phone White's Sandblasting & Painting, Wingharn, 357- 1723 anytime. -17,18x CUSTOM 'VELDiNG, port- able and in -shop. Fabrication and repairs. Free estimates. reasonable rates. St. Helens Mfg., 528-6945. -17tf LUCKNOW TAXi Owner/Operator James Sterner Delivery Service: reasonable rates: local and long distance trips: fully insured. 528-3116 -S0tfar BACKHOEING/ BULLDOZING Gravel and Topsoil Cali Wayne Bushell 395-3320 aAlic-.r®u •"obitr vma rm®str,••s•e►gab,.t+ jAUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects will be held for the GLADYS CRANSTON ESTATE Stauffer Street, Lucknow SATURDAY, MAY 7 at 12 noon Sofa bed; Electrohome colour T.V. and stand; radios; G.E. humidifier; j pole and table lamps; end tables; smoker stand; chesterfield; platform rocker; T.V. tables; re- cliner chair; antique man- tel clock; card table; wick- er fernery; cabinet; chrome table and chairs; Heritage frost free fridge, new in 1982; G.E. 15 cu. rt. freezer, as new; Hoov- i er washer; G.E. 24 loch stove; G.E. apt. size dryer; electric heater; . Kerosun heater, as new; G.E. vacuum; G.E. elec- tric broom; clock; 8 place setting antique dishes; numerous cups and sauc- ers; ironing board; single bed; iron bed; dressers; wash stand; trunk; bed - f ding; Lawnmaster riding mower; step ladder; lawn mower; garden tools. PROPERTY . has 3 bed. room frame home on large g; lot with 2 ' yr. old oil ( furnace and modern con- veniences, will be offered subject to a reserve bid. If not sold previously. For Information phone 528- 6694. TERMS ON PROPERTY 10% DOWN BALANCE IN 30 DAYS Terms on Household Effects Cash Estate or auctioneer not responsible for accidents BRiAN RINTOUL Auctioneer -17,18 ., .0t. •. ,j ' .4 ' rte.. 0.11.4a a. Ir.,..-'�; 18. Services available Dauphin Roofing ASPHALT, CEDAR AND STEEL Free Estimates GUARANTEED WORK Phone 529-7083 -16tf DON THOMPSON T.V, and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation. refrigera- tion service, 395.3466, Rip- ley. -9tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 ca' BURKE ELECTRICI-td. tr EIeE:tncriI Contr;actors Appllrtnr€' 3r1IE'S S Servlc.E' 'to at rfink(' RE'frtcler,iti(n SE'rVI( E' Open 6 days a week '6'.i* -9 r 357-2450