HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-05-04, Page 13ripley news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 4, 198.3—Page 13 Kamloops couple visit his family in Ripley area By Ab Wylds Last week Gary and Gladys Blackwell of Kamloops, British Columbia were visiting in this area with his parents, Stan and Doris Blackwell at the home farm on Concession 4 West and with his younger brother, wife and family, Bob and Carol Blackwell, Bobby, Shannon and Sandra on the former Shirl Bowers farm two blocks south of Ripley on the 15th near the Fourth Concession corner in Huron Township. On Monday of this week they went to visit with relatives at Sarnia. Later this week they will be at Niagara Falls and from there back to Toronto air- port. From there they will fly back to B.C. and home to their family of four children - Cathy, Barbara, Steven and Ronnie. For Gary, this was the first time home here in the past five years. For his wife, Gladys, this trip was her first airplane ride. At Kamloops Gary is employed with a paving company. Moving Starting on Monday this week, Gordon and Ora Mar- tin of the Sixth Concession east in Huron Township are busy moving their effects to their new home in Goderich. It is located in the south part of the town and near the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Henry of Olivet and Mr. and Mrs. Dunc Farrish of Lochalsh have already been living there for some years. Last Friday evening, April 29, a farewell party for Ora and Gordon was held at the home of Allan and Alice Gamble on the Sixth Conces- sion. A count showed 46 peo- ple from the neighbourhood in attendance. Mrs. Dianne (Wilfred) Gamble read the address poem for the evening. It was composed by Mrs. Gail (Keith) van der Hoek. On Thursday evening, April 21, the week before last the ladies of the Bible Study Group and their husbands gathered at the home of Mrs. Bette MacLeod on the Fourth Concession east for an evening potluck supper to honour Ora and Gordon prior to their leaving the com- munity. Completed Course Last Friday, April 29, Mar- vin Grubb, son of Ralph and Helen Grubb in Ripley com- pleted his third and final term in the Class A Motor Mechanics Course at Fan- shawe Community College on Oxford Street East in Lon- don. Marvin received the highest overall mark the whole three years there. For this he will receive a plaque. On Monday of this week he returned to his job with Klaus Heinisch at the Shell garage in Ripley. Next September he will have com- pleted his three years as an apprentice with Klaus. . Signs of Summer Signs that summer is com- ing : the green bench seat is back in front of the George and Joy McLean store. Deb- bie and Betty Jean McLean carried it from winter storage on Tuesday last week. Then in that rain driz- zle last Saturday morning, village foreman Don Peter- baugh replaced the broken planks in the teeter-totter in Gore Park. Farmers were busy seeding last week and what a wonderful rain, first the driz- zle on Saturday. Recently there has been a change in the work force at the Thomp- son Feed and Supply or the former Ripley Chopping Mill. Dave Stewart from his farm on the west part of the South Line has taken the place of Don Harris of the Twelfth Concession. Don is returning to Western Univeristy in London after working in the mill since last summer. Dave joins owner operator Bob Thompson and Lorne Emmerton in the mill and trucker Bill Robertson of the Kingarf area. Wife Judy Thompson looks after the books in the new office at the mill. Last Wednesday afternoon the Ripley fire truck was called to put out a grass fire at the home of John and June Dodds. Social News With the recent return of storekeepers Carl and Pat Brennan from their three week winter vacation in Hollywood, Florida, their FORD, FIRST TO OFFER YOU Buyer's Triple Choice 0 c>fc. Finan cing Rate on FORD, ESCORT, MUSTANG, EXP. Cash Relate Direct From Ford OR OR Free Automatic Transniission 12.9% Financing Ford Ltd. Rate F -Series Trucks See Your Ford Dealer To -day Montgomery otors Limited Lucknow 5►28-3007 daughter, Mrs. Shelley Barker and your son Dustin returned to their home in Collingwood. Hockey Banquet Last Saturday evening the annual banquet for the hockey teams was held in the Ripley Huron Community Centre Complex. Judging by the number of cars coming up the main intersection after it was over, there must have been a very large crowd in attendance. It was reported that a wonderful roast beef meal was served in the auditorium. Following this the different teams along with their managers and coaches were recognized for their participation in the winter program here. However it was reported on Saturday evening that the team which went right to the top in the spring playoffs before being eliminated was not mentioned or even thank- ed for their effort. Assistant manager Finlay MacLennan and players of the Ripley Juveniles felt badly about this omission. They were disappointed to say the least. They feel that they must have played entertaining and exciting hockey here for large crowds attended their games. They won the W.O.A.A. Juvenile D Championship and were finalists in the All Ontario Juvenile D against Thornton in the Barrie area. This team is the one which will suffer the most from the untimely withdrawal of the Ripley High School. Last Thursday evening, April 28, a meeting of the Light Horse Committee of the Ripley Agricultural Society was held at the home of Mrs. Nina Wyld on Con-, cession 6 west. It concerned the light show at the fair on September 24 - the last Saturday in September. All classes were reviewed and the only change was the addition of two more classes in the jum- ping section of the show. Attending this meeting were Mrs. Gloria (Norris) Messenger, Mrs. Evelyn (Harry) Colling, Mrs. Nancy Fitzgerald and Donald Wyld. The duties were outlined and the meeting adjourned. Returned home Last Thursday, April 28, Ab and Marj Middlekamp and children Amy and Dan- ny of the Tenth Concession west in Huron Township returned home from a month vacation in Holland. They flew into Toronto airport. They flew from Toronto to the Amsterdam airport on March 27. While in Holland they stayed with relatives at Mussell in eastern Holland about as far east of Amsterdam as the distance from Ripley to Toronto. When they first arrived it was terribly wet but in the last two weeks everything was beautiful. The grain crops were growing. The cat- tle had been turned out on pasture. All the flowers -tul- ips, magnolias, forsythias and many others were all out in bloom. They enjoyed trips to Rotterdam to see the big harbours there and also to see the new polders, These polders are flat landust built up from sea soil and so still showing the white shells. Their cousins were the first farmers to move onto these new polders about three years ago. Seven years ago Ab and Marj were to Zeeland. This time they en- joyed a lovely boat ride on e Ruhr Sea in Germany. During the whole ride they could see the nearby coun- tryside. Recently, Mrs. Minnie Wyld was able to return home to her apartment in Huron Villa in Ripley. She had been a patient in Kincar- dine and District Hospital. Harold Wyld of Weston ar- rived on Monday morning to visit with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson and Mr. 'and Mrs. Ralph Hendra of Camlachie east of Sarnia visited on Sun- day with Rev. and Mrs. Glen Turn to page 14• ONTARIO'S FISH TESTING PROGRAM •e,•1141 oft Ontario is famous for its fishing. The Ontario government constantly checks this valuable resource through its continuing fish research and testing program. Testing has now been done in almost 1200 lakes and rivers. The results are published in the Guides: GUIDE TO EATING ONTARIO SPORT FISH Northern Ontario. Lake Superior Lake Huron GUIDE TO EATING ONTARIO 4 4 SPORT FISH 44; Southern Ontario and the Great Lakes NOW AVAILABLE FOR 1983, You r,�in get your two ("ot)in5 from your ne,---irec,1 office of the ONTARIO MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NORTHERN AFFAIRS Ministry of the Environment Il,,• Kri+h r Nnrlrir, O (, ,ivdililt)In In Vrir roti n ,;N i E3rowflr S Retalt (..;toros rind L("E3O `;tore,, in Juno Ontarto Ministry of Natural Resources Hon Alar W Pnpr, MIr'Irnr