HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-05-04, Page 7news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 4, 1983—Page 7 Suggests interest rate relief for farmers... •from page 6 Manitoba 21 percent and Ontario only 8 percent. For starters I would suggest in- terest rate relief under the Ontario Farm Adjustment Assistance emergency program for financially distressed farmers should subsidize interest rates by four percent down to eight percent. The O.F.A.A.P. eligibility criteria should be relaxed to include farmers with less than 10 percent equity. Surface knowledge or psychological tricks may entice some people but if you want to make politics your profes- sion, there is no firmer rock to build on than a foundation of spiritual wisdom. Is this some naive pie in the sky? Not at all. In my estimation, that's where genuine sincerity comes from, and sincerity is political power. It's more powerful than any learned technique. It's putting why ahead of how - the secret of successful Democracy. You've got the ball now Mr. Tim- brell. Might I suggest that you move with it. Don't spin your tires, this is your opportunity to establish a suc- cessful political career. Cletus Dalton RR 3, Goderic.h A memo to the prime minister... •from page 6 be exiled as well, and new ones invented. Scientists and all other enlightened people will be quick to applaud our courage and farsightedness. The ben- efits to science, to clarity of commun- ication, to world trade and under- standing are stupendous. Imagine calculating the elapsed time from 3.13 and 47 seconds AM to 9.08 and 12 seconds PM in the old way. Very laborious, like subtracting Roman numerals. Now, however, with the metock, we simply subtract 1.3457176 from 8.8068444. There is another ramification (or 'ram', for short) of this particular 'con'. (Sir! I trust your shredder is in good working worder.) As you know, there are two dimensions to disorien- tation --space and time. 1 believe we have succeeded passably well with regard to the former. Weight and volume, length, distance, speed, temperature. Who now, among Can- adians, feels at home in his spatial universe? With the metock, (Say, how about "Canclock"?) we can do for time what we've done already for space. I'll close now as your imagination must be soaring, as always. Your humble servant, political supporter, and obsequious appointee. why did his grandfather change his name? To the Editor: 1 have been doing research on my great, great grandparents who lived in Lucknow and the Bruce County area c.1850-1868. I have been told that my great, great grandfather changed his name to John McDougall from an unknown name to avoid going to war. He and Isabelle lived on under the name McDougall ever after. She was supposedly married to a Charles Campbell who allegedly was killed in the Crimean War. 1 am having difficulty understand- ing why a resident in Canada at that time would have gone to the Crimean War of England and Russia, 1854. Also, why would my grandfather have changed his name to avoid going to war, was there a draft or something? How can I find out about this and how can I find a record of my grandparents marriage in Woodstock, Ontario, November 27, 1857. It is supposed to be in Lucknow. 1 don't mean to impose with genealogical questions, but this is really important, and I am at a loss for where else to turn. I have already joined the Ontario Genealogy Society. I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Sincerely, Jim McDougall, P.O. Box 1924, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626 lookhy-/IJA/Ii»lhe WA/TA/////f////iii/n/iimimrnia/an�iaiia�ia t/// fm/f//lliaaunmi`i aminnniaaaniiW/i /maimiaaaaimuaiiiia/MWMaiii/Nnan SEAFORTH'S First Annual MAYTIME SWINGHeld under authority of Special Occasion Permit 3 Great Bonds Randy Satchel) Canadian Open Country Singing Champion and "TYME" GRAHAM TOWNSEND Star of CBC Television Undefeated World fiddle Champion BRUCE COUNTY GRASS (Soot Recording Artists) Step Dancers COLLEEN EDGAR JUDY NIEBERLEIN Canadian Open Champion NORMAN IRVING JIM SWAN • Master of Ceremonies Friday, Starting at 9 p.m. Sharp *Dancing till 1:00 a.m. at the SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE Admission '10.00 per person Tickets: Bob & Betty's Variety or Phone 346-$964 or 345-2366 OR AT THE DOOR Give us this day Please help the Red Shield Appeal Lucknow Blitz Monday, May 16th Conducted by l.ueknow Lions Club Reg. $42.95 MEN 'S8"PLAIN Work Boots NOW 30000 Les Pater Shoes LUCKNOW 528-3011 Open Mondays Starting May 2 Drainage pays off in soil aeration Good drainage aerates the sail, providing several berets Release of nitrogen from organic matt Is accelerated and sal warms up faster since heat is not required for surface evaporation A test in Ohio once showed a 12 degree difference between drained and undrained land on one April day And when o warm rain telt there was o 20 degree difference between the temperature of the rain and the tile discharge+ Soil temperatures make a vast difference to planting schedules roth drainage LIMITED FARM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS Ripley, Ont. 395.5638 PAYING AS HIGH AS On 5 Year Annual Guaranteed Investment Certificates Top Interest Rates Through Such Trust Co. as Vktoria & Grey e City Trust Standard - Fidelity - Municipal Premier Also paying os high as 111/4 % on 3 year annual ALL COMPANIES MEMBERS OF THE CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION RATES OUOTED AS OF MAY 2, 1983 Invest Through Rod McDonagh Box 2SO, Lucknow 538.3423