HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-05-04, Page 4community news
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 4, 1983—Page 4
Explain new municipal conflict —of- interest legislation
The new municipal con-
flict-of-interest legislation
that came into effect March
1, is nothing to be "hysterical
about" or "ashamed of",
London lawyer, John Judson
told close to 70 elected of-
ficials from Huron County
last week. Judson was the
chairman of the Association
of Municipalities in Ontario
AMO) when it reviewed the
legislation before it was
"The act is not intended to
expose you as connected
with some insidious in-
volvement in the com-
munity," he said, "If you're
honest and frank, nobody
can condemn you. But, if you
act guilty, the press will see
you act guilty and you'll find
it in the paper the next day. I
think it's a self-fulfilling
Judson and Charles
Godkin, of the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and
Housing, held their third in a
series of seven meetings in
Western Ontario last
Tuesday at Huronview to
educate municipal
politicians about the revision
of the act and to clear up any
concerns or misconceptions.
The act, first passed in.
1972, has now been revised so
that a municipal politician
must explain the nature of
any conflict in addition to
declaring it in the first place,
And, any citizen who
suspects a council member
of not declaring a conflict
can report the member to a
judge within six weeks.
A councillor can come into'
conflict if he or she has a
direct or indirect pecuniary
(financial) interest in a
matter concerning council,
If the matter involves a
financial interest of a
spouse, parent, child, a
By Marie Park
Word has been received
here of the death of Mrs.
Colin (Lillian) Campbell on
Thursday, April 21st in Ot-
tawa at the age of 85.
She was born on the main
street of Dungannon on
March 9, 1898 to the late
Samuel Pentland and Maria
Hanlin, and after her marri-
age resided in the home now
owned by Ben Park, across
from Dungannon Cemetery.
She is survived by three
sons, Murray of Boston, Bill
and Keith of Ottawa, and
several nieces and nephews
and cousins in our area.
Private funeral service was
held on Saturday, April 23
from Hulse and Playfair
Chapel, 1028 Byron Avenue,
Congratulations to Mary
Bere who won a sheepskin
rug on Sunday in a draw held
at Clinton, sponsored by the
John Here and family of
London visited Mary Bere on
the weekend,
The Slo-pitch season has
opened as the Nile boys
defeated the Lanesville Lords
in an exhibition game played
in Dungannon on Sunday,
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Van itooy
(Val Matthews) who were
married at the Nile United
Church on Saturday. A re-
ception was held in the
evening in the community
centre at Lucknow.
About twenty-five friends,
relatives and neighbours
helped Hazel Webster cele-
brate her 80th birthday on
Wednesday of last week at
her home. On Saturday Mrs.
Webster, her daughter, Etta -
belle, Mrs. Bill Bradley, and
Mr, Bradley of Goderich,
left for Bolton, where the
family enjoyed another birth-
day celebration with Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Thomas and Jen-
Separate school teachers
return September 1
Huron -Perth Separate
School Board teachers will
le back to school this year on
iept. 1 and 2 for professional
ictivity days.
The nine professional ac-
►vity days in the Huron-
='erth system for the school
ear 198.3.84 are part of the
.chool year calendar ap-
mroved by the board at its
'tpril ll meeting.
Director of education
William Eckert said it will
be "uncommon" for boards
across the province to start
school on Sept. 1. Previously
Ministry of Education
guidelines stated the school
year would start the day
after Labor Day, whereas
now school may start on
Sept. 1.
"1 think it's wise that
classes not begin before
Labor Day," commented
Mr. Eckert, "it's a tradition
for Ontario families to start
school after Labor Day."
The director noted that of
the nine professional activity
days only five are within the
flow of the school year as two
are actually before the
students come back to school
and two are at the end of
June on the 25th and 26th.
The other professional ac-
tivity days are on Friday,
Sept. 23, Friday, Oct. 28,
Monday, Dec. 5, Friday,
March 9 ( which precedes the
mid -winter break) and Mon-
day, April 2.
Stratford trustee lion Mar-
cy asked If there are any PA
days common with the two
public boards - Huron Coun-
ty Board of Education and
Perth County Board of
Education, Friday, Sept. 23
is the only common day
between the three boards,
while Monday, Dec. 5 is
shared with the Perth
system and Friday, Oct. 28 is
shared with the Huron
system. Monday, April 2 is
common between the
separate system and the
Huron secondary schools.
Other changes in the
school year calendar
Turn to page 4*
business partner, or an
employer, the councillor is in
conflict. Also, if the council
member is a member of a
body or has a controlling
interest or is a senior officer
of a corporation in which the
council is concerned, he or
she is in conflict.
"The act does not care if
you are voting for or against
your interest or even if you
don't affect the outcome; it
only cares that you have a
pecuniary interest," said
Mr. Judson,
Even if the councillor is a
member of a local group that
wants a grant from the
government for a charitable
cause, he is in conflict.
"If you're the recreation
director of the local Optimist
club and also sitting on
council, you'll have a conflict
of interest if you ask council
for a grant for hockey
equipment for the boys, It
doesn't matter if you're not
going to benefit personally,"
Some exceptions to the
conflict-of-interest act in-
clude members who have a
financial interest that is in
common with the rest of the
electors and members who
have an interest in land
affected by work under the
Drainage Act or the fatal
Improvement Act,
"I think the exception
from the Drainage Act is an
important relief especially in
rural areas," Mr. Judson
The act states that the
elected official himself is
responsible for declaring his
interest and its nature,
keeping out of any discussion
or voting on the matter, and
refraining from trying to
influence the voting,
"It's a useful symbolic
gesture to move back from
the council table when you
declare a conflict of in-
terest," said Mr. Judson.
If the meeting is closed to
the public, the councillor is
responsible to declare the
conflict and leave the room
while the matter is
discussed. When the meeting
is again open to the public,
he or she must then declare
the conflict and its nature
once again.
This section of the act does
not cover the committee
meetings of Huron County
council which are never open
to the public. The way the act
now stands, a conflict
declared during the closed
meeting would never be
known to voters since the
meeting is always closed,
There are three penalties
for councillors who do not
mention their conflicts. They
are removed from office and
either disqualified from
running for office for seven
years or required to pay
restitution if they received
personal gain. However, if
the judge determines that
the council member made an
error in judgement, was
ignorant of the law, or
received bad legal advice,
the penalty could be waived.
Policing is done only by
citizens and other politicians
even though AMO recom-
mended that the Attorney
General be given some of the
"The odds of you being
caught in a conflict of in-
terest are the same odds of
being hit by a car tonight
when you leave," said Mr,
Did you know that one out
of every two Americans
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goes to show you how impor-
tant ears are
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