HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-04-20, Page 121. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale '001_ SALE, Manufacturer's iearance on above and in - round pools, many models z fantastic savings. SHOP l R ECT. 416-522-1414. -016 ANADA'S LOWEST price ttellite TN, Systems. Com- 'ete package. Western Sate- ite Supply, Saskatoon, 'hone 306-934-1701. Dealer nquiries invited, —016 USED DESKS, file cabinets, bookcases, tables, room div- iders, stacking chairs, office chairs, storage cabinets, steel adjustable shelving, Lovers New & Used, 254 Adelaid Street South, Lon- don, 681-2254 Mon. - Fri,, 9 - 5, Sat, 9 - 12. —016 TANDEM DIESEL fuel tank- er with pump. Sicard 4 wheel drive street flusher rever- sible plow. Garbage packer, all $5500 each. M.F. Com- bine G.M. Cockshutt Com- bine Chrysler each $6000. 75 G.M.C. 35 duals 10' stake $3400. 76 I.H, Tandem Die- sel $12,000, '79 Dodge 200 - 4 wheel drive plow 8000 kil, 74 Ford Cummins T, axle. Grove 25 ton crane 80 Ken- worth tractor 200 Pitman Crane $77,000, I.H. trucks, new and used. Beaver plane skies, wheels, floats, Radial drill, Propane floor sweeper. Texas 700 Computer termin- al, Nashua copier, Viewer SR VIII Bell Howell, Commercial air conditioner gas. J. W. Hart, Barrie, Ont. Phone 7 a.m, or 7 p.m. 728-3139. —016 DO EXCITING commission work right from your own home. Earnings guaranteed. Complete details sent. Send self addressed stamped en- velope to P.O. Box 282 Station "C" Winnipeg, Man. R3M 3S7. —016 WEDDING DRESS with veil, size 9, S100.00 or best offer. Phone 395-5075. —16 1979 SUZUKI 250 Endural low mileage, excellent con- diton, asking $650.00. Phone 528-3619 after 4:30 p.m. —16,17 LADIES BAUER roller skat- es, size 9, excellent condi- tion, worn only a few times. Call 528-3635 and ask for Barb. —16x 12 CORD of dry, beech and naple hardwood for sale; 3 Nth 12' Sandrum cultivator. Phone 395-2492. —16,17 14' TRAVELER TRAILER, in good condition, sleeps 6, all new drapes, frig and stove, S1500.00 firm. Phone 528- .1723. —16,17 CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, Hwy. 8 W. Stratford, 393- 5938. Your headquarters for hard -top tent trailers, travel trailers, from lightweights, i right up to park models, truck -campers, and caps. Dealers for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Corsair, Lionel. Sales, rentals, parts, service. -14-26 HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? STEREO CONSOLE, wood stove and sofa bed. Best offer, 528-2043 after 6 p.m. —15,16x WATER .SOFTENING SALT, 40 kg. $6.00 per bag delivered. Conditioner ser- vice also available. Call after 6 p.m. 528-5653.-14tf TRY C & E Furniture, new and used. Dial Goderieh, 524-7231. —40tf SPRING LAMB, rut and wrapped to your specifica- tions, order now for summer barbecues, inquiries welcome, Bernadette Scott, 395-3563.-14-18 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. Call after 6 p.m., 395-5773. --11 tf INVITATIONS - Four differ- ent catalogues of personaliz- ed wedding and anniversary invitations, available for ov- ernight viewing. Compli- mentary wedding prepack (value $25) with each wed- ding order, For appointment call Marilyn Murray, Mon- day to Friday, after 4 p.m. at 528-3635.—15tfar FIND GOLD, silver, coins, jewellery with "White" met- al detectors from "Happy Jacks", $129,95 up. Box 295, Strathroy, Ontario 1-519-245- 1749. Free catalogue. Auth- orized Factory Distributor. Repair Centre. Dealers want- ed. —015 NEW 9,100 btu kerosene heater, 5 h p. riding lawn mower. Phone 528-3212, —15,16 SICK ROOM SUPPLIES. patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.—8tfeow THIS & THAT STORE now open from Monday to Satur- day, 9 to 6, Lenore Glenn, 528-3723. —14eow 4. Articles wanted WANTED- GOOD USED T bar steel posts, 7 or 8'. Call Huron Landscaping, 529- 7247. —16,17 same onsi mean -„-- 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1980 TRANS -AM SPECIAL Edition, T roof, AM/FM cassette stereo, very low mileage. Excellent condition. Phone 529-7146 after 6 p.m. —16.17,18 7. Real estate for sale COUNTRY CORNER build- ing lot, i/2 acre, well treed, 2 miles east of Lucknow on Hwy. 86. Price 312,000. Phone 357-3591 or 357-3712. —lbtf HOUSE FOR SALE POINT CLARK 3 bedroom house, 5 pc. and 3 pc. bath, country kitchen, living room, roc room, laundry -boot room, 1'/: garage, centrally located, 359,300.00, less 33000.00 Federal grant - 336,300.00. W. Clarke Ferguson Ltd., 395.5454. 9. Accom. to rent ONE AND TWObedroom apartments in Lucknow, Glenhaven Apartments, 529- 7030, after six p.m. —9tf FURNISHED, bed sitting room, cooking facilities, all utilities paid. Phone 528- 3723.-14tf TWO BEDROOM, heated apartment, available May 1 t 1983, Phone 528-3212. —15,16,17 For Rent or Shares 100 ACRES KINLOSS Tiled Where Needed Phone 395-3320 12. Help wanted SOMEONE TO CUT GRASS at both Glennhaven Apart- ments for the season. Call after 7 p.m. 529-7030. —16 SALES PERSON (2) Busi- ness Machines by Savin, I.B.M., Olympia. Previous experience preferred. Loca- tion North Bay and Timmins. Apply Box 580. New Lis- keard, Ontario, POJ 1 PO, Attention: Dave Armstrong. —016 DISPLAY ADVERTISING Sales person. Full time posi- tion, permanent job, estab- lished accounts, plus field to develop. Salary, commission, or combination. Position av- ailable now. Experience in layout, design, colour, com- mercial printing, etc., all assets. (',A. MacLean, Cam - rose Canadian, Box 1600, Camrose, Alberta T4V 1X6. Phone (403) 672-4421 —016 TREE PLANTERS for may, June, Forepersons, Crews. Only exp. B.C. planters with references please. Box 1109 Fort Nelson, B.C. 604-774- 2368. —016 BABYSITTER for two child- ren at my home near Holy - rood, weekdays. Light house- keeping only. Apply J. Cum- mings, R. # 1. Holyrood, NOG 280. —16 CAREER iN TRUCKING - Transport drivers needed. Train now for your class A licence. Write Mery Orr Transport Driver Training School, P.O. Box 3186, Cam- bridge, Ontario, N3H 456. —015 LAWYER: Established firm in Whitehorse. Yukon Terri- tory, with active corporate, commercial and litigation practice is accepting applica- tions from solicitors with not less than 2 years current experience and in private practice, Submit resume to: Anton, Asquitch and Cam- pion, 204 Lamber Street, Whitehorse, Y.T. Y 1 A 124. Attention: Ms. Grace John- son. —015 14. Employment wanted WILLING TO BABYSiT in my home, 2 miles south of Amherlc', For more infor- mation phone 395-2404. —16 VA411614,k,, Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 20, 1983—Page 12 12. Help wanted 15. Tenders vinlissaimar URGENTLY NEEDED Dealer for Stanley Home Products 40 % GUARANTEED INCOME work your own hours This Is a Canadian company with "currently no dealers in this areal" 396-4592 "Coil collect If you wish" 15. Tenders :********** FOR SALE BY TENDER * * * * Larger building approxi- * mately 110' x 70' and * The former Pine River Cheese and Butter Co- operative building on lot 36, concession 6, Huron Township on approxi- mately 1 acre of land, subject to se'erance ap- proval. 40( * other 49' x 25'. 4a Reply In writing to Pine * River Cheese and Butter * Co-operative, R. # 4, Ripley, Ontario, NOG 2R0. Letters to be recely- * ed by June 30, 1983. * Highest or any tender not * necessarily accepted. —16 ********** * TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked will be re- ceived until S:00 P.M. ON FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1983 by either of the under- signed at the Municipal Building, R. R. # 2, Lurk - now, for loading and haul- ing approximately 30,000 cubic yards pit run gravel to Concession Road 4 - 5, Lots 19, 20, 21 Township of West Wawanosh. TENDERS must he sub- mitted on Township ten- der forms, available at the Municipal Office, and be accompanied by certified cheque for 32,000.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEORGE HUMPHREY, Road Superintendent. JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk -Treasurer, —16, 1 lar 16. Tenders Otst.9.3 C..21125 CAM= 62=7 <So MEMO COMM 0110303 1321:21,6, RENOVATIONS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., Monday, May 16, 1983 for the following work: Planning and Development Department, Court House, Goderich, Ontario - Installation of: 1. Carpet 2. Suspended Ceiling 3. Lighting 4. Vertical Blinds Registry Office, 38 North Street, Goderich, Ontario - Installatlon of: 1, Suspended Ceiling 2. Lighting Specifications and tender forms for each of the renova- tions may be obtaal;•ed from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarlly accepted. --16ar B. G. HANLY Clerk Treasurer & Administrator County of Huron Court House Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA Large 3 Day Chesterfield and Chair liquidation Sale at The Wingham Sales Arena Friday, April 22, 9.9 p.m. Saturday, April 23, 9.6 p.m. Monday, April 25, 9 - 6 p.m. The Wingham Sales Arena has been instructed to liquidate thousturids and thousands of dollars worth of the fine quality chesterfields and chairs, love seats and ottomans. This fine selection comes in Colonial high backs, wing bark styles, plaid colours In 100 per cent nylon material, many colours to choose from such as beige, browns, rust, and a variety of floral patterns. These suites are available In 2, 3 and 4 piece sets and sectional corner suites. Also a good selection of pull out sofa beds In various styles. Many more terrific savings on occasional chairs, some wall units, book cases, desks, etc. Be sure to attend this sale and furnish your home for very little money. TERMS - Cash, Cheque, Visa, Master Card Accepted THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA 357-1730 JUST NORTH OF WINGHAM ON HiGHWAY #4 —16ar THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA JOBS CARS APARTMENTS REAL ESTATE PLUG INTO CLASSIFIEDS