HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-04-13, Page 1832- Coming events CANCER INFO NIGHT HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT presents an informa- tion night on Cancer and Breast Self Examination, with Dr. Jack McKim on Tuesday, April 19, at 7:30 p.m. Portable Wingham and District Hospital, Wingham. Film and hand out material included. Free admission and refteshtnents.-14,15ar BRIGHT CHILDREN MEETING North Huron Association for Bright Children will be meet- ing April 13, 7:30 p.m. at Turnberry Central School. New members welcome. Contact Holly Keil, 357-2894 for more information. —15 "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" A spring formal, sponsored by West Huron Junior Farm- ers, Saturday, April 16 at Lucknow Community Centre. Dancing to Drumlin 9 - 1, buffet lunch. 56.00/person advance or 57,00/person at door. NO BLUE JEANS. For tickets call any Junior Farm- ers or 528-3322, 528-3101, 529-7594, 529-7862. Pro- ceeds for Lucknow Fire De- partment —15ar DESSERT MEETING The Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital re- quests all members to attend the annual meeting to be held on Monday, April 18, at 1:30 p.m. at the Training Centre building, —15 SPRING BOOK FAIR The Spring Book Fair, Sun- day, April 24, 1983, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Concert Hall, 888 Yonge Street, Tor- onto. Rare and second hand books, maps, prints and re- lated items. $2.00 entrance (416) 424-2287. —015 SPRING THANKOFFERING Sunday, April 17 the Luck - now U.C.W will hold their spring Thankoffering as part of the regular morning wor- ship service, at 11 a.m. Guest speaker will be Hill Thompson of CKNX. Lunch will be served following the service. Everyone welcome. —15 ORIENTATION EVENING Ripley Huron Central School wishes to invite parents of children who will be enrolled in kindergarten for the 1983. 84 school year to attend an orientation evening on Wed- nesday, April 20, 8 p.m. (Parents only). —15 32. Coming events BAND CONCERT May 6, 1983 at 8:15 Lucknow Community Centre. Adults $2.50; Public School $1.00. Proceeds for band trip. —15,18 TWIN PIANO CONCERT Featuring James Anagnoson and Leslie Kinton, at Blyth Memorial Hall, Sunday, Ap- ril 17, 2 p.m. Tickets $8.00. Phone 523-9300. —15 SOFT PEDALLING The Hit, one man musical comedy staring Richard Greenblatt, comes to Blyth Memorial Hall, Wednesday, April 20, 8 p.m. Tickets $8.00 Phone 523-9300. —15 CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at the Health Unit office, Wing - ham Hospital on Wednes- day, April 20, 1983 from 9;30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5, Vision Screening 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years. ADULT IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO BE OFFERED AT THIS CLINIC —15ar RUMMAGE & BAKE SALE The Ladies Auxiliary of the Lucknow Christian School is sponsoring a Rummage and Bake Sale Wednesday, April 27, 10 a.m, to 3 p.m., to be held in Ashton's store on Lucknow's Main Street. Articles will be received at the store April 26, 8 p.m. —15,16 40TH ANNIVERSARY The family of Morley and Dorothy Wall invite friends, neighbours and relatives to the celebration of their par- ents° 40th wedding anniver- sary on April 22, 8:30 p.m. in the Teeswater Community Centre. Best wishes only please. —15,16 MOVIES FOR CHILDREN Saturday, April 16, 2 p.m. Lucknow United Church. Re- freshments for sale. Sponsor- ed by CGIT. —15x Attention, Farmers ����I,r 1rtl.1-A1.•R!�l�.�-��•�•��-K-Ar 1.4�l41,-orf •/r'�"l1. �r �l-��. ��1.,. A. For sale E. Farm services 21' of hitchiker harrows. Phone 395-5055, —15 15 RUN INTERNATIONAL seed drill; case manure spreader; 205 new idea man- ure spreader; 1 way disc and a number of horse drawn outfits; hand feed corn cutter and blower. Phone 528- 2718. —15x PIONEER ALFALFA AS GOOD AS ALFALFA GETS Your Pioneer Sales Representative is Bruce Raynard 528-3502 PIONEER 11114N11 All‘ 411 4 tit F 11 P111r1eet hr Ar1H name numhnr, ,rterHrt, varrehe, Apyi..lerpd trAdp111,1111t neprlrpd to P1{111p At M eire11 l ui04411 11AHrA.,' 110.1.0 TOWER KING pressed stave silos, with complete dura - guard liner and self storing doors, designed for storing haylage, ensilage, or high moisture grain. Early order discounts, Representative Francis Boyle, R. # 3, Ripley, 395-5088. —13tf MALTING BARLEY Con- tract, Snobelen Farms Ltd., Ripley 395-5167 or Lucknow 528-3203.-14,15 QUANTITY OF good first and second cut hay for sale, phone 529-7126. —13,14,15,16 213 NEW IDEA manure spreader. Jim Graham 529- 7412.-14,15x PRODUCE/ RESULTS! 4444 444 4ab" 114444 44�♦ 44 444144444,444 A11~4141 JOE LEUTHARI) REAL ESTATE LTI), r Realtor WELL ESTABLISHED - autobody and repair shop, large lot, and one storey house. rr� NICE BRICK HOME - surrounded by 200 acres of excellent crop land, beef and hog barn. WEST WAWANOSH - 176 acres, nits home, new shed. b' 1 300 ACRES, 170 workable, balance partly hardwood i bush, food lot, priced to sill. HURON TOWNSHIP - 98 acre systematically tiled, excellent crop land, make an offer. MORRIS TOWNSHIP - 100 acres, mostly systematical- ly tiled, no buildings. WE HAVE PROSPECTIVE BUYERS for farms and cottages. 11 you are thinking of selling, give us a call today. Werner Ritgen ;. R.R.7, Lucknow 529-77830 many, . rr r n. r o f r rt, r? nrnr.enr r r" r,- rr r rima•-rr roevrr+P PIONEER SEED CORN PERFORMANCE 1f01! CAN COUNT ON Your Pioneer Sales Representative is: Bruce Raynard 528-3502 PIONEER, ARANO SEED CORN Pioneer is a brand name numdento, varieties „ Registered trademark ht:ensed lo Pioneer H,.gred limited Chatham Ontario C. Wanted 25 ACRES for spring crop. Phone .195-2758. —15x D. Livestock HORSES bought and sold. Phone 347-2623.-- 14,15x F. For rent (14 ACRES of crop land to runt. Phone .195-2227, --15 HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? ANYONE WANTING cattle sprayed for warbles or Ike, call Ken Voisin, Teeswater, 392-6243. —15,16,17 CUSTOM SEED CLEANING AND TREATING (Bag or Bulk] SEED GRAIN, CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS FOR SALE (Free Mixing & Delivery) ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL AND TRUCKING Call, LUCKNOW 528.3500 BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Holyrood, phone 395-5390. BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers FARMATIC - Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture corn, Augers, Leg Elevators ACORN - Cable Barn Clean- s ers WESTEEL-ROSCO - Grain Bins - 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks ACME - Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners, Steel Trus- ses 13 & L - Complete Hog Con- finement Systems SLURRY -SLINGER - Liquid Manure Spreaders CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment ALSO - Electric Feed Carts, Straw Choppers, Fibre -Fun- nels, Ritchie Heated Bowls. Hurst Equipment. We Handle Everything - Almost LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. At Aniberley R. R. # 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 F. For rent 90 ACRES Whitechurch arca. Phone I-57h-hf,25 or I -579.8545 after h p.m. -- I5- l8x i i 1 Liacknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 13, 1983—Page 18 The Man To See Is ASHFIELO TWP, dairy farm, 315 acus highway location, pipe line, excellent horns, cows, quota negotiable. ASHFIELD TWP. 175 acres, 165 worktable, comfortable home, large bern. ASHFIELD TWP. 240 acres, 225 workable, Listowel loam soil, immaculate home, ASHFIELD TWP. 96 acres all workable, modernised horns, viable barn, implement shed, pit solo. KINLOSS TWP. 150 acres, 145 workable, 4 bedroom home, beet barn, 2 upright silos. HURON TWP. 149 news, 135 workable, excellent financing available, HURON TWP. 88 aeras, separate parcel, 50 acres, 471/2 acres, $94,000.00 HURON TWP. 100 weal county road, Ripley area. Vendor will consider taking back first mortgage at reasonable Internet. HURON TWP. 111 acres, 110 workable, cash crop FCC financing at 9 3/6% to approved purchaser. COUNTY HOME approximately 10 acres planted to white pine, 6 year old, 3 bedroom home, full basement, hot water heating, located on paved road, Ashfield Township. Extras include 24 x 40 building, Insulated work area and various varieties of fruit trees, grapes, etc. LUCKNOW DUPLEX both apartments have 2 bed- r000ms, close to downtown. DUNGANNON, 2 excellent, 3 bedroom homes priced to sell. ',LAIRS GROVE paved road, all services, mature trees, spacious building lot 134 x 438 ft., immediate possession, *11,200.00. For further Information on these properties please call Warren & Terry Zinn PHONE 529-7350 R. R. If 2, LUCKNOW Mc i:0 ; AGH ill.,\L1`;1,\11 \ '`o '1 1.11'. 528-2031 - Lucknow 53 ACRES - 45 workable, 7th Cuirass Township. CONVERTED SCHOOL HOUSE - large lot, mature maple trees, near St. Helens. 100 ACRE FARM - 60 workable, excellent stone house with fireplace, Kinloss Township. 237 ACRES - cash crop farm, good home, F.C.C. at 10 1/8%. 186 ACRES - new three bedroom home, mortgage available. 100 ACRES - dairy farm, 4 bedroom home, 55 cow tie up, cream quota available with farm. 100 ACRE • Kinloss farm, house and barn, 590,000. ONE LUCKNOW HOME - good repair, quiet location, priced to sell. WHiTECHURCH - brick building, could be 3 apart- ments, 2 baths. Combination oil and wood furnace. Reduced to sell. ST. HELENS - 3 bedroom home with large living room and fireplace on good lot. Price reduced. HURON TOWNSHIP • 100 acres, 91 workable, well drained, beef barn, good shed and house. FRASER MacK1NNON Res. 395.2880 BARRY McDONAGH 528.3821 DAVID MaeKINNON 395-2483 NOT 'AO v , A1/D, r 1•:.11 A No "lion" about the roaring success WANT AIDS can bring you. UNITED CO.OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Livestock Marketing Division Ontario Stockyards Toronto For the strongest market in Ontario and Mrrket intormadon call MIKE FORAN On Tuesdays or groups of 5 or more on Thursdays NOW HANDLIiG STOCKERS Arriving weekly direct from the West U.C.O. Livestock Shipper R. R. 2, Lucknow Home 528-5903 Yard 528-3119 Stocker Yard 528-2544 BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Holyrood, phone 395-5390. BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers FARMATIC - Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture corn, Augers, Leg Elevators ACORN - Cable Barn Clean- s ers WESTEEL-ROSCO - Grain Bins - 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks ACME - Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Cleaners, Steel Trus- ses 13 & L - Complete Hog Con- finement Systems SLURRY -SLINGER - Liquid Manure Spreaders CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment ALSO - Electric Feed Carts, Straw Choppers, Fibre -Fun- nels, Ritchie Heated Bowls. Hurst Equipment. We Handle Everything - Almost LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. At Aniberley R. R. # 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 F. For rent 90 ACRES Whitechurch arca. Phone I-57h-hf,25 or I -579.8545 after h p.m. -- I5- l8x i i 1 Liacknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 13, 1983—Page 18 The Man To See Is ASHFIELO TWP, dairy farm, 315 acus highway location, pipe line, excellent horns, cows, quota negotiable. ASHFIELD TWP. 175 acres, 165 worktable, comfortable home, large bern. ASHFIELD TWP. 240 acres, 225 workable, Listowel loam soil, immaculate home, ASHFIELD TWP. 96 acres all workable, modernised horns, viable barn, implement shed, pit solo. KINLOSS TWP. 150 acres, 145 workable, 4 bedroom home, beet barn, 2 upright silos. HURON TWP. 149 news, 135 workable, excellent financing available, HURON TWP. 88 aeras, separate parcel, 50 acres, 471/2 acres, $94,000.00 HURON TWP. 100 weal county road, Ripley area. Vendor will consider taking back first mortgage at reasonable Internet. HURON TWP. 111 acres, 110 workable, cash crop FCC financing at 9 3/6% to approved purchaser. COUNTY HOME approximately 10 acres planted to white pine, 6 year old, 3 bedroom home, full basement, hot water heating, located on paved road, Ashfield Township. Extras include 24 x 40 building, Insulated work area and various varieties of fruit trees, grapes, etc. LUCKNOW DUPLEX both apartments have 2 bed- r000ms, close to downtown. DUNGANNON, 2 excellent, 3 bedroom homes priced to sell. ',LAIRS GROVE paved road, all services, mature trees, spacious building lot 134 x 438 ft., immediate possession, *11,200.00. For further Information on these properties please call Warren & Terry Zinn PHONE 529-7350 R. R. If 2, LUCKNOW Mc i:0 ; AGH ill.,\L1`;1,\11 \ '`o '1 1.11'. 528-2031 - Lucknow 53 ACRES - 45 workable, 7th Cuirass Township. CONVERTED SCHOOL HOUSE - large lot, mature maple trees, near St. Helens. 100 ACRE FARM - 60 workable, excellent stone house with fireplace, Kinloss Township. 237 ACRES - cash crop farm, good home, F.C.C. at 10 1/8%. 186 ACRES - new three bedroom home, mortgage available. 100 ACRES - dairy farm, 4 bedroom home, 55 cow tie up, cream quota available with farm. 100 ACRE • Kinloss farm, house and barn, 590,000. ONE LUCKNOW HOME - good repair, quiet location, priced to sell. WHiTECHURCH - brick building, could be 3 apart- ments, 2 baths. Combination oil and wood furnace. Reduced to sell. ST. HELENS - 3 bedroom home with large living room and fireplace on good lot. Price reduced. HURON TOWNSHIP • 100 acres, 91 workable, well drained, beef barn, good shed and house. FRASER MacK1NNON Res. 395.2880 BARRY McDONAGH 528.3821 DAVID MaeKINNON 395-2483 NOT 'AO v , A1/D, r 1•:.11 A No "lion" about the roaring success WANT AIDS can bring you.