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community news
Lucknow Junior Women's Institute hosted the district conference for area women's Institutes
at the Luclmow United Church on Saturday. Workshops were conducted in the morning
followed by lunch and a guest speaker in the afternoon. Marie Webster, Auburn, left,
demonstrated cake decorating at one of the morning workshops. Loral institute members
from the left, centre, Shirley Colwell, Elisabeth Irvin and Nancy Aitchison took part in the
workshop. [Sentinel Staff Photo)
Institute holds annual meeting
The annual meeting of St,
Helens Women's Institute
was held in the hall on
Thursday, April 7 at 12.30
with nineteen ladies present.
The meeting began with a
pot luck dinner.
Mrs. H. Cooper, presid-
ent, presided over the meet-
ing, Two new members were
welcomed into the group,
Mrs. Ed Green and Mrs.
Leroy Rintoul of St. Helens,
A donation of $25.00 was
given to Lucknow Agricultur-
al Society. The 4-H leaders
and members invited the
ladies to a supper April 12 to
sample dishes the girls have
learned to make.
A pot luck supper for the
community is to be held
Monday, April 11 in the hall,
The institute is also to be in
charge of Square Dancer's
banquet April 28.
The annual installation of
officers took place. Miss
Isabel Miller presented the
slate of offices and Mrs.
Robert Aitchison installed
them. They include presid-
ent, Mrs, H, Cooper; first
vice, Mrs, John Strut -ton;
second vice, Mrs. Keith
Tyler; secretary treasurer,
Mrs, Ivan Clark; assistant,
Mrs, R. Phillips; district
director, Mrs. R, Aitchison;
alternate, Mrs, Lloyd Moffat;
branch directors, Mrs, Lloyd
Moffat, Mrs, G. Lyons, Mrs.
E. Snowden; pianist, Mrs. B.
Ravnard; pennies for friend-
ship, Mrs. J. Aitchison;
auditors, Miss I. Miller, Mrs,
Doris Mewhinney; curators,
Mrs. Gordon McPherson,
Miss B. McQuillin.
Standing committees, Ag-
riculture and Canadian In-
dustries, Mrs, E, Gaunt;
Citizenship and World Af-
fairs, Mrs. Prank McQuillin;
Education and Cultural Act-
ivities, Mrs, Ross Errington;
Family and Consumer Af-
fairs, Helen Todd; Resolu-
tions, Mrs. Harold Gaunt;
Public relations, Mrs. P,
Kinloss WMS thankoffering
The Easter Thankoffering
meeting of South Kinloss
W.M,S. was held April 6 at
the home of Mrs. Harold
Mrs. Evan Keith, presid-
ent, presided and opened the
meeting with an Easter read-
ing and prayer.
Those taking part in the
Easter service from the Glad
Tidings were Mrs. Evan
Keith, Mrs. Frank MacKen-
zie, Mrs. Harold Howald,
Mrs. Olive Needham and
Mrs. Harry Lavis,
Mrs. Ted Collyer intro-
duced the guest speaker,
Mrs. Spence Scott of Brus-
sels. She spoke on, House-
cleaning; our hearts as well
as our homes need cleaning.
Mrs. Scott was thanked by
Mrs, Leonard Clarke and
presented with a gift.
Mrs. Clarke gave a splen-
did study on Anxiety and
Stress, using verses from
Matthew 7. The roll call was
answered by 15 members.
The offertory prayer was
given by Mrs, Herb Buckton,
Those taking part in the
Prayer Circle were Mrs.
Harry Lavis, Mrs. Fraser
MacKinnon and Mrs. Vera
Schmid. Mrs. Philip Steer
sang a beautiful solo, The
Lonely Road.
The minutes of the March
meeting were read; also two
invitations, one to Spring
Thankoffering at Trinity Un-
ited Church, April 10 and the
other to Lucknow W.M.S.
100th anniversary on June 1.
Mrs. Vera Schmidt will be
alternate delegate to Mrs.
Harry Lavis to the Synodical
in Owen Sound April 19 and
20. Mrs. Keith showed the
blanket purchased for Ewart
Mrs, Harold Howald re-
ported on plans for the
Jamboree. Seven ladies from
South Kinloss will help in the
food booth.
The president announced
an envelope shower for Betty
Mrs. Leonard Clarke gave
the courtesy remarks, The
closing prayer was offered by
Mrs. Olive Needham,
Lunch was served by direc-
tors, Mrs. Ted Collyer, Mrs.
Leonard Clarke and the
hostess, Mrs. Harold Camp-
Lucknow UCW unit 4 study Vanuata
•from page 12 with prayer. She lit a main
ata, the largest and richest candle, from which each
island of the New Hebrides. nienmber in turn lit a candle.
Mrs, Harold Greer read an voicing a personal interest
article written by three worn- and concern,
en from ,lapan, New Guinea A pleasing piano duet was
and the United States. They given Heather Pricstap and
were each stating their views Cindy Struthers,
and concerns and protesting Mrs. Ken Cameron presid-
the nuclear testing. ed for the business in the
15..Sr.c cA.4 .. iaat:,a ,AAL ,the. ager, .Moot .
the scripture and followed Hill Rogues, Reports were
given by treasurer, Mrs.
('anieron; community friend-
ship. Mrs, Graydon Ritchie;
social functions, Mrs.
George ,loynt; supply and
welfare, Mrs, Charlie Dav-
ies; amnesty, Mrs. Gordon
('avlev. The Thankoffering
will he held in the church on
Sunday, April 17 as part of
„the,segula..,5,mod w.•mar.,•."-• -.-
worship service.
Lucknow Senthl, Wedneedvq. April 13, 1983—Pa1e 13
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\Our local telephone (lirec'tor\
COMMUNITY Jt'4T1(;E W1:t:K A1'R11. 11-23
Ministry of Community and Social Services
Frank Drea, Minister
William Davis. Premrnr