HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-04-13, Page 5community news q/ Grani's Place will design drapes to complement your room and they had one of the most attractive displays at the Lions Hoare and Garden Show held at the Lucknow Community Centre on the weekend. Ruth Rogues, left, and Mild Deese of Grani's Place are currently working on the new drapes for the auditorium at the Lucknow Town Hall. [Sentinel Staff Photo) Luck now Sentinel, Wednesday, April 13, 1983—Page S Spend Easter al Lochalsh Kae Webster (intended for last week) Congratulations are sent to Bob MacKenzie, son of Ross and Jean MacKenzie, on his promotion recently to a sen- ior partner of the Data Control of the Canadian -De- positories and Security Com- pany in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mc - Charles of Kincardine had their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Allen (Jean) McCharles and two children, Gregg and Karen of Oakville, visit with them on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mac- Kenzie had Ross's sister, Marion Barrett and daught- er, Linda with them on the weekend from Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Alex (Sandy) Simpson have returned rec- ently to our vicinity from Calgary, Alberta. Alex is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson. The young couple are presently living in the (McMurchy) home, now owned by Mr. and'Mrs. Neil MacKenzie. The cotumunity is planning a welcoming party for Cindy and a home coming for them April 22. Jim Webster of Waterloo spent Easter weekend at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkins had their two daugh- ters, Barbara Shepperd and Janet Wilkins of Paris, Ont- ario and Allen Peck of Wallaceburg with them on the weekend and on Monday the Wilkens family were all together to help Kenny cele- brate his 16th birthday. Jim and Kae Webster visited with the Wilkins family Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Mat- thewman have returned home after spending the winter months in Florida. Mrs. Matthewman said they had a wonderful winter, a little too much rain, not as much swimming in the Gulf as they would have liked. They were still able to have a wonderful time. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb had their family with them Easter Sunday, Glenn Robb of Ashfield Township, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McCut- cheon and family of Lions Head, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Darling and daughter of Turn to page 12. Dungannon community expresses sympathy Ry Marie Park Sympathy is extended to Grace Black and family mem- bers on the death of her mother, Edith (Fielder) Cul- bert, on Friday, April 8, at Goderich Hospital, in her 92nd year. Services were conducted by the Stiles Fun- eral Home with burial on Monday in Dungannon Cem- etery. The death occurred at Seaforth Hospital on Thurs. day, April 7th of Oscar Cuthill in his 80th year, beloved husband of the form- er Margaret Elliott, daughter of Emma Elliott, Goderich, and the late Art Elliott. Burial was in Seaforth. Congratulations to Ron and Michele Brindley who celebrated their wedding an- niversary on Monday, April I1. Congratulations also to Allan and Sandra McNee of London who celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on April 13. A large crowd attended the Stag and Doe at Brindleys Shed on Saturday night, for Valerie Matthews and Henry Van Rooy. Don Shetier is a patient in hospital in Goderich. He was admitted on Tuesday with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Eedy and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Culbert attended the Vimy Banquet on Saturday night in Goderich Legion. Frank is a Vimy veteran. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hallam of Auburn visited with her mother, Gertrude Park on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawlor of Auburn visited on Wednesday with Mrs. Park who had returned home from Wingham hospit- al on Tuesday. Dungannon Agricultural Society The Dungannon Agricul- tural Society held its monthly meeting Tuesday, March 29. Since many favourable com- ments have been received about the recent euchre tour- nament, it was decided an- other tournament should be held this fall. Rules for the Horse and Antique Tractor pull were read and discussed. These contests will be a new feature held in conjunction with the pork barbeque, variety con- cert and crowning of the new Miss Dungannon fair queen on Sunday, August 14. Last year the local talent made a big hit. The finishing touches were decided for the "Come as Five Men Make Five Mistakes... One man struck a match to see 11 the gasoline tank is his car was empty. 11 wasn't. One man patted a *nage bulldog on the head to see if it was affectionate. It wasn't. One man speeded up to see it he could beat the train to the crossing. He didn't. One man touched an electric wire to see if it was dead. It wasn't One man cut out his advertising to see if he could save money. He didn't. Good Advertising Doesn't Cost .... It Pays rift LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW 2822 you are Spring Frolic" on Saturday, April 16. A good crowd is expected since the dance will be free and since great music will be supplied by Steven's Country Gold. Various items were discus- sed concerning. this year's fair books and different aspects of the fair. The financial statement for the Dungannon Agricultural Society for 1982 is available at the Dungannon Post Of- fice. Dungannon W.1. Dungannon Women's In- stitute met for its annual meeting last Thursday, April 7 at Mrs. Warren Zinn's home with a pot luck dinner. Guest speaker, Janet Am- os, artistic director of Blyth Summer Festival, showed slides of Ireland imper3on- ating her aunt -by -marriage, Mrs. Jean Lobb, who accom- panied her on the trip last year. Institute members en- joyed lots of chuckles and received a good insight into the troubles in Ireland. An in memoriam poem was read by Mrs. Graham McNee for a late member, Mrs. Rose Travis, who pas- sed away in March. The report of the nominat- ing committee was given by Mrs. Derk Logtenberg. Mrs. Elmer Black presided over the installation of officers which is as follows for 1983-1984: past president, Mrs. Hugh McWhinney; president, Mrs. Winnifred Girvin; 1st vice, Mrs. Clif- ford Crozier; 2nd vice, Mrs. Elmer Black; secretary -treas- urer, Mrs. Graham McNee; assistant secretary -treasur- er, Mrs. Elmer Black; district CO.OP ., IVA 7 director, Mrs. George Er- rington; alternate, Mrs. Clif- ford Crozier; public relations officer, Mrs. Leonard Chis- holm; alternate, Mrs. Clif- ford Purdon; branch direct- ors, Mrs. Elsie Irvin, Mrs. Clifford Purdon, Mrs. Fred Young; curator, Mrs. War- ren Zinn; assistants, Mrs. Olive Blake, Mrs. Sara Gib- son, Miss Beth McConnell; pianists, Mrs. Gordon Finni- gan, Mrs. Sam Gibson; audi- tors, Mrs. Elsie Irvin, Mrs. Clifford Purdon. Standing committee con- veners of Agriculture and Canadian Industry, Mrs. Roy Robson, Mrs. Alvin Kerr; Education and Cultural Act- ivities, Mrs. Elsie Irvin, Mrs. Wayne Snyder; Family and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Hugh McWhinney, Mrs. La - Turn to page 11. v.!+.14 1 tib} � ti A MEAT BIRD CHICKS .32 EA. YOU MUST PURCHASE 1 BAG OF CO-OP CHICK STARTER FOR EACH 25 BIRDS PURCHASED. ORDERS TO BE IN BY APRIL 25TH AND CHICKS MAY BE PiCKED UP AT CO-OP BY MAY 20TH. Lucknow District Co-op Lucknow Phone 529-7953 Your Good Value Store