HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-09, Page 7Locknow Sentinel, Wednesday, [Visitb 'a, 1983 --Page 7 UCW meetings show variety of topics Unit 1 Unit 1 of Lucknow U.C.W. met in the church parlour on Tuesday, Mauch 1. Mrs. Bradley opened with a prov- erb and a thought, March, a very promising month. Mrs. Jim Arnold acted as secret- ary. Mrs. Robert Irwin, con- vener for the program chair- ed the meeting. The theme of her devotions was the prov- erb, Criticism can be the beginning of growth. Scrip- ture was read by Mrs. Ross Henderson and the prayer by Elien Cardis. Mrs. Ross Henderson read the article from the Mission magazine which told of the experiences of Judith Ray in Papua, New Guinea from 1979 - 1982. Mrs. Irwin gave a very interesting topic on the prov- erb, For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Mrs, Hend- erson gave the scriptural passages for this topic. All enjoyed the public WMS set up committees The March meeting of Lucknow afternoon was held at the home of Mrs. William Henderson on Wed- nesday, March 2. The theme of the meeting was, Prayer. Mrs. Cyril Brown opened the meeting The business part of the meeting followed. Commit- tees were set up and June 1 set to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Lucknow W.M.S. Mrs. Bill Porteous gave the Bible Study. Rhoda MacKenzie gave the missionary prayer and this was followed by a reading on, Prayer, by Mrs. Wallace Wilson. Mrs. Jim Aitchison gave the offertory prayer and Mrs. William Henderson played a lovely piano solo. Mrs. Austin Loree review- ed the Glad Tidings and Mrs. Morgan Haderson gave the Mission Study on the impact of nuclear testing on the Peoples of the Pacific Is- lands. Mrs. Ross Cumming led in the closing prayer. Lucknow CGIT' hears area student Darlene Schmidt, who at- tends Walkerton High School, showed slides and told of her year as a Rotary Exchange Student in the Philippines at a special CGiT evening. She stayed with four dif- fernt Rotarian families and visited several islands. Dar- lene told of the extremes of wealth and poverty, of very oppressed workers, for ex- ample in the sugar cane in- dustry, and of the many children who cannot go to school, but must sell or beg on the streets. Darlene visited the city of Iloilo where Anelene Nob- leza, the Lucknow CGiT's foster sister lives. The CGiT group has been doing a study on the islands of the South Pacific. The girls mach- crafts for Carroll Mc- Kim tc, take to the children to the Flo,duras. speech, Marathon of Hope, that Bonnie Henderson had prepared for the Legion competition February 25. Bonnie Henderson and Bren- da Gibson sang a duet, Standing on the Promises, accompanied by Barbara Henderson, Mrs. Bradley resided for the business. T minutes were read and approved. Fourteen members answered the roll call with a Proverb and its reference. Two March birthdays added to the birth- day fund, Following the committee reports and the announce- ments, Mrs. Bradley gave a prayer for the missionary the unit has intheir Live, Love Project, Miss Lillias Brown. The committee, Mrs, Bob Irwin, Mrs. Ross Henderson and Mrs. Don Cardis served lunch and everyone enjoyed a visit with our cup of tea. Unit 2 On March 1 eighteen members of Unit 2, Lucknow U.C.W. and one visitor met at Mrs. M. Gibson's home. The unit leader, Mrs. Stew- art MacGillivray opened the meeting with a poem, Daf- fodils. Mrs. Eldon Ritchie as chairman for the Citzenship committee read two articles from recent publications, one on the Foster parent plan and one on T.V. shows. In her Stewardship report Mrs. Peter Cook had a paper, Take time to spend time worth- while. The program committee of Mrs. M. Loth, Mrs. Wes Ritchie and Mrs. Cook had prepared a very interesting program. Mrs. Cook, chair- man, opened with the theme for the meeting, How we should use our God given talents. The scripture was read by Mrs. Loth and medi- talon taken by Mrs. Ritchie. All enjoyed tapes of musk by Mrs, MacGillivray's fam- ily, including the family sing- ing, There's a Mansion on the Hilltop and, Life is like a Mountain Railway, Also a piano selection, as they joined together their talents for very pleasant entertain- ment. Mrs. Cook presented the mission study, The Pacific People Speak,itelling more of the customs, dress, music and musical instruments. They use very primitive ar- ticles. for musical instru- ments and enjoy dancing and games. They enter into any- thing they do with whole hearted participation. Mrs. Ritchie had a reading on, Happiness, pointing out talents for making others happy. Mrs. Loth read a few verses, My Bible and 1, and the meeting closed with Mrs. Cook offering a prayer and a bible quiz. Unit 3 Mrs. Glen Walden wel- comed 14 members to her home for the March meeting of Unit 3, Lucknow U.C.W. Mrs. Ross Shiells opened the meeting. The roll call was answered by a Bible verse on the Saints. The program, prepared by Mrs. Jack Campbell, was convened by Mrs. Earl Wightman, who read a poem, The Little Chert bs. Miss Helen Thompson gave some definitions of what we believe a Saint to be. Mrs. Yoeman read the scripture. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. Wightman read an article on St. Paul, The Greatest Letters Ever Written. Before you say "I Do" A solo, When the Saints come Marching In, was sung by Mrs. Harvey Webster, accompanied by Mrs, Harvey Houston. Mrs. Glen Walden took as her topic, The start of missionary work in the Mee- k. Until fairly recently, mise sionaries were depicted as being straight laced. Even Robert L. Stevenson, thought that, but later wrote of his admiration for their work and his error of judgement. Mrs, Wightman closed this portion with prayer. Mrs. Shielis presided for the business. Readers for World's Day of Prayer ser- vicea from our church are Mrs. Shielis and Mrs., Web- ster. Mrs. Edna MacDonald and Mrs. Charles MacDon- ald will be the representativ- es to Presbytery meeting. A collection for the blanket fund was taken, Happy Birthday was sung to Mrs. M. MacDonald. Mrs. Hous- ton said there will be quilts to be worked on in the church early this month. Miss Thompson read a letter from the unit's mis- sionaries, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jamieson, from Pune, India; the highlight being a conference and exhibition of science and medicine featur- ing setting up an artificial limb centre. Mrs. A. Kilpatrick report- ed on visits made in person and by phone to sick and shut ins. Mrs. Walden mentioned several books in the library to be used as reference on the study of the Pacific Islands. Mrs, Yeoman read an article on Christian Missions. Mrs. Edna MacDonald re- ported on our givings. Mrs. Walden read the legend of St. Patrick. Come in and see what "We Do" Wedding Invitations 3 new books to choose from.. Special till March 31 � I LUCKNOW �RESRYTERIar' CHURCH SUNDAY, MARCH 13 WORSg1P SERVICE 10,111) A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 A.M. Crest Speaker Rev. A. Yews Nursery Downstairs For Any Little Ones Under four. Welcome LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, MARCH 13 Shy Sthsst 914S a.m. Worship 11ems a.m. Rev. Waw 11MeDsgar R.A. MDI Nursery and Junior Congregation Provided ALLAN R. 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