The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-09, Page 5community news Kinlough area ladies hold prayer service M*yRte On Eiday afternoon the World Day of Prayer service Car this area was held in the Kinlough Presbyterian Church at 2 p.m. with Mrs. Glen Haldenby in charge. She welcomed those present and read an introductory portion about the Caribbean f+ron% the programs for the day used world wide, to make us all more aware of the Caribbean culture and struggles as they try to continue their Christian work, that they and we become new creatures in Christ and urged all to pray for the Caribbean people. After singing, Th God be the Glory, with organist Mrs, William MacPherson, scrip- tures were read by Mrs. Bert Nicholson, Mrs, Agnes Hod- gins, Mrs, Jack Barr, Mrs. Ronald Thacker and Mrs. Roy Collins. Mrs. Haldenby took the leader parts. Thank God for Jesus was done as litany by all taking part, and other scriptures were read by Mrs. William MacPherson, Mrs, Mex Per- ry, Mrs. Charlie Murray, Mrs, Frank Maulden, Miss Winnihred Perry, Mrs, Jack Harr, Mr's, Don Bushell, Mrs, Don Reid, Mrs, Don! Robertson. The meditation on the theme, New persons in Christ, was given by Mrs. Glen Haldenby and the offer- ing was received and unan- imously voted to have it sent to help with Christian work in the Caribbean. All joined in repeating the Lord's Prayer and the Rever- end R. Shaw gave the Four Brookside speakers place at Lucknow event By Nancy Hunter Christine Simpson and Mancini Beak The Brookside students who advanced on to the Lucknow Legion speaking contest on February 25 plac- ed as foliowst intermediate division, Heidi Fillmore, first; Bonnie Henderson, third, In the junior division Ken Strong, second, and Laurie Hayden received an honourable mention. Con- gratulations to all! The Wingham Public School came to Brookside on March 4, They presented some new skipping skills that are set to music. "Skip It" is supervised by Mr, Shaw and his grade five and six pupils. Mr, Jewitt went around to many schools checking their Intermediate History Pro- gram for the History Review, it involves students in grade. 7, 8, 9, 10, He checked their courses of study methods and evaluation. The Library Club has pur- chased a button maker and on Wednesday the buttons made were sold. There will be another sale later on in the year. Mrs, Carroll's class and both grade i classes visited Robinson's Sugar Hush on Wednesday, March 1. They were shown how to bring the sap out of trees and also the evaporating building where the syrup is boiled down. The large pile of wood for the fire also interested the children, They then were able to try such treats as maple syrup, maple taffy made on snow, maple candy and maple butter. Mrs. Carroll's class has also been doing a winter unit. Each child is reporting on the research they have done, As part of this program they also made and tasted their own ice cream. Mr. Liddle's grade 6 class has heen doing a unit on West Indians. They have also heen working with Pirates. The grade 8s are writing French letters with the help cif Mrs. Anne Andrew. They will he exchanged with Stud• cnts at NoImesvilla.. Col- borne and Wingham Public 5c haul. i he hoN's hockey is finally over and the islanders won oerali. i'hc last game was the islanders 4 and Shooters 2, Marty Rivett getting all four goals for the Islanders, Derek Turner one and Don - Me Gammie one for Shoot- ers, Once more the physical fitness tests are upon us and everyone is working up a get the sweat trying to highest award, The next skating date is on Manch 17 in the Lueknow Arena. benediction after the closing song of renewal. M: -s. Roy Collins was chos- en leader for 1984 when the prayer day service will be held at the Anglican Church. Social News Miss Norma Coutts of Wingham spent last week with Edna and May Boyle. Other visitors at the same home during the week were Mrs, Delores Cross, Rev- erend Philip Ruch, Mrs, Ronald Thacker and Mrs, Charlie Murray. Some from our area at- tended the Weber - Emmet -- ton wedding at Ripley on Friday last and also took in the reception and dance at the Ripley Complex, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Page visited on Saturday at Owen Sound with friends. On Saturday evening friends, relatives and neigh- bours gathered at the Luck - now Community Centre for a benefit dance for Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rhody and family, The centre was filled to rapacity and all enjoyed the fine musk of Boyd's orchestra, The entire area has been so greatly concerned singe Wayne's unfortunate accid- ent last November and at the present he is managing very well on crutches and every- one was glad to see him, At lunch time the Rhody family were asked to come to the front where Mrs, Charlie HoaMer R u piWushp( THE AFFORDABLE PORTABLE Murray read a most approp- riate address and the presen- tation of a money gift was given by Mrs. Bob Thomp- son and Mrs. Jaek Scott. Both Wayne and Janet replied fittingly and expres- sed their deep appreciation for the many acts of kindness which they had received in these past months, Our best is with you Wayne. Mr, and Mrs, Morley Bushell of Wingham and their grandchildren, Robbie and Brianne of New Ham- burg and Mrs. John Barr of here were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Barr, it being the occasion of Doris and Jack's birthday. Some of us well remember that stormy March 6 night when the Barr twins arrived. It was a real old fashioned .kind of winter, and not the nice winter weather that we have all enjoyed this year. Mr, and Mrs, Gary Fair (Janet Barr) of Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs. John Bushell of New Hamburg, are enjoying a holiday in Florida The Bushell child- ren's grandparents both live in Wingham, Lacknow Sentinel, Wednei?, March 9, 1983—Page S 1 Ashton's Ladies Wear LUC: NNb14' Re -Opening - 2 Days Only NI A rAcH PatternsZippers-Butfons ATTENTION AREA FARMERS We pay $26.00 to $50,00 per hundred weight for old cows and recently Injured or sick vows, cows, steers and heifers. Must be alive and drug tree. Any delay could be costly: For Immediate pickup ,with our winch equipped vehicle • Call Collect 24NOM ADAY — 6 DAYS A WEEK [619) 482.9961 or t61914821816 Clayton Riley DO t1' YoujiI 1 sflw PIONEER ALFALFA AS GOOD AS ALFALFA GETS Your P,oneer Reoresen;at.vo Bruce hymn! 528-3502 PIONEER ,1S -14N1, Al t Al t o ti4, 1 • PI�r1PP• 4 d br a..A name ,h,r.,hn.. Oren, •, .r•'Pr•P. Ray.t •prPd Ir A110,, 1 <P�•a Pc1 • 0.P0 1 rn.epd ,off" r,' 111R!i" 1 f wo''Trri w r wri,rt,n i f:,7" . 71I 11 Aspenite PanIII CORK JAJ Boards Bu etrr� •99 ea. 111 Z9 • ea 4'x8'xi/4"8i 4'x8'x 7/16" PHENOLIC BONDED WOOD Wafer Panels with 101 Building Uses 14.1 A. l.c..� NO SPECIAL PLUMBING NEEDED( 16"x24" Best Features * Rolls On Wheels * Rapid Spin Dryer * Portable! Economical! * Family Capacity * 4 Loads 30 Minutes * Use At Sink * Miser On Water -Electricity -Detergent * Wash One Load - Spin Dry Another At The Same Time AVAILABLE AT: 24" x 36" ST. LAWRENCE Cement POR TLAND MASONRY lig al,'� 111 (� Wali ,1 )1,, 11 Greer T.V. & Electric Lucknow Phone 328-3112 JOHN W. HENDERSON LTD. LUCKNOW ONT PHONE 0191 528-31 18 BUSINESS HOURS MON. TO FRI. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. SAT. 8 ■.m. TO NOON `')?8-3118