The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-09, Page 2news 1.ucimow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 9, 1983—Page 2 West Wawanosh hires Hickey to count dogs Council for the Township of West Wawanosh met for its regular March session on Tuesday, March 1 in the office of the municipal budd- ing. MI members were in at- tendance. One item of correspond- ence raised the issue of waste management, and the clerk was directed to contact four or five engineering firms to request quotations for a site plan of operation for the West Wawanosh dump site. The building inspector was authorzied to issue building permits to A. Foreman (gar- age) and L, Kerr (implement shed). The road superintendent was authorized to call for tenders for the crushing and . hauling of approximately 25,000 cubic yards of gravel on Township roads during 1983, The 1983 road tour by council was discussed with the date to be finalized to suit the availability of MTC con- sultant Ross Jackson. Coun- cil approved the 1983 pro- gram of road expenditures submitted by the road super- intendent in the amount of 5236,300.00. The application for sever- ance by A. Stothers was approved provided that satis- factory arrangements are made with the owner of the private road, which is the only access to the lot, for its use by the subsequent owner of the severed parcel of land. Councillor Hickey declared a conflict of interest at this point during the discussion of an application that had been received after the ad- vertised deadline. Council's decision was that it not be considered for the job. A motion of councillors Ra`'- nard and Todd, West Wawa - nosh Township Council ac- cepted the application of Steven Hickey to count the dogs and sell dog tags in the township for 1983 at a price of $1.70 per dog. By-law was passed to set the rates for licensing dogs at $5.00 for the first male or spayed female and $15.00 for each additional; $15.00 for the first female and $30,00 for each additional female. By-law 5 was passed nam- ing George Whitby as fire chief for the four municipal- /ries in the Lucknow District 'Fre Department, Bylaw 6 was passed to give the Department author- ization to participate in Cou- nty Mutual Fire Aid, By-law 3 passed to author- ize the imposition of an interest charge on tax arrears at the rate of 1 PA % per month (15% per annum). WMS studies Caribbean The Ashfield Women's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Richard West on March 4, for the World Day of Prayer service, The service was prepared by the women of the Carib- bean and was entitled New Persons in Christ. Mrs. Don- ald Simpson was the leader and Mrs. Lloyd Collins and Mrs. Warren Wylds were readers. The Caribbean islands are striving for better conditions for themselves, politcally and economically. They have many problems, illiteracy, malnutrition, unemployment and drug abuse, The Church struggles to bridge the gaps between government and the people and to help overcome fear and superstition. President Mrs. Henry MacKenzie conducted the business and displayed the quilt that has been complet- ed for use at Ewart College. Roll call, a news item from the Caribbean, was answer- ed by eight members. Lunch was served and a social hour followed. 44. All... . 16• ♦ 1 1 The Lucknow Flea Hockey Team $ and Management ♦4). 1444).41) 44.1 441 41)41)41)-41)44.411)1) 1-A►41011)♦1 -THANKS - WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF THE ANNUAL FLEA HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Diane's Pop Shop Willits' Tire Service Bill Hunter Garage G. & E. Farm Equipment Lucknow Variety Finlay Decorators Lucknow Appliance Centre McDonagh insurance Agency Mayfair Restaurant Lottery Shoppe MacKenzie & McCreath Montgomery Motors Lucknow Small Engines Hackett's Farm Equip. Treleaven's Feed Mill Les Petter Shoes Johnstone Furniture Machan Home Hdwe, Reavie Farm Equip. Becker Farm Equip. Holyrood General Store Lucknow Sunoco George Brophy Kinettes Kinsmen Fairview Dalry Bank of Montreal Jack's Place Royal Bank Lucknow Co-op Grant Chisholm Fuels Bud Hamilton Fuels Forster's Septic Tanks Porter's Septic Tanks C & M Transport Henderson Lumber Loree's Ladles Wear Greer's T.V. & Electric Agnew Jewellery Log Cabin Restaurant Lorne Reid Bain's Groceterla Button's Meat Market H & B Discount Lucknow Sentinel Fairview Foods Quinn's Flowers & Gifts Super Scoop Bob McIntosh - Sales Barn Can. Legion Branch Art Helm Welding #309, Lucknow 0. • • • • Janet Bannerman, president of the Bruce County Association for Children with Learning Disabilities pres- ented books to the Lucknow Branch of the Bruce County Library. The books provide information to adults on Learning Disabilities and some are to be used by children with Learning Disabilities. They contain easy vocabulary with topics suited to the age level of the child to make projects easier and reading more fun. Janet looks over the selection of books with Lucknow librarian, Fran McQuall. Proceeds from an annual bowl -a -thou sponsored by the association purchased the books for the libraries. (Sentinel Staff Photo] ;:F • • • ier ,n 9 � e�Y �i61 .fd44O Now Is The Time... To Order Your SEED GRAIN AND FERTILIZER Requirements For Spring DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED ORDER EARLY Lucknow District Co-op Lucknow Phone 529-7953 i1!mc lNG MUALASt