The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-03-02, Page 16,. community news Announce winners in Ripley science fair .. Research - Shannon Coutney - Grain; Model - Kerry -Lynne Colwell - Animals on G . ;i : c . 's farm; Experimeid - 1 c'e Rinlnteln Pumpktt Plants at Different Ages; Honourable Mention - Abby Rider - Candlemaking. Grade One: Research Kerry Stanley - Butterflies; Model - Chris McGuire - Sun & the Planets; Experiment - Janet Jackowski - The Senses; Honourable Mention - Roxanne Courtney - Feathers, Richard Wyld Space, Kim Liddle - Magnets. Grade Two: Research - Brad Fludder - Humpback Whales; Model - Greg Astles - Dinosaurs; Experiment - Marsha Meidow - Crystals; Honourable Mention - Greg Lowry Popcorn. Grade Three: Research - Brian CCampbell- Light Bulb; Model: Jennifer Johnston and Suzanne Pa- quette - Bird Feeders; Ex- periment - Corey Kummer - Paper Towels; Honourable Mention - Mandy Farrell - Special Effects, Chris Clark - Crystals. Grade Four: Research - Sarah Farrell - Breeding Worms; Model - Christina Palmer - Robot; Experiment - Carman Lowry & Mark MacLeod - Plants; Honourable Mention - Trevor Henderson - Steam Engines, Joanne Pollock and Debbie Taylor - Buoyancy. Grade Five: Research - Becky Cudmore & Dawn Wardell - How to be a Detec- tive; Model, - Missy Clark - Telegraph; Experiment - Scotty Webb & Tammy Sut- ton - Fibres; Honourable Mention - Jeff Vanderlitw4c- Families welcome February babies KIRKLAND - Ken and Kath- erine (Culbert) of Milton, Ontario, are pleased to an- nounce the birth of a son, Andrew Kenneth, 8 lb. at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on February 23, 1983. A brother for Jennifer and Christine. JAMES - Murray James and Joan Higgins, R. 5, Brussels, are delighted to announce the arrival of their son, David Paul James, 7 lbs. 4 oz., at Wingham and District Hos- pital on February 25. 1983. SOUCIE - Kathleen Soucie of Wingham is pleased to an- nounce the arrival of Kenney and Jamey's little brother, Travis Jordan, 6 lbs. 12 oz., at Wingham and District Hospital on February 27, 1983, Soybeans. Grade Six: Research - Shelley Dame - Horses; Model - Tracy Henderson - Cameras; Experiment - Vic - Aorta Plowright - Yeast; Honourable Mention - Tanya Snobelen - Volcanoes, Bill Johnson - Wood Burning, Kerry and Nancy Nugent - Bean Seeds. BEST OVERALL PRIMARY PROJECT - Grade One - Janet Jackowski - Senses. BEST OVERALL JUNIOR PROJECT - Grade Six - Vic- toria Plowright - Yeast. Beversbergen - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beyersbergen of R. 1, Ethel are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of Steph- en's sister, Stacy Leann, 5 lbs. 14 oz., at Wingham and District Hospital on February 26, 1983. GORILLA FOR SALE ...or any other strange and wonderful thing you might need! Going bananas over the clutter in your closet or the disarray to your atttc9 Got a garage that drives you to dtstract►on or a garden that looks like a jungle° if it takes a safari to sift through those messy areas, then maybe it's time you turned them into cash in the Classtfteds1 Why monkey around with white elephants' that never get used, but could be of USP to someone else9 Just one ad in our ('lassifteds could clear out your clutter and put money in your pocket' And. the Classifeds ran do much much more' From gorillasi to gardeners. ,Littos to acting schools it's your best place to buy :ell or locate lust about ariy itr'm or service you want' it's easy to pace an ani Oust tali fiat speak to one cit our friendly rid visors' LUCKNOW SENTINEL Lucknow 528-2822 or 528-2823 Lw Sentinel, Wed day, Thumb 2, 1983—Page 16 WESTON MEALTYME SLICED White Bread SCHNEIDER'S BONELESS Picnic Hams SCHNEIDER'S CORNMEAL BACK, STORE SLICED Bacon L8. LB. McCORMICK'S PEANUT BUTTER, CHOCOLATE, PUFFS, CHIP & NUT, COCONUT CREAM, 400 O. .59 2.99 3.19 Cookies 1.59 WHITE LABEL OZEN 12 OZ Orange .19 WHITE Frozen Peas 1.19 STOKEPeas OZ ,.0..99 Cauliflower 1 .19 lettuce .55 GRANNY SMITH Apples ,. .79 K Bain's Groceteria Lucknow 528-3420 OPEN SIX DAYS WE DELIVER BRING YOUR FRIENDS & NEIGHBOURS to THE 1983 LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP Crop Information Meeting at the LUCKNOW COMMUNITY CENTRE on THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd 10:30 a.m.-3:30p.m. Lunch will be served (free of charge) TOPICS TO BE COVERED WILL BE: Your farm requirements for fertlliier, chem- icals and seed and what your Co-op can do to help you meet those needs. The economics of custom blend fertilizer. Update on weed control In corn and beans. An opportunity for questions at the end of the program. TO HELP US ARRANGE FOR MEALS PLEASE CALL LUCKNOW CO-OP 529-7953