HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-02-23, Page 1420- Publk notkes 31. Cards of thanks LOREE'S LADIES WEAR Iarimbw will be for holidays, March 2 12 inclusive. Reopening day, March 14. Open 10 .tm, to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday.--8,9ar i • PUBLIC NOTICE South East Bruce Plan- ning Board invites any interested person to at- tend a PUBLIC MEETING at which the planning board will be considering modifications to the sec- ondary plan for the Vil- lage of Lucknow. These modifications include new hazard land policies for the village. The meeting will be held on Thursday, March 3, 1983, at 2 p.m. in the County Council Chamb- ers, Bruce County Admin- istration Building, 30 Park Street, Walkerton, Additional details of the modifications are avail- able at the Lucknow Mun- icipal Offices or from the Bruce County Planning Department, County Ad- ministration Building, Walkerton, Ontario, phone 519-881-1782. W. D. Scott, Secreta ty-Treasurer, South East Bruce Planing Board. 21. Personal IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881.3.113, Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an AI -Anon number.—45tfnx PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357. 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432-9179 collect. —9tfar HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. —40tfar HORSE DRAWN sleigh rides or hay rides. Your place of ours. Phone 529-7420 or 529- 7818.—48tf 24. Business oppor. DRIVE IN BURGER BAR in North Eastern Alberta's Lakeland. Fully equipped and ready to go. 5125,000.00. Trades considered. Phone 1-403.635-3768. —08 29. Marriages McINTOSH - MaeIN7'YRE Mary (nee Maclntyre) and Robert McIntosh are pleased to announce their marriage which took place on Satur- day, January 29, 1983, at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church. A small reception was held at the Mayfair Restaurant for family and close friends. —8x d LUCKNOW F%REFIGHfERS Thank you to the Lu&Lnow Kinsmen for the Firefighters appreciation night, Wednes- day, February 16 and for the donation toward our new paging system. Lucknow Firefighters —8 CUMAIING We wish to express our sincere thanks to relatives, neighbours and friends for their expressions of sym- pathy, floral arrangements, donations to the Arthritis Fund and Heart Fund, cards and food sent to our homes and visits to the Robert Trench Funeral Home, Lis- towel, at the passing of our mother, Wilma Cumming. Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated. Special thanks to Bell and Chester Hackett for baby sitting. Bill and Velma Cumming Don and Shirley Hackett --Sx GOODHUE I would like to express my appreciation to all my neigh- bours who took part in the work bee on my farm last Tuesday, February 15. Thank you to David Coiling, Elliott Lowry, Carrick Coi- ling, Pat Courtney, Murray Hunter, Dennis Courtney, Mike Hunter, 3, S. Robb, George Messenger, John El- liott and special thanks to Norris Messenger, Dad and Mom. The acts of kindness and concern expressed make my hospitalization more bearable. Kermit Goodhue —8 ROGUES I express my sincere appre- ciation for the gifts and visitations of those who were concerned during my stay in Wingham Hospital. Thank you also to the Lucknow Doctors and second floor staff for their excellent care. Finally - congratulations to the kitchen staff. A job well done. Sincerely, Bill Bogues ----8x ATKINSON 1 would like to thank the Lucknow Doctors and nurses of the intensive Care Unit in Wingham Hospital for their care during my brief stay there. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin for his quick diagnosis of my illness and swift removal to University Hos- pital, London. My special gratitude to Dr. Passi, Dr. Pace and other Doctors, Nurses and hospital person- nel who attended to my care while there. Glen Atkinson —8 x 32. Coming events SPECIAL CHURCH SERVICE Sunday, February 27, 7:30 p.m. in Lucknow Christian Reformed Church. Rev. Neil Hageman, Missionary to Dominican Republic, will lead the service and show slides. Refreshments served following service. Baby sit- ting will be provided. Every- one welcome. —7,8 GRAND OLE OPREY Coming to Kitchener Audi- torium. Saturday, March 12. Go by motorcoach with Holi- day World, Wingham, Call 357-2701. Book Carle Even- ing show. —8ar I:w Sesame!, Wim, Pebrontry 23, 1983 --Paige 14 32. Comingevents 32. Coming events SKATING CARNIVAL The Lucknow Figure Skating Club presents their annual carnival, The Homecoming, to kick-off Jamboree '83 at the Lucknow Arena on Satur- day evening, February 26 at 7;30 p.m. Admission; adults, $2.00;,students, $1.25; child- ren, 75c. --7,8 OPEN HOUSE Friends and relatives are invited to Elizabeth Ferg- uson's 90th birthday on Sat- urday, February 26 from 2 - 4 p.m. at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home. Best wishes only, --8x PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST Sponsored by the Royal Can- adian legion Branch 309, Friday, February 25, 8 p.m. in Lucknow Legion. Every- one welcome. Free admis- sion. —Bar A.M. & G. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MEETING A.M. & G. Hospital, Auxil- iary Room, Thursday, Feb- ruary 24th, 7:30 p.m. Speak- er; Mrs. Margaret Darte, B.A., M.R.E., Bereaved Families of Ontario, She will be available to meet with bereaved parents and famil- ies, Friday, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m., Auxiliary Room, —8 IUPLEY LIONS BINGO Ripley and District Lions Club, 8 p.m. Huron Town- ship Hall, Ripley, Tuesday, March 1, one pot of gold, 10 regular games, $ 15,00; 4 corners on 5 calls, 325.00; purple ball, 325.00; one novelty special, $35.00; snowball game, $75.00; one share the wealth; jackpot, $375.00 on 56 calls; consola- tion, $40.00. Door prizes. —8ar LUCKNOW LEGION FLEA HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Saturday, March 5, Lucknow Arena. Teams from Mild- may, Teeswater, Ripley, Bel - grave, Lucknow and Kincar- dine. Lucknow plays the first game at 9 a.m. Come out and support your team.--8,9ar ATTE1fNN FARMERS YOU ARE INVITED to attend AN AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYER SEMINAR MARCH 10TH from 10;00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the tie$nn Hall, C nadlana Room, Hanover Regulation 16? Record of Employment? How does It affect you as an employer of ;Corm labour? Do you quality for training programs? These and more topics will be discus- sed In detail. FEE $6.00 Per Person includes Cold Cut Det, And Materials PRE -REGISTRATION REQUIRED For more information, call collect: Grey -Bruce Can- ada Farm Labour Pool in Walkerton at 881-3671. Employment end tmmigratron Canada Canada Pam labour Pod THE HOBBIT AT BLYTH Visit the enchanted world of The Hobbit with the lifesized puppets of Theatre Sans Fil at Blyth Memorial Hall, Thursday, March 3 at 8 p.m. Tickets $8 available at 523- 9300 or 523-4331. —8,9 RIPLEY 4-11 HORSE CLUB The first meeting of the Ripley 4-1-1 Horse Club will be the Foaling Seminar given by Dr. Dave Biesenthal, February 25, 8:30 p.m., at OMAF office, Walkerton. prospective 4-H members please call 528-5443 or 395- 5133 for more information. —8x Attention Farmers A. For sale WOWS GOOD QUALiTY HAY for sale. Cara Bale, 528-2104. —8,9 D. Livestock GOOD Selection of York, , Hamp, Duroc and X bred boars, ready for service, ROP tested, herd health approv- ed. Priced to suit most any budget. Some meeting QS standards. Bob Robinson, R. # 4, Walton, 345-2317. —7,8,9 E. Farm services KEEP YOUR CATTLE free of lice. For prompt and effic- ient service call William E. Cronin, Mildmay, 367-5303. —1tf BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Hunk Feeders, Silo Unloadcrs, Farrowing Crat- es, Watc r Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling, Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Holyrood, phone 395-5390. E. Farm services UNITED CO.OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Livestock Marketing Division Ontario Stockyards Toronto For the strongest market in Ontario and Market Information call MIKE FORAN On Tuesdays or groups of 5 or more on Thursdays IOW HANDLING STOCKERS Arriving weekly direct from the West U.C.O. Livestock Shipper R. R. 2, Lucknow Horne 528-5903 Yard 528.3119 Stocker Yard 528-2544 F. For rent 150 ACRES, all ploughed: tiled where needed: 4 miles north of Kinloss, Phone 395.3320 —8 HOW DOES YOUR SEN'iINEL LABEL READ? 111E WIIG11AM SALES ARENA Large 2 Day Beadle & Badman ratinitste Sale at the Win$uvm Sales Arena NobsephietSt Nam Ead •f N►wiltem Friday, Foram 25 & sahnkn►. Fsaarr 26th The Winghruam Sates Arena has made a major perchaa e of box spring and mattresses In single, double and queen sites; along with complete bedroom suites, dressers. chests, night stands, wash stands,�tabte bed frames, pull out sofa beds, bunk beds, wl be offered at FANTASTIC LOW PRiCESH11 For example: SPRING AND FOAM MATTRESS S4" DOUBLE SIZE Suggested retail price, S179.00. OUR PRICE S84.9S. In the ORTHOPEDIC LINE A YEAR GUARANTEE BOX SPRING AND MATTRESS 54" DOUBLE, Suggested retail, . $479.93. OUR PRICE $249.00. QUEEN SIZE 60", Suggested Retail SS89.9S. OUR PRICE $349.00. These box spring and mataresttes will also be sold separa<te1y. Adjustable bed frames with steel frame and enters, Suggested Retail $43.95. OUR PRiCE $24.95. Mao a good selection of bed sofas in the latest styles and colours. While attending this sale take advantage of our Everyday LOW PRICES ON BULK GOODS, cootd+es, baking goods, candy, pie fillings, peanut butter, hundreds of items to choose from. Work clothing, work shoes, rubber boots, kids coveralls, one of the areas finest selection of BLUE JEANS FOR MEN, LADIES AND CHILDREN. Also CARPET AND NO WAX FLOORING. Used furniture, antiques. We also buy good used furniture, apptian+cea, antiques etc. Call THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA 3574730 Open Mon, to Sat. 9.6 p.m. Fri. Nates tltt 9 p.m. Cheques, Visa, Mastercard Accepted Free Parking TME WINGNAM SALES ARENA The Mon To See Is IS1NTEE plALTOR Ara you Interested In buying a dairy, boot or cash crop property from 50 acres to 500 acres, a country home, a home In Lucknow, Dungannon or Goderich, please contact us. Should you be thinking of soiling your property, we would be glad to talk to you at your convenience. McIntire Reil Estate Co. has 15 ofilces and over 100 salesmen In South Western Ontario. Ws are also members of the M.L.S. Grey -Bruce Real Estate Board. Warren & Terry Zinn PWONE 5294350 R. R. 0 2, LUCKNOW 11A mcDoNAG. PE ,AL ? , 1 .\ 1 1 ,, V, .1 1 •1,,i ( l 11)' 528-2031 Lucknow HOG FARM • 100 acres, farrow to finish, stable cleaner and lagoon, $135,000. 237 ACRES, cash crop fans, good home, F.C.C. at 10 1/8%. 186 ACRES - new three bedroom home, mortgage available. 100 ACRES- dairy farm, 4 bedroom home, 55 cow tle up. cream quota available with farm. 100 ACRE - Kinloss fann, house and barn, 590,000. TWO LUCKNOW HOMES • good repair, quiet location, priced to sell. FRASER MarKiNNON DAVID MacKiNNON Res. 395.2880 39S-2483 BARRY McDONAGH 528-3821