HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-02-23, Page 13Lucksow Serosa, Wednesday, Feltnery 23, 191133—Pate 13 1, Articles for sale 5. Cars, trucks for sale 12. Help wanted INVITATIONS Four different catalogues of personalized wedding and anniversary invitations, av- ailable for overnight viewing. Call Marilyn Murray, Mon- day to Fri,tay, after 4 p.m. at 528-3635,—4tfar STOCK REDUCTION SALE Over 1000 rifles, shotguns and scopes must be cleared. Huge savings on all items in store. Village Market Guns, Underwood, Phone 368-7182. Open 7 days. —3-8 TRY C & E Furniture, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. --40tf REGISTERED QUARTER horse stallion, grandson of Opie Otoc; 1 Palomino geld- ing and 500 bales choice hay. Bill Parrish, 395-5058. —7,8x SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc, Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-1241.—8tfeow 100 ET. OF PORTABLE sheep, hay and grain feeder; Philips drenching gun; paint stencils; 2 sheep dogs. Phone 395-3597. --8,9 SATELLITE TV Systems. Complete package $2,495,00 Weston Satellite Supply. Saskatoon. Phone: 306-934-1701. —08 BROWN/WHITE BABY CHICKS; Special meat, heavy breed cockerels (White Rock); 3 -week-old capons. Small orders our specialty. Bonnie's Chick Hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, Ontario, N38 2Z6, (519) 669- 2561, —08 PERMA BUILDINGS. Take advantage of our winter clearance on a limited am- ount of steel buildings at Fantastic savings. Why wait and pay more? Call now!!! 1-416-625-4093. —08 LOG HOME KITS. Do it yourself or we will do it for you. 84.00 for catalogue and information. Post Office Box 1539, Uxbridge, Ontario LOC 1KO. —08 HOW TO PLAY Popular Piano! New home study course. Fast, Easy, method. Guaranteed! For free infor- mation, write: Studio CO221, Russell & Associates, 10060- 102 Avenue, Ft. St. John, B.C. V1J 2E2. -r--O8 FRESH MAPLE SYRUP now available. Robinson Maple Products, 529-7857, We will deliver. —8-13 4. Articles wanted DO YOU HAVE a wedding gown at least ten years old? A "Brides of the Past" Fashion Show is being plan- ned for the 125th anniversary celebration for the Village of Lucknow. if you have a gown that you would he interested in having in the fashion show, please contact Pat Dymer at 528 2820 from 9 to 5. 395-5798 after (, p.m, —4.8,13.17,21ar 1977 GMC % ton, safety checked, asking $3,500.00. Phone 528-7890. —8x T. Real estate for sale HOTEL FOR SALE: South- western Manitoba. Clean op- eration, excellent building, banquet facilities, living quarters. Turning 5600,000 plus. Hunting, fishiflg, golf, sports. Asking 1.1 by owner. 1-204-548-2018. —08 9. Accom. to rent ONE BEDROOM apartment, heated, good parking. Phone 528-2113. --7tf roWNSI IP OF KINLOSS Requires a responsible person to count the dogs in the Township, issue dog licences and tags, and to collect the required fees. Applications to be in the Clerk's office at Holy - rood by 12 p.m. noon on March 7, 1983. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Township of Kinloss Holyruod, Ontario NOG 2B0 —8,9ar 14. Employment wanted HOUSE AND BARN near Kinlough, available Febru- ary 1. Phone 529-7354. —7,8,9 10. Wanted to rent THREE BEDROOM house in country, Port Albert, Dun- gannon or Carlow area. Available May of June 1st. Call evenings 524-2027. --Bar 11. Room and board COUNTRY ROAD LODGE Private rooms, meals, 24 hour supervision, etc. For senior citizens and retirees. Dorothy Parrish, R. N 3, Lucknow, 395-5283. —3tf 12. Help wanted FULL TIME, responsible babysitter for two preschool, children in my home in Ash- field Township. References required. Apply in writing including phone number to Box "D", c/o The Sentinel, Box 400, LUCKNOW, NOG 2H0. —8 TRUCKING CAREER. Tran- sport drivers needed. Train now for your Class A license. Write Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School, P.O. Box 3186, Cambridge, Ont- ario M3H 4R6. —08 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH APPLICATIONS will be received by the under• signed until 5100 p.m. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1983 for a person to count the dogs In the Township of West Wawanosh. Appli- cations shall be in writing, state age and price per dog expected, and be clearly marked "Applica- tion". Successful appli- cant will be expected to sell dog tags, and have the count completed by April 15, 1983. No appli- cation necessarily accept- ed. Joan Armstrong, Clerk, Township of West Wawanosh, R. R. # 2, Lucknow. • NEED A HANDYMAN?? Experienced in carpentry and home renovations in- cluding roofing, plumbing, Cabinet making and electric- al, Call 528-3834 after 6 p.m. —50-7 11. Services available ire••a•..artokwNir..a.a+••w•-•••••h• REG BRINDLEY PLASTERING & STUCCO CONTRACTOR ir+►ai 26 Years Experience R. N 6, GODERICH 529-7472 —7-14 • CUSTOM WELDING, port- able and in -shop. Fabrication and repairs. Free estimates. Reasonable rates. St. Helens Mfg., 528-6945. —3tf GET -OFF -OIL Install - Electric Heating Ceiling Paddle Fans Room to Room Fans Electric Dryer Heat-reclaimers BURKE ELECTRIC Electrical Contractor 23 Years Electrical Heating Experience • Appliances • 357.2450 Wingham DON THOMPSON T.V. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- tion service, 395.3466, Rip- ley. —9tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395.5353 Teeswater 392-6170 LUCKNOW TAXI Owner/Operator James Steffler DcI'very Service; reasonaht'. rate'; local and long distance trips: fully insured. 528-3116 —`0tfar 18. Services available 15. Tenders 15. Tenders PERSONAL INCOME TAX PREPARATION, Wendy Gerster, 392-8119. —tf HAS THE HIGH COST OF MACHINERY REPAIRS GOT YOU DOWN??? Re- pairs to all makes, models of farm and industrial equip- ment, specializing in repairs to International Harvestor equipment. Experienced, certified farm equipment me- chanic. Reasonable rates. Contact J. A. Culbert, 529- 7469. —8,9 INCOME TAX RETURNS Personal, Farm, Business Georgian College Tax Course Simple Returns, 515.00 JANE CERE, 528-6945 —8tf C & B BUILDERS *Custom Homes •ferns *Cement Work *All Types of Additions •Rmnovetlons •Reereotlon Rooms CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE Limited Carpenters 524-2027 shoe • p.m. RiPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering Beef. Swine, Lamb By appointment Mon. end Fri. 39$-2905 or 39S-2979 evenings 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the matter of the estate of DAVID LORNE FARRISH, late of the Village of Luck - now, in the County of Bruce, Retired, and Province of Ontario, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GiVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims ag- ainst the Estate of the late DAVID LORNE FARRISH are required to send par- ticulars of their claims, duly verified to Mr. John T. Goodall, Barrister and ,Solic- itor, P.O. Box 730, 261 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0, on or before the 8th day of March, 1983, and that after such date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this 8th day of February, 1983. MR. JOHN T. GOODALL Solicitor for the Estate of DAViD LORNE FARRISH --7,8,9ar HOW DOES YOUR ENTiNEI. i,ABEL READ? EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS Lbw sed District irinsmon Chub est TENDERS on Bar Named 01111141111Cilee to be short ed South West of the Royal Bark, Latham sad directly Swath of the Lacltnow Fire Nall. Approximate Br or ORO ca. yd. needed. Area to be dared, leveled mrd &shied. SpeeEtcatleas available epos request bola Rod Mc- Dengh, at McDom gill 1agrmacx, Lisclknow, 5284423. Tender closing March 1, 1103. Lowest or way tender not iecessorfy accepted. LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT KINSMEN •.....•• v •• "I.•••••. -•►1•• -.a. •• ••••._• ir-• •.....••''.••,..•••1►•• •••••Y••••. •• •••-• • t.r..._• raw• Au......•,,, 1 Tender for Equipment SEALED TENDERS, on fortes and In envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be received until 4:00 p.m. local time on THURSDAY, MARCH 1',1983 for the supply of the following Items o equipment: HC -83-101 - 3 - tandem diesel dump trucks HC -83-102 - 1 single axle diesel dump truck The lowest or any tender not necesurlly accepted. R. A. Dempsey, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer Court House, Goderlch, Ontario. NTA 1M2 • ••..• •-v..• • 1• •1• • •`• ••••.• •'gi...••h• • 1• Yom• •'r.......•...••••••••. �...v �... COUNTY OF HURON TENDER FOR RENTAL OF FRONT-END LOADER HC -83-501 SEALED TENDERS, on forms and In envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be received until 4:00 p.m. local time on: THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1983 for the rental of a 3.0 cubic yard minimum Front End Loader with operator to work In a pit In the County of Huron In conjunction with the following reconstruction project: HC -83-501 - County Road 30 & 32, Township of Howick and Tuckersmlth The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. A. Dempsey, P. Eng., Hu -on County Engineer, Court House, Goderlch, Ontario. N7A 1M2