The Lucknow Sentinel, 1983-01-19, Page 8south kinloss Wednesday, Jaaswary til, 1983 -fie B by Lab Illathineke Beit visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQualin and Bon wee Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M . _ of Sarnia, Mrs_ Hicks of Kincardine and Ray Thompson of Port Colborne. The community all wishes Mrs_ Ira Dickie a speedy recovery as she is a patient in Wingham Hospital - Bonnie Clack was home from Stratford on Satarday to spend the day with her par- ents. Lreonard and Wia Clark_ Norma and Mar`lynne Macintyre of `oto were both home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Denver Dickie of Keswick were home for the weekend. Jim Burt is a patient in University Hospital, London_ We all wish him the best of luck and hope he will be home soon. Si. Helens UCWmeets St. Helens U.C.W. met at Miss Isobel Miller's home on January 11. Mrs. Helen Todd was in charge of the worship and opened with a reading, Turn- ing Over A New Leaf. Miss Isobel Miller read the scripture. Mrs. Todd read the meditation. Isobel Miller had a read- ing. Mrs. Todd closed with prayer. Miss Peggy Gordon had the topic and continued with the study of the South Pac- ific. Mrs_ Gordon McPherson was in charge of the busi- ness. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by Mrs.. Eldon Miller and courtesy remarks by Mrs. Frank Mc- Qluillin. bowling Latinism -Dungannon Mixed Mens high, Ron Elliott 246, 584. Ladies high single, Wilma Elliott 247. Ladies high triple, Betty Van Osch 561. Standings: Chipmunks 11, 120; Gophers 6, 991/2; Squir- rels 9, 128%; Kangaroos 13, 116%; Tigers 6, 120%. Lacknow-Dungannon Ladies high single, Barb Tyler 215. Ladies high triple, Shirley Allan 578. Men's high single, Frank Alton 234. Men's high triple, Keith Tyler 589. Standings: Chipmunks 10, 130; Gophers 12, 1111/2; Squirrels 10, 1381/2; Kangar- roos 7, 1231/2; Tigers 6, 126'/2 . Y.B.C. Bowling High scores, Kim Tyler 163, 370; Tracy Livingston 163, 435; Scott Allen 179, 465; Tim Becker 180, 515; Tom Gilmore 160; Bruce El- liott 429 triple. Standings: Allis Chambers 61/2, 891/2; Massey Fergu- sons 5, 120; Fords 7'/1, 109'/2; Internationals 11, 100. Y.B.C. Bowling High scores, Lea-anne Liv- ingston 158, 423; Tracy Liv- ingston, 206, 503; Scott Al- len, 173, 477; Bruce Elliott. 172,416. Standings: Allis Chambers 5, 83; Massey Fergusons 9, 115; Fords 12. -102; Interna- tionals 4. 89. Ladles 8:00 O'clock Ladies high single. Nikki Exel 225. Ladies high triple, Marg Wilson 552: Games over 200: Nikki Exel 225, Muriel Ritchie 221, Marg Wilson 217, Barb Tyler 209, Barb Helm 213, Gerda de Jong 207, Irene Haldenby 202, Chris McDonald 202. Team points and stand- ings: Crocus 5, 46; Snow Drops 5, 45; Iris 7, 51; Hyacinths 2, 46; Tulips 0, 56; Daffodils 2, 51 Ladies 6:30 Bowling Betty Emberlin bowled the high single with 230. Joan Livingston bowled the high triple with 553. Games of 200 and over: Lorna Button 202, Bernice Kemp 226, Betty Emberlin 230, Mary Cleland 205, Joan Livingston 214, Jessie Joynt 207. Team points and stand- ings: Elephants 2, 62; Bears 2, 751/2; Monkeys 2, 56; Tigers 5, 60; Giraffes 5, 561/2; Lions 5, 68, Men's Bowling High single, Gerry Ross 290. High triple, Gerry Ross 662. Games over 225: Gerry Ross 290, Dave Humphrey 250, Orville Elliott 245, Ray Guay 244, Joe Hackett 228, Steve Owen 226. Standings: Oldsmobiles 5, 58; Fords 7, 56'/1; Mustangs 0, 76; Dodges 5, 55'/1; Pontiacs 2, 36; Buicks 2, 54. Men's Bowling High single. Orville Elliott 259. High triple, Clarence Greer 647. Games over 225: Orville Elliott 259. Gerry Ross 252. Clarence Greer 249, Wayne Cranston 234. Ray Cranston 230, Gary McInnes 225. Standings: Oldsmobiles 2. 53; Fords 4',), 49'/I; Mus- tangs 5. 76; Dodges 2'/1. 501/2; Pontiacs 5, 34; Buicks 2, 52. Town and Country Anna Johnstone had high score for the ladies with single of 189 and double of 311. High single for the men was Charlie McDonald with 195. Roy Finlayson had high double with 320. Team standings: Greens 44, Oranges 35, Yellows 35, Reds 31, Blues 30, Violets 20. NAPPY 501x WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Russel and Louise Brindley Dungannon Congratulations and Best Wishes from Leonard. Violet & Family Dance. Live Entertainment. DungannonHall FRIDAY, JAN. 28,1983 9 P.M. Best Wishes Only ANNOUNCEMENT OPEN MEETING Thursday, January 20 '83 - 7 prrs SALTFORD VALLEY HALL GENERAL DISCUSSION of the Proposed Closure of the BLUEWATER CENTRE Representatives from all three Provincial Parties have been invited to attend. DOLLAR DAYS YOUR INPUT 1S APPRECIATED DOLLAR p,/ DOLLAR DDwa" DOLLAR, DOLLpF, DOLL DOLt DOD DO DC DC ID( D1 ID1 Dt a DC DO oo► DOA DO DC Dt° a� D, C r i‘ouwn DAYS V:' 4R DAYS DAYS DAYS (kw -v.' DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL "01.ILJOL DOL DOLts, 1OL '44 \COL mel .Zoo DishQ Clothes 3'34 • Sot ii446 (40,6: lar 404, Co4e Oes, E\. 4 1 D 14")4r74* DOS DOLLAn DOLLAR DAt s ifs AYS DAYS Ah _ 4::, wR DAYS BAR DAYS DOLLAR DAYS LAR DAYS DOLLAR DAYS l 0 iOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL DOL