The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-11-29, Page 21Lochalsh BY MARION McCHARLES What can we make this week? Have you a cornucopia or horn of plenty? Use it as a flower arrangement holder. Place inside a piece of oasis that has been placed in a piece of aluminum foil. Now arrange geranium leaves around the outside of the horn of plenty. Inside place blossoms or flowers of your choice. Lovely isn't it? It's better to suffer wrong, than do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust. Mrs. Lorne Luther spent a few days visiting her sisters • in the Ridgetown ' area. Mrs. Gordon Finlayson returned home from a holi- day in Toronto with her family there. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mac- Kenzie were among many who attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto dur- ing the past week. Mr. ' and Mrs. Frank Van Diepenbeek were pleasantly surprised on Wednesday ev- ening last when friends on the lath concession of Ash- field, along with the Van Diepenbeek family mem- bers, arrived in a . group to surprise Frank and Annie, bringing with them many lovely gifts, lunch, friendship and fun. Attending the Ripley and' District Horticultural Society annual dinner meeting at Ripley Legion ° Hall on Tues- day were Mrs. Warren Wylds, Mrs. Emile MacLen- nan, Mrs. Ewan MacLean and Mrs. Oliver . McCharles from this area. Oliver and Marion Mc - Charles are very happy to announce the arrival of grandchild number six - a son, Ryan Allan, born to John and Mary Ann McChar- les of Petrolia on November 23rd at Petrolia Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mart- yn and family were guests at the Carruthers - Farrell wed- ding on Saturday in St. Andrews United Church, Ripley. Mr. Walter Dexter ha: been a patient in Hospital in London. Wonder if there are those who would like to contribute to a story of Lochalsh and its beginning? How about send- ing along or calling in some of the stories associated with this community. Mr. and Mrs. George Moncrief returned home from a trip that tookthem to Windsor where they visited Frank and Margie Burnetti and on to Chicago where they visited several of the Treat family. Purple Grove Community news BY GLADYS ROBERTSON Mr. and Mrs. Howard `Thompson visited in Lucknow on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Irwin. Mr: and Mrs. Robert Thompson have returned from an enjoyable holiday in Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican. Republic. Mr. and_ Mrs. ° Jack Farrell visited with their daughter, Susan, and son- in-law, Courtney McDonald in London on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith, South Kinloss, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hackett, Belfast, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Forster and Donna. Jean. Some from our corn- munity attended the reception for Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lane in Holyrood on Saturday night. Guests of .,Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott and Ian on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Angus Elliott, Kincardine. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyle and family on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Aitken, Bervie and Mrs. Joanne Wilken., and Miss Bonnie Boyle of London spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Green of Arthur visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins and family. Visiting with Mr. and. Mrs. Don Robertson on Sunday were Miss Margaret Robertson and Mrs. J.C. McNab of Lucknow and Mrs. Goldie Huston of Ripley. - I Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 29,1978 ---Page 21 Business irec� ry Telephone 529-7848 RR 7 Lucknow, Ontario SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL gaffe Montreal !MacGillivray & Co.Brampton Hamilton CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 380 WALLACE AVE. N.. LISTOWEL, ONTARIO 291-1251 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH, ONTARIO. 524-2677 St, Catharines Port Colborne Listowel Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton Vancouver Goderich guaranteed Service Box 580 LUCKNOW. APPLIANCE CENTRE SALES AND SERVICE CALL KEN OR PETE 528-2946 Lucknow, Ont. Reid & Peterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Wingham 357-1522 J.A. PETERSON, C.A. PHONE 528-2016 T MURRAY MOFFAT Electrical Contractort • LUCKNOW 'i • PHONE 5284913 QR 392-6061. amommoseissamisma the co-operators HOME — AUTO COMMERCIAL INSURANCE AGENT JEAN WHITBY LUCKNOW ICHISHOLM \\FUELS send UNICEF Cards this, holiday season. P.O. Box 29 LUCKNOW, ONT. NOG 2H0 Anderson Flax Products Ltd. DIVISION OF MIKE SNOBELEN FARMS LTD. DEALERS IN ALL TYPES OF GRAIN Business [5191528-3203 After Hours: Mike Snobelen 395-5167 Sandy Liddle 395-5052- 4 Askes Brbs. Construction Custom Homes Cottages - Additions Farm Buildings Renovations RICHARD ASKES OFFICE, LUCKNOW, 528-2726 BERT ASKES ' WINGHAM, 357-3053 WM. R. NELSON CARPENTRY • Area Representative For TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS AND VANITIES Free Estintotos No Obltgatlon " LUCKNOW PHONE 5211:2049 HEATING OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm. Home and Industry BRAD'S PLUMBING AND EATING Repairs and Renovations Industrial - Commercial and Residential FREE ESTIMATES -• 395-5771 INSURANCE AUTO - FARM - HOME COTTAGES - COMMERCIAL INVESTMENTS R.R.S.P. and Trust Certificates Victoria and -Grey - City Standard -.Premier Trust Companies McDonagh Insurance 1 Agency Ltd. BARRY - ROD Phone _ � 528-3423 or 528 2031 I 1.111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111 1 • SAND BLASTING ,BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEEL WORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 529.7413 FOR ESTIMATES 141111111N11111.1111111111111111111111111111 1111110111111111.111.1111.1111111111111111 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Rep.: MacKenzie Funeral Home Bus. Phone 357-1910 Res. Phone 357-1015 MacKENZIE and McCREATH FUNERAL HOME A MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted according to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Funeral Home at no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 or Ripley, Phone 395-2969 Day or Night Rep: Wingham Memorials WM., A. (Bud) HAMILTON AGENT FOR BP OIL LTD. Gasoline Heating Fuels Burner Servicer and Furnace Installations Trucks Radio Equipped For Better Service Dial 528-3006 Res. 528-3616 Wholesale and Retail INVESTMENT THE STERLING • TRUST CORP.. FIRST CITY TRUST CO. Prevailing Interest Rates Your Representative ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW Rep. Stratford !Memorials . VICTORIA AND GREY' • TRUST CO. For Information on TRUST CERTIFICATES • INCOME AVERAGING REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN l' Cail Thair Representative r_ 'CARL C. LENT'Z CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT WINGHAM, ONTARIO TEL. 357+1087 LLOYD (Hap) HALL 528-2045 • R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST _ GODERICH , The Square (Phone 324-7161) • • 44, 1 1