The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-11-22, Page 11Grey -fir. ucQ. 2Oth CI; convention. held
Grey -Bruce 20th Area
Women's Institute Conven-
tion was held in Southamp-
• ton Coliseum Wednesday
and Thursday, October 11
and 12.
Mrs, Francis Gemmell of
Ripley chaired the meeting,
and opened with the singing
of 0 Canada, Mary Stewart
Collect and the Ode. Mrs.
Richard Fenton, Bruce Coun-
ty president, brought greet-
ings, Mrs. Grant Grieve,
Port Elgin, secretary, read
last year's minutes.
A letter was received from
Mrs. Verna Maluske thank-
ing the ladies for honouring
her on Verna Maluske day.
She said it was a day she will
always remember.
Distinguished guests were
welcomed, including Mrs.
Clarence Diamond, Federat-
ed Women's Institute of
Ontario President.
Mrs. Louis of England was
visiting in our country, and
she attended the convention
and brought greetings from
all levels of the W.I. in
Several lucky ticket draws
were donated from merch-
ants and Bruce Tartan Com-
mittee, which was given out
throughout the. convention.
Mrs. Gemmell spoke on
the theme of the convention
"learn and Grow", and also
on the Federated Women's
Institute of Canada theme for
1978-79, "Strengthening the
Family Unit". The Women's
meets • in
Rev. Russel Crosley, pres-
ident of Hamilton Confer-
ence, and Rev. Laurie Purdie
were in attendance for Bruce
Presbytery held in Lucknow
United Church, November
Rev. James Stockton,
chairman, opened the meet-
ing with prayer and the Court
was constituted for the busi-
ness of. the day.
Mrs. Marjorie Slade- re-
ported the induction of Rev.
Walford Leeman to the Arth-
ur -charge.
Rev. Doug Kaufman ex-
tended a welcome to the
Lucknow United Church and
the four Presbytery commit-
tees gathered, in designated
Congregational Life and
Work were the first to report
when the committees recon-
vened. Part of this was done
with a. panel of three - Mrs.
Mary Anne Connell, Lynn.
Smith and Rev. Laurie Pur -
A box luncheon was par-
taken of at noon hour.
The afternoon session op-
ened with the worship serv-
ice being 'taken by Rev.
Russel Crosley. He said how
we worship is very import-
ant. Our stewardship should
be such a vital part of our
church contributions.
Two Korean .pastors from
the. PteSbyterian Church in
Korea, and visiting h Can-
ada, were introduced, and
•:extended a ' welcome. They
*spent the day observing how
Presbytery was conducted,
The Mamainder of the after-
noon was spent in cotnrnittee
reports, discussions, motions
and related business.:
Presbytery adjourned to
meet February '6.
Institute is an organization
dedicated to developing bet-
ter, happier and more useful
citizens, and to help them
acquire sound homemaking
skills, to create a healthy
home background. It is up to
today's members to carry on
the organization.
Mrs. Morris Rennie gave
the Public Relation report.
Mrs. Maurice Gowanlock
and Mrs. Laverne Broadfoot
were song leaders through-
out the convention.
Mrs. Clarence Diamond,
Provincial President, addres-
sed the meeting. The bran-
ches of the W.I. are' the main
part of the Women's Insti-
tute organization, but some-
times . they are like a watch
they need to be rewound, she
said. This is the purpose of
District Annual County Ral-
lies and Area. Conventions.
Mrs. Diamond went on to say
that Institutes must not be
mousetrapped into tradition.
They must be ready for
change if they are going to
keep and get new members
for their branches.
- The W.I. week at Erland
Lee Home was a complete
The National Convention
will be held in Saskatoon in
1979 from June 24 to 28.
For entertainment, Mrs.
Hyitt of Bruce North- District
gave a reading "Institute
Mrs. James White,. Reso-
lution Convener, read the
resolution, where a house-
wife, who is injured in a car
accident, is not eligible for as
much money or for as long a
period as a person that is
employed. This- is discrimin-
ation against housewives and
it should be changed in the
Insurance Company Policies.
This resolution was sus-
tained at area level.
Memoriam was conducted
by • Mrs. McTeer and Mrs.
Thomas from Bruce East
Miss Molly McGhee; said
on account of cut backs and
changes at head office. she is.
unable to attend as •many
Area Conventions as her
predecessor did. ' p • At present time the Min-
istry is unable to give Insti-
tutes procedures or Tweeds-
muir History. courses. They
are also cutting out the loan
Mrs. McGhee said that the
branches will be receiving
word probably in the spring
where they can get program
• Mrs. McGhee: stressed
that letters of protest sent
from individuals and branch-
es carry more weight at
• government level than one
letter or resolution ,six
months later from the Prov-
incial Board.
Bruce Centre District put
the delegates through "Par-
ticipation". a mild exercise
Mrs. Percy Radbourne
said this is her last report as
Tweedsmuir History Cura-
tor. She has completed six
The Home Economists,
Mrs. Denise Edwards of
Grey County and Miss Barb-
ara DeVisscher of Bruce
County brought information.
Ladies day at Farmers. Week
my ,Hanover is January 9.
Yeast breads is a new 'pro-
gram this year.
,Quilts is another senior
project. the 4-U clubs are
The winter project, for
juniors is needlepoint. Linda
Tottenham reported for Jun-
ior Institute. She said there
was a new Junior °Institute
organized at Walters Falls
this year,
Provincial Board Direct-
ors' skit, "Lets plead our
Case", was informative.
A banquet was held in the
evening with a variety pro-
gram for entertainment.
Mrs. Diamond conducted
the election of officers. New
officers for 1979 are the
following: Past President,
Mrs. Francis Gemmell, Rip-
ley; President, Mrs. Kenneth
Spence, Leith; 1st Vice Pres-
ident, Mrs. Harold McArth-
ur. R. R. 1 Dobbipgton, Ohht.;•.
2nd Vice President, Mrs. E.
G. Urstadt, R. R. 5 Owen
Sound; 3rd Vice President,
Mrs. James Coyne, R. R. 6
Wiarton; Secretary, Mrs.
Grant Grieve, Port Elgin;
Assistant Secretary, Mrs.
James. Thom, Meaford;
Treasurer, Mrs, Orland
Magwood, Hanover;" Public
Relations Officer, 'Mrs, Mor-
ris Rennie, R. R. 1 Meaford;
Assistant P.R.O., Mrs. John
Whitney, Holland Centre.
Agriculture and Canadian
Industries. Mrs. Carl
Rourke, R. R. 1 Hepworth;
Citizenship and World Af-
fairs, Mrs. Kenneth Taylor,
R. R. R. 1 Kemble; Edu-
cation and Cultural Activit-
ies, Mrs. " Richard Fidler,
Holstein; Family and Con-
sumer Affairs, Mrs. Wilfred
Smith, R. R, . 5 Lucknow;
Resolutions, Mrs. Joseph
Scott, Ripley; Tweedsmuir
Curator, Mrs. Fred Friar, R.
R. 3 Chesley; Assistant
Tweedsmuir Curator, Mrs.
Herb Maluske, Chesley;
Auditors, Mrs. James Milli-
gan, Durham, Mrs. I. B.
Sharpe, Durham.
It's called the magic of Christmas.
The joy of giving. The reaction they'll
show from a gift from Squire Gifts.
Lpaknaw Sentinel, WedWaln,mhiy, November 22,1978, --Pae 11,
Sub Division 15, Mrs.
Kenneth Spence, Leith, al-
ternate, Mrs. Carman Ham-
ill, R. R, 4 Chatsworth; Sub
Division 16, Mrs. Richard
Fentody_ R. R. 1 Port Elgin,
alternate, Mrs. Harold Wol-
fe, R. R. 1 Dobbington; Sub
Division 17, Mrs, Wm. Mid-
dleton, Chesley, alternate,
Mrs. George Woelfle, R. R. 2
Next 'year's area conven-
tion will be held September
11 and 12th in Grey East
Mrs. Kenneth Spence,
with Mrs. Wm. Middleton as
alternate, will attend F.W.
I.C, Convention in Saskatoon
in 1979.
The quilts for Participation
Lodge netted $6,492 -for 49
quilts and 7, afghans which
were sold in Flesherton.
Another auction will be
held at the opening of
Farmers Market, McCall St.
Pine Wine Rack
Pine Serving Tray
Toronto, early in November.
Mrs. Douglas Brydon • of
Southampton was guest
speaker on Thursday after-
noon, when she spoke on
Family Life. She said that life
today creates stress and that
frustration is a key factor in
marriage breakdown. She
commented that young peop-
le today must make decisions
their parents did not face
when they were their age.
She added that young people
need to realize their worth.
She concluded that everyone
is . contributing to the
strength or decline of democ-
Mrs. Jack Sparling
brought greetings from coun-
ty of Staffordshire, England
W.I. Mrs. Graham Cham-
bers and Mrs, Sparling have
just returned from an Insti-
tute trip to England.
Bruce Centre District wan
the attendance trophy
The Home of 10,000 Gifts
Wine racks . Pine sewing trays . Fiberglas serving trays . Ice buckets .
Bar sets . Glass sets .Wine and liquor decanters and sets . Alabaster
owls . Antique Spanish frigates . Brass candlesticks . Salad sets and
servers in wood or crystal . Vases in many shapes, sizes . Brassware in a
variety of shapes and uses . Pewter pieces . Collector spoons and
thimbles . Royal Doulton figurines . Blue Mountain pottery . Wooden -
ware -salt and pepper mills, salad bowls, cheeseboards, etc.. Soap-
stone carvings handcrafted by Eskimos . Marble etchings . Wood
statues . Stonimules . Leather moccasins . Nature dolls . Leather purses
and handbags . Leather handicrafts by Hinterland . Paintings and prin-
ts . Quality dinnerware by Royal. Doulton . Figurines by Royal Doulton
Glass objects . Souvenir items . Coffee mugs . Cups and saucers .
Wedgewood dinnerware . Belleek china. And much, much more.
Free Gift Wrapping
Light up their eyes
With' a gift from Su 1re
Come on out in the evening
it's the best time
to browse for ideas.