The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-11-22, Page 1'd
Constable Andy Burgess 'and ,Sergeant
Dave Ainond, of the Kincardine Detach-
ment of the Ontario Provincial Police,
attended the ,regular session of Lucknow
Village Council on November 14.
Sergeant Almond said that the Kincardine
detachment is aware that there, was some
concern over the policing of thevillage°and.
he apologized for not attending the:August
meeting. If the councils invitation to attend.
that meeting had: eached his desk, Sergeant
Almond assured .council, he would, have •
attended the. meeting.
To this point in 1978, the Kincardine
detachment has investigated 27 accidents in
the villa$e of Lucknow and of those, only
four occurred between the hours of midnight
and 8 a.m. Twelve occured between 4.p.m.
and midnight.
Under general investigations, such as un-
necessary noise, public mischief and break
and enter, Kincardine OPP have investi-
gated 30 incidents, which were cleared by
charge or otherwise, Only twa or three major
occurrences are still under investigation,
said Almond.
The damage .done at Reavie 'Farm Equip-
ment earlier this year, is a case which; is
considered closed, because 'the. police,
believe theY know the persons responsible,
but do not have'suff.�cient evidence to lay a.
.charge. : •
Kincardine QPP 'has Laid 165 liquor.
charges since January. Of that total, 55 were
laid in Lucknow .which is about 1/3 of the total
number of offences. Forty-seven of that 55
were laid on Friday and Saturday nights..
Fifteen unnecessary noise charges. were .laid
in Lucknow .during the same time period;
Almond.. also aointed out that seven liquor
• charges and Six; charges of • unnecessary,
noise were la it the . previous weekend,
November 1012.' He ;said : that the detach-
ment is aware that the.. busy time. for police
action in the village is on the weekends.
Almond has recently informed his person -
nel again, that hewants to see as many
patrols as possible,in the village of Lucknow
on Friday. and Saturday night-
Sergeant Almond has alsospoken with the
Goderich detachment and they plan to send.
a ear through the village,. whenever one of
their cars is patrolling the north end of their
area. ' °
Sergeant Almond told council that a liason
program was started about 11/2 years ago
and on that program, Constable Andy
Burgess is the liason officer for Lucknow.
The purpose of the program is to get the
policeman on the street, where he will be
seen. To put the uniform on the street, so
that the people of the village, come to think
of their OPP liason offices, as the village
Constable Burgess spends a lot of time
patrolling the village and doing public
relations work in the conrmµnity. He has.
spoken to the Lions Club, the Block Parents
committee and the Kinsmen in the past year.
Councillor Ab murray said the he was
convinced that about 75 per cent of the noise
problems in the village last summer was out
of town cars, Constable Burgess agreed that
several of the cars described in these
incidents are connected to incidents
throughout the area. Constable Burgess
urged that the public call in and make a
description, even though nothing can be
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ruce conference a two way dialogue;
-The;. conference, Education, in Bruce '78 attended the day long conference held at
and Beyond, sponsored by the Bruce County Walkerton " District -Secondary School on
Board of Education, was a• two way oppor- Saturday:
tunity for the public and the,board to hear Four clinics were present -4 in the
each' other. and repeated in the Afternoon',
TheBoard resent
clinics and` 't
reaction. `'`''Y
Polytechnical Institute, was guest speaker,
prior to the morning session:
School bands, from throughout the Bruce
system, provided music in the—Morning
P during registration and in th- a afternoon
u. a lawi t ose who trended .to anticipate in ,during ,,the lunch' break.
.,.,. anfo 'mation �n..tifQ r l . _ng' ,; � � .:. ..- a. P . 1? � g�.
e public "' give - back"''` their-' two sessions durin the day. '.Subjects of the Bands who' took part were Lucknow
•:...g .g y.
Were, Curricultn What -,:=is Public School, Walkerton District
natef ��1 c
4 !
,,tar -Valnes anti. M, rrls � duc txdn� YGuxdax�ce Secondar r School, Port Elgin-Saugeen Con-
• . Z . . vaAay..y,h'Jrvrxy . '+ •. i9' . ;*, A tiHw., N is ; - .,oa' q . K. a
4 1` CoIi iricardine District Secondary
students, parents -and interested citizens Wafter ° Pitman " president ' of Ryerson School, Wiarton Public and Wiarton District
Residents *t: a,Sepoy Apartments othersd around the lawn, furniture
they - lit rch d, with: New:Hodzons ,grant received' this . Shown
teated are heft to righty Sodla Hilton, Jeon Hughes, Evelyn
Barkwelh Ad* Webster, snit Ada McLeod* Standing, lett to tight are,
Sarah . Rltchle, Belie mete, Vtc Hoy, Franc Rttcbte, : ,Eva Mltched,
Allister epi and inn 1V,litch�. A. sot of dinnerware for 24 and a set
of cntlery . _. Hugh m
for the common room were alio purchased with: the grant
money [Sentinel stait photo]
Secondary 'Schools.
Bruce County Board of Education chair-
man, Lloyd Ackert, said he was very pleased
with the day: "People seemed to enjoy
themselves and the bands playing was a
revelation as to how., far the musical program
P g
in Bruce has Progressed.
Ackert Said the the conferen e was as to' be .a
way "two ay dialogue in which the board was
looking for the opportunity to acquaint
people with. what is goingon in the schools.
There have been developments the'people'
were not aware of said Ackert.
The;values and morals education seminar
was to expose the public to, a concept being
worked on in other jurisdictions. The morals
and values education clinic was presented to
get reaction on how the public wants the
board to move on this program.
The conference was "a one shot effort"
said Ackert, that may be repeated down the
road a piece, but "it would lose its lustre if
we tried to do it every year."
Council blocks
Bruce Planning . Director, M. • M. Camp
bell, sent a letter -to Lucknow Village Counci '
informing them that the Ashfield Secondar:
Plan, now under consideration, allows
subdivision development along a one mile
stretch of Huron County Road 1, south of the
The plan states that the orderly expansion
of the village of Lueknow'will be permitted in
this area. subject' .to a rezoning to - the
appropriate land use zone.
Campbell said in the letter to, council that
this development would result in less growth "
within the village and 'a more scattered
urban pattern. More non-residents would be
using village facilities without paying takes,
he added, and urban expansion would not be.
under the control of the - village.
The Lucknow Secondary Plan does not
envisage all the land.within the village being
needed for development within the planning
period, It appears therefore, to be unneces-
sary for expansion of Lucknow to occur in
Huron County, said Campbell.
If and when such lands are needed for
extlinsion of Lucknow, the usual procedure
is through annexation,
Council concluded that the designation ot<j ,
the area for urban development s kind h
changed in the Ashfield plan and.forwarded
the letter and "their tecommendation to
lawyer George Brophy .:motto tri :*
l trcktiew council`s 'objectkm.