HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-11-08, Page 19Lacknow Scndnel, Wednesday, November !I, 1978-r1Page 19
Berry's celebrate 50th anniversary at Liin..4mnor,; _hall
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Berry _ whc'
celebrated their 50th wed-•
ding anniversary on Satur-
day, November 4th.�� A recep-
tion was held in their honour
for friends, neighbours and
relatives at Dungannon Agri-
cultural Hall from 3.00 to
5.00 p.m. This was preceded
by a family dinner at which
all of their family were
present but one son who was
unable to come. This was the
first time so many, of them
had been together since
Mrs. Isabel Brennan and
two children of London spent
the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Berry. Sunday callers with
the Berrys were Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Simpson of
Last weekend Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Smith attended
the christening service for
their granddaughter,, Jinny
Ellen, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Lauzon of Stoney
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Smith of London visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith
on Sunday.
Mrs. Inez Howe of Coultis,
near Ingersoll, spent a few
days recently with her father;
Frank Moulton, and Mrs.
Lillian MacDonald. Albert
McClinchey of Ottawa, Mrs.
MacDonald's brother-in-law,
also visited last week.
Sympathy is extended to
the family of Milton Kilpat-
rick, of Goderich, formerly of
Ashfield Township, who died
in Alexandra Hospital, God-
erich, on October 31st, in his
88th year. He is survived by
his wife, Clara Twamley, two
sons, Clifford and Harvey, a
granddaughter Janice (Mrs.
Mark Hergott) and grand-
son, Barry Kilpatrick. The
funeral took place on Friday
from the McCallum Funeral
Home with interment in Dun-
gannon Cemetery. He was a
cousin of Mrs. Cecil Blake.
The UCW visitors for the
month of November are Mrs.
Donna Young, Mrs. Marina
Park, Mrs. Helen Nicholson
and Mrs. Mary Bere..Please
let them know if you know of
anyone who is ill or shut-in
this month.
Vera Clarke, Goderich,
and Mrs. Jack Ladd, Goder-
ich, visited Mrs. Ladd's
aunt, Mrs. Thos. Park on
Mrs. Willetta McWhinney
has been away more than two
weeks at Ingleside, near
Cornwall helping in the home
of her niece, Mrs. Iva Blair,
who` is in hospital in Ottawa
since having had a brain
operation recently. She has
five children, ranging in age
from teen-age to kindergar-
Mrs. Bessie McNee, Mrs.
Alma Black and Mrs. Winni-
fred Girvin attended the
Area Convention of the W.I.
held at The Banqueteer,
London on Wednesday and
Thursday with a banquet on
Wednesday night. Mrs. Mc-
Nee was district delegate and •
Mrs. Black and Mrs. Girvin
were local delegates. The
theme of the convention was
"Communication" and the
guest speaker, Mrs. Angela
Armitt, - of University of
Western Ontario, gave an
interesting and humorous
talk on "The Family and our
Changing Society". The lad-
ies stayed at the Casa Blanca
motel nearby and were sur-
prised and pleased to find
that the proprietor and his
wife were former acquaintan-
ces from High School days in
Goderich, Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Cranston.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stormes
of Kitchener visited Mrs.
Cecil Blake on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Godfrey motored to Toronto
on Saturday to attend the
wedding of their son, Ed-
ward Godfrey and Laurie
Morrison, of Toronto.
For Remembrance Sunday
Rev. C. G. Westhaver spoke
on the topic, "The Voice
Above the Storm". The
Children's story was about
the life of a Korean girl, Pak
Kyung, andher hardships,
dreams and aspirations. The
choir • sang the anthem,
"Mine Eyes Have Seen the
Glory", led by the organist,
Mrs. Jean Elliott.
In preparation for the
November Presbytery meet-
ing to be held in Dungannon
Church on November 28, the
congregation has been asked
to supply an organist for the
noon devotions and also 1OQ
hymn books.
A group of sixteen people
from Maple View Church ,in
Wellesley joined the local
congregation in the morning
'worship service. Pastor Alvin
Leis brought the message,
"Ask and it shall be given
unto you; Seek, and we shall
find; Knock, and it shall be
opened unto you".
Following the service the
young people of both congre-
gations enjoyed, a time of
fellowship, food and fun in
.the basement of the church,
while the adults and children
had a pot luck meal at Peter
The Ladies' Friendship
Bible Coffee was held this
week at Mrs. Sherri
Strong's. "
Marshall and. Helen Law-
rence will- be speaking at
both morning and evening
services next Sunday, Nov-
ember 12, telling about their
work as translators in Papua,
New Guinea.
Open House was held at
Brookside on Thursday night
with a very good turnout of
parents. A movie on bus
safety was presented and
refreshments were served in
the auditorium. This night
gives .parents an opportunity
to meet the teachers and see
their children's classrooms
and projects.
This year the school child-
ren collected $228.70 for
UNICEF. Their concern for
those less fortunate is ap-
preciated and this amount
will be put to good use in
other lands.
Last week Miss Jean Lit-
tle, well-known author of
children's books, was pres-
ent at the school on Tuesday,
October 24, to talk to the
children and autograph cop-
ies of her books which some
of the children had purchas-
ed. Her mother accompanied
her from Guelph as Miss
Little is almost totally blind.
Several parents came to hear
her also.
A Puppet Show was put on
in the Brookside School
Library on Tuesday, October
31, for students from Kinder-
garten to Grade 4. Mrs.
Theresa Wilson and Miss
Doucette from the Huron
County Library operated the
puppets which included a
pumpkin, four ghosts, a
witch, a hen and a grey furry
character called Orinoco. The
students enjoyed the presen-
tation and would like them to
come again soon.
Monday was P.D. Day and
teachers from Brookside
went to G.D.C.I. to hear
various speakers or take part
in workshops. One of the
speakers was Mrs. Pearl
Cassel, co-author of the
book, "Discipline Without
Tears" who shared some
methods which have worked
for her in her teaching career
and gave some insight into
the reasons why children act
as they do sometimes. The
lectures were open to parents
and those who availed them-
selves of the .opportunity to
come were quite enthusiastic
so perhaps the. practice of
sharing P.D. Days with par-
ents will be continued.
The Huron -Perth Chapter
of the Council for Exception-
al Children held a meeting in
the library of Victoria -School
on Wednesday evening with
about 15 in attendance.
Johnston Bros.
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Dungannon, Ontario
New Gravel Prices
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Finlay MacDonald
on November 13, 1978
Serving you and your
township for
5 years as Councillor
4 yours as Deputy Reeve
Guest speaker was Miss
Norma Jeffrey of Family and
children Services who show-
ed a moving film on "Child
Abuse" and then led a
discussion and answered
questions on legal and prac-
tical aspects of the problem.
Personnel from Family and
Children's Services are gov-
erned by the Child Welfare
Act in dealing with cases of
child abuse.
The president, Mrs. Julia
Henry, of Stratford, opened
the meeting and conducted
the business. Minutes of the
last meeting were read by
the secretary, Jean Whaling.
Julia Henry, Mary Duffin
and Mary Flannery are to
attend the C.E.C. ,Fall Con, -.
ference in Ottawa on Novem-
ber $ - 11. Since there is no
meeting until April they plan
to send out a report on this
conference in the near future;
to the members and various
On November 28, Dr. G.
A. V. Morgan of the Univer-
sity of Guelph will be speak- •
ing on Learning Disabilities . •
at the Stratford Public Lib-
rary in the Large Auditor-
ium. All interested persons
are invited to attend.
Refreshments of cider and
doughnuts wereenjoyed and
the meeting was adjourned.
I consider it a privilege to have served as
your Reeve for the past four years.
I would appreciate your vote for Reeve of
Ashfield Township on November 13th, 1978
and assure you, if re-elected, that I will
continue to serve you faithfully to the best of
my ability.
�V�Iprren Zinn
Township of Ashfield
Notice of Poll
Take notice that in accordance with the
Municipal Election Act 1977, Section 41, a
poll will be held for the election of REEVE.
Regular Poll Monday,
November 13, 1978
from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the following
No. 1- Dungannon Agriculture Hall
All lots, con. 1, 2, 3, 41 5, 6, 7, and 8
Eastern Division
No. 2 - John Hunter Residence
Lot 7, Con. 13, E.D.
All Tots; con. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14
Eastern Division
No. 3 - James West Residence
Lot 10, Con. 12, Western Division
All Lots, Con. 10, 11, 12,13,14 Western Div.
And Lots 26 to 45, Lake Range
No. 4 Harold Adams Residence
Lot 3, Lake Range
AilLots, con. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 W.D.
Lots 1 to 6 S.T.P. Town Piot of Port Albert
And Lots 1 to 25 N.T.P., Lake Range
The last day for making application to the
clerk for a certificate to vote by proxy shall be
5 p.m.,. November 13, 1978.
Returning Officer