HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-11-01, Page 20'Piet Z4- 11ckaow *winesday, November 1, 1978 TO THE ELECEORS OF ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP I consider it a privilege to have served as your Reeve for the past four years. 1 would appreciate your vote for Reeve of Ashfield Township on November 13th, 1978 and assure you, if re-elected, that I will continue to serve you faithfully to the best of my ability. Sincerely, Warren Zinn For The Long Winter Months Treat Yourself To A New.... By Electrohome Frain Greer T.V. 8 : Electric LAREDO 038-723 26" CONSOLE COLOR TV ❑ Featuring the Electrocolor Chassis advertised on TV Q 30,500 Volts Picture Power ❑ Delta Black Matric (NGB) Picture Tube ❑ Power Guard Transformer ❑ Auto Button ❑ AFT ❑ Day/Night Switch $799.95 [S399S5( CAMEO 14" PORTABLE anus ►rel All with 3 Year Warranty On parts and Labour 4 114 11 3° 'Cameo sets the pace with the big- gest, brightest color you've ever seen in a 14" portable. Cameo's chassis is 100% Solid State for unrivaled dependability. Cameo's controls are complete, with Auto-, x Buttoil, AF'T',=total color control, you .name it.. Cameo...with the Electrohome 3 Year Warranty.: x It's the littlest of the big 3 and the biggest value you'll find' in 14". color' eer TV & Electric -11000...•.52114111... LUc Goer L:un .sxni on hnby..born,- at 1ine BY MARY BERE SOCIAL NEWS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Bill Buchanon on the birth of a son, Joseph Richard John, born prema- turely at home on October 16, ' weighing 2 Ib. 11 oz. Mrs, Buchanan and the baby were taken by ambulance to London where little Joseph was put in an incubator. Mrs. Buchanon was able 'to return home in a few days but the baby remains in hospital until his weight is up to full term, Mr. and Mrs. Buch- anon live in a mobile home at the south end of the village. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stothers were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Woolford of Kincardine, Mrs. George Whitlam, Mis- sissauga, and Mrs. Peter Armstrong of Oakville. Jim Stothers was home for the weekend from Waterloo Uni- versity. Kenny Egglestone of Port Elgin and Jody Pearson of Goderich visited their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Pearson, last weekend, -Mr. and Mrs.. Nels Pear- son, Mrs. Gordon Congram, Mrs.. Faye Egglestone and Kenny of Port Elgin spent the Weekend in St. Cathar- ines with Mrs. Len Heggs (nee Sharon Pearson). Mr. Heggs was with the boat he sails on in the St. Lawrence River in Quebec. Judy and Janet Godfrey put on a shower at their home on Saturday for rela- tives and friends in honour of Lori Morrison, Toronto, whose marriage to Ed God- frey is to take place in Toronto on Saturday, Nov- ember 4, 1978. Tom Webster was taken to Wingham Hospital on Tues- day suffering from sciatica in his hip. He is taking therapy and hopes to be mobile soon. Mrs. Ross McNee return- ed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee after a stay in Goderich Hospital with bronchial troubles.. Mel- ody King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willex King (nee Maxine McNee), Bervie, and great granddaughter of Mrs. Ross McNee, won the Dr. Couch Bursary and the Hos- pital Auxiliary Bursary at Kincardine High School Commencement recently. Melody is presently taking nurse's training in London. Howard Culbert is home after spending a few days, in hospital with an attack of kidney stones. Sherry and Tanya Hodges had a Hallowe'en party on Saturday afternoon at which the guests were Shannon Township of Ashfield Notice of Poll Take notice that in accordance . with the Municipal lection Act 1977, Section 41, a poll will be held for the election of REEVE. Advance Poll -Saturday, November 4, 1978 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Clerk's Office, Lot 9, Con. 13, W.D. Regular Poll - Monday, November 13, 1978 from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the following locations:. No. 1 Dungannon Agriculture Hall All Lots, con. 1, 2, 3, 4) 5, 6, 7, and • Eastern Division No. 2 - John Hunter Residence Lot 7, Con:13, E.D. All lots, con. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 Eastern Division No. 3 -; Janies West Residence Lot 10, Con. 12, Western Division All Lots, Con.10,1:1.,12,13, 14'Western Div. And Lots 26 to 45, Lake Range No 4 - Harold Adams Residence" Lot 3, Lake Range 'AI11Lots, con. 1, 2, 1; 4, 8, 6, 7, 8 and 9 W.D. • Lots 1 -to 6 S.T.P. Town Plot of Port Albert s 1 to 25 N.T.P., Lake Rangy$ nd Lpt . The last .day for making ,application to the clerk for a certificats► tb vote by proxy shall be 5 p.m., •November,, 13, 1978. DONALD M. SIMPSON •Returning. Offlesh,. Kerr, Brenda McNee, Laurie and Linda Hayden, Paula Vanderberg Debbie Debold and her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irvin visited his aunt, Mrs, Mary Naylor in Newmarket on Sunday. Mrs. Naylor is a sister.of Robert's father, the late Wm. Irvin, Sympathy is extended to the relatives of Wesley, Alton who passed away in London last Wednesday at the age of 83 years. He was a brother of the late Mrs, Wm. Irvin (nee Mabel Alton). Juergen Becker and daughter, Sylke, have re- turned from a two week visit with friends and relatives in Germany. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Wright and boys visited Bob's moth- er, Mrs. Kay Wright in Thamesville on Saturday and Bob attended the Horse Sale there. John and Maylin Bere, Karen and David of London visited Mrs. ' Mary Bere on the weekend. DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH For. Sunday, October 29, Reformation Sunday, Rev. C. G. Westhaver chose to, speak on "The French Roots of our Protestant Faith" and re- minded us of the moral courage of the early Protest- ants, people who agreed with Martin Luther that reform in the church was necessary. The Children's Story was entitled, "Moral Courage", and informed' the children that the end of October is not only Hallowe'en time but also marks the anniversary of the Reformation when Mart- in Luther stood up for his beliefs some 400 years ago. The choir sang the an- , them, "Who at my Door is Standing?", under the direc- tion of the organist, Mrs. Jean Elliott. The elders and stewards met briefly after the service. The Official Board at their recent meeting covered the following points: a) approved a fall and winter schedule of services to begin on Decem- ber 3 with 11.00 a.m. service at Dungannon and 1.00 p.m. at . Nile. b) approved a request from the Nile congre gation that they be permitted 11.00 a.m. • service four months of the year, subject to study and approval by the Dungannon congregation. c) asked, that a pastoral charge budget be prepared at the beginning of 1979. d) $670 has been forwarded to Toron- to for the M&S Fund for 1978 and some $205 is on hand. Sunday, November 5, will be Remembrance Sunday. DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH A group from Floradale Church was present at the church on Sunday morning to join in worship and fellow- ship. The message by Pastor Lawrence was a comparison made between the heart of the natural -man and the heart of the regenerated man with summation in the words, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". A pot luck meal in the basement of the church followed the service. A most successful evening was held at the Brookside School on Thursday evening when the ladies of the Christian Fellowship Church sponsored a display of articl- es made by people of other lands who need to be guided in ways to help themselves to raise their standard of living. This is called a "Self -Help" Program". Mrs. Shirley Martin and Mrs. ' Norma Smith of Listowel arranged a large collection of interesting crafts and explained where the crafts were made and some of the types of.. wood and materials used. Some of the countries from which the articles came were Banglad- esh, Philippines, India, Tai- wan, Bethlehem, Africa. Mrs. Lawrence gave a brief devotional talk and Mrs. Ruth Johnston taught the group a new song. There were about sixty present and the sales amounted to almost $600.00. This money .goes back to the makers of , the various crafts and to pay shipping expenses. The lad- ies from 'the Christian Fel- lowship Church provided a tasty lunch. DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The Hallowe'en Dance at Dungannon Agricultural Hall on Saturday night was well - attended and a good time reported. The winners were as follows: best dressed man, Gordon Riley; best dressed lady, Johnny Maize; best dressed couple, Frank and Isabel MacDonald of Clinton, dressed as a Ghost and Merry Widow; most original couple, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pollock, dressed as Indians; most ridiculous costume, Mrs. Debbie Park; first door CONTINUED ON PAGE 27 ansimumwoummimmiNir IN ASHFIELD. TOWNSHIP ELECT Finlay MacDonald FOR Reeve on November 13, 1978 Y� Serving .:you and : Y our township for S years as Councillor 4 years as Deputy Reeve