HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-10-25, Page 1816---144now Seethed, Wednesday, ()Oahe' r 2S, 19711 Ripley bridal party tours by horse arid wagon By AB WYLDS The wedding of Susan Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott uf Pine River and Brian MacDonald, son. of:Mr. and Mrs, Kenny MacDonald of Ripley was held last Saturday af- ternoon in Bethel United Church, The wedding dinner was at the,horne of Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, just east of Pine River. The reception dance was in the Ripley Huron Community Complex. The wedding parade just after dusk through Ripley's streets was one of the nicest and most unusual ever- seen here. Jim Aitchison of Ashfield and Ross Young of Tiverton had their fine Belgian show teams for it. They. were ac- companied by Joan Slade in a rding outfit and on her saddle hors'e. The hitched teams all decked out in their silvered harness assembled on the street in front of the MacDonald home,and led the parade of cars up - street around the main block then north cutting off just south of the Ripley Chopping Mill along the road used by the trucks and grain - wagons to the Ripley elevator and back to the start. Jim Aitcheson's tandem hitch of ,four horses drew .the wagon in which were seated the bridal party followed by about ten cars. This was fitting because Brian has over the past years always taken out his horse and buggy or cutter in winter on Sunday af- ternoons when he- was home and" given, the young, boys and girls rides over these same streets. 'Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald will reside in Fraserdale in Northern Ontario. where Brian is employed by the Ontario Hydro. The good wishes of the people of this area" go with Susan and Brian. Mrs. Rose Jewell of Jucknow droveher brother Johnny MacKay over to Ripley last Friday morning for a "back home" visit. Johnny is staying with his sister in Lucknow while further recuperating from twice undergoing surgery in the past weeks while he was a patient in Victoria Hospital in London. John expressed appreciation of all the cards and gifts while he was there. All wish Johnny recovery !rom now on. A Bluebird Ball will be held for the Arthritis campaign on the evening of Fri., Nov. 17 at the Kincardine Legion Hall for the area. Norm Dunsmoor's orchestra will play and tickets may be obtained in Ripley at George and - Joy McLean's store. Although. still recuperating from illness during recent weeks it is nice to see Mr. Frances Elliott able to be out again in Ripley. The auction sale of Stan Blackwell's cattle .last Saturday afternoon was favoured with nice weather. A number _of cars gathered at the Riley Slikk yards where auctioneers Grant MacDonald and Wally Ballagh were in charge of the sale. Visiting here last Monday was Morley Mills of Georgetown. Morley attended the RCS at the same time as the writer. On Monday evening of last week the chimney of the home of Donnie and Carol Fludder took fire fortunately located. next to the fire hall it was quickly extinguished. Mervyn Avery youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sam Avery passed away earlier this month. The funeral was held on Oct, 6 in Cohourg. He was predeceased by his wife, the former Emily Brown, in May of this year. His family of five sons and one daughter survive and also one brother Elmer Avery of Toronto. The three brothers Wibb, Elmer and Mervyn all spent their younger years on the farm on the 4th concession where Mr. • and Mrs. Stan Blackwell now live. The Huron Bruce Council of Arts and Crafts committee, sponsors of the Ripley Craft show, decided at their ' last meeting to dispose of the net, proceeds of their show last August. A generous donation was made to the Dr. J.B. Tindall building fund at Kincardine District Hospital, a sizable cheque was sent to. the Canadian Cancer Research Foundation. Locally cheques were given to the Ripley Huron Branch of the Canadian Legion and to the Ripley and District Lions Club for use for their service •work in the community. The committee wishes to express their thanks to all participated in making the Ripley - Craft 'show such a success and wish them to feel they had a part in making these generous donations possible. The October meeting of the ,Ripley Agricultural Society •was held on Monday evening of last week with president Jack Farrell in charge. Reports of this year's. Ripley Huron fall fair and discussions about it were held. Members learned that the annual fall District number, 10 meeting will be held in Wiarton this Saturday afternoon and for the ladies there will be a quilt competition the win- ning one from each fair in Grey and Bruce. Also that Achievement night for the Ripley 4H clubs will be held in the Huron township hall in Ripley at 8 p,m. on Nov. 3. All agreed that the fair had been a successful one. Attending were Jack and Janet Farrell, Sheila MacDonald, Nina Wyld, Ray Fuller; John Gamble, Russ Brooks, Bob and Gloria Rutledge, Ted Rouse, Gordon Pattefson, and Ab Wylds. Next meeting is Nov. 13. There will be an in- formation and "meet the candidates" meeting in the Huron Township hall in Ripley on Mon., Oct. 30 at 8:30 p.m. sponsored by the Huron Township Federation of -Agriculture. No; R.E. '(Dick) Goodin of Oakville 'does not have his garden at the Royal Winter Fair. The gremlins must have got into the last part of the article in last week's column. It should have read—"Dick still finds time to grow potatoes in his garden at Bruce Beach which were: awarded four prizesa1 the itoyal Winter Fair the Coliseum in Toronto two years ago". Mrs. Katherine Coiling and family attended a 'wedding anniversary party at Bervie last Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bushell of Kincardine. Congratulations are extended as • they are known to many here when they lived in Toronto and visited the Coiling family here. Mr. and. Mrs. John • lias cobbed up very well" Denis Naud, Huntingdon. T800.is the amazi• ng, all-new, single - cross corn hybrid specially developed by Trojan for the cooler Canadian conditions, Available in very limited quantities -this year, T800 can only be seen in Trojan Special - Test plots in the 2500-2700 CHU maturity areas:, "T800 is not a tall plant and its handling high population very well," said Mr. Nam!. Speaking of another plot near Oshawa, James Dickison said, "The standability of T800 seems to,be as gdod as the later Trojan hybrids — and I've always found`they have excellent . - "I'm looking forward to seeing the results this harvest,"he said. Check this newspaper for the results when • Trojan's special Test plots are harvested In this area. The plots are on the farms of Donald Bean, Goderich, and Dan Kerr, Listowel.. Colling of Ripley were visitors on Sunday with his sister Freda Haynes of Wingham. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hooey were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hewitson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hewitson of Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howe of Paisley; Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Harris of Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hooey and Mrs. Marjorie Feid of Ripley. A shower was held last Wednesday night at St. Andrews for Mrs. Arlene MacDonald. Mrs. Muriel MacAuley is a patient in University Hospital in London. Miss Helen Wison of Brantford and Mrs. Eileen Nesbitt visited last Wednesday with Mrs. Stewart Shiells. • Last Wednesday May Boyle of Kinlough, Pearl Lloyd of Burlington, Marjorie Reid and Gladys Mason of Ripley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Anne McCosh. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John C. MacDonald were Bar- bara Kelly of Toronto and Roberta • Wright of Sacramento, California • IlY MAY BOYLE Mrs. Everett Stanley of Flint, Michigan, visited rec- ently with Mrs. Marretta Hodgins and other relatives here. Mrs. Don Gillespie, Mrs. Don, Bushell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodginsattended the funeral of their aunt the late Mrs. Wilma .."LaFlam at Buffalo. Mrs. Marietta Hodgins is spending a Ade in London. Mrs. Jack Scott and °Mrs. William MacPherSon- attend- ed the WI. Rally at Sauble Beach on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs'.- Harry Met- calf of ,;Chesley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maul - den and Keith. Mrs. Joan Burns (McKin- non) of Dayton, Qhio,'viSited .with relatives . here during the week. , Mr. and Mrs. George Gilbert of Stratford visited with friends here on Satur- day. Mr. Stewart Lane returned Several of the teachers attended the Fall .Banquet of Huron Association of , the Women Teaeher's Federa- • tion at Pine Ridge Chalet near Itilensall. Beginning teachers and those teaching in Huron County for the first tittle were welcomed into the organization. Mrs. Carolyn Simon explained the prepar- ation of the constitution for the association which should be ready for print in the spring. A film was shown depicting the role of teachers since pioneer days. home on Priday from London where he underwent surg- ery. A most - enjoyable :after - ton was vent at the home 'of Miss Margaret Murray on who is exchanging teaching positions with Corinne MacDonald this year. RIPLEY AND DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL MEETING Thirty members of the Ripley and District Horticultural Society met at the home of Mrs. Boas Vanderhoek on Tues., Oct. 17. Treasurer, Joan Mae Lead reported good receipts from the Fall Flower Show and an encouraging financial report from the years work. Joan and Mrs. Reg Godfrey, being the two delegates sent to the convention in Kingston, gave a detailed report of the seminars each had attended. Adeline Hackett con- venor of the program called on Mrs. Ewan MacLean, who spoke on her experiments with flower cuttings and the propagation of shrubs. A sale of vegetables and plants auctioned off by Marion McCharles concluded the meeting. Lunch was werved by the committee. News Thursday when relativeS, and friends gathered for a stir - prise birthday party for Miss Murray and. Miss Bartlett. All enjoyed a delicious lunch topped off :with -a lovely birthday cake. Justin Murray presented the gifts. Those from a distance attending .were Sister Mary Patrick and Mrs. Joan Burns. We extend best wishes to these ladies who will be leaving soon to spend the winter in Mont- real. Miss Heather McIntyre spent the weekend with her friend _Karen fledley. Mrs. Pearl Lloyd returned home to Burlington after visiting with relatives and friends here. At the Kincardine High School commencement Lea - Anne Haldenby and ,Judy MacDonald received honour pins for 80% in eight sub- jects. Eveline VanSligten- horst, Grade 13 honour grad- uate, received a scholarship. Congratulations girls. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dahmer visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haldenby and family. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur ,Haldenby over the Weekend were Mr. and Mrs, Layton Amauge, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennet of Toronto, and on Sunday Mr, George Haldenby of Bruce - lea ,Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Sparling and Mrs. Sparling Sr. of Walkerton also visited at the same home, At the Presbyterian Thankoffering meeting on Sunday evening Charles Le- mon and Cecil Sutton showed pictures on their trip to Ecuador. Visiting societies present were . Teeswater, Ripley. and Kinlough can Missionary Societies.