HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-10-18, Page 59Page 23---L Sontlri1, Wim ,. October 18,, 3978. 'fsri ':fin ty^,:W Y 177 '.Auction Saie •AUCTION SALE Of Livestock will; be held for STAN BLACKWELL Lot 13, con. 3, Huron Twp. Sale tobe held at Stockyards, Ripley. on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 at 1;00 p.m. Registered , Hereford . bull (Waldorf Domino); 18 beef ' cows; 21 calves 7 yearling steers; 13 yearling heifers: Livestock has been tested and all are free of B'rucellos- is. TERMS GASH DAY :OF SALE Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170 18, Services Available' CUSTOM fall ploughing. Phone Bill Nelson, 528-2949. —41,42,43 HORSESHOEING Have shoes, will travel. Specialize in Standardbred horses. Contact John Mc- Clinchey, Blyth or phone 523-4485. —41-44 AUCTIONEERS SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone' Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 —40tfar POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Agent for Heintzman Pianos and Panasonic Sound Equip- ment. Reconditioned.. pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs call., 395-2982. 40tfar BULLDOZING Lloyd Whytock, Lucknow, 528-2006. —22tf MAWHINNEY EAVESTROUGHING ROOFING AND. SIDING Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Phone 528-3815 EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING 'topsoil, sanA,-gravel of all types and fill. Phone Robert Symes Contracting: R. R. ' . # 5, Lucknow, phone 528=3047. —29tfar STEVE OWEN AUTO BODY Insurance, collision work 2 % mules east. of Lpclmow *on Hwy. 86 ' Phone 528-21170 —37tfar FIREPLACES CHIMNEY REPAIRS Ornamental Brick` Work and. . Stone Work Ali Work Guaranteed Phone 395-3260 r —39x Oda ' SERE BRCS. .CONSTRUCTION Homes, Additions r Cottages* Farm BORdingis EctlOvattail *foto $29.7804, a#1-115' 18. Services ava'ilabl4 ' SEPOY STATIONERY - can fill your printing needsfor envelopes, to wedding; invita tions, to continuous forms. We'd be pleased to' discuss anything in the printed line, phone 528-2919.---40tfar LYNN LoWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. Amberley PHONE 3954286 CLAY •. Silo. Unloaders, Feeders,. Cleaners, Stabling, Leg Elevators, Liquid Man- ure Equipment, Hog Equip- ment. . • BUTLER - • Silo ' Unloaders, Feeders, Conveyors. FARMATIC - Mills, Augers, etc. ACORN - Cleaners, Heated Waterers. WESTEEL ROSCO- Gran- aries, B & L - Hog Panelling. —40t'far BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and. Hog. Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R.. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. —40tfar. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Stonehouse: Refrigeration and air-conditioning. Repairs to all makes, commercial and domestic and milk coolers. Phone 528-2449.—40tfar GENERAL TRUCKING Contact: ELLIOTTS SEED MILL Lucknow. Phone 528-3500 —22tfar GEORGE LUBBERS CONSTRUCTION. Renovations„additions, cot- tages. Phone 357-3457, Whitechurch. -3tf PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and repair work SPIKE BAKKER R. R. 1, AUBURN 526-7753 20tfar DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales. and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395-3393, RIPLEY —15tfar REPAIRS TO SMALL MOTORS If you have lawn mower, roto tiller or chain saw problems Bring them to. WALL'S SERVICE CENTRE DUNGANNON 529-7950 —27tf PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior and Exterior Phone Todd Park 395-5079 orioe Allison 396-7173 —41.44 APPLIANCES REFRIGERATION SERVICE Lucknow -Appliance Centre Luddite* • Phone 528-2946 —32tfar • PULES DEAD STOCK; REMOVAL Proprietors Dan .and Bev Lambkin-. • Pay oft the spot for large fresh, dead or. disabled animals: Conti tued'free sera vice for small animals. once 635078. For prompt reliable service 7 days a week, , PHONE CARGIU4 collect, 366.2713 . -3$tfaic . y 18. Services available 20. Public :notices CECIL CRANSTON' Mr Hammer - Backhoe R. R. 2 Auburn, Ontario Phone 529-7691 —37-46 COURTNEY'S• Sewing; Machine SALES & SERVICE. , 395-5341 PolntClrk R.'R.1, Ripley BACKHOE AND BULLDOZER WORK Topsoil and gravel Wayne Bushell R. R. 4 Kincardine ' Phone 395-3320 —22tfar MacDONALD SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING BANNERS - SHOW CARDS , SILK SCREENING Phone 395-5347 —40tfar BULLDOZING Allis Chalmers 650, with 6 way hydraulic blade. BILL ROBINSON R.R.#2 Auburn 529-7857 —16tfar FREE ESTIMATES On alruninunr siding Soffit and Fascia Doors and Windows. Local Representative • OLIVER GLENN ALUMINUM SALES LUCKNOW 20. Public notices Anyone wishing Vanda Beauty Products, please con- tact Karen Campbell, '529- 7621. —41,42x AUTO BODY. OILING, Mac- lyn Manufacturing Ltd., 11/4 miles north of Amberley,. west' off highway 21, 395- 3352. Look for 'our sign. Opening September 4. —35- 48ar - CHANGE OF DATE All members of Branch 309 Royal Canadian Legion are requested to attend the regular meeting Tuesday, October 24th. at 8 p.m. '—41,42ar HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The:. best in Home Grown, Dry Fed Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Cus- tom killing by .appointment. Phone 528-2132 • ---4Otfar LUCKNOW. SHIPPER TO UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTO. ' LIVESTOCK, DEPT. • TORONTO Ship your livestock. • with - BILL TAYL R..`R. 3 GODOR ERICH, Tuesday and Thursday are shipping days from Lucknow' Stockyards CALL DUNGA►NNNON 529-7314 or LUCTOW 528.3119 Tuesday or'lursday by 7:30 a.itn, for prompt service ASH BILL:POR, REQUIRMENTS REPLACEMENT along • 32. Conttng, ev40ta.. HAVING A DRINKING OPENRECEPTION, An open, reception will be held for Mr. and Mrs, Terry.. Taylor (nee` Diann Banner- man) •on Friday, October 2Q, in 'the Lucknow Community Centre, Dancing to Bitter- sweet from 9:30 to 1. Everyone welcome. —41,42x PROBLEM? AA can help, Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. 40tfar PNELODGE. IES,T HOME A supervised' retirement home caring for your person al needs- 24 hours a day, Lucknow, 528-2703,--50tfar 25,' To give away 4 KITTENS, 6 weeks old. ,Mother is long haired, Two oran8e and two tiger striped. Phone 528-2629 after 6 p.m. —41,42x - - 31 Cards of thanks I would like to thank everyone for their cards, visits and phone calls while in hospital and since return- ing home. Elsie Irvin —42 I ' wish to express my sincere thanks for cards, flowers and visits while_ a patient in University Hospit- al, London. Special thanks to Dr. Passi and nurses on eighth floor. Ruby McDonald —42 The Lucknow and . District Branch of the. •.Arthritis Society wishes to thank the Lucknow Sentinel for-. their co -operation -and press cover- age duringror„cajiyass. We also wish • ; td' thank , all. canvassers. in Lucknow •.and surrounding communities who helped to make . this canvass a success. —42x We would like to thank our friends and neighbours from South. Kinloss for the wed- ding gift .:of money following our wedding.' Donna and Douglas Dickie, Markdale -42 32. Coming events CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALES at LUCKNOW COMMUNITY .SALE • 400 head 1:30 p.m.” Monday, October 30 Monday, November 13 • Phone: 528-9912_ or 395-5230 —36tfar RUMMAGE SALE Hospital Rummage. Sale, Friday, October 20, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the . Wingham Armouries.. All: items for sale mustbe in on., Thursday, October 19.. —41,42 COFFEE PARTY AND BAKE SALE Coffe party and bake sale on Friday,. . October 27,, 1978, 9:30 • to 11:30 a.m. in Teeswater Town fall. Spon- sored by Huron Chapter '89' O.E.S. y=-42,43. ,..... A. REG iLAR:MEETING The Lucknow,: Agricultural + Society :will n1eet. on `Tues. day, October 24'at 8:30 p.tm in the Tbwh Hall. —42ar SQUARE DANCING Join the Beginners Class under the leadership ' of Glenn Patterson. Classes weekly - commencing ,Tues-; day, October 17th at 830 p,m. Brookside Public School. Singles and couples are welcome. -41,42 DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? The Goderich Concert Choir needs you! 4 -part- traditional music, Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m., Victoria Public School, Goderich. Informa- tion: Sheila Clarke, 5282173. —41,42 WINGHAM CURLING CLUB A novice curling clinic will be held at the club on Saturday, November 4, open to all curlers. Instruction fee of $5.00 includes lunch. Regist- er by October 27. Phone 357-1124 or 357-1009. —42, 43 EXOTIC HOUSEPLANT LECTURE An illustrated lecture ;from The Royal Botanical Gardens on Exotic . Houseplants for amateur gardeners, Lucknow Public Library, at` 8:00 p.m., October 24th. -42 HOWICKUIONS BINGO Will ' be helft gory Friday, y October 20th at 8:30 `pin. in Wroxeter Community: Hall. Admission $1.00. `l2=Regular games for $10.00; 2 Share the Wealth; one :. '$25.0Q: Special; Jackpot $100.00 on 60 calls; Purple Ball $40.00; Door and Consolation Prizes. —42ar . BIBLE SOCIETY CANVASS The Bible Society will hold its. annual canvass .in. Lucknow during the month of October.. .We hope that the community will , give generously to this worthwhile : cause. -42 RIPLEY LIONS BINGO Will be held on October 18, at' 8 p.m. at the Township Hall. Early bird, special; 12 regular games at $15.00; one special game at $25.00; one share the wealth; one jackpot of $200.00 on 54 calls; consolation game for $20.00. -42ar 25TH ANNIVERSARY The family of Marie and Herb Wilkins wish” to invite friends and relatives to help celebrate their 25th anniver. sary at the Lucknow Com- munity Centre, Saturday, October 21. Dancing from 9 to 1 a.m. ' to Bittersweet. Everyone welcome. No Gifts. 41,42 CHINESE COOKING SCHOOL The Lucknow Branch of the Cancer Society is sponsoring a Chinese Cooking School, presented by "Luncheon Is. Served", Mississauga, on_ Thursday, October 26: at 8 p.m. at the Lucknow Com- munity Centre. Draws ' for door prizes. Coffee will' be served.. Tickets at $2.00' each available from members or ". t. the door. Proceeds for 'Can- cer Research. Everyone wel. dome,. —42,43 32. Coming events. BLYTH BINGO Bingo every Saturday, even- ing at the Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth, at 8 p.m.. Regular. games, share -the - wealth and jackpot $150; First Bingo September 16, —37tfar CANCER FORUM. Plant to attend a free family Cancer Forum on Thursday., November 2 at. 8 p,m, at the Lucknow Public School. .There will be films - and a panel to answer your ques- tions about cancer. Refresh- ments will be served. —42, 43,44 OPEN WEDDING RECEPTION An open reception will be held following the marriage of Jay Passmore and Mary Anne Nicholson, on Friday, October 20, in the Lucknow Legion Hall. Music by Spec- ial Appointment. Everyone welcome. —42x __...__.- Attention Farmers A. For Sale CROP INSURANCE Winter wheat. Deadline for -application October 31, 1978. Niel Edgar, R. R. 3, Wing - ham, 357.2440. —40-43 4 FURROW OLIVER semi mounted- ..plough . with„.trip,,;' bottoms and cushion coult- ers. Phone. Gerald Murray, 395-5250. —42 _ TOWER” KING " RESSEI • Stave . Silos with complete., cement 'plaster lining and:-. self storing doors. Suitable'; for storinginsilage',, haylage' or high moisture corn. Also oxygen control silos "with bottom unloader for storing high moisture corn, also liquid manure tanks. Repre- sentative, Francis Boyle, 395-5088 Ripley.—49tfar C. Wanted CUSTOM PLOUGHING. Phone 395-5510. —40-43 BALED STRAW. .Phone Mark Rohrer, 357-2868. No Sunday calls. —42,43,44 D. Livestock HOLSTEINS HEIFERS, due soon. Phone 395-5332. —41, 42 CHOICE WESTERN Ranch heifer and steer calves arriv- ing, also all feed grains. Harvey Davis, , Dobbinton. Phone 353-5446. —42-51 50 NEW HAMP CROSS bred pullets; 50 black pullets with .gold feathers -around neck; 25 Barred Rock pullets; starting to lay. Phone 392- 6556 after 6 p.m. —42,43 LACOMBE-YORK: cross hogs; 1 Hamp hog;' 1 Here- ford bull, serviceable age. Phone 357-2870. =r42tf F. For rent LAND - 240 acre farm plus barn and • small • feedlot, Phone Nancy Madlntyre, 5283519 --42 ..: u i .•a.s-X Ab a:r.z.wi tic.;v