HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-10-18, Page 58Sky *lichiesighT W,UDS.-.aNc '12. Help ; wante i ••%i CAPABLE PERSON' repair ' ed to do free-lance ,, photo- graphy assi$ninents for a weekly newspaper, Apply in writing stating experience . to Box D, c%o' The Lucknow Sentinel. —29tfnc TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Applications will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 . p.m., Monday, October 23, 1978 for the position of: 1 part time grader operator; one part time wing man, for snow removal for the winter of 1978-79. Rate as per contract. Henry L. Clark Road Superintendent Kinloss Township Holyrood, Ontario --41,42ar 13. Wanted [general] WOMAN WILL DO baby- sitting in own home, close to public school, during day, meals included. Contact Mrs. Schuit, last house . on Bob Street, Lucknow. —42x SCHOOL BUS:,DRIVERS WANTED Anyone interested': call `528- 3007. •-42tfar Correspondent FOR Kingsbridge required immediately -For Information Cali: ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL PHONE 528-2822 SEAT IELTS SECURE OUR FUTURE SOgKKEE W,I 4 "..$4,11:r4.4 ,J • rr 15. Tendert Sade of Used School Buses Plainly marked sealed tend- ers enders will be received by R. B. Dunlop, Superintendent of Business Affairs for the purchase of five used school buses. Vehicles will be sold uncertified, as is, where is, without licence plates and may be inspected by contact- ing the undersigned. Tender closing effective 12 O'clock noon, Thursday, November 2, 1978. Tender forms are available at the Board Office. The -highest or any tender not I necessarily accepted. R. L. Cunningham, Transportation Manager, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. NOM t1LO D. J. Cochrane, Director of Education. R. J. Elliott, Chairman. —42ar TENDER FOR HOT AIR FURNACE SEALED TENDERS, on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. local time on: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26,1978 for the supply and installa- tion of one 360,000 BTU/hr. ceiling suspended . oil fired • hot' air furnace .at the County Garage, Wroxeter, Ontario. The lowest or any tel not necessarily accepted: R. A. Dempsey►, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. —42 Durham Pet Foods Dead .Stock .Serriee $10.00 For Fresh Animals Over 1000 Lbs. $5.00 For Animals over 700 Lbs. Speedy Service On All Stock Phone 369.2410 Collect Durham Sipa M.S. • WRN! Big Results! VIM* OcC. 461.1200 MIN Wire. m• 245, I. ' 1 Articles for• M.1 KQRESTy1LL$44142 2234 BOY'S PARKA WITH FUR trim size 8; - boy's . black leather shoes, size431/2, both in excellent condition. Phone 528-3143, -42 ; HALLOWE'EN SERVIETTES AND ' TABLE COVERS Sepoy Stationery and Printing • Lucknow Phone 528.2919 --42ar ONE PAIR BAUER Supreme 94, size 8, last year's model, used one,hockey season. Call 529-7915 after 5 p.m. —42 ALL WEATHER COAT, size 12, rust colour, almost new. Call 52.9-7949 evenings. —42 6 MONTH OLD standard • bred horse colt. Enos Miller, R. R..1 Lucknow.—41,42x DAV BED in. -good condition. Phone 528-3319.-41, 42x HAMPSHIRE AND Duroc boars., Registered and R.O.P. tested. . Ready for service. Paul McNally, . 357- 3723. 41,42„ LOTTERY TICKETS. - Win - tad() Provincial, Loto Can - ac a, Cash For Life and Loto Group Buys- at $1 a share, Sepoy Stationery, Lucknow. 49tfar Hawaiian electric steel guitar with amplifier,like new. Franklin fire- place with brass ornaments;,. Bell piano 4'x2'x4'; ' pool' table 8' x 4' with equipment; including tennis top, nearly new. Phone 528-2120. --41, 42 OVEN READY CHICKENS and. geese. Order now. Phone 395-3320. --42x ONE PAIR BAUER goalie skates, 6%; one pair Black Panther skates, size 7, in good condition. Phone 395- 5792, Mrs. Bill Searle. —42 ALL FISHING SUPPLIES Reduced to Clear 25% off Greer T.V. & Eleclrle Lucknow, Plone 528-3112 —33ar PUMPKINS, Hallowe'en or cooking. Harold Greer, phone 528-5356. —42,43x APPLES McIntosh, Spys, Snows, Talnion Sweets. ' ' Phone ° Alen :;Andrew, 528- 3019. ---42,43 BAUER BLACK. PANTHER 1186.` skates size -61/2, excel- lent 'shape; ;used only one season. Call 395-5370 after 5:30'. p.m. --42x 1971 ' DODGE DART Swing- et, 2 door; in good condi tion, green With black top.. Gary Schut. Last ;house on, Bob Street, Lucknow, -427t •OVEN READY. • TURKEYS. Sherry Alton,. 5297356. .42.43x '• ?q A•,iNi,lp ottotAi 1. Articles ion; sale. HYDRO .FENCERS built to any strength. Repairs to all makes including •American type. Alvin Beueriman, phone 345-2306. — 38-42arx BEEF By the. Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications ' t'' Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT - MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Res. 528-2119 —40tfar A � ,,,. - ....ri: m -wive • AV ci .,� ow'sentlnol,;' Wedii4O 7, Octobee 18, 1978 ---Pose 27 ASSIFIEDADS! WARR1NOTON: "' CPA ,. •,;,,ipy ""r4 } MI 5. Cars, trucks ` for sale d CAR BUFF'S DREAM. 'A 1966 classic antique 'Barra- cuda, Clean. Works well. As is .$400.00 firm., See it at Joe's plate, Amberley, ac — ross hwy, 21. —40tf. STOVE OR FURNACE wood. Phone .529-7449. —42,43x TWO ' GIRL'S WINTER coats, size 10 and 12. Phone Nancy Maclntyre, 528-3519. —42 MICRO WAVE . OVEN, 1 only., Features large capac- ity, 1.2 cu. ft., variable cook. and variable defrost, $579.95. Greer T.V. &Elect- rice, Lucknow, phone 528- 3112.—42tfar GIRL'S NAVY WINTER midi coat, with hood, size 12; lollies' ,navy snowmobile suit, size small. Phone Mrs. David Kirkland, 529-7878. —42 BAUER SPECIAL PRO 99 men's size 9 skates; . boy's hooded navy winter jacket, pile lining, size 16; both in excellent condition. Phone 3,95-2914. --42,43 4. Articles wanted ONE EXERCISE bicycle. Phone 395-2438: —42 USED FURNITURE, appli- ances and antiques wanted. Call . Jack's Place, .528-2625. —7tfar LeSABRE MODEL 1971 Bu- ick, power steering and brakes; in good condition. Phone 395-2821. —42,43 1972 FORD GALAXIE 500, 2 door hardtop, vinyl roof, in very good condition, as is. • Phone 528-3116. —42 1973 VEGA WAGON in very good condition, as is, priced to sell. Phone 529-7133. —42 6. Pets HORSES BOARDED, box stalls, $65.00 per month. Excellent riding area. Call 482-9960 atter 6:00 p.m. • •4ltfnc 9. Accommodation to rent _ONE BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow, ground floor, $125..Ayailable now ,:Phone 528-2031., 35tfar NEWLY DECORATED, large, one bedroom apart ment in Lucknow. Private bathroom, frig and , stove. Also available small furnish- ed apartment. Phone 528- 2174 or 528-3134. -41tf STORE IN LUCKNOW, for- merly Sepoy Variety. Owner Lloyd Ashton.. Phone 528- 2174. If no answer . phone 528-3134. —41tf TWO NEWLY DECORATED 1 bedroom apartments for rent on Main Street in Lucknow. Comfortable quiet location with heat included. Reasonable rent.. Available immediately. Phone Ezra Stanley, 528-2392. --42-45 OLD CARS, scrap iron, copper, aluminum, batteries, etc. Phone 357-3541. —39tfar SECOND HAND four door steel filing cabinet. Phone 529-7332. —40-42 HURST , .OR ROCKWELL single of double engine or a Snowhawk snowmobile. 'hone 392-6556 after 6 p.m. --42,43, LOGS WANTED Standing Thiber For top prices and instant cash. Call your local sawmill CRAIG"S SAWMIL , AUBURN Bill Craig Phone 526.7220 At Craig Phone 526-7512 THREE BEDROOM new bungalow in Kinlough; Franklin fireplace, laundry • room, sundeck, $275.00 a month, transportation avail- able to Douglas Point. Phone 395-3427, 42,43 APARTMENT FOR RENT on ;Main Street of . Lucknow, available October .1st. All utilities, ' fridge and stove, very reasonable. Phone 528- 2822 days or 528-3,811 even- . ings. tfnc BRAND NEW ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments in Lucknow and Teesrwater. All on ground `floor. Reasonable rates. ,Available immediate, ly. Phone Gerrie Glenn Inc., 528.3234.. 38tfar; • ff. • 421 17. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Faris Machinery,: i : Livestock, Feed. and Household Effects for ' MR. JONAS NOLT , Lot 31, concession, 5, East Wawanosb Twp. - 2 corners north` of Blyth 1 4 corners west of No. 4 Hwy. Auburn, 2 corners north 1 corner east of Diviison Line 1 corner West of Westfield 1/2 mile north SATURDAY, OCT. 28,1978 at 11 a.m. TERMS CASH Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer —42 AUCTION SALE Household Furniture And Effects WINGHAM - AUCTION CENTRE 20 Water St., Wingham, Ontario - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 11 a.m. 2 single .beds;.2 double beds; dresser w. swing mirror; Westinghouse heavy " duty dryer; Westinghouse .wash- er -spin dryer; compact annex white enamel heater; small oil heater; 2 chesterfields; desk; commode; book shelv- es; antique organ, made in Clinton, Ontario: ' antique buffet; 2 good . rugs; 3. vacuum cleaners; kitchen set; odd chairs; metal utility cupboard; 2 boxes records stools; trunks; blanket boxc, piano stool w. glass ball fc # ; boiler; coal oil lamps; 1,0* • tern; crocks; jugs; 1,• :, ., sealers; several boxes b. •cel. 2 sets Encyclopedia bouts health beat lamp; doll buggy ; vases; glassware; dishes: pictures; kitchen utensils; blankets; pillows; bedding; towels; etc.; electric fog- master (new) w. 4 gal. spray for buildings; antique scoop scale; several old wood augers for barn building; several hand saws; hand tools; 2 step ladders; garden tools;. of interest to garage mechanics - compression set; 1 H.P. electric motor.; 2 dry fire extinguishers - 21/2 and 5#; single filing cabinet. Preview Friday, October 20, " afternoon and evening and Saturday prior to sale. Auctioneer iack.Alexander, Winghaim Phone 357.1442 —42ar