HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-10-11, Page 15• .�a A if� �fURN' ,OMP N IL :#11"4 4. Yr e410,. .' C61.I1W Dion . Into ITATftri �i0It I''S .4245 Mtn Small Ads... Big Results! 31344-. Articles for sale _1111 pSL $ 614lDpN ,n ` FOREST HILI] 4RMS $21' - CROP INSURANCE Winter wheat. Deadline for application October 31, 1978. Niel Edgar, R. R. 3, Wing - ham, 357-2440. -40-43 1978 HONDA 400 Twin motorcycle, extras include ferring windshield, backrest, roll bar, two helmets and gloves. Lady driven. $1400.00. Phone 395-5367 after 5 p.m. -40 FINLAY ANNEX stove, for coal or wood. Phone 395- 2791. -40 A LARGE INSULATED dog house. William Humphrey, phone 528-2746. -41x 6 MONTH OLD standard bred horse colt. Enos Miller, R. R. 1 Lucknow.-41,42x DAY BED in good condition. Phone 528-3319. -41,42x GENERAL ELECTRIC dish- washer, harvest gold. Phone 392-6453. -41 HAMPSHIRE AND Duroc boars. Registered. and R.O.P. tested. Ready for service. Paul McNally, 357- 3723. -41,42 LOTTERY TICKETS - Win- tario, Provincial, Loto Can- ada, Cash For Life and Loto Group Buys at $1 a share, Sepoy Stationery, Lucknow. -49tfar 1970 MARK II 300 Scorpion snowmobile. Phone 528-3613 after 4:00 p.m. -41,42 HOLSTEINS HEIFERS, due soon. Phone 395-5332. -41, 42 Hawaiian electric steel guitar with amplifier, like new. Franklin fire- place with brass ornaments; Bell piano 4'x2'x4'; pool table 8' x 4' with equipment, including tennis top, nearly new. Phone 528-2120. -41, 42 MICRO WAVE OVEN, 1 only -*buy now and save on the tax. Features large capacity, 1.2 cu. ft., variable cook and variable defrost, $579,95. Greer T.V. & Elect- ric, Lucknow, phone 528- 3112. --39tfar ALL FISHING SUPPLIES Reduced to Clear 25% off Greer T.V. & Electric Lucknow, Phone 528-3112 -33ar TOWER KING PRESSED Stave Silos with complete cement, plaster lining and self storing doors. Suitable for storing insilage, haylage, or high moisture corn. Also oxygen control silos with bottom unloader for storing high moisture corn, also liquid manure tanks. Repre- sentative, Prancis Royle, 395-5088 Ripley. '-49tfar , !• 116 11 rt AiM NIiVo4 • .)I,,, 7M1r054%,11 1R,fd ....,,,w1. A. ou'n' N. `/ -- 1. Articles for sale HYDRO FENCERS built to any strength. Repairs to all makes including American type. Alvin Beuerman, phone 345-2306.-38-42arx BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Res. 528-2119 -40tfar 4. Articles wanted USED FURNITURE, appli- ances and antiques wanted. Call Jack's Place, 528-2625. -itfar OLD CARS, scrap iron, copper, aluminum, batteries, etc. Phone 357-3541. -39tfar SECOND HAND four door steel filing cabinet. Phone 529-7332. -40-42 ,CATTLE TO FEED for the winter. Phone 528-5453 after 6 p.m. -40,41 LOGS WANTED 'Standing Timber For top prices and instant cash Call your local sawmill CRAIG'S SAWMILL AUBURN Bill Craig Phone 526-7220 Al Craig Phone 526-7512 Air P' ANY AI III dr INV Air AM, 11111. 5 Cars, trucks for sale CAR BUFF'S DREAM. A 1966 classic antique Barra- cuda. Clean. Works well. As is $400.00 firm. See it at Joe's place, Amberley, ac- ross hwy. 21. --40tf 1978 G.M.C. 3/4 TON truck. Excellent condition. Phone 524-4618. -38tf Correspondent FOR Kingsbridge required immediately For Information Call: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL PHONE 528-2822 Ax 4 ala .vv.. . AU • MAN Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 11, 1978 -Page 15 .014 AS SIFIEDADS! BOOKKEE' Wor• • roe. MJ11 hoe 1.711tl 'Ion 11 4PM 1 WARRINGTON "4Lt t]!•U'' 449 H• "'• 9. Accommodation to rent ualk WINTERIZED cottage at Point Clark near the light house, partly furnished; farm house partly furnished on the fourth of Huron Township. Phone 395-2755. -41 NEWLY DECORATED, large, one bedroom apart- ment in Lucknow. Private bathroom, frig and stove. Also available small furnish- ed apartment. Phone .528- 2174 or 528-3134. --41tf STORE IN LUCKNOW, for- merly Sepoy Variety. Owner Lloyd Ashton. Phone 528- 2174. If no answer phone 528-3134. -41 tf ONE BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow, ground floor, $125. Available now. Phone--- 528-2031.-35tfar APARTMENT FOR RENT on Main Street of Lucknow, available October 1st. All utilities, fridge and stove, very reasonable. Phone 528- 2822 days or 528-3811 even- ings. tfnc HOUSE for 5 winter months. Apply to Omar Brooks, 528-3839. -36tf BRAND NEW ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments in. Lucknow and Teeswater: All on ground floor. Reasonable rates. Available immediate- ly. Phone Gerrie Glenn Inc., 528-3234.-38tfar FOR RENT STORAGE SPACE For Cars, Furniture f Boats, etc. By the month or year Warehouse, Office, Workshop, Refrigeration and Freezer Space Phone 528-2822, days or 528-2070 after 6:00 p.m. -40,41 Newspaper advertising is like having a party line to our entire circulation! Place your message today! Rr Mf0Y1 terttiaNtt of Ci• E I ,t,.0' 'iP .•o r.a. alma MAIDS -n.'• 12. Help wanted CAPABLE PERSON requir- ed to do free-lance photo- graphy assignments for a weekly newspaper. Apply in writing stating experience to Box D, c/o The Lucknow Sentinel.-29tfnc TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Applications will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., Monday, October 23, 1978 for the position of: 1 part time grader operator; one part time wing man, for snow removal for the winter of 1978-79. Rate as per contract. Henry L. Clark Road Superintendent Kinloss Township Holyrood, Ontario -41,42ar 13. Wanted [general] CUSTOM PLOUGHING. Phone 395-5510. -40-43 15. Tenders The Huron County Board of Education will receive plainly marked sealed tenders on the following supplies required for our Elementary and Secondary School up to 12 o'clock local time Monday, October 23rd, 1978. Art Supplies General Classroom Supplies Notebooks Office Supplies. Paper Supplies, and Physical Education Equipment Specifications and Tender forms may be obtained from the Board Offices, 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. D. J. Cochrane, • Director of Education. R. J. Elliott Chairman. --•41 ar CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted [general] 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders .31. Cards 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In Memoriam of thanks DEADLINE Classified Ads 5 PAM. MONDAY Ads 'cannot be accepted after 5 p.m. Monday for that week's paper. CLASSIFIED .1Oc per word, minimum $2.00 oK�i411:, �y RN i 17, Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTTION SALE Of Property, Machinery, Trailer Home and Household Effects Will be held for JOHN GAMMIE ESTATE E. '/z Lot 13, con. 12 West Wawanosh Twp. 1 block south of Lucknow SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 at 1:30 p.m. Ford 3000 super dextra tract- or with heavy duty loader & chains; John Deere 3 P.T.H. 3 furrow, 14 in. plow; 3 P.T.H. 28 plate disc; diam- ond harrows; 8 ton wagon with grain bin (as new); 45 ft. grain auger (as new); New Idea 2 row corn picker sheller; Calso weed sprayer; 2 wheel trailer; 300 gal. tank; battery charger; chain saw; tools; Ski-doo with new track; El Cona trailer home 50 x 10 with undercarriage, has bath and furnace; furnace oil tank; washer, fridge, stove, table, chairs, rocker, T.V., couch, dishes, numerous items; 1972 Buick car (as is); 100 acre farm has 70 workable, 40 x 60 barn with fan and loose' pens; 8 acres of maple and mixed bush; 22 acres with spring creek in' pasture. Phone 528-6342 for property information. Property will be offered subject to a reserve: bid. Terms on property 10% down, balance in. 30 days Terms on machinery, El Cona home and contents, Cash Estate or auctioneer not responsible for accidents Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer -40,41 18. Services Available CUSTOM fall ploughing. Phone Bill Nelson, 528-2949. -41,42',43 HORSESHOEING Have shoes, will travel. Specialize in Standardbred horses. Contact John Mc- Clinchey, Blyth or phone 523.4485. -41-44 AUCTIONEERS SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 -40tfar POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Agent for Heintzman Pianos and Panasonic Sound Equip- ment. Reconditioned pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs call, 395-2982'. - 4otfar BULLDOZING Lloyd Whytock, Lucknow, 528-2006. -22tf MAWHINNEY EAVESTROUGHING ROOFING AND SIDING Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Phone 5283815 94, to.vilf •t• 11. 18. Services available YULES DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Proprietors Dan and Bev Lambkin. Pay on the spot for large fresh, dead or disabled animals. Continued free ser- vice for small animals. Lic- ence 635C78. For prompt reliable service 7 days a week, PHONE CARGILL, collect, 366-2713 -38tfar COURTNEY'S Sewing Machine SALES & SERVICE 395-5341 Point Clark R. R. 1, Ripley BACKHOE AND BULLDOZER WORK Topsoil and gravel Wayne Bushell R."R: 4 Kincardine Phone 395-3320 -22tfar MacDONALD SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING BANNERS - SHOW CARDS SILK SCREENING Phone 395-5347 -40tfar BULLDOZING Allis Chalmers 650, with 6 way hydraulic blade. BILL ROBINSON R.R.#2 Auburn 529-7857 -16tfar APPLIANCES REFRIGERATION SERVICE Lucknow Appliance Centre Lucknow Phone 528-2946 -32tfar EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING topsoil, sand, gravel of all types ,and fill. Phone Robert Symes Contracting. R. R. # 5, Lucknow, phone 528.3047. --29tfar CECIL CRANSTON Mr Hammer -'Backhoe R. R. 2, Auburn, Ontario Phone 529-7691 -37-46 DRIVEWAY & PARKING LOT SEALING James Symes, 528-3233 18tfar STEVE OWEN AUTO BODY Insurance, collision work 2 'A moles east of Lucknow on Hwy. 86 Phone 528-2170 -37tfar FIREPLACES CHIMNEY REPAIRS Ornamental Brick Work and Stone Work All Work Guaranteed Phone 395-3260 39x,40tfar HILL ZIMMERMAN .Interior & Exterior Decorator PHONE :3511886 -35tfar • •