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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-10-04, Page 13
d Lucknow Sentinel Wednesday, October 4, 197$ -Page l3 Ripley Huron Central School News REPORTERS: ALISON PLOWRIGHT, LISA HARVEY, GEOFFREY DENSTEDT, ROSS FARRELL KINDERGARTEN This week in Kindergarten we are learning about Safety Rules on the streets and roads. We saw some `film- . strips'about safety and learned some rhymes. 'We are all trying to tie shoe laces and zip up coats. Most of the children have learned how to print their first name and others are practising. We have two birthday celebrations in ' September. Happy Birthday to Jason Fludder and Nick Middel- kamp. BROKEN ANKLE On. Tuesday, September 19, Mr. Arm 'trong had an accident on a skateboard and broke his ankle. He was sent to Owen Sound Hospital for it to be set. We are glad to see him back. We are also glad to see Miss Farlinger back from the hospital. FRUITS & VEGETABLES Mrs. Johnson's grade one and two class and Mrs. Bourgeois' Grade three class have been studying about fruits and vegetables. They are trying some fruits to see if they like them. They tasted cantelope and many found out it was good. Another day Mrs. Johnson's class took a walk and visited Mrs. John- son's garden. They saw many vegetables and flow- ers. They brought some back with them. • FUND RAISING This week students from our school will be knocking at doors attempting , to see a• variety of goodies. This year students will have' chocolate bars, almond nougat. rolls Ripley District School SECONDARY NEWS BY MARY KEMPTON AND ANN COURTNEY SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL TEAMS The following teams have been picked to represent our school for volleyball this year. Senior boys, Robert Regier, .Brian Regier, Brian Lowry, Gregg Stevenson, Jeff MacTavish, Harold Van- der Glass, Jamie Gallant, and Brian Huston. Junior boys, Guy -Clampitt, Robbie Lee, Philip Trepaiuer, John McIntosh, Paul Culbert, Don Harris, Harold Peet and Scott McLean. Senior girls, Corinne Boyle, Ann Court- ney, Susan Dawson, Shelly Hackett, Heather MacDon- ald, Elaine licacTavish, Kar- en MacGarvey, Dawn Rut- ledge, and Mary Margaret Smith. Junior girls; Darlene Coiling, Lisa Collins, Robin Cuyfer, Sandra Dawson, Heather Harris, Linda Mac- Donald, Nancy MacDonald, Joanne Pollock, and Sandra Stewart, DRIVER EDUCATION Once again. the Driver Education classes have start- ed with Mr. Turvill teaching. MUSIC SOCIETY • Nomknations• were held this week for the music society and the results are as follows: president, Cathy Nugent; secretary, Debbie Lowry; and directors Shelly Hackett and Tom Wilson. Practices will soon be start- ing for the music program for Commencement which will be held on October 27th at 8 • p.m: Everyone is welcome and we're hoping to have a big turnout, STUDENT GOES TO SAN FRANCISCO! ,Ric Irwin, a drummer in the Kincardine Scottish band was on his way, early ".Friday morning to San Francisco. It is a four day tour and we are all looking f hrward to hearing of his trip when he gets home. 'YEARBOOK STAFF Nominations have been '4 for the yearbook staff and the results are as follows for '78-79.. Editor, Karen McGarvey; assistant editors, Heather Boyd, Ann Drzazga; business manager, Helen Culbert; advertising manag- er, Patti McLean; sports editor, Shelly. Hackett; liter- ary editor, Cathy Nugent and photographers, .. Nellie Van Dam and Ruth Cluely.. Class representatives for this years yearbook are: Mike Rowland, Grade • 13; Gail MacDonald, Grade 12; Joan- ne Pollock, Grade 11; Mich- elle MacTavish, Grade 10; and Robin Cuyler, Grade 9. STUDENT COUNCIL The student council class representatives for thisyear are: Grade 13, Joyce Osbor- ne and Keith Pollock; Grade 12, Gail MacDonald and Brian , Huston; Grade;. 11, 'Karn Lowry and Don Har- ris;- -Grade 10, Linda Mac- Donald and Larry Needham; Grade 9, Lisa Collins, Scott McLean. SPORTS Tuesday the volleyball teams travelled to Wiarton and the Junior Boys and Junior Girls won but the other teams were defeated. Thursday they travelled to Chesley and unfortunately all teams were defeated. Better luck next time! COMMENCEMENT Commencement exercises will take place on October 27th at 8.00 p.m. Everyone is welcome! ELEMENTARY NEWS BY LORI ROBERTS AND KAREN LAWRENCE -- Mr, Armstrong has broken his ankle. In his place Mrs. Cuyler is teaching. We are all trying to make her feel welcome. CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING , `Cross country running has started • for girls and• boys. Cross country teams run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The top teatn was to have a meet on Wednesday; CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 and chocolate covered al- monds to sell, The profit will be turned over to our Ripley -Huron Recreation Committee to help finish the new tennis courts. The young people in this area appreciate your support in this venture. PLOWING MATCH We have . attended the Plowing Match on several • days this past week. Friday was our day to go, but nice weather got some of us there earlier. i Last Saturday we attended, Ripley Fair. The Juniors had an excellent float entered in the parade this year. Con- gratulations. We started our Thanksgiving theme this past week, and are having a luncheon on Friday :•:::•••••:•:::•••••••:••••••••• r.•r-•:.nwr.. �h•:�.tiLnC.<:ti ..::vNr:Y:v'J'. 1978 NOVA, 6 cylinder automatic, power steering and power brakes 1978 CHEVELLE; V6, power steering and power brakes 1978 DODGE DIPLOMAT, V8, power steering add power brakes . 1978 PONTIAC 1977 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, with airconditioning 1976 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAM 1976 CHEV CAPRIS, full power 1976 VOLARE ROADRUNNER, 3 speed standard with. overdrive 1976 LA MANS, stationwagon 1976 PONTIAC LE MANS, 4 door, air conditioned 1975 OLDSMOBILE 98, full power. 2 - 1975 CHEV IMPALAS, 4 door hardtops, "1 with air conditioning and 1 without k 2 -1975 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Brougham, 1 with air- conditioning, 1 without 1973 PONTIAC BROUGHAM, . 4 door 1973 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door. hardtop 1973 GRAND PRIX, with air conditioning 1976 1/2 TON VAN 2 - 1973 FORDS, 1 tori cab and chassis 1973 CHEV, 3/4 ton, 4 speed automatic 1975 FORD LV 750 A nun bei ,of vans from .1974-1976. Some V8s, some 6,eylidder,someCI UVS,and:some ©' -0S •••••••••f••••••.••••••••• BRUSSELS MOTORS BP Service,Station_ Phone 887-6174 Johnston Bros. (Bothwe II lLtd.) Dungannon, Ontario New Gravel Prices Cash & Carry Effective Immediately Fill Stone Dust Sand Crushed Gravel Cement Graver Drainage Stone Oveisite Stone Pit Run Gravel Ton .15c . 95c .90c .95c ' .95c 1.75 . 95c .40c Open. Daily 7 a.m. 5 pans Dungaflnon'Pits Only $29-4941 KINDERGARTEN ACTIVITIES . This week in Kindergarten we are learning many things about fruits and vegetables. Several children brought in a fruit or vegetable which we cut up and made into salads. Everyone enjoyed eating a salad plate at our `Salad Party'. Many of the children took part in selling chocolate bars. We would like to thank the parents for their co-oper- ation in 'this activity. Rescheduled nate Red power Showdown Oct. 6 , -r At the farm of Larry Pentland 1 Mi. North of Dungannon Wingham Ironman JUnior D Practise Times October 7 — 4:00 p.m. • 6:00 p.m. October 8 -- 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. October 9 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 3;00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. October 10 - 8i30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Players Bring Own Equipment l 28 OZ. STOCKLEYS Pumpkin 55' 14 OZ. OCEAN SPRAY 8 Whole Cranberries 59° Paxo StUffins oz. S84 NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT tulips, daffodils - etc. If you want to have a spring garden nextyear, we have a wide selection of top quality ,imported Dutch bulbs in stock and now at specially reduced ,prices! 9'