HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-09-06, Page 15Ripfry Wimeets for morning .coffee
A morning coffee was held
at Mrs. Francis Gemmell's
home when the Ripley Wom-
en's Institute met on Friday,
September 1. President Mrs.
Walter Lock and Miss Christ-
ena Robertson were presid-
ing, Mrs. Roy MacKenzie
played the music. A fun time
was held. Mrs. Joe Scott and
Mrs. Gemmell served coffee
and coffee cake. Leaders are
required for the next 4-H
Homemaking Club and girls
or boys, 12 years and over,
are eligible to take the course
on "Essential Edibles" on
September 13th. Anyone
interested is to contact Mrs.
Lock or Miss Robertson. The
area convention will be held
at the Southampton Coli-
seum on October 11 and 12.
Order tickets for banquet
now. The Bruce County Rally
is October 19th at the Sauble
Community Centre. Mrs.
James Kirkpatrick and Mrs.
Donald Blue are delegates.
An award of $10.00 was
donated to the High School.
The Hospital Auxiliary invit-
ed members to join them for
their regular meeting at the
New Seasons Restaurant in
Kincardine, in appreciation
of the work done by the
Women's Institute at the
Tuck Shop and the Tartan
Tea. The dinner is Septem-
ber 27th. Each W.I. member
is asked to bring a home
made pie for the fair.
Charades were enjoyed and
the roll call was "Tell a
Story". The next meeting is
at Mrs. John . Gamble's
The directors of the Ripley
Happy Hearts Club met at
the home of Mrs. Violet Mac-
Kenzie last . Tuesday even-
ing. Final plans were made
for the September regular
meeting which starts off a
new season with a pot luck
meal at noon. Mrs. Betty
Janke of Walkerton will give
a short talk on arthritis and
Mrs. Frances Elliott will be -
in charge of the annual
canvass for arthritis this
September. The club repres-
entatives at the Sportsfest
had done well. Reg Moore
reports that the bus is filled
for a trip September 14 to 17
and we all hope for good -
weather. The material for a
local history comes in slowly.
Reg Moore is preparing a
song sheet of hymns for
sing -songs. Committees
were ° appointed to be in
charge of a program at
Brucelea Haven on October
17th and for a zone rally in
Ripley for October 24th. It
was hoped many seniors
would get a fall fair prize list
and enter the various class-
es. Mrs, Margaret Blue 'is in
charge of this section of the
Fair. A bus is. going s the
Plowing Match on Septem-
ber 28th sponsored by the
Royal Bank.
Fire in the home of Bill
Burbine at the corner of the
10th concession of Huron
Township and Highway 21,
across the road from the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Elliott, was the cause of the
sounding of the Ripley fire
siren before seven thirty last
Wednesday morning, Aug-
ust 30, This resulted in the
hurried scramble to the
Ripley Huron Fireball and in
a short time the fire engine
and tanker truck were on
their Way to the scene - one
block north of Pine River
store. The prompt response
confined the damage and the
fare was soon out.
Firemen on call were fire
chief Ivan Cook, Donnie
Peterbaugh, Harvey Pollock,
Allan Irwin, Bob Johnston,
Bernie Twolen, Clarence Pol-
lock, George Mclean, John
D. MacKay, Doug Liddle,
and Rod MacDonald. It was
nice to see the large house on
the Alf Walden homestead
standing. Ray and Ruby
Walden and family lived here
till a few years ago when they
moved farther north on
Highway 21. It is not so many
years ago when, with the
telephone lines down, Mrs.
Donna _ (Jim) Elliott braved
the icy roads into Ripley to
notify the fire chief at that
time, Doug Liddle, that the
fire was threatening to get
out of hand in the barn on the
same farm.
Norman Barnard returned
home last weekend from a
fishing trip at Buckhorn Lake
near Bobcaygeon, Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Ross of
Keswick visited with their
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Niels
Frederiksen. Les and Lil had
their brand ,.new camper
truck down with full living
Mrs. Nina Wyld, director
of the saddle horse show, has
drawn attention to the fact
that last week's Bruce Coun-
ty Farm report has the wrong
date listed for the Ripley -
Huron Fall Fair. Ripley Fair
is on Saturday, September
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Emer-
son of Ripley visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Biernes and family
in Stratford.
Many people are com-
menting on the large number
of yellow jacket , hornets or
wasps seen around fruit trees
this year. Different people
have had painful stings from
these viscious insects.
Among these were George
McLean and Harvey Pollock
while picking pears from the
tree at George's lot one
evening last week.
Mrs, Frank Turner; the
former Dorothy Gomm,
whose father, the late Rev.
Gilbert Gomm, was the min-
ister for some years at the
Pine River and Bethel Chin-
ches, passed away recently
in hospital in Hamilton. For
many years she was a kinder-
garten teacher in Hamilton.
She is survived by a sister
Nora, Mrs. (Dr.) Robert A.
McCosh of, Goderich, and a.
brother, Norman, of Seeley's
Bay, Ontario. Our thanks to
Mrs. Hilda (Raynard) Ackert
of Lucknow for this item.
Ernie Wylds, of concession
six west in Huron Township,
who was a patient in Kin-
cardine and District Hospital
since Tuesday of last week,
returned home on Sunday.
Delbert Wilson of conces-
sion 4 West in Huron
Township is a patient in the
Uniyersity Hospital h Lon-
don. Also there is Morris
MacDonald of Ripley.
In Victoria Hospital in
London is Mrs. Evelyn (Bert)
Irwin of Ripley. Mrs, Irwin
underwent surgery last
week. Also in Victoria Hos-
pital is Murdock McDonald
of Lucknow and formerly of
Smoky Hollow, concession
two west in Huron Township.
The folks of this area extend
best wishes to all these
people in hospital in London.
Dorothy and Alfred Beal of
Stratford visited with her
sister Mrs. Fran Wylds on
Friday afternoon. Mr. and
Mrs. Beal spent the week-
end at their cottage at Inver-
Murray and Shirley Weber
and Tim of the Chesley ,area
called at their home on
Malcolm Street last week.
The home of Wayne and
Patt Lowry, with its beautiful
lawn and trees made a lovely
setting for the Collins' reun-
ion on Sunday, August '27.
Over ninety descendants of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Collins enjoyed a bountiful
smorgasbord dinner. An en-
joyable time was spent
-visiting relatives from near
and far. Some were from
Toronto, Brampton, Elmira,
Niagara Falls and ais far away
as Calgary.
Lucknow Sentilnel, Wednesday, September 6, 1978 --Page 15
The young folks bad races
and games. Prizes were
given to the youngest pres-
ent, Amy Houston; the
couple most recently mar-
ried, Rodney and Julia
Ackroyd from Guelph; the'
couple married the longest
time, Stewart and Janet
Needham; the person coming
the farthest distance, Mary
Jane Vanderburg from- Cal-
Mrs. Heather Sturgeoner
had charge of the business.
All report a good visit with
their relatives and are look-
ing forward to the reunion
next year which will be held
in the Brampton area.
Mrs. Elsie Forrester of
Malcolm Street is visiting
with relatives at present.
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