HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-08-23, Page 30Kingsbridge community news
Congratulations to Lissette
VanDiepenbeek, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van-
Diepenbeek, R. R. 3 Luck -
now and to Carl Stanley, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Stanley, R. R. 4 Ripley, who
were married in St. Joseph's
Church, Kingsbridge on Sat-
urday, August 19 at 3 p.m.
A large crowd attended their
reception held at the Ripley
and District Complex follow-
ing their marriage. Music for
dancing was supplied by
Sound System 70.
Joe and Theresa (Sutter)
Lombardo, Lakeside, Califor-
nia and Art and Lucille
(Sutter) DeBaker of Warren,
Michigan spent Monday and
Tuesday, August 14 and 15
with their uncle Cyril and
Catherine Austin. A family
gathering of cousins was
held on Monday evening
with games of euchre played,
group pictures taken with
older pictures reviewed with
A large crowd attended the
bridal shower held for Lis-
sette VanDiepenbeek,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank VanDiepenbeek, R. R.
3, Lucknow in St. Joseph's
Parish Hall, Kingsbridge on
Tuesday, August 15. As
Denise Dalton played "Here
comes the Bride", Lissette
and her attendants were
seated amid pink and white
streamers and bells. Nolda
Scott, chairlady welcomed
everyone to this happy occa-
sion. Several games were
played and Nolda did a
reading. The many lovely
and.useful gifts were brought
to the bride to be by the
younger folk. She was assist-
ed in opening them, by her
sisters Anne Andrew and
Henriette Mann. In her
"Thank You" address Lis-
sette invited all the ladies to
visit with her in her new
home on the 11th of Ashfield
- across the road from
Antone VanOsch's.
A shower is being planned
for Miss Cathy , Adams,
daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs.
John Adams, Goderich, to be
held at the home of Mrs.
Jack Farrish on Wednesday,
August 23 at 8 p.m. Her
marriage to Mike Moran, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Moran, R. R. 7 Lucknow, will
take place on Saturday,
September 16.
Mr. Fred Vassella was
admitted to the Wingham
and .District Hospital on
Tuesday, August 15. His
many friends wish him a
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Ed Redfern, Royal
Oak, Michigan is spending
holidays with Mrs. Mary
Mrs..Gordon Congram was
admitted to Victoria Hospit-
al, London on Wednesday,
August 16 with surgery
performed the following day.
Hermany friends wish her a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dalton
and family returned to their
home in Nanaimo, British
Columbia on Monday, Aug-
ust 14.
Mrs. Michael Lajeunesse
and family of North Bay,
Ontario visited last week
with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Moran and fam-
A bridal shower honouring
Miss Nancy O'Keefe, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
O'Keefe, was held in St.
Joseph's Parish Hall, Kings-
bridge, on Wednesday, Aug-
ust 16. As "Here comes the
Bride" was played by Denise
Dalton on the piano, the
bride was escorted down the
aisle to her place of honour
by her sisters Kathy and
Rosie O'Keefe. The welcome
was given by Margaret
Frayne, chairlady. Games
were played testing how
attentive the audience was to
the TV advertisements heard
daily on TV stations and Toss
the Penny, I3lindfolded. Pi-
ano selections were played
by Denise Dalton and songs
by Donna Frayne were enjoy-
ed. Poems of Love were read
by Margaret Frayne. The
many gifts were brought in
by the wee girls and Nancy
was assisted in opening them
by Kathy and Rosie. Nancy
expressed her thanks in a
few well chosen words and
invited everyone to her new .
home in Clinton. Nancy's
wedding to David Anstett of
Clinton will be at St.
Joseph's Church, Kings-
bridge on Friday, September
Miss Wilma Janvier of
Cold Lake, Alberta is visiting
Bernice Webster, wife of
Jack Webster, formerly of
Lucknow, died in Edmonton,
July 29. She was 60.
Jack. Webster was raised
in the Lucknow area and his
sister, Mrs. W. J. Reed lives
at R. R. 5 Lucknow.
Mrs.. Webster died of a
heart attack in University
Hospital, Edmonton. She is
survived by her husband
Jack and two daughters,
Mrs. Lyle Jordan (Janet),
Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan
and Miss Susan Webster,
N.W.T. She is also survived
by a brother, three sisters
and a gandson..
She was predeceased by a
son Jack in April 1976 and a
Mrs. Webster, a native of
St. Thomas, Ontario, moved
to Edmonton in 1955 and
worked as a nurse in the
health department. She was
active in the care of senior
citizens and organized a
senior citizens apartment
In recognition of her public
service, Mrs. Webster re-
eceived the Heritage of Serv-
ice Award from the north -
central district of the Alberta
Association of Registered
Nurses ,in April, 1978.
with her sister Mrs. Bob
Hackett, Mr. Hackett and
Hydro was off in this
immediate area for two and a
quarter hours on Saturday
morning, August 19 as
lightning struck a transform-
er pole..
Several from this area
attended the wedding recep-
tion held in the. Lucknow
Community Centre honour-
ing Rod and Joanne (Hamil-
ton) McDonagh who were
recently married.
Congratulations to Gra-
ham Hamilton, the winner of
$1,000 for a 'second time in
the Lucknow District Com-
munity Centre Lottery Draw
held on Wednesday, August
Mrs. Marie Judge, her
son, Joe and Betty Judge and
family, are spending this
week with Mr. and Mrs.
John Austin, Mr. and Mrs.
Con Hogan, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Courtney, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Courtney and their
Work on the church•build-
ing at St. Joseph's, Kings-
bridge is now in full swing.
The roof, tower and all
necessary pointing will be
done. The eave troughs will
be repaired and painting on
the tower will be done. This
work will restore the exterior
of the building to standard.
Reverend John Michael
Sherlock, D.D. was formally
installed as the 9th Bishop of
the Diocese of London on
Monday, August 21 at St.
Peter's Cathedral, London by
the Most Reverend G. Em-
mett Carter, D.D. Arch-
bishop of Toronto. Reverend
Father Ed-Dentinger, C.R.,
Brother Carl Voll and several
parishoners of Kingsbridge
attended the Solemn Liturg-
ical Installation.
Baseball fans in this area
were treated to excellent
games of ball during this
past season. In the best three
out of five games played in
the Dungannon Agricultural
Park for the Ashfield Recre-
ational A Championship Tro-
phy the Kintail Kuties and
the Dungannon A Girls team
battled all the way to the
limit of five exciting games to
decide the winners. On
Monday, August 7 the Dun-
gannon girls defeated the
Kintail* Kuties 14 to 11. On
_Wednesday, August 9 Kin -
tail came back and tied the
series by a score of 21 to 15.
The following evening,
Thursday, August 10, Dun-
gannon went ahead with the
score Dungannon 18 - Kintail
Kuties 17. On Monday,
August 14 Kintail again tied
up the series with the score
Kintail 12 - Dungannon 11,
forcing a fifth and deciding
game to be played on
Thursday, August 17. This
was a well played game with
Kintail Kuties winning only
by one run. The final score
Kintail Kuties 19, Dungan-
non 18. Umpires for the
game were Doug Fisher
behind the home plate with
Gerry Petrie at the bases.
Mrs. Eileen Wilson was
presented the Hoedown
Stables Championship Tro-
phy by Mike Dalton. Eileen
was also presented with the
best player award. Congratu-
lations ladies.
Players on the Dungannon
A team are: pitcher,, Bonita
Pollock; catcher, Janet God-
frey; first base, Darlene
Austin; second base,- Shelley
Burlett; third base, Diane
Maize; short stop, Debbie
Austin; fielders, left, Cindy
Proctor; -centre, Judy God-
frey; right, Sheila Burlett.
Alternate players, Donna
Maize,' Leola Chisholm,
Glenda Park and Leila Stew-
art. Coach Brad Beattie.
Mr. and Mrs. Reis Milten-
burg left on Saturday, Aug-
ust 19 for holidays in Saskat-
chewan and Alberta. They
plan on being away for from
two to three weeks.
Several from this area
attended the Costello, O'Ne-
ill and Austin family reunion
held at Harbour Park, Goder-
ich on Sunday afternoon,
August 20. Following a pot.
luck dinner games of ball
were played and guitar music
with songs by the Ray
Costello family were enjoy-
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Mel Arnold, R. R. 2
Kincardine on the arrival of a
baby daughter, Carla Reina,
9 lbs. 2 oz. in Victoria
Hospital, London on Friday,
August 18. A first grandchild
for -Mr. and Mrs. Tim
Reurink, R. R. 7 Lucknow.
Eat less
saturated fat.
Give Heart Fund Cii?
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Luclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 23, 1978—Page 31
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