HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-08-23, Page 27Page 28—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 23, 1978 Coning I Wanted Events OPEN RECEPTION An open reception for' Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Park (nee Debbie Stothers) on Satur- day, September 2 at Lucknow Community Centre. Dancing 9 to 1. Music by Star Trek. Everyone welcome. —34,35 OPEN RECEPTION An open reception will be held for Kim Farrell and David Coiling following their marriage on September lst, 1978 at the Ripley -Huron Community Centre, from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music by Boyds' Orchestra. Everyone welcome. —34,35 TEEN DANCE A teen dance will be held in the Belmore Community Hall on Friday, August 25th. Music by Dawson Scottney. Dancing from 9 - 1 a.m. Admission $2.00. —34 HANOVER HOLIDAY TOURS September 1, 1978. Join Earl , and Martha Heywood this weekend on tour to Nashville including Grand Ole Opry or travel to Wheeling/Akron with them on October 20 and take in the famous •Cathedral of Tomorrow. For more infor- mation call Hanover Holiday Tours 364-4911.—32,33,34ar COMMUNITY SHOWER A shower will be held for Dorinda Forster at St. And- rews United Church, Ripley on August 28th at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. —34 RUMMAGE SALE To be held on Saturday, September 9 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Jack McGuire, 2nd conces- sion Huron Township. Spon- sored by Olivet Unit of St. Andrews United Church, Ripley. Donations gratefully received. Phone 395-2827 or 395-2791. —34,35,36 BUS TRIP Bus trip. to Toronto, Thurs- day, August 31, leaving Montgomery Motors 7 a.m. High lights of days trip - Metropolitan Zoo and live taping of the T.V. show "King of Kensington" in the evening. For particulars phone 395-5321 or . 395-2827. Sponsored by Olivet Unit of Si. Andrews United Church, Ripley. —34 OPEN RECEPTION An open reception will be held for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Simpson (nee Mary Need- ham) at the Ripley Huron Complex on . Friday, August 25. Dancing 9 to 1, Boyd's Orchestra. Everyone wel- come. —34 BENEFIT DANCE A benefit dance willrbe 'held for Brian and Gisele Ireland and family who recently lost their- barn by fire, on Friday, August 25 at Teeswater Community Centre. Ladies please bring lunch. Dona- tions may be left at the Bank of Montreal, Teeswater, Ken Dixon's Mill, Belmore or at the door. —34 1w FREE ESTIMATES On aluminum siding Soffit and Fascia - Doors and Windows Local Representative OIAVER GLENN ALUMINUM SALES LUCKNOW REQUIRED FOR PLOWING Match, male and female help wanted, to work in food booths, Apply at Room #3, Wingham Motel, September 6, between 5 and 9 p.m. —34,35,36 HELP WANTED for con- struction work. Phone 395- 2854. —34,35x LABOURER REQUIRED. Apply to Box F, Lucknow Sentinel. —33,34 TO BUY BALED STRAW, stooked and loaded, Please call collect 363-2250 -10 p.m. —33,34x ELECTROLUX CANADA Limited requires sales rep- resentative for area. Better than average earnings to a person willing to work a 40 hour week. Training sup- plied, no investments. Call collect 376-2426.—33,34ar USED FURNITURE, appli- ances and antiques wanted. Call Jack's Place, 528-2625. —7tf RESPONSIBLE PERSON to babysit in my home, Mon- days and Fridays, from September to June. Phone in the evenings, 528-2119. —32,33,34ar BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Attend a .business opportun- ity meeting with a young international company which is expanding in this area. We offer very high incomes with unlimited opportunity on a part or full time basis. Call Anita Schellenberger at 348- 8561 for an appointment. —24tf CAPABLE PERSON requir- • ed to do free-lance photo- graphy assignments for a weekly newspaper. Apply in writing stating experience to Box D, c/o The Lucknow Sentinel.—29tfnc STRAW ON THE ROW. Amberley-Tiverton area. Phone Mark Rohrer 357- 2868. No Sunday calls. —32,33,34• HELP WANTED SCHOOL CUSTODIAN Kincardine District Secondary School Kincardine, Ontario School Custodian 40 hours per week Duties to commence immed- iately. Applicants must be willing to do shift work if required and be able to provide • medical certificate and proof of satisfactory chest x-ray or tuberculin test. Apply on or before Septem- ber 8, 1978 using application form which can be obtained by writing or telephoning the_ employer below. The Bruce County Board of Education Box 190, Chesley, Ontario. Telephone: 363-2014 Attn: Mel F. Wedow Supervisor of Buildings & Maintenance. —734 WanteC. PART TIME HELP to do general household duties in Kinlough home. Apply to Box `P', Lucknow Sentinel, stating qualifications and salary expected.—34,35x AVON CHOOSE THE HOURS YOU WANT!! Need an earning opportunity thats flexible enough to fit a busy life? Be an Avon rep. You can earn good money selling quality"products part time. Call collect Carolyn Thompson, 527-0238. —34, 35ar THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUIRES FOR September 5, 1978 Teacher's Aide (Mornings Only) at Queen Elizabeth School, Goderich This position involves the ability to work with Develop- mentally Handicapped stud- ents. Written applications indicating experience should be addressed to the princip- al: • Mrs. Joan Graham 135 Gibbons Street Goderich Interviews will be arranged with selected applicants. D. J. Cochrane Director of Education R. J. Elliott Chairman —34ar Correspondent FOR Kingsbridge required immediately For Information Call: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL PHONE 528-2822 BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. -• r THE MAN TO SEE IS... IVI9NTEE SA PHONE QR SEE WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 HOMES ACRES with very .good 4 bedroom home and attached garage; oil heat, broadloom and many extras. New col- oured steel work shop, just constructed. Located in Ash- field Twp., inquire for furth- er` particulars. 3 BEDROOM older home in Lucknow, one bedroom down, two bedrooms up, oil furnace, bath up and down, must be sold to settle estate. 3 BEDROOM HOME, Kings- bridge, 4 piece bath, oil heat, has sun porch. This is a well cared for home priced reas- onable. GRACIOUS and spacious living can be yours in this 3 bedroom home '/� mile from Lucknow; has solid oak vinyl lined kitchen cupboards, built-in dishwasher; water softener, fireplace and family room on a lot 150' x 200' plus a swimming pool. See this home and make us an offer. COUNTRY HOME on one acre, Amberley area, high- way location. This is a brick home. Immediate posses- sion. 3 BEDROOM home with -additional' lots; Belfast, on I County. Road 1, has been remodeled and sided, priced reasonably with possession , to suit the purchaser.. HORSES AND CASH CROP, 50 acre property in Ashfield Twp., 3 bedroom brick home and 5 year old steel insulated barn, set up for horses; also paddocks and riding rings, immediate possession. 6 ACRES country agreage with small pond and trees at Langside; 2 bedroom home with addition and garage. Asking $28,500. Owner an- xious to sell. 17 ACRE property, Ripley area; very nice 5 bedroom home, new family room with fireplace, reduced to $49,900. DUNGANNON - Check this 2 - Clinton ; bedroom, 11/2 storey home, Phone; 482-9371 FARROWING OPERATION for up to 80 sows, 5 'miles from Lucknow.., 3 acres sev- ered with 2 storey ho Tie'witl all conveniences. LADIES <WEAR STORE in Blyth can be purchased with adjacent gas station. Modern living apartment included. 'Idea for couple. WINTERIZED COTTAGE at Stiiiset Beach, 3 miles . from Goderich. Extra large lot with lots of privacy. Road open, in winter. Could , be recently . redecorated, taxes $150.00. .,We have.a good motel for sale hi the area; aiao, other - buslhiess opporhnties. Inquire /or4.. further hiforination For ,further particulars on any of the above properties or if you are considering buying or selling we would be pleased to discuss your requirements. too ‘iotN .used as year round home. easiOe TIp Wanted Immediately Friendly home for 3 year old, house trained dog.that likes attention. Phone 5294784 after 7 p.m. MCDONAIJH EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE LTD. Phone 528-2031 7/8 OF AN ACRE, stone school house, all convenienc- es. F.A. oil heating. HWY. 86, vacant .lot, good location for ,residential or commercial. 200 ACRES, farm buildings set up for beef,all cement barnyards, silo, large mach- ine storage building, four bedroom, home. LOT IN KINLOUGH 66' x 132'. Price $3,000. r JUST LISTED - Duplex, 1 block from main street, 2 bedroom and a 3 bedroom. Easy terms. JUST LISTED, 3 bedroom brick home, main street, Lucknow. 5 YEAR OLD LUCKNOW home, 3 bedrooms, large lot in new subdivision; easy terms. LIVING QUARTERS AND workshop or would make a good duplex, 1 block from Main Street, Lucknow; lot 132 x 110. Asking only $32,500. 4 BEDROOM FRAME HOUSE recently remodelled on 13/4 acres with fruit trees, drilled well and double garage. FOR RENT 400 ft. of office space. Robert Campbell Res. 529-7417 Wm. Adamson Res. 528-2113 Barry McDonagh Res. 528-3821 MUTTON DUNGANNON - Owner re- quests an offer on this restyled one storey home, new rugs, and new drywall interior and custom built cupboards. LUCKNOW - If you need a home with everything on one floor see this one with its spacious 2 bedrooms, living room with brick fireplace, good basement. 8 ACRES IN KINLOSS -.. 4 bedroom brick house in good condition, barn 30'x32' with workshop above - asking $48,000. TWO STOREY brick building in Teeswater . with 2 apts. above, barber shop and beauty shop on „main floor, all beauty shop equipment included. This property could be used for any type of business. A real buy at $37,500. WAWANOSH - Completely rebuilt 3 bedroom home with new aluminum siding, new cupboards and fully insulat= ed on 8 acres. Barn 60' x 80'. I Financing available. Try your offer. MEL MATHERS Wingham Phone 357-3208 Rep. L. W. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine. �►c Plumbing Repairs, Renovations and New Installations TERRY DEYELL PHONE 357-2808, 357-1229, COUNTY OF HURON TENDERS FOR VEHICLES FOR WINTER CONTROL MAINTENANCE Sealed tenders on forms available from the sundersigned will be accepted until 4:00 o'clock local time on: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1978 For all or any one of the following pieces of equipment for winter control. commencing on, or ..about . November 0, 1978: (1) One 'Heavy Duty' tandemtruck with driver and •snow plow .equipment for snow plow duties i i the;';* Wroxeter area (2) One 125. H.P. motor grader with driver and snow plow equipment for snow plow duties in the Auburn area . (3) 28,000 G.V.W. trucks without operator- or box for installation of county's sand spreaders to spread salt and sand in various areas of the county - 1 truck required for Auburn area 1 truck required for Zurich area 2 trucks required for Wroxeter area Tender forms may be picked up at the office of the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. —34ar R. A. Dempsey, P. Eng., County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. Telephone 524-7412 ti