HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-8-22, Page 141,410 AMNON of L .1. P. 11. Timber, of Toro the guest of the Wow* tluaag. AIL and Mrs. Gee ergo. of Mil- t the wesh-411 Mrs.' lr I Owners of (�!!"'�an Well Pleased W1 )Fla 0h w+• rets�rThis ndtng the t mope as at Lake t. oft In took W. R. Rentorr .1111aud Water*, dltio holiday' et her Mks Margaret'Straus,.f To apadhs hot. garo w1 Strad . of tit's de a t , .' 4eved He art avbeteg n thaaw* ptabLetty lataiy, night: 'stairs flight was ma imam wkshaw for trial on a theft by cony* fun amounting to $7,583. commitment followed • two -and -s- r preliminary beerlua teat wad Mr. ila4eeteon had elected and Jury. .— . large arumber a[ gile- She >i�q�M� Y roo.t .0., of `1111emate. and M. • a. of OoddrhL, wsltp.Agnteel telt lb.• defence.- tro ;W a charge, Rsessutoa.years tetax MAK.* Wale 4.11 to latives and friends vlct� ty. ][Y. L. to Dentin, - is v t g at att • Seals street. >w r -yawl ', • ,! , 1• siting alhe, of , and Y, y that the I elmipred, w ' sista. falling olif •• ),had la quantity tele the dry uaaaOA aftegstri waa 111 three sections. herd• to members from 4;04 1 tetpitt 1I woe for • sad ,ft preilously was a pried, mild S 11 was for the sa meolNrei cattalo x w ..r end pay the mine to the tbelr re s rest Lakes. et van r 11.. Hai OCt 7 the hf/b e Mita el at the dee, valet le and Mr The have the fifth cargp of the week. The str. Outadoc was here on Thum - reit, ruin- day Inst with '145,714 bushels of wheat 11aillara. of 1fry,m the head of the Lakes. Other nda 000 nt Vale • at the sad at slab yoke for by the statutes, but tie collector, 1. said 'Magee, had several reams on his 4-9ands at ate time Mr. Koos testi- gedights pranks wafted add i' 47 the eo.f.ron andde ON ser Mesloiases ' sat the audit sheet tear. wW!d tb•7 apIn thiedapreep • asked the Ore . • 1 +. seer ,qty• eel a.dlt, Mr. Ln they • ad Aat Mrs. More- walla�.a.,eataw anit� 641. old home Oar nes nd, the It a B. I). Moreland; to the school 6tt no hero a boy. mid ona417 ° to Ilk - - r surer rase * the a to tree, e The a e ` Yawn went 41rsoi NMI Mr. Ewa In 1 up 'the fir,vbut •tsam Vii-. e takes 111. Then p verification re were asked ra�Y oTatratepayers � *awai- ting be M bad e.tbelat11 taxes - 7 x7 patl0M _ r cargoes for the elevator were 115, from the str. Bayton on Friday: 37.00 iron the Superior an Tuesday : 240,- 500 from the Brieoldee; and 247A1Q from the Ontedoe's second carte I a the week. The Superior loaded salt from the Goderich Salt Company's warehouse on Its outward mouth -bund trip. The tug Chaasalatu made port the latter part of last week and dropped a passenger lura t the plNsare yachts to call in last week were Pal 111 (DT. 8tnngl, Detroit; Prised aGpt. J. }lertt.n}i.wT dor, Sandusky, .....parr v )Ifs, of Columbus, Ohb; Arden, N °York; Lazy Lady. Fair \ifeo : Miss Liberty, Detroit. the sal table J. litewart, who dent. The Mane meld he driver of t ear when q •y Cspatabie Fer- guson, a feet. W$. - admitted. o occupant of t protested his statement to the -'r at the time it was made. The °+tears ow' farther that Vaa- stone. who admit having bad some timer, -arca umd •' • • 4 bis. ' t l4 d itL ,.peach a■ claimed to nearly thew hour, ot► the accident. The ear went straight oder We bank In"read of making a right -turn. 'Mbar, aytto.sign to warn motorists of lay IDsteee, was -the Vanstone was loony of Opanty a and Osastable ted the acct. *wore that Van - Lions Club Gets Bequest of $510 For Amy -lest Children's itinthr- Other"B6quejs UnerWiV'(d Late $obert YOUR/ mists ass tt relent •nt{yu�nder,, win Robert d'whise Churches societies be Elisa Jane Yo.ug, leaving 9 ' -hat rttaf will, wide* provides bequest '9yas son its to -4. need daring the recons lure•• - It was obvious, said M.F a UkPttht 404=y collected 1 �' )a [s ( sp take It n to recel the bikint • +`riitM y. woe 1net6(4eatr Verycittilltit iter itt toorleolgTatstod AT landed 1n the Harlot 'P Cu ap k(!bnrday �- at;�aaMboat 1tt� Donaldson arrival at the harbor lu line to as baa t brag .taken from Its m,boat by them He net Con ler Fergttsob and S , rt to the harbor and they naMpod men when they tjad A int t tole the ha they cottlltili► tit Dalt. man was invited CO t'onrt, and it brought out that the Americana Waken SM. dlrectkms and e 'a bad 1 a warped penal, of 11.' u �u (Aikes a Wednesday • Court on feet of garden hose,t `de athe nozzle on 1epi, was nd on the utht !w court room. The gly of gasoline, and been used to siphon r tank. the lookout for m ditched a car ooderlch town - grass ou bole smelled etrU it is believed It ha gasollesefoM aE Police today art a bit -and -run drive driven by Joe Mur ship, last sight. IS Spot vativ tivel7 petv^a• a delighted s • • r ln, We were advea b 7: D.}chman, f r lberti* candiditee rispec- e North Buren J'ldecal Ti. >Kwtmen - I reerivtn • 7- i eijt .v r R niter Italtdh (if" .1). \fr•Uili'�[• •1( I)etrolt (with acconl Miss• Martina Hussey of Mi -s Prance, 1.ipdenne1d of aeesa gamed by - . . ate ren, 3aorned trirwse Ohio, visited the Join wsldt Ime of lira. , strpoit rs A,C• *111V 4,112. 1111 Ora .fad• . of Toros retn - • is their homes, • r chi, t ' rnith .,••. • Mrs. Mal••olm O(1 >te Alta. IL Winter, 3 .. -*owerts--R Stone- , F. Kershaw. --tel[ letttoo. Sdwarda, Jt F. Barker, Mrs. G 'r •atM (e� t wl • t �i �.•.�V , ! • A y. ar•ta Ir nslse(1, P. Kerrhaw ; 2 spikes. stenit ''ia►' k, named, F. Barker; 2 spikes, centrfbe o. - - -The Mac's and the O's." and Rev. M N. Sullivan. Great interest WAP taken in the draw or a number of valuable prises, the It being as follows: let. $20 IP .g mattress donated by Joseph Broprey of Goderich, won by >d A. Ihtlto(k, 1106 Peale ave.. Park Ridge, 111., rolls held ticket No. 1070; god, h.lf-tan -of coke, donated by J. B. Mustard Deal Co. of Goderich,won ith Mrs. James M. Bowler, ticket No. 4940; 3rd, half -ton of cok donated by J. B. Mustard Coal Co., woe by J. k• O'Loogblln, 1961 Bethune, Detroit. ticket No. 1460; 4th, 100 lb. angar, donated by Nell McDonald, Kin - tall, won by J. F. McIntyre, 4$$t Fel- ton- .'inert, San Diego, Calif., ticket Ne. a fid? ; lth. N1r pillowslips, donated by the Parkhill, won by •Mrs. Tim Aaheold, ticket No. 51.10: 6th, donated by Thomas Garvey, sr,, I r-. le - 1 ( 'nrsday) mo for•tbeir home at Wyandotte, Mich. Visitors at of AMY and 11 Igoe ; l[r nitFlolvM non; lir. and lira.. mins, and Mr. and Windham. Mr. amts. • L. 7. WOE •f York, are gabtefr: K■114.9611. C. Reale 4L We tc Cottage. La* and their plant , oom—F. Barker. as weak Mt, OM goad .irate to Dr. • Dra1W and pieta. "BOB" KING AT Robert C. Kingltw7b/onto h taken c a years ago was in the hotel business in Goderlcb. Me i<- returning to kis . omit •, nµ to waF born at Wel Brie Temper - &inlet elleasb, ist home and foreign missions,, 9�(1: -•• 2 S Ivatien Army, 9100; miss Mr. Waren, of Toronto, for Jewlab missions in Itoronto, 9969; Crlpplri Children't; oma, Toronto, g:tOO ; •(ioderich >=Clu. lair crippled ehlldren'A fund.) $t4X); C•hiltren's Shel- ter Goderich, 9200. Tltev. W.T. Bunt and Jahn Hunter are named as executors sad lr.stees. Preparatleas atld arrangements are going on a;( 1 I. ttefoor 0111 Sep - Pail 'Fair, which takes place next month, Tn eaday andtember 17 and lg. The popular Minis' -r ,f Agriculture, Mr. Duncan • Marshall, has kindly accept4 the fli''itittnn,of the heard that he of- ficially open the Exhlb1tionlIt1 Wcdnemday afternoon. w Hu for "'Arrangement' art being completed whereby tie a� _ bosom 1s being novel directly o[po.ite the grand *land. 1 Thi feet^ flog and running awes, 611 d11a. IIaneteap and releY let y�re— • deli- . la7 after - The Fair o• s inn ' t m day on It." Chocking the Mat of .,•pars, witn. continued. 11e IMO the 1 ,,.•,. son (the capsid►) • ' they the cnllsetnr e►. *2'6 • pager who ~vase bo the hooka was 121 'arreere. , ilio ram* or asked e y, ,w th196 � r A shrift feavies *Sr �t+• �.. elusion of the Crown'e earl "i think the C.*wlisia• olt iltalleed 1_`9lthrontfa two of IM wltnesers. ,' I and Croy, that there la ' . of money mtasInt.",said Or w . "and if the Crovrajdig1 the defame must ttltj # ranch is not the real." • tier:Vat - ") ate not galas td • me Oise•, WWM Mr. 1s a greet deal t0 Ikkreping methods I thtek It le amid that they any dlarrepanr•y : but at the aa time 1 do not think 1 would haw rd too adopt t4 at. Man yea hove . •. - assn 67tbtng la aMw !barge, if Toeibis w1a1110, 11 roil mites dawn wad en as ins and st..�sg.$ bandletl by boys or g1r4 nu ,i•lt _e before the grand stand de of prim�pe--winning cattle an le•rrtte' 1 rt• a, itis Of 1* eraI election ea wtgtl Wading puna of the count, i' short e rmeechefrau j l+ntgt•,' am f.,arlagReau thee* ewe nr (hs, eaday evening a full night's eiltertatnment is ysett 4 /e ,rami atweeting each Saturday evening until the Fair. `'They have met many timea since last fear's pogrom and trust that the townsfolk and the pee of surroundingco 0oU dde leawill rl Just give the one Mg boost, altogetMll', that will ptt ( right at the top where weall Sot l their .lonls. support this year, fed their in- We subscthankriptions >PII merchants prise list, and we alert thank the Connell" 01 God tub'ert d Col to our pr of Ge.derk•h and Colborne tnwnshlpm for their splendid donation., rano not forgetting onr P. 11. (7ommIPsinn and Town Council for their gen de/110p *Oh the Fair W1?d In ab many *aye. 4'ie'ermittilttPb 1. batting a new gleamed -111 cabi,epktin. exhiailed by its end Wi*tbrnok. is wiLI taken care of the dairy and ita end 1a m splendid addition to Me Fair equipment. The DFifer of ib 1 will l.P very popular -10 or 11 cents for children and 25 cents for adult" "ON n".isament tares --and the directors are offering a card of eve adult ticket. at alp In Qmreelfsion, WSW It. toe fair to 'nage,* to onr people that, in- stead Of driving great distance., liner crowded highways. to Nee the atghts, and hear the sauna of strangle voice., in farwwnv place", that we all "dig Ina .t h0, a for n while andj�,r Am one big throng, for two t• dVe let Is ming "Meet mjoelhe FaIr--tie (lod.rlch Industrial. la(,%' v HARRY SALK2:LO;' President ch. won by J. .ow, ticket No. «re; Orly Iamb. nated by Lawrence Walla W. H. Itobertaiirderich, No. 74(1. - Music for the dancing was furnished Mims jade. by the Il1ogan orchestra of Iweeksow. A social evening will be held on Abe ; firs Beres a/ res same grounda, under the Paine Mailip2 o tendance. GOLDEN WEDDING CELEBRATION The family of 1r. mad Mrir. perhael T. O'Reilly are honoring thwedelns nts on the oceadam of their golden anniversary, and take this means of cordially Inviting allfriends to and has. gnalntancee to a reception ld at the Hotel Sunset.odrlct. 4 to 8 pp.m., Sunday, September _ Anniversary High Maas, It. Peter's church, Ooderlch, 11.80 a.m. ng provided. LOSES $N AT WINGHAM Horace J. Fisher, president of11 (ioderlch Liberal Association,t ll the MeeEeii;£tlt Edit meeting *e ll* ham Mat week and returned owe min- us his w et and the 1$ revealed the. wa n h11 h p gad giving edam! lighi4lagered r mai as .appeessemesembeals-arpt Rat overlook. atraetlon part* .tn North II a caucus in the Ik ore Q7 aeekhlf. , .100 noil, a this meetin`was- huinary to a pub- lic meeting to Is• held at mbar yowls the riding in a neck or two. Anotbet step to the organisation otwathe rldlag will be est formation of Revise clubs to Mob Of the municipalities. The matte( of a candi'+•'te In the field iMs been.tiader discussion, but nothing (Mnnitt! in this regard has 7d it M understood e .negotiate, a is,aatble rand- tlt9 party has appeared in the tinders , od- _ 8 n #utero—Mrs. ills. Collection ent Dbwent--Mr$. WHIM. iD Calendula, $ 12 y—CMis. ,Aid .a` ll Datfila, g MCP• C. ,�l►Rdr� 9µi.afa - • - . $tae -' ' eW.'df '• wee Trot.fa the foi- ble rigid x.tnrtlum; ", � 1, and anapdragrrn, table hnrngnet, a1m•I Petunia eotleet ton ---C. O. Or ION 171 het Dowers- RokyLWEI- . Fnnclm Schram, Biz - ►ch. ally t tai DIiCORA Students •thq'(`1111.* tete ala In ton newlyde r:,tdl mahout b pntntera having been at wor 1m t exterior for some time now. Woo wefk and eaveatroughs have b••••n painted cream. the doors ahlityp.tedow-trlmaolog being done In ;:,5111114, ♦ arm If. i►Llch • 'a_ .�� wh t�g>tau74 f. The sevettith 'Tlorney yRnninn was hs1gh,at Orend Bend on August 5th, abaft eighty being In attendance. The oldest mehdrer present was W. Horner of Owen Round, and the young- est John 1.. Pym, Infant .on of Mr. And Mrs N: J Pym, Exeter. A short htwineas meeting was held at the sup- per hour and 1t was decided to bold the reunion 4 •Oraad 1end on the corremlxtnding dq next year. The fdilowing olieeet wars elected for 1966: President, JohWe an; anteMrs. retary--t reasoner. M etre rnsty "porta committee. MI Oh -Ostia, /a Herdman sad Lloyd McDonald: teach Mrnn ittee. eo.v'anet,Mrs C. Cfrom hristie. Member.. were mound, t4o4.•ri. h. Exeter. Bentsen Kip- ple, E11nr.1s, needle's, Loudon and flamalton - tet ,. Hon of - ' next Miss ;'ra "s re agalntt fort aut.un �'•,tlo dealing with the +► pn niem• thug the country t . It 1- tetter tot how MOO . Iu .1 the (-ours.^•, sem._ • s e regarding the tariff qua+tion will eoetlne to light for the laftne and the workers and the ' 1rten." 1� • • } MLPdcAL The Liberal, of (lodericb t4N•epee• h[ their campaign with an orgl■last glen meeting at 19aeKay Rau isz Tuesday evening. tfy, O. 7Iicbnlaon. who waa 110121 - •say 11 /megt •a the Pa enndIda tilt l.' North itralf to the etovsaa parts, w of um ilarmpr-Lsl."r esecot the nt the riding. bad tea gyn*de't , nn friends. t were Mrs, t¢f theleerrich, aged MOO -OO- - tta•epi Currie, e, t7 -two,, who M e relative of MrArtJhlt bottom' the bott' brother, er[ in, led eighty tear, t s ~ ps enMyed 111 the le inn la ed nftafner.n after • few $amps D f by boo ,