HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-08-02, Page 19FURNI owwR`` GREE iAo 'I o Ar. Rry •ldigle Oc 161.1100 1bn�7- L Worm iNIVn L. I,.y1I5 - I:'IA INi'ik 11 Small Ads... Big Results! 0411$111.$ s m FOREST HILLS MIMS m• dor Sale COFFEE TABLE and two end tables, wicker rocker. Harold Campbell, phone 528- 2293. -31x TWO YORK LANb-DACE sows, one with pigs at side, one due in four weeks; one Duroc Boar. Phone 395-5757. -31 HAMPSHIRE BOARS, reg- istered and R.O.P. tested. Phone Paul McNally, 357- 3724. -31-34 1972 DODGE PICKUP in good running order; 8' x 7' overhead garage door. Phone 528-5454. -31 USED 32' ALUMINUM lad- der $50; utility trailer $65; 6 month old A.M.-F.M. stereo 8 track, gurard 'Ichanger, speakers and stand $550; fifteen 12' planks $30. Phone 395-3451. -31,32 USED UPRIGHT PEPSI cool- er, dry type. Phone 528-3723. -30,31ar BULLDOZING Lloyd Whytock, Lucknow, 528-2006. -22tf PLUMBING REPAIRS Plumbing repairs, renova- tions and new installations. Call Terry. Deyell 357-2808 or 357-1229. -30-33x. MAWHINNEY EAVESTROUGHING ROOFING AND SIDING Free Estimates All work guaranteed Phone 528-3815. LOTTERY TICKETS - Win- tario, Provincial, Loto Can- ada, Cash: For Life and Loto Group Buys at $1 a share, Sepoy Stationery, Lucknow. -49tfar SWIMMING POOLS - While they last! We have ABOVE GROUND pools with all equipment complete for $1,295.00. We can fit . an INGROUND OR ABOVE GROUNDp TOOL, into any budget. RENTAL POOLS also available. Don't delay - call right away - collect 416-878-4151.-25tfar COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Cement block multi purpose building 22x52 on Hwy. 86 Lucknow. Ideal food or retail outlet. Financing available. For information and viewing contact P. Huxtable 519-271- 5650.-30,31,32ar EZE-GO ELECTRIC golf cart, 2 years old with its own charger. New price $24.95, sale price $8.75. Phone 395-7107. -30,31 NEWCOMBE PIANO in good . condition, $225.00. Phone 357-1343. -31 PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior and Exterior Phone Todd Park 3955079 or Joe Allison 396.7173. -31-34 raw "11':( PC:t Wirt N. Y n• For Sale 1975 CHEVROLET Caprice Classic, 4 door, hardtop with 350 engine, power brakes and steering, radio, defog- ger, vinyl top etc. Extra good condition. Phone Keith Cart- er, 395-2852. -31 A Number Of used MOWERS AND GARDEN TILLERS - for sale Lucknow Small Engine Repairs Lucknow, Phone 528-3835 -28ar WHITEWASHING AND DISINFECTING Barns and other types of buildings JIM MOSS PHONE 529-7650 -30tf AUCTIONEERS SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 -40tfar POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Agent for Heintzman Pianos and Panasonic SoundEquip- ment. Reconditioned pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs call, 395-2982.-40tfar DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395-3393, RIPLEY -15tfar BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Res. 528-2119 -40tfar BACKHOE AND BULLDOZER WORK Topsoil and gravel Wayne Bushell R. R. 4 Kincardine Phone 395-3320 -22tfar KNIFE FOR 12' John Deere windrower. Brand new. Gen- uine John Deere under serrated. Phone Keith Cart- er, 395-2852. -31 MacDONALD SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING BANNERS - SHOWCARDS SILK SCREENING Phone 395-5347 -40tfar SANDBLASTING', Brick cleaning, Paint and Rust Removal, Dependable Serv- ice. Contact Whites Sand- blasting Services, R. R. # 2, Winghatn, 357.3637 before 10 a.m. or after. 6 p.m. -"24,31 -1111 Fa ,1IIPI /lll ,;r-n,..d? ,d AU Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 2, 1978 --Pse 19 ASSIFIEDADS! LI ,,DADS! *, re �i4 r�4ai /A eDOCGI MAIDS-rrr MIPM WARRINGTON' [P'A'u•, to �,n o . les •^-L i..iN3EC . For. Sale ROUND EXTENSION table, high chair and dresser with walnut finish. Phone .528- 2025. -31 4 MICHELIN RADIAL tires; size 165 SR - 14 ZX, asking $20.00 each or best offer. Phone 528-6545. -31 RECONDITIONED R.C.A. 22" colour T.V., table model with legs. Gxeer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112. -28tfar REPAIRS TO SMALL MOTORS If yo'ii have lawn mower, roto tiller or chain saw problems Bring them to WALL'S SERVICE CENTRE DUNGANNON 529-7950 -27tf .. DRIVEWAY & PARKING LOT SEALING James Symes, 528-3233 -18tfar REFRIGERATION SERVICE Stonehouse Refrigeration and air-conditioning. Repairs to all makes, commercial and domestic and milk- coolers. Phone 528-2449. - .40tfar EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING topsoil, sand, gravel of all types and fill. Phone Robert Symes Contracting, R. R. # 5, Lucknow, phone 528-3047. -29tfar BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Paneling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. -40tfar PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and repair work SPIKE BAKKER R. R. 1, AUBURN 526-7753 -20-23ar CEDAR POSTS. Will deliver. Call Kincardine 396-4278. --16tf 1000 BALES OF HAY in the" stook. Phone Fred Guest, 395-2427. -31x SEPOY STATIONERY - can fill your printing needs for ° envelopes, to wedding invita- tions, to continuous forms. We'd be pleased to discuss anything in the printed line, phone 528-2919.-40tfar SERVICEABLE AGE Hamp- shire boars, York shire boars and Hamp X Duroc boars, R.O.P. tested. Bob Robin- son, R. R. 4 Walton, 345-2317. -28-31 BULLDOZING Allis Chalmers 650, with 6 way hydraulic blade. BILL ROBINSON R. R. # 2 Auburn 529-7857 -W-16tfar For Sale GEORGE LUBBERS CONSTRUCTION Renovations, additions, cot- tages. Phone 357-3457, Whitechurch. -3tf TOWER KING PRESSED Stave Silos with complete cement plaster lining and self storing doors. Suitable for storing insilage, haylage, or high moisture corn, Also oxygen control silos with bottom unloader for storing high moisture grain, also liquid manure tanks. Repre- sentative, Francis Boyle, 395-5088 Ripley.-49tfar • LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. Amberley PHONE 395-5286. CLAY - Silo Unloaders, Feeders, Cleaners, Stabling, Leg Elevators, Liquid Man- ure Equipment, Hog Equip. ment. BUTLER - Silo Unloaders, Feeders, Conveyors. FARMATIC - Mills, Augers, etc. ACORN - Cleaners, Heated Waterers. WESTEEL r ROSCO - Gran- aries. B & L - Hog Panelling. -40tfar COURTNEY'S Sewing Machine SALES & SERVICE 395-5341 Point Clark R. R. 1, Ripley GENERAL TRUCKING Contact I•-'ELLIOTTS SEED MILL Lucknow Phone 528-3500 -22tfar BLOW IN YOUR OWN INSULATION FIBRE THERM INSULATION 30 lb. bag $8.00 Portable Blower Rental $5.00 A DAY ' Lucknow Co-op Phone 528-3024 -28ar AUGUST FURNACE SPECIAL Combintation furnace, $895.00; Forced air wood furnace $545.00; Oil Furnace $499.00; Electric Furnace $299.00. Low prices on installation. Phone Lucknow Mechanical Contractor, 528- 3140. 31,32,33x TWO MILDMAY threshing machines in working condi- tion. Phone -528-3722. -31, 32 ELECTRIC FENCER SALES and repair, any make, built to your specifications. Alvin Beuerman, phone 345-2306. -23-38ar 1 STAINLESS STEEL milk- shake machine; 3 stem; cheque whiter. Phone Wilk- ens Garage, 357-3757. -3h BE WATER WISE I DOKKEE VAP• •• ,W', Mop ,YM ,. 1.. YMI I,'.u. d••••••.•, ;A ,I, 41 74 Om Coming Events ATTENTION LUCKNOW SENIOR CONCERT BAND MEMBERS practice Tuesday, August 22, 1978, 7 - 8:30 p.m. at Lucknow Community Centre. Preparation for official open- ing of Community Centre on Saturday, August 26, 4 - 6 p.m. -31x OPEN HOUSE Open House at St. Augustine Church on Sunday, August 6 at 2 p.m. Come and visit with former parishoners on the occasion of the 75th anniver- sary of the building of the present church. .--31x OPEN RECEPTION An open reception will be held for David MacDonald and Rosemary Cleland fol- lowing their wedding at the Ripley Huron Complex, Fri- day, August 11. Dancing from 9 to 1 a.m. to Boyds Orchestra. -31 SOCIAL NIGHT A social night in honour of Bruce Jermyn and Joyce Martin will be held in the Belmore Community Centre on Saturday, August 12, 9 pin. to 1 a.m. Music by Good Time Country of Wal- kerton. Lunch provided. -31,32x ST. HELENS W.I. The August meeting of the St. Helens Women's Insti- tute will be held the 4th at 8:00 p.m. Our special feature will be a slide presentation of South America by Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Robinson. Every- one welcome. -31x DRENNAN REUNION The Drennan Reunion reun- ion will be held at the farm of Jim and Emily Drennan on the seventh concession of Ashfield. Please note the date, the 27th of August, the last Sunday. -30,31,32x 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Everyone welcome. In hon- our of Bill and 'Joyce Adam - son's 25th wedding anniver- sary, dance from 9 to 1 on August 5 at Brussels Legion Hall. No gifts please. -30,31 ANNUAL COLWELL PICNIC REUNION The annual Colwell picnic reunion will be held at Purple Grove Community Centre, August 6, at 1 p.m. -30,31 YOU ARE A RELAXED MOTORIST ..... if you have Ontario Motor League membership. For prompt service in becoming a member PHONE 395.5909 -31,32x , Do L.. Ar/7f CP, X21 * , WM. 1 -, �PoM RGSSYM Coming Events STAG AND DOE DANCE' Will be held on August 5, 1978 for Roger Schaus and Cheryl Hill, both of Mild- may, • at the Knights of Columbus Hall (Hwy. 9) between Mildmay and Walk- erton. Cheryl is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hill, formerly of Lucknow. Music by Ron Dunauskas . (D.J.) from 9 to 1. Tickets at the door, $3.00 per person; lunch included. -31 arm oammimm For Rent APARTMENT on Main Street, heated; suitable for one or two ladies; newly decorated; reasonable rent. Phone 528-2701. -31,32 STORE IN LUCKNOW, op- erated as 5c to $1.00 store for past 40 years. Approximately 1900 sq. ft. floor space plus 400 sq: ft. store room. Lloyd Ashton, Box 178, Lucknow. Phone 395-5596. -30,31 BRAND NEW ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments in Ripley. All on ground floor. Reasonable rates. Available immediately. Phone Gerrie Glenn Inc. 528-3234. -29tfar 4 BEDROOM BRICK duplex on Main Street, oil heated, targe lawn, immediate pos- ession. Phone 528-3723. -26tf 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Amberley. For information call 395-5305. -19tf APARTMENT, 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, bath, heated. Phone 528-2113 after 6:00 p.m., dais 528-2526. -25ar 1 .BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment in Lucknow. Av- ailable August 1. Phone 528-2031. -29tfar Advertising... lets good little products compete with the biggies! CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD Conley Construction LUCKNOW Cement Work Framing Renovations For Free Estimates CALL 528 x33$ rAMP' i.rlr.r.w411111,✓w41,PAVif