The Signal, 1935-8-15, Page 7oomodwit",w0Owit'. THE SIGNAL SNAPS140-1 C LET THE SUN WORK FOR YOU e, weut tuUe orternt ailed Dee hto luveetigate the e oar w o !WW1 Yu the ie Warr .• John cemetery, ou Icriday last. U. la easish his wife and four • Cecilia May W tbe late Edward Oa a at her home In Lieter ber arty- tilah year. scTwo.sens pnd two daegb- tent all Air H. Of the Zur eit nets of Montreal 'for over chi retiring on super move to Loisdu*,... oijsded at 4. -Ms w be death of Hensel yes ad; resident diwiline0 SiillYtal c age et alnetelbes ran. Solon to Hensall gir years ago be One is pocceasful ft hi the nobly of Tacterstuitk - Tbr death of Mtn* Nettie Harrill ft * r". Ilibwick tower:nip, occurred on August ....., aid le Toronto General hondtaisiellier an illness of fourisoltrtyen.n1117 mad IOrnest et 16,41. parsonage of Main street elearcin Exeter, on August 5th. , ymtagest daughter of Mr. JP*. W A. Balkvilll, Exeter, was In marriage to (Jerald, eldest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford of C rne tow LIA hip. TM ceremony wa• performed by tir. L It. lataltsk.„0/...thir chareh. Mr. aid obi will revide In Szeter. idea- On- rry 4111411111101 ter SWee4 C Zts ,aa,..., in e la ry t periment$oaiaraf Wlistrga Mai.. Russet and at7111:81111tif tus, tdbottl Loewe 4 LOgry aro excellent sarletlee ot apples for maktrig pea* elder. • • • Se • high protein marmite* it Moo rich in vitessla clintent sad in 0tLt1.? "Whoweinetifhlel, elltactf6" Patent la feeding milk animal.. No other crop is ea maintaluing live stock for fhte lo yen' at ai tow.4 teed and labor ,..st The itJaestintgli.of young grass coa•ole tor ilea that of • , loos oll.A hay Indy ani .4611:ou AI to per Leut The 16- y• Pose fat.t has led to a *XV :IIwjwo1et$oo- of- pts * a 4.inteIr study of the fac !bleb io- tlueuee their productivity. • • • Outbreak of Midis able prices °uteri° • Indi Organise not" plowing lo ut't summer and especially during the last oCenutatrtaloi pod ,,,,h„torths which sometimes do auuserously iu Western Ontario Ibis days of June are the adult form of the The moths that have been dying 60 491in Pinder ,`"r.....wn:u.' th:7; fberytawc.k.iunottleajawin diatattuo: IfillelateuvesdedAtellie 'donattlerable damage In old pastul*s. wise. these insecte undsr No doe'ullttitsKilitillill iltisprandove view" i Pr/salad, tolnoiligtiott ha* Mil Tc1W)14111M' COUNCIL Slide 4. tensor Lawson Cam- s • and cultural utotiods_ ,in WiivellIniko ' IF • • • bt 4fit Otat We "air hisit iris:laity weekly ere, Rayon I. it dose eorne--to golf grounds and toretesdam yroe. paAngruneuust t 07f. Atg.yruKniculunietture it .1 outbreak of this pest Co imp ivIIITISIP Csrf4)0110711.1Cgi break will likely be most destructive- 'Ilse township council uset`ma Wed- ‘ r two at tkree Weeks. TIM OW will be reduced through lodittog Hams on.' pastures. often, however. we get 'weeds war read and flied Dr White - •Barley and oats are uow lolug cut ill' iind. while the crop is heavy, have tuwerrd the quality of a Ii ellvi a tut of tlies. moths without aay ser- 'lie end Dr. Thormesou were •ppotetted the yield • bay crop. A satisfactory pack of - ions outbreak. Rod webwortilie lave osjimluitir-‘,10.16cuma tft,.., sus her been completed. Bud% crops t bess 40ing ...nine damage .. i Footed i patients. Couvity tree...ter ilmirre•sing 6141ahirt°ritY- (A)ru 1 and Keel aud probably is Itaiddlesep t of lauds tor dale; read • lied Owing to *4' a wend men t In statutes making it Imperative that of- luterest (-entitled to Pis 121 1'. 0. Bee 121 &sow tirr uf the Ur a bar of Grey to . at Tac=1:toottlagtoMF were ise r' vice ins held at tbe In.' Mrs. Pellet Lielbest. teltiest Al the milaila cemeteelillm' 4111age tlawleranme lift liesdiv.4111M1 s M'ilitaiu Willeou of Georeetown. The ceremony era petlenned to Mar. J. P. Asdereon, Sneer at". liere. Later Mr. and tars. wubloa lett tro their /*eV& -,, Whistahae-tew Tbe liater_ilia0 Of Mini Maw*. +re rallinginter ewer and Ye.. %mamas Kew of. Winghitm to lAwas Mt taker, MANY of you who want to take your photeg- S*Y Are and abet attractive artistic pictures would probably Ilk, to bays some further information on proper habitue twsswe,•-•-••••••.-sss Thseig ting at the subject line ao OTO are II in which • photo - given apparent depth, dftnnalon. Taking Whoa thene are long sha o ourt "...1forel=ay Lynn, of Pordwieb. denting. Tho t e elm left se Wend • 1tlr Ser. lir. Batton 1* clergymea Inn kreeen to Alb - The death WI pttal ea August of Teraberry. Some time • rusty Bald Weal Poloist. with wis • ot frarabelry, ved by 116 wde, retiree" bismuth 4ame Marshall at 'UWE- eadtbitta-4/1/02111' . A quiet wedding took place on Au- gust 3rd at the home of the bride la Winghaux, when Mrs. Mason Mitchell, demister of the late Mr. mut Mrs. Junes eloakey. was united to Nor- man Hartley Davidson of Hamilton. The ceremony was performed by Rev hfr. Bruce of Blytb. , Mr. and Mra. Davidson will reside In Wingbeia. la marriage, Rev Geo A Ha -old Bei - es serious- ly Jai after being knock -ed off his blayete. by ea car on Saturday after- 's:km& Injury le a also suffering bpr* 'Mee figam-MeKhinem slool- . - teo. wedding of lielen Kathleen, oull daughter or mws.. McKinnon Hi* the 4.te C ha r lee ittedius ow. 'stir of 0/111011, to John' Andrew Egan ?sonnets was solemnised its,dAt. 014 chorea. Uinta". 14- K. 1166am 0 Tin) Is :II reside at ee, re Mr. _ Egan le a Member et the staff. iltik • . l'il-7- e* * BT. AUGUSW(L • API*4 13. --Mr. and Mn. N.11.1111tv1016th 6 detester Marta., of Ooderich. vielted at the home of Mra. Wm. Wilson on Wed- nesday of last week. Messrs. Will and Waiter to -tools, ste Guetph. Mr. sod Mrs. A. Mesmer and daughter Margaret of Blaievale spent Sunday at the home of Mr D. !P- ARA/Ike 'Ivey Allen ,tf Guelph la holt flaying it the home of Mr. it. McAllis- ter Women's lasellude---The regular monthtrattag ot pie Ott• Augustluel ens son Wed- nesday the Jo "with -XtemnPa'n., A spletwild 1111011m" prepared by I.oey pada was reed and the motto' for the meeting. "Trot all around Is the most fortifying thing In ," was Labia by Miss Mae 13* han. Ions. r of and singing of ' . Redmond owned time was spent. John Thowqmem thlra ealsr after vinnapalty sin was closed with the ee.tbe Mug. Mrs a portal were Mrs. fees In shadow Mwet blocked out, are precautions that contribute teach to the desired effect. Suppose we consider each of these separately Shadows. thrown In long drawn -oat splotches across watts an walk/. makes owe tool, anything An II"' late •owwww4 cos a fat kaibik Images of Irrdil=bs. The foreground amid be well broken tip wIth.elped- ows se that there la ant tIMMIC coatrast between It andribe the fletsire *UM a body ot water mil be b- elittled as pagt ot the foreground. thpoeffir asi-ris10-iPiiiderfill op - es for adding depth. The re- flectte will curry mee attentna hick and away from the foreground gad Into the picture -and lead to the v11)4194.1 point be Interest. The *summary *Ilan with a fore- ground of water In enema mialight is to midi* that a swell Waite doe. t throw reflected sparklespf light upon the lens, as that may og the • eela ' ISM roads and trai through ti Ore long sne re of Hue int-cti" "a'1111'" User* rated opporltinitioe for Matures with depthinf the ad of your titsture is not sesepagetth and yo g mai to get the shafts of sunlight shouting through tbn its ot ,he background • se • e slightly shorter data you Would ordiaarlly Melee M - •.. * • Don't oat ow* tour Myles mid taking pact Gym •;.‘" ' abject some thought and to doing so you will be rewarded with pectaaarlwe will be proud of and they *II whet your appetite for flaky Mors insielkhootiar expetti- dosaw=hat lop snitch and is tac is Pkture' MA - It, sob, has much to do wite. Akespecttre lie get in pictures. If the perspective 10 001 pleasing to the eye, It will not be pleaslest in the picture, sti, as I be.. satir-begore, - study all the420111Ues and angles ot your pro picture before you saap it. JOHN TAH GUILDElt. Clan Gathering in Ashfield 4.) making excellent • betidwiy and • • • i both In old pastor& -gall to erne' promalsets,weli Small fruits ate pies- pettitilled8n4t;:4he :tbuerieveld11*.e1 aPellverachg7 Z. (‚R . ,meng,,jripeldratt.beirettir".,(ing'ilialirm.1.114Prkhygiene K tidal,. be headed with commercial eons Rabies, the treasurer was bonded for irreepenhig h.totuarrt.;aminges ',,, rt. to.bm.a,k-,i-0 trivet:: &folk, thief considerations in the sac- *MA, and the collector for $4.000. % • • • eesaful lutodling of a growing flock of with the ch.mdity (.4,1,1,,y of ow,- w•y au.1 a good cr. ts indicated- poultry. Vitler "inatingemeut" come ado. The county tat vista was set at T 3-10 m1711. rho towsodd,p 2 mills, gen- Controlling !Woolard antiserum* factor* ot great importance. In an experiment conducted Qa the eWthebrQewt.e-hit;k1soarplaced a i,.itti t,1.t000:eir- ctrl school rate :t milli. gtaylield ponce village tu5L1t.e5 will.. Hydro 2S-10 ei cntral Experlwental Farm, mustard cesorded. A '10 by 12 foot colony „dm, an 1 ries controlled In the lolloelalli lixtre- beam will aet•tiliarin.xlet (v. a. maximum deitesoore rate, 3 . . ner. Buckwheat, which is a fast- et 3iial chicks Larger ninthers are _gels No. 2. 2 mills; No. S. growing smother erop, was 101414 dangeroue from the ' standpoint tieVtio. 4, 3 aside; !WS.' % will; No. 6) mg in the, srmi va towhee ot mil um" clean bo r space schoutd be available nvotort aio4 elseare. Set- 1-10 mill ; No. 2,'T' mill : No. 9, 6-10 shout June 16. "he mustard mei j14 eers ntabr t Ow but*. or ;i1-1NOontillsii - buckwheat, but the mustard seedlings 7A71.11:0 isNilis ;10t.,n2 11-1N00.11010.11•2 mlnatedi about the salowleips as the so that • he etilleke iiwiy feed cum- lOrtatdr. This requirement n Ill gen- Chitin N... 12, 23-10 mills; Vans Me were soon killed by the faster -growing oll distu ispay way bpring, oati•weret seethil, o the b 1 Wt 11 lif diatbe , chictik start, with a gradual lo,' La. erav,ill)r•iolosime, Sit llsrcif!vowlied h1 reiffati tag. one Inch pet., 14. 24.10 uons; Union -No. lit, 'a040 __ .. onld kart riod. Whetaidistas & '` - „....r.VOhlw No. :,...approvIng the a was rood a third Ouse *ad geed quality aa nen be . ., . 1-1,.. rualty for any IMMO' Iniloaa after December 115 When the matte begin t .be to. ior orut. until January should he tate. into 111,- 1.„,,,gio,,,,,,, reb1rtubfterril..tawi.i.datililr,,a-hiarlrf (pe.enricirdoutri::: in order to avoid difficulty in teaching mAiNn. thetu to tote_thc nests and so that their Acetones pahl : Temporary loam to feeding may be adjusted to take care Mualcipe.Telephone System, POI: G. of the in • eased demands of egg pro- W Batititiler..yellet account. $4.914; Wee. Vaimeiritismeat* et Pastures duction , far as foltag 14 00*. sseLoon, relief' ,aepaaat. snap; S. 0 -./ rented. in .# of the iliPortaine Olt Tboapeon. map of school sections for -,The improvesseat of grasses growth period upon the eventual fifkitartnient of Sdantion. 22; Super- uctiOn of the pullets. the use of Intendent. Par vo.cber No. 7. $170213. both bay •nd pasture is being mein time. Council adjourned to Meet on Wed a great teal ole it tion at the p Ihiledillippor economy A notable advance (1 u ring OH. VW. nesday. September 4. at 1.30 p.m. marked high feeding vale. of tude : "I am- not sure. but 1 thinit The payehological problems R. G. THOSIPS014,-C1,eck.. years batt.been the discovery of cbs; -Who *As HOMer young gram. -4‘ ria -6-young grass e woe The tallow ()lei wrote the modern •-ttfer-whowtbessiselows-malaIS In protein that it may he regarded I, 011ie( and the 'Idiocy."' In our reatiemaew.."-A. A. Brill Sot.1i• ,-. n Mb MIS but the infestation ea., AI) smaetbsit were haud-pulled with little Ilikelrawl "the 76114 _of the grata wise higher that on .4 31 seeded in the ordiaary 'raj , a LEEBURN --'•••F•"•••,,,••••••••,t (Intended for laet week) TiZEI)1711,1, Asg. 7 -Mise Kate Hunter of Kitchener input a fell dap st the beginning ot the week at the home of her brothMr. Irving Dun ter. We are glad to report Wit Mis, Grace Router iA somewhat better Week. Members of the Matillonma ..,teu (hi Friday last Sirs. A. Clutton web tw.tzt.„04,.111P WOO, of her sister. MEC gathered from near and far to atteuil"" their sixth annual reunion, held ou or' rveti rtt"t'llr‘t11.1kt,itt.'s. ilitotym ,diruniZ 1.11w:11; August ard at the Inoue of the late niece, $1,44 .4 MI.4 irothertagbale, of Donald Is MacDonald, on the 'Jth con- Sl• raid. Minn OPA.11,11 Of Adeleitl. ltev. 11 Whi•nld and Mrs. Whit - The histork• Scottish Hag. brodght Held and their .1..k1re0, of Northville. ni Seutland year* ago, aud the Uulon MiCh'• who were"Pn (be *07 WA" ea le *us I tr.row.hostidhlootf s.lwrst,, wmteeitiort thsemMede. on the u rs. Jos. rook h*&a hollyhock. In "Iartiett WII.••I Wienaures lOn feel Ihbo VAR this? st Mattel* •I t 4 nese▪ llt ' Pw The ris signed the r they entered the gates. Thelit pelmet tram lict roil, WIndwor, 'Ha ?Os ud PrItire Albert, Sask., as. the surrounding dis- sefilligirelellar• :..Aiiiftbaseli. iiir IS- Belief -- lent a trulyAlligliland aturosphete to Toronto. Aug. 14.-Preuiler et Dep seleeTtOtts. lar .1.. vrorldvd tke t fa the eatherIng with his lively begpiPe hurn's sympathy and understanding of music for the Scotch dancers*, Ultimo trotted en thin by haw orftbi rut rprotrieme, eenid-wt he better 11-, and Maclmnaks, MAO {A Luck- ,Lgard to the placing seesseefersid,ed men ewduring the afternoon. l in farm Job.. Since taking oglee the , illifiburrain of sports, under the till roonier has shown • conspieee grasp 'melon of Kenneth Matheson, Detroit, of the nnacuttle• and obstacles con- , ated a great fleet of excitement as 1runtish/1,13e wen, WM HOMO- and Owe well as pleasure for everyone. when investing At 5 &Hock the gathering was farmers seta up a r tarn help and after Rev. R. he *as not .10,‘ to a . RAMA . Aug. I3. -41r. and Mrs. James Siebert'. of Elesherton. and Mr. Norval Itteherda, ,,f Kerrie, were week -e d visitors with Mr. and alt lirs..111. ds. Mt. and' 211‘114.1datels (4nd Mrs. Thomas Herrn, f : Holyr were rerent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mid J 0. tne beet days vie. of Pine River, 'eek *1411 (18? Government Demme& Services- frees 4. tiallatel MI Reeeet Hatt -Mac0111 w ry Rottenness. AA.44.24t4 itobeMbett tars. - we Rah Mr. Bill Robe;:ges Miss Sob- After the business Ibirting a minute's At the very moment of an elude ' from Mitchell; the4Iiegbin and. el.enie Woe *believed hi memory of shortage of f.trin help, hanger mareh- Wilton* (tenant. ' . -trom Sirs John Matheaos, of r4trat, mreerg and owl- unemployed were de - ow : Mr and Mr*. Georg., Dos- s• D. MacLennan. of Lutentier, bpd 1 mending Colict's+i,oll* from the Covers - ton. tibia Toronto. atml Mr. sod Mrs. Mr. Dan Rose. of Ashfieldwho-bave ment, tmt few •howed any tlesdre to have Huston. front Lnetnowpassed away since the is.t rennioa. go on 44*. 4,191 With characteristic gr. and Mts. AllIrt. Marpll Nay rivied N' nuenitbers were o . • MaeNarg Wailer, Mrs. 'Albert pelconsed energy the ['leader tackled the pro,. Mutton. In tbe Winona�. boapttal. where ahiiegerrtent It info wee "r .0 a ogr. its. rh 1 week w Ith Bervle. Mho PlarithiNtarATIIPy *Pia TO LOW II On T11041M7 to.wtlie on ...ale Up I eistransflotte. ' of A nnAMtg. irw fr ttended 4. mad fu Al• Macin- nab. •oitelcOunit1, Take Shore roisd.'hu Monthly sflernoon. mr l Wiltsen has lett on ber re- turn trip to flaskatoon offbr spendinti a tow "'mkt •with her parents, il met Mr. Yofin Jallillgann All the ladle* of Ole Paramonnt Club *rands 2.,_m0ke el•skilY entries. as P i10 flu' rem, and Inc table te: soritle meeting in the Par on Aligned 20411 Prize. w• seated on tbe lawn • McConnell hast led in prayer supper was served. 7After supper, Mr. Bain Stewart Welt, cite rge _of the business •telir,Quorr meeting The officerti elected for the --"vleb following yeek...are: Kenneth itat"Don- etelrg. et Prealoba. prettideld 2.-721t-• Able-bodied taco ma relief who have had farming cAperience were told by the Gover.pment that they would bp:sa- to iretriff *04 atIttivmmenerat*n. The eMces 0( 11.' Dora t of Labor Slid-Welfnre were deeded eliii requests from, termer. tin over the Province jetwie for men. awl the Govern tried, &ad I* still tryitig. to all the nd atz. erten to the clan. Rees- Itii,IVraml alwrt 044 s. NN a 4 PrePellted w I th a trophy Of lb Moven as a the mnsival tills vela*. tither present*? dtts sin., Furs Ro,.. Kintall, who hid the honor of (wing the oldest tatty pre to Fishy Danny Stewart Rom, an the youngest ,aseenber present: to Mr.., Ella SfacNanght. Massillon. who was pre: sent for 1110 first time: and te Mrs. Pottier. Hamilton. n. the moot pert- ' ler lady. I . Alex. MacDonald. D. .1. Maclennan end Lorne SlecDonald provided Milne for the ilpstch reels slid other obi- t mo deniviug ting erww-srisartir-syll- udidsieddia-trai," vent.* t follo24,•,1 by -Gott nitre . the King," tit. ken brought a very happy 'reunion 10^ IL I en drew sn•Munti, of lem. A farmer hblieelf, he realized orb i fax the eerioustiess of the aituation, and the result to date has heen more than a satisfactory. taking Into consideration et at all the elreunnittoent, chief of which llj 'Wide) la that torus r, leonire only exper tented help 'waft to By the tine. IM article appears In print. more 11011 1,000 mon will her, been plated In tarn" Peet since August Tne erent4ntal up io August Pith was ' !et slier the placement* on Dile one .1 to' ,Iled• DM- continnel cloudy westio•1 beg delayed ripening of ciops alai 111. rellallIoll In A '. rodor ary' 1910 ,,41' in farm order, Tho • „, . : .‘e Coen scattered all over th • I., o'ice and farmers life bewhie... ..,Th.. of relief as they see their crops str.•Ir ha crested. But ,,.. ....pore men are twetioti and Premier ; H.Tbiriml.--rm,1 taw firmer( to t0 ---- ,iterate bp taking Inexperienced nen end training Own. 4.1„-tyap Urt.: *,•-• re7giml.'17